(c) Rama, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr Invitation Management and Economics for Innovative Sustainability - 10 years MTEC Department of Management, Technology and Economics Friday, May 29, 2015, 9.15 p.m. ETH Zurich, Main Building Auditorium Maximum (HG F30) Management and Economics for Innovative Sustainability 10 years MTEC Innovation and the associated economic and technological risks are at the center of political and societal debate on sustainable growth. The need for innovation in order to control existing risks better, is discussed less frequently in society. New technologies involve risks, but they can also significantly contribute to reducing risks, such as developments in the field of new power systems for vehicles and the use of renewable energies show. At the same time the interconnectedness of systems to be controlled increases. Catastrophic natural and industrial events remind us constantly that we operate at the limits of controllable. In the symposium, we highlight the field of tension between technological development and the design of the organizational and economic environment - especially with regard to the interaction between innovation and risk. With the symposium we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) at ETH Zurich. Our PhD students and postdocs and faculty provide insights into current research projects and present them in an interactive exhibition. The conclusion of the symposium is the master celebration that provides an insight into the work and skills of our MSc graduates 2015 in Management, Technology and Economics. Welcome! Prof. Dr. Gudela Grote Head of Department of Management, Technology and Economics Program 9:15 h Ankunft/Kaffee 9:45 h Begrüssung Lino Guzella (Präsident der ETH Zürich) Einführung Gudela Grote (Departementsvorsteherin, D-MTEC, ETH Zürich) 10:00 h Einführungsreferat Mauro Dell`Ambrogio (Staatssekretär für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation) 10:20 h Was ist das richtige Mass an Innovation und Risiko für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Schweiz? Lino Guzzella (Präsident der ETH Zürich) Hans Hess (Präsident Swissmem) Urs Schaeppi (CEO Swisscom) Severin Schwan (CEO Roche) Moderation: Jan-Egbert Sturm (Direktor KOF) 11:20 h Kaffeepause 12:00 h The user innovation paradigm Eric von Hippel (MIT Sloan School of Management) 12:45 h Forschung am D-MTEC: Elevator Pitches Moderation: Florian von Wangenheim (Professor für Technologiemarketing, D-MTEC) 13:15 h Mittagsbuffet & MTEC Forschung à la carte (Interaktive Posterausstellung) 15:15 h Opening of the MTEC MSc Graduation Ceremony Stefano Brusoni (Director of Studies, D-MTEC, ETH Zürich) My MTEC experience Canay Deniz (MSc ETH MTEC) The MSc ETH MTEC Class of 2015 Willi Studer Prize ETH Medal Gudela Grote (Head of Department, D-MTEC, ETH Zürich) Welcome to EAEM - ETH Alumni Engineering & Management Nicolas Rohner (Präsident EAEM) MTEC - The next 10 years Gudela Grote (Head of Department, D-MTEC, ETH Zürich) 16:30 h Apéro e ass str hof ETH/Universitätsspital 6/10 s ras ahn dst har ptb n Leo Hau Weinbergstrasse Bahnhofquai Universitätsstrasse g eg nn So © ETH Zürich 2008 Corporate Communications 6/9 e 10 tral Cen Bahnhofplatz Polybahn gra ler 6 is Räm e ETH tgebäud aup Sei Bahnhofstrasse H quai Limmat Limm at n e trass be Bus zum Hönggerberg - ät ersit Univ a tlerg Küns id Schm Karl-sse Stra Uraniastrasse sse 100 m Map and Directions Zum Bellevue 9 ETH Zurich, Main Building, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich Travelling by public transportation The ETH Zurich Main Building can be comfortably reached by tram. From the “Bahnhofstrasse /HB” tram-stop: − Taking tram no. 6 (direction “Zoo”) until “ETH/Universitätsspital” tram-stop, or − Tram no. 10 (direction “airport or Oerlikon station”) until “ETH/Universitätsspital” tram-stop, or − Tram no. 3 (direction “Klusplatz”) until “Central” tram-stop, from “Central” by “Polybahn” leaving every three minutes to “Polyterrasse”. Contact Jacqueline Hohermuth ETH Zürich Department of Management, Technology and Economics WEV K 505 8092 Zürich Phone: +41 44 632 70 78 Email: symposium@mtec.ethz.ch www.mtec.ethz.ch Registration until April 30, 2015: www.mtec.ethz.ch/symposium2015
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