December 15, 2014 - Printing Industries Association, Inc. of

How can my people get financing at reasonable cost? Printing Industries Credit Union can help them and give your
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December 15, 2014
If your firm is going to stay a player in the
Work Smarter, print marketplace, your people need the
Not Harder skills to get more done in less time and get
it right the first time. They need to be able
to get out jobs that the competition can’t handle. Your key
people need to work together as a winning team. Larry
Lester, founder of Ink on Paper Solutions, brings more
than 50 years of experience in the manufacturing side of
our business, successfully working with a broad spectrum
of growing firms. He is the holder of key patents in press
technology and is a pioneer in cutting edge techniques of
color management. He is a hands-on guy, who doesn’t
talk the talk, he walks the walk and will immediately gain
the respect of the people on your shop floor who must
make it happen. Find out how Larry can turn your shop
into a powerhouse, by calling him at (714) 323-6219. Ink
on Paper Solutions is our latest PIASC Buying Power
Program, so PIASC members will receive a 20% discount!
Sales and marketing guru, Leslie Groene
says that this is the time of year that we
are surrounded by commercials and
marketing campaigns about gift giving.
In years past, gift giving to clients seemed more of a no
brainer. Today, with more compliance issues, corporate
constraints and the fear of impropriety, we may need
to rethink how we say thank you to our clients in
the form of gifts. We will need to demonstrate more
creative ways to stay in the spirit of the season but not
overstep. From the company: Tokens of appreciation:
Make sure that gifts sporting your company's logo meet
a certain standard: well made, in tasteful colors and
with the logo understated enough not to look like an
advertisement. Charitable gifts: Many companies show
their appreciation by giving a donation in the recipient's
name. This is a win-win solution: the recipient is glad to
be recognized; the company making the donation makes
its appreciation known; and both companies contribute
to the greater good of society. From individuals to
customers and clients: Individuals in the company
who give gifts to outsiders are usually at the executive
to mid-manager level. Many companies forbid ANY
corporate gift giving, or only allow employees to accept
gifts valued less than $25. Be sure to follow your own
company rules AND check with the HR department at
the intended recipient's company first. Sending a gift to a
Gerry Bonetto, PIASC VP
Government Affairs and Bob
Lindgren, PIASC President/CEO,
had the honor of presenting over
80 gifts to the children at City of
Hope on Tuesday, December
9th. Thank you to our members
who contributed towards this
great cause.
client who's unable to keep it is awkward for both parties.
Never give a gift to an outside business associate who is
either currently involved in a bidding process with your
firm or receiving a bid from you or your company. Find
out (you should already know) what your clients interest
are (do they like to read, drink that special coffee drink,
garden, go see movies, travel?) and make the gift special
to them. It doesn't have to be expensive but on target in
regard to their hobbies. Most of all, find a way to thank
all of the clients that trust and support you and your
company with their business and projects!
When you have to criticize an employee’s
Help Not
performance, your goal isn’t just to
demand improvement. Help struggling
employees avoid a loss of confidence—
and productivity—by separating their failures from their
feelings. Analyze what went wrong, and then discuss how
they can use their strengths to improve. For example, if an
experienced employee fails to diagnose a particular problem,
remind them of previous successes and a demonstrated
ability to learn from similar mistakes.
Multitasking has a bad reputation, but on
Safe Multi- a busy day it can be unavoidable. Instead
of fighting it, try following this rule: only
multitask when you’re alone. With others
present, focus on them and the issue at hand. This shows
respect and keeps you focused. When you’re in your office
or at your cubicle, feel free to do two or more tasks at
once as long as you can keep track of what you’re doing
adequately. Just remember to stop and pay attention when
someone needs you.
for the
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Weekly Update
CALENDAR SECTION (323) 728-9500 • FAX (323) 724-2327
Automated Solutions Network MeetingHilton Garden Inn Dayton, Miamisburg, OH
TAGA 67th Annual Tech Conference Hotel Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
CI Conference
Marriott Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
Graph Expo 15
McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
Jim Workman
Mark Bohan
Jim Workman
Chris Price
For more information on any of the following events, go to
PIASC January—February Activities
Event Number-
Register at right
7:30 a.m.
Cost: $5
see locations at right
Contact: Angelica Coulston, Ext. 262,
It’s getting better out there—will you get your share?
