Frühjahrsemester 2015 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 1 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Master International and Monetary Economics MIME is a joint, specialized Master's degree offered by the Universities of Basel and Bern. It aims to help students acquire a strong background and analytical expertise in monetary economics, macroeconomics and international macroeconomics. MIME graduates are trained to take positions requiring analytical skills and macroeconomic knowledge, such as those found in banks, monetary and fiscal authorities, general government, international companies and organizations, research institutes and doctoral programs. More detailed information can be found here: Studienfachberatung: Student Advisory Service: Beat Spirig and Jenny Klaus, E-Mail:, Tel. 061 267 33 65, office hours mo 9-11 or on appointment Grundlagenmodul: Advanced Topics in Economics 40105-01 Vorlesung: Advanced Macroeconomics and Finance Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Inhalt Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung 6 KP Oliver Landmann Heinz Zimmermann Mi 08:15-10:00 Vesalianum - Nebengebäude, Grosser Hörsaal (EO.16) Mi 12:15-14:00 Vesalianum - Nebengebäude, Grosser Hörsaal (EO.16) 18.02.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Finanzmarkttheorie Modul Ausgewählte Themen aus Ökonomie und Rechtswissenschaft (Master Actuarial Science 09) Modul Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Master European Global Studies 15) Modul Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Europäischen Integration (Master European Studies 07) Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies 07) Grundlagenmodul: Advanced Topics in Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Modul Kernbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Fortgeschrittene (Master Sustainable Development 10) Kernmodul VWL (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) (Pflicht) Content: Finance The lecture provides an overview on some of the key topics oft he theory of finance: 1) Capital market under certainty: Consumption, investment and growth 2) Capital market under uncertainty: Diversification and state valuation 3) Risk premiums and asset pricing 4) Corporate finance: Capital structure and cost of capital 5) Corporate finance: Asymmetric information Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and Exchange-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam! Kernmodul: Core Areas in Monetary Economics 33685-01 Vorlesung: Experimental Macroeconomics Dozierende Zeit Gabriele Camera 22.-26.6.2015 14.15-17.00, 8.7.2015, 8.15-18.00 in room S13, economcis department# 3 KP Frühjahrsemester 2015 Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 2 22.06.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Monetäre Makroökonomik Kernmodul: Core Areas in Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Modul Wahlbereich (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) There are three main goals: 1. To learn basic techniques used in modeling decentralized macroeconomic trading environments; 2. To understand how to design experiments based on these decentralized trading models. 3. To study applications to monetary economics. At the end of the course students will possess a set of tools sufficient to read critically the literature and to engage independent research in the field of monetary theory and experimental economics. Content: This course is intended for students who are considering doing theoretical or empirical research focused on macroeconomics, monetary economics and finance. We will study decentralized trading environments in which exchange is impersonal in the sense that agents may not know each other and may not trust each other. These are environments in which trade is subject to frictions and so it is not easily accomplished without some basic financial institutions. Models of this type have been adopted to study a wide variety of topics in economics, including labor, IO, monetary economics, and finance. The focus in this class will be primarily on applications to monetary economics, but there are many other applications (e.g., cooperation in society, collusion in repeated games, etc.). The experimental segment will emphasize the study of behavioral aspects of monetary systems. Technically, we will apply dynamic programming techniques and techniques from the theory of repeated games to study equilibrium outcomes in environments characterized by informational asymmetries, lack of commitment and/or formal enforcement institutions. The center of attention will be a class of models known as matching models. The course will provide the students with the necessary tools, technical and conceptual, to understand this area of research. We will especially consider the following issues: 1. Supporting intertemporal trade without formal institutions for enforcement and punishment. 2. Endogenous emergence of monetary systems. 