After a long slog, the American economy is getting stronger. More importantly, clients are coming
to the realization that print is an essential part of every promotional campaign. If they want buyers,
they have to get their attention and nothing does it better than print. Another piece of reality is that
our industry is shrinking, which means that the survivors have less competition. Thus, the stage is
set for growth, but it’s not automatic. Chances are good that you need to be in the digital space to
be a player in short runs and personalization that’s the new reality. Chances are even better that you
need to talk to your clients and see what they think they need to move ahead and then plan to help
them with their story. Breakfast with Bob in January will start 2015 with a sharing of thoughts about
the opportunities ahead.
Check the box(es) below to register for any of these additional upcoming Breakfast Meetings:
Jan. 6th
Jan. 7th
Jan. 8th
Jan. 13th
Jan. 14th
Jan. 15th
Check here to
for this event
Event Number
9:00-2:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Mimis Café • 10909 Foothill Blvd. • Rancho Cucamonga 91730
Green Street Restaurant • 146 Shoppers Lane • Pasadena 91101
Brent's Deli • 19565 Parthenia Street • Northridge 91342
Mimi's Cafe • 17231 E. 17th St. • Tustin 92780
Ozzie's Diner • 7780 East Slauson Avenue • Commerce 90040
Hof’s Hut • 4251 Long Beach Blvd • Long Beach 90813
at the International Printing Museum
Contact: Ara Izquierdo, Ext. 216, or Rose Dorado, Ext. 231,
PIASC/RAISE Foundation will hold its twenty-eighth annual Surplus Drive to benefit graphic
communications programs. So, please, if you are doing end of the year inventory, hold on to any
surplus paper and donate it to this good cause. Remember that your tax-deductible donations will
help teachers train our future workforce! *Please note new location.
The International
Printing Museum
315 Torrance Blvd.
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 515-7166
Every year we ask members to donate surplus paper to supplement graphics arts programs’ extremely
limited budgets. Teachers that register to attend will have first choice of surplus paper donations and
non-registered teachers will have the opportunity to select remaining paper donations.
Teachers bring a dolly or cart!
Quick Registration
• Mark your choices from listings above
• Fill out the form at the right
• FAX page(s) to (323) 724-2327
Company __________________________________ Phone ( Attendees:________________________________ Bill Company
Credit Card #_______________________
Page 2
All No Shows and Cancellations Less Than 48 Hours
Prior to Meeting Will Be Billed.
For the latest and complete list of Educational Programs, go to our website:
Ben Franklin's Electric Birthday
International Printing Museum, Carson, Ca
Call for Entries: Am. Ad. Awards OC Irvine, Ca
Lean Printing & Manufacturing (Flexo) Fullerton College
Event Number
11:00 a.m.
Cost: $10/ea
$8/students & seniors
Int'l Print Museum
315 W. Torrance Blvd.
Carson, CA 90745
Mark Barbour
Ken LaCroix
Dave McCormac 323-728-9500
at the International Printing Museum
Contact: Mark Barbour, 310-515-7166,
A Special kid friendly show at 11 am usually for our schools rarely performed for the general public. Great for
kids and families! Join Ben Franklin as he details his life in colonial America, his inventions and experiments
in this show for all ages.
Another show is at 1 pm geared more towards adults with Franklin reviewing his life, inventions and politics.
After a 15 minute intermission, a Q&A at 2:15 pm will be held with Phil Soinski (aka Franklin) reviewing
Franklin’s life (and electrical times) with his own unique take. He will also have a surprise birthday visit by
some of his American Revolutionary War friends like Adams, Jefferson, Washington and others for a fun
interactive question and answer period with the audience!
The Museum will open at 10:00 AM; special tours and hands-on demonstrations in the Museum’s galleries
can be enjoyed before and after the Dr. Franklin Show in the Museum’s theater. Come join the fun and
thank the dear doctor yourself for all that he has and continues to do for America!
Check here to
Event Number
11:00 a.m.
Cost: $35/member
lunch is provided
Tamayo Restaurant &
Art Gallery
5300 E Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Download entry form
Event Number
members first
entry is FREE!
(when more than one
entry is submitted)
PIASC Offices
5800 S. Eastern Ave
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90040
Quick Registration
• Mark your choices from listings above
• Fill out the form at the right
• FAX page(s) to (323) 724-2327
Panel Moderator: Janet Green, Greens, Inc.