3. The design of experimental monetary economies. Literature can be found in the syllabus on the website, here: Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Studiendekanat Grading: Your grade will be based on: (1) a midterm on TBA July (Friday) and (2) a class presentation of one paper on TBA July. All presentations are in English and must be done in a team of two persons. Each team will have 30 minutes. You should send me your presentation slides before the actual presentation. You will be graded both on the form and the content of the presentation. I will assign papers to each of you unless you have some specific interests, in which case we should talk about what paper you propose to discuss. There is no required text but I will give you typed notes about what we will Frühjahrsemester 2015 Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI cover in class. Any student who has a disability that may require some modification of seating, testing or other class requirements should see me after class or during office hours. Working with the Dean of Students, I will ensure that appropriate arrangements are made. beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Course registration: please enrol in MOnA; Eucor and exchange students enrol at the Students Services at Petersplatz 1 within the registration deadline. Registration = Admission to the exam. A deregistration is possible by email to till June, 24th, 2015, 24.00 23742-01 + Vorlesung: Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Bemerkungen Seite 3 3 KP Sylvia Kaufmann 6.3.2015 13:45-15:15, 20.3./27.3. 2015 and 10.4./17.4.2015 9:15-12:30, 13:30-15:00 in room S12, Dep. of Law 06.03.2015 unregelmässig Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Monetäre Makroökonomik Kernmodul: Core Areas in Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Modul Wahlbereich (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Goals: Learn about the main channels of monetary policy transmission, Discuss empirical results/evidence Summary: Monetary policy actions instantaneously impact as well on the level as on the term structure of financial market interest rates. The gradually observable effects on the real economy are triggered by substitution, income and wealth effects, which initiate changes in consumption/savings and production/investment plans of economic agents. The course focusses on the main channels through which monetary policy initiates these effects and thus can deploy its impact on the real economy. In particular, we will discuss the interest rate, the credit, the cost and the risk-taking channel of monetary policy transmission. We derive and describe the propagation of monetary policy actions through these channels within simplified versions of theoretical models. Empirical papers will be discussed to assess the relevance of the various transmission channels and to compare the evidence obtained for the US, the euro area and Switzerland. TBA Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist Written exam/partly oral presentation. date of written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: Macro courses at BA's level. Desirable: Advanced Economic Theory. Useful: Introduction to Econometrics (BA level) and Applied Econometrics (MSc level). Application: Please enrol in MOnA. A deregistration is possible until March 27th, 2015 8pm with an Email to the "Studiendekanat" ( Dates (all classes in room S12, Department of Law): 6.3.2015 13:45-15:15 20.3./27.3. 2015 and 10.4./17.4.2015 9:15-12:30, 13:30-15:00 Frühjahrsemester 2015 10645-01 + Vorlesung: Monetary Theory Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Bemerkungen 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 4 6 KP Florian Madison Oliver Sigrist Do 14:15-18:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG31 Exception: on march 26th in room S13, and on april 16th in Auditorium, Econ. Department 05.03.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Wirtschaftstheorie Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies 07) Kernmodul: Core Areas in Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Monetary Economics and Financial Markets (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Summary: Liquidity crises, once again, are causing great concern. In this lecture, we will be asking what function liquidity fulfills in a modern economy. We will be looking at the kind of frictions that make money essential and consider the role of credit and financial intermediation in the economy. On this basis, we will discuss various microand macroeconomic aspects of monetary theory and monetary policy. Reading list: The first part of the lecture is based on the book "Money, Payments, and Liquidity" by Ed Nosal from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Guillaume Rocheteau from the University of California-Irving (MIT-Press). The book is available on Amazon or MIT-press. It is expected that the students acquire the book. The second part of the lecture is based on individual papers that will be available on our web site. Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist Presentation and written exam at end of term. Written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: Completed BA in Business und Economics. Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and Exchange-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam! Assistent: Florian Madison and Mohammed Aït Lahcen Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics 32934-01 Vorlesung: Advanced Computational Economics Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele 3 KP Dietmar Maringer Di 14:15-16:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG37 Do 14:15-16:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG37 This lecture is only taught in the second half of the term, beginning on April 14th 2015. 14.04.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Quantitative Methoden: Ökonometrie und Statistik Modul Statistik und Computational Science (Master Actuarial Science 09) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Quantitative Methods (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Learning Goals: Successful participants should be familiar with innovative numerical methods, Frühjahrsemester 2015 Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Seite 5 necessary to approach and solve quantitative problems in economics and business. Also, they will improve their programming skills to implement economic / management models and the necessary methods. This course covers traditional and innovative computational methods for economics and management. Topics include, but are not limited to *) evolutionary computation and soft computing methods, with special emphasis on heuristic optimization methods *) advanced simulation, in particular agent-based models *) advanced concepts in computational intelligence for economics and business Literature: to be announced Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Studiendekanat final exam + course work. written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: 23525 Computational Economics Course registration: Register in MOnA; Eucor students and exchange students contact the Registrar's Office at the Kollegiengebäude within the registration period. Registration = Enrollment for exam. A deregistration is possible by email to till May, 7th, 2015, 24.00 10600-01 + Vorlesung: Advanced Asset Pricing Dozierende 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI 6 KP Jonas Gusset Matthias Huss Heinz Zimmermann Do 10:15-14:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG31 19.02.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Finanzmarkttheorie Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Monetary Economics and Financial Markets (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Understanding of advanced asset pricing models resp. capital market equilibrium: theoretical foundations, representations, and major empirical testing approaches Content: Cross-sectional characteristics of asset returns; economic foundations/ intertemporal models; factor pricing models; SDF pricing approach; analyzing pricing errors; conditioning information and performance measurement Exercise sessions are part of the lecture; Matlab is used (a short introduction will be provided) Literatur Zimmermann (2014): Lecture Notes Asset Pricing (will be handed out) Cochrane (2005): Asset pricing. Princeton University Press, revised edition Ferson, W. (2003): Tests of multifactor pricing models, volatility bounds, and portfolio performance, in: Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Edited by G.M. Constantinides, M. Harris and R. Stulz, Elsevier Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist Frühjahrsemester 2015 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 6 Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Written exam: Participation during the term is expected. Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Requirements: Completed BA in Business und Economics. The following lectures are recommended: Advanced Microeconomics, resp. Advanced Economic Theory, Finanzmarkttheorie 1 und 2 and basic knowledge in EViews Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and Exchange-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam! Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung 10625-01 + Vorlesung: Advanced International Trade Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt 6 KP Rolf Weder Do 08:15-10:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG31 Fr 10:15-12:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG31 Exception: On May 8th the lecture is in room S6/S7 in the Faculty of Law 19.02.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration Modul Europäisierung und Globalisierung (Master European Global Studies 15) Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Regional Integration and Global Flows (Master European Global Studies 15) Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Handel und Unternehmen in der Globalisierung (Master European Global Studies 15) Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies 07) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul International Trade, Growth and the Environment (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Learning objectives: 1. to know the scientific discussion in international trade and international business regarding "Globalization" and "Outsourcing", 2. to understand the major contributions of the classical, neoclassical and new trade theories, and how these insights are used in the current literature, 3. to get an understanding, how trade economists simplify international relationships in