Contact: Angelica Coulston, Ext. 262,
You are invited to the seventh Women in Print Communications luncheon, featuring two outstanding women
in the graphic communications industry. Join us to hear how they manage their day-to-day workflow as
owners and high level executives. Our panel includes:
Kate Braid, Owner, Hungry Dog Printing
Sandra Chastain, Regional Sales Manager, Acucote Inc.
with Moderator: Janet Green, President, Greens, Inc.
Contact: Kristy Villanueva, Ext. 215,
Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern California proudly presents “Call for Entries” for
the 11th Annual Print Excellence Awards—the most prestigious symbol of printing excellence
throughout Southern California. Whether it’s Best of Category, Judge’s Award, Award of
Excellence or Certificate of Merit, a Print Excellence Award is the single most powerful promotional
tool your business can have. It demonstrates your award-winning capabilities to customers and
potential customers, and tells your employees how proud you are of the work they produce.
Start gathering your best pieces from 2014 today! Save the date for the Call for Entries deadline
on Friday, February 13, 2015.
Company __________________________________ Phone ( Attendees:________________________________ Bill Company
Credit Card #_______________________
Page 3
All No Shows and Cancellations Less Than 48 Hours
Prior to Meeting Will Be Billed.
December 15, 2014
Given the risk of lawsuits, it’s unwise to
Probationary have a policy that refers to a “probationary
period” as it implies that a permanent right
of employment has been granted after the
expiration of the period. On the other hand, it’s vital to act
as though one was in place. When you make a new hire,
no matter how hard you try, the person may not work out
as you had hoped. If you make a change in the first weeks
or months of employment, the chances of issues being
raised is greatly reduced. If you live with a problem for
years, you’ve really accepted it and it will be much more
difficult to defend against a suit for wrongful termination.
All employers must post the employee’s
Sick Leave legal rights to sick leave under AB 1522.
Although the provisions of AB 1522 do not
go into effect until July 1, 2015, the posting
requirement is January 1, 2015. Get the poster online at in the Graphic Arts Industry Resource Center.
The following skills must be cultivated in
Supervisory supervisors in an organization to achieve
the optimum results from the company’s
human resources.
Communications: The supervisor must be aware of the
forms of human expression, (visual, actions and words); have
the ability to dialogue or communicate openly; and to reach
mutual understandings and consensus with employees.
Concern: Supervisors must show legitimate respect and
concern for the work efforts of their employees.
Coaching or Teaching: A supervisor must offer employees the
opportunity to learn new skills; recognize and reinforce positive
work efforts by employees; correct inappropriate actions in a
positive and constructive manner; and enhance, when possible,
an employee’s self-esteem and worth in doing their work.
Predictability and Consistency: The supervisor must strive to
make employees aware of what they can expect from the company
and them. They must be consistent in the application of company
expectations, such as policies, rules, standards minimizing
“management by surprise or ambush.”
Trust: When a supervisor applies the basic skills listed above, it
will reduce the possibilities of mistrust by the employee towards
the company or supervisor. The lack of employee trusts, especially
for legitimate reasons, will seriously affect future employment
relations. The employees must believe the supervisor provides
timely, accurate and comprehensive information on matters that
may or do affect the employee’s job.
How do we prevent gloss ghosting?
Ask Dr. B... Dr. Mark Bohan from the Center for
Technology and Research, 412-2591782, said there is no certain method to
always prevent gloss ghosting. Print the side with the
heaviest coverage first. Once the ink has set, wind the
delivery piles to help displace solvent vapors. Allow the
sheets to dry at least 24 hours before printing the back
side. Use low VOC/High Solids ink.
See our e-Classifieds section on the web at
Buying Power o
5800 South Eastern Avenue, #400
P.O. Box 910936
Los Angeles, CA 90091-0936
the M o nt h
Telephone Number: (323) 728-9500
or 808-9990 for area codes: 213, 310,
619, 714, 818, & 951
Members now SAVE $$$
on shipping costs
Web Site:
It’s not just pricing…it’s solutions!
✓ Custom LTL rates created for PIASC members
✓ Built in software solutions for the printing industry
✓ Custom quote & report management tools save time
✓ Online routing and billing
✓ Multi-carrier tracking capabilities and much more…
Get started today!
For more information on
Performance Plus Global Logistics
contact Maribel Campos at
(323) 728-9500, Ext. 210.
To get started go to:
Print Access:
Choose Print:
of Southern
Affiliated with
Printing Industries
of America, Inc.
Fax numbers:
Insurance Agency
Credit Union
Benefit Trust
(323) 724-2327
(323) 728-0483
(323) 722-8927
(323) 722-7386