order to analyze and answer the questions posed above, 4. to gain insight into the current research in international trade and business, 5. to get to know and be able to apply concepts which allow international companies and international organizations to develop strategies which are important in practice. Content: This course deals with the effects that arise from the globalization of markets. We derive challenges for economic policy and strategic management of international firms. International trade theory offers an excellent framework in this respect. We deal with questions such as: "Who gains and who loses from selective integration of markets?", "Which impacts arise from technological changes abroad and at home?", "Why do multinational firms exist and what strategies should they follow in different circumstances?", "How can we explain outsourcing and offshoring, what are the effects, how can international firms react?". The course not only provides answers to these questions, but also introduces the concepts which current research in international trade is based on and constantly is using. We present and discuss the fundamental contributions of the traditional and new trade theory, also referring to current research in the field; research has always been very dynamic in this field - theoretically and empirically. This requires that textbooks, papers in scientific journals as well as working papers on the graduate level are used in the course. One of the challenges of this course and of economics in general is to constantly ask the question in which way the insight can be useful for policy making and strategic management in companies. Guestlectures by one of the leading figures in the theory of international trade- Prof. Ronald W. Jones (University of Rochester, USA) - as well as members of the governing board of international Swiss firms - Dr. Kuno Sommer and Dr. Tobias Ursprung - will be integrated in the course. Frühjahrsemester 2015 Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Bemerkungen Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Literatur Seite 7 We will rely on some of the chapters in Ronald W. Jones (2000), Globalization and the Theory of Input Trade, MIT Press [RH 215.66] as well as Robert C. Feenstra (2004), Advanced International Trade, Princeton University Press [RH 215.67]. Both books are also available in the WWZ-Library (not lendable at the counter). Papers from the scientific journals can easily be downloaded from ADAM network of the University of Basle for students registered in the course. Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist How to attain the learning objectives: Students should read the required reading in advance of each session. Some of this reading is very short. This reading has been reduced to the minimum. Problem sets will be solved by the students and discussed in class. However, we will sometimes go beyond this material and integrate further aspects into the lecture from the additional reading or the list of bibliography found at the end of this outline. We mention this list also as an aid for further reading and for writing a term paper for the Seminar in International Economics or the Master's thesis. Written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: We expect that students have accomplished a BA degree focusing on business and economics and that they have been confronted with a course in International Trade or International Business on the BA level. If this is not the case, students will have to devote supplementary time to go through some chapters of an undergraduate level textbook, in addition to the material covered in this course. The most important ingredient to the course is the interest of students in topics of globalization and internationalization of firms. Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and Exchange-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam! Notes: The lecture takes place on thursdays from 8.15 - 10.00 am and on fridays from 10.15-12.00 am in the room S15 in the Economics Department. 17691-01 Vorlesung: International Trade, Resources and the Environment Dozierende Zeit 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI 3 KP M. Scott Taylor The lecture takes place between April 20th and April 30th, daily from 8.15-10.00 am in room S13 (exceptions 21st in Auditorium and 23rd in room S15 and 24th in room S15). 20.04.2015 täglich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration Vertiefungsmodul Global Europe: Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit (Master European Global Studies 15) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul International Trade, Growth and the Environment (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) see content Content: This course investigates the linkages between international trade and the environment from both a theoretical and empirical viewpoint. It investigates the theoretical links between international trade and sustainability in two ways by studying the link between trade and resource use on the one hand and trade and industrial pollution on the other. It then reviews the empirical evidence linking trade to environmental outcomes using the theory as a guide to evaluate and critique the literature. Literature: Much of the lecture material will be drawn from "Trade and the Environment: Theory and Evidence" Princeton University Press 2003 (by Brian Copeland and M. Scott Frühjahrsemester 2015 Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Bemerkungen Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Seite 8 Taylor) and a set of related articles. Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Anmelden: Belegen; Abmelden: Studiendekanat Notes for the Assessment: There will be one final exam and a paper requirement. The exam date will be established in the first lecture. The paper should be a critical analysis of a scholarly or popular article discussing some aspect of international trade#s impact on the environment. The paper must use, at least implicitly, the tools and logic developed in the course. It will be graded on a pass/fail basis. Date of the written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: Completed Bachelor in Business und Economics. Recommended: Lectures in International Economics Theory, Policy and Resource Economics Registration: Register in MOnA; Eucor students and exchange students contact the Registrar's Office at the Kollegiengebäude within the registration period. Registration = Enrollment for exam. You may unsubscribe by email to the Studiendekanat ( until April 24th 8 pm. The course is part of the "Guestprofessorships in Globalization - Internationalization of the Economy", made possible by a number of institutions of the region of Basel. M. Scott Taylor's professorship in the spring term 2014 is sponsored by the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG), Basel. Exact dates: 20.04.15 Mon 08:15 - 10:00 in room S13, Econ. Department 21.04.15 Tue 08:15 - 10:00 in the Auditorium, Econ. Department 23.04.15 Thu 10:15 - 12:00 in room S14, Econ. Department 24.04.15 Fri 08:15 - 10:00 in room S15, Econ. Department 27.04.15 Mon 08:15 - 10:00 in room S13, Econ. Department 28.04.15 Tue 08:15 - 10:00 in room S13, Econ. Department 29.04.15 Wed 08:15 - 10:00 in room S13, Econ. Department 30.04.15 Fri 08:15 - 10:00 in room S13, Econ. Department 23525-01 Vorlesung: Computational Economics Dozierende Zeit 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI 3 KP Dietmar Maringer Di 14:15-16:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG37 Do 14:15-16:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Grosses PC-Labor S18 HG37 The lecture takes place only in the first half of the term, i.e. until 9th April 2015. 17.02.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Quantitative Methoden: Ökonometrie und Statistik Modul Statistik und Computational Science (Master Actuarial Science 09) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Quantitative Methods (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Learning Goals: Successful participants should be familiar with numerical methods, necessary to approach and solve quantitative problems in economics and business. Also, they will acquire programming skills to implement economic / management models and the necessary methods. Summary: This course covers traditional and innovative computational methods for economics and management. Topics include, but are not limited to - approximation and interpolation - numerical differentiation and integration - simulation methods, in particular Monte-Carlo simulation - deterministic and selected non-deterministic optimization and search techniques Frühjahrsemester 2015 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 9 - basic concepts in computational intelligence Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung 16036-01 + Vorlesung: Microeconometrics I Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen to be announced Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist final exam + course work. written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Registration: Please enrol in MOnA. EUCOR-Students and Exchange-Students have to enrol at the students administration office ( within the official enrolment period. Enrolment = Registration for the exam! 3 KP Christian Kleiber Di 16:15-18:00 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Seminarraum S15 HG31 17.02.2015 wöchentlich Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Quantitative Methoden: Ökonometrie und Statistik Modul Statistik und Computational Science (Master Actuarial Science 09) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Marketing and Strategic Management (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Vertiefungsmodul Quantitative Methods (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Introductory econometrics courses mainly cover the linear regression model, which is suitable for modelling response variables that may be considered as continuous. However, there are many practical situations where data are naturally discrete, e.g. binary, multinomial, or count data. The course will cover the classical nonlinear regression models for such data. It will use the framework of generalized linear models (GLMs), which provides a unified approach to models such as logit, probit and Poisson regression. Inference will be likelihood based. Empirical illustrations may include data from labor economics, health economics, or marketing, among further sources. The course will make use of the R language for statistical computing and graphics, hence basic knowledge of this software (including data import, running regressions) is expected. Literature: R. Winkelmann und S. Boes: Analysis of Microdata, 2. Aufl. Springer 2009. Cameron AC, Trivedi PK (2005): Microeconometrics, Cambridge Univ. Press. Fahrmeir, L, Kneib T, Lang S, Marx B (2013): Regression -- Models, Methods and Applications, Springer. [available in electronic form via the university library!] Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung Belegen via MOnA innerhalb der Belegfrist Notes for the Assessment: Written exam. In addition, there will be at least two assignments, for which students may work in groups of two. Each assignment will account for 10% of the final grade. Date of the written exam: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Englisch Prerequisites: Introduction to Econometrics (for students from other departments: regression basics) Advanced Econometrics (for students from other departments: a second course in statistics, notably some likelihood inference) Frühjahrsemester 2015 Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung 10635-01 + Vorlesung: International Finance Dozierende Zeit Beginndatum Intervall Angebotsmuster Anbietende Organisationseinheit Module Lernziele Inhalt Literatur Weblink Leistungsüberprüfung Skala Wiederholungsprüfung An-/Abmeldung Hinweise zur Leistungsüberprüfung Wiederholtes Belegen Präsenz/E-Learning Unterrichtssprache Teilnahmevoraussetzungen Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung Bemerkungen 09.01.2015 / BATCH_RDI Seite 10 Course Registration: Register in MOnA; Eucor students and exchange students contact the Registrar's Office at the Kollegiengebäude within the registration period. Registration = Enrollment for exam. 3 KP Peter Oertmann Neue Termine: 3./4.Feb im S13 und 11./12. Februar 2015 jeweils 10.15-18.00 Uhr im Raum S15, resp. am 12.2. im Auditorium, WWZ. 03.02.2015 unregelmässig Jedes Frühjahrsem. Abteilung Finanzmarkttheorie Modul Internationales Zusatzwissen (Master European Studies 07) Spezialisierungsmodul: Areas of Specialization in International and/or Monetary Economics (Master International & Monetary Econ. 09) Vertiefungsmodul Finance, Controlling and Banking (Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften 08) Es ist das Ziel, die Studierenden mit der internationalen Portfoliotheorie, internationalen Anlagebewertungsmodellen und relevanten empirischen Studien über die Risiken und Renditen von internationalen Anlageklassen vertraut zu machen sowie Aspekte aus der Praxis des Asset Managements zu beleuchten. Sie können die finanziellen Risiken, die sich aus der Investition auf internationalen Finanzmärkten ergeben, einordnen und die gelernten Theorien auf verschiedene Bereiche anwenden. Die jüngste Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise hat die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte eindrucksvoll vor Augen geführt. Investoren müssen sich mit immer komplexeren Risiken und Wirkungszusammenhängen an den Märkten auseinandersetzen, wenn es darum geht, eine geeignete globale Anlagestrategie zu definieren oder wirksame Konzepte der Portfoliobewirtschaftung auszuwählen. Die einer Anlage- und Portfolioentscheidung zugrunde liegenden Marktparameter wie Volatilitäten, Korrelationen und Risikoprämien weisen Instabilitäten und Strukturbrüche auf, dievon Investoren durch die Anwendung von quantitativen Modellen und Verfahren besser bewältigt werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden an das Management insbesondere von institutionellen Vermögen immer höhere Anforderungen gestellt. Zahlreiche Produktinnovationen und technologischer Fortschritt führen zu raschen Entwicklungen im Bereich der International Finance. Nach einer Einführung in die Strukturen und die Funktionsweise der internationalen Finanzmärkte werden Modelle behandelt, die zur Analyse von Risiken und zur Bewertung von Anlagen in einem internationalen Rahmen verwendet werden können. Die Diskussion empirischer Forschungsergebnisse sowie Beispiele aus der Praxis des Asset Managements runden die Betrachtung der Vorlesungsthemen jeweils ab. Zimmermann, H., Drobetz, W. und Oertmann, P. (2003): Global Asset Allocation: New Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Weitere Informationen werden in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben. Semesterendprüfung 1-6 0,1 keine Wiederholungsprüfung An- und Abmelden: Dozierende Schriftliche Klausur: beliebig wiederholbar kein spezifischer Einsatz Deutsch Abgeschlossener Bachelor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorlesung "Finanzmarkttheorie 1" und Grundkenntnisse derivativer Instrumente Verbindliche Anmeldung beim Dozenten per Email bis am 6. Februar 2015, 20.00 Uhr (Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Semestergebühren zum Anmeldezeitpunkt bezahlt sind). Spätere An- resp. Abmeldungen sind nicht möglich! Aufgrund der Überschneidung mit einer anderen Veranstaltung konnte der Termin vom 5./6. Feb. auf den 3./4. Feb. verlegt werden.
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