Seabury Monthly YOUR COMMUNITY LIFE EVENTS PUBLICATION JANUARY 2015 Three Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Even though the new year can be exciting and full of possibility, it can also be pretty stressful. You might be saying things like, "Why don't any of my pants fit?" or "Why am I still so disorganized?” Enter the New Year's resolution. About 45 percent of Americans make them. We imagine ourselves in that smaller pant size or in a tidy space. It's exhilarating. The good news: A Journal of Clinical Psychology study found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to change their behavior than those who don't. The bad news: Short-term urges can trump long-term plans. Another study reports that 54 percent give up on their resolutions within six months, and only 8 percent ultimately succeed by the end of the year. So what can we do to ensure our success? Here are three suggestions to simplify your process: 1. Work on One Thing at a Time We live in a society where more is better. But when it comes to goals, less is usually more. For example: In business, even though 64 percent of executives believe they have too many priorities, companies with fewer priorities show more growth. So take a page from the late, great Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” and put first things first. Instead of picking four resolutions that you'll abandon, choose one that will give you the biggest payoff. This doesn't mean you can't work on more than one resolution per year, it just means you shouldn't focus on more than one at a time. 2. Translate Your Resolution Into Specific Behaviors Keeping resolutions usually means replacing old, bad habits with new, better ones. People who successfully change their habits achieve something called "habitual automaticity" -- performing the new habit without having to think about it. In one study, researchers tried to improve participants' dental habits. All participants were told to floss more, given floss, and shown how to use it. Participants who planned exactly when and where they would floss were more successful at changing their habits than those who didn't. So, break your resolution into specific behaviors and put them on a timetable. For example, to get to the fitness center regularly instead of sleeping late and lounging around in your pajamas, join a fitness class and schedule the time on your calendar. Before you know it, you'll be going without even thinking about it. 3. Practice Every Day Research has shown that daily practice allows people with average talent to achieve extraordinary things. The best marathon runners, for example, don't show physiological differences in lung capacity or muscle. The difference lies in how much each runner trains in the weeks leading up to the marathon. For your resolutions, the amount and quality of daily practice you choose will be proportionate to the level of improvement you INSIDE THIS ISSUE: will see. Period. So if you're not working every SEEKING SEABURY TALENT day to, for example, curb your smoking habit, you NEW PHOTO DIRECTORY won't get long-term BEYOND THE PLATE results. So in 2015, keep UPCOMING TRIPS things focused. Pick one resolution at a time. CALENDAR Make it specific and real. Practice it every day. And CENTER FOR SPIRITUALITY every day, you'll be one SEABURY CINEMA step closer to making your resolution a reality. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Good luck, and here's to IMPORTANT ESSENTIALS a prosperous 2015!¹ 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 7 8 Resident Services Department Heather Stanton Director (860) 243-6040 hstanton@ Jodi Morrissey Activities Coordinator (860) 243-6035 jodimorrissey@ Tiffany Smith Event & Program Coordinator (860) 243-6065 tiffanysmith@ Carl Donatelli Event Logistics & Technical Support Coordinator (860) 748-6835 carldonatelli@ Front Desk Manager Mary O’Connell Receptionists Rory Dlugos Jeremy Harvey Vickie Hester-Foster Transportation Coordinator Maura Mazur (860) 243-6058 Drivers Derrick Henry Angel Jimenez “A CUT ABOVE” SALON Candace Mattingly Gwendolyn Simpson Kathleen Kay Contractor-Stylists (860) 243-6090 Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:30-3:00 Page 2 This & That Seeking Seabury Talent!!! Do you sing? Dance? Write and/or Recite Poetry? Tell a Story or Joke? Play an Instrument? The Seabury Entertainment and Education Committee is planning an OPEN MIC NIGHT on February 20, 2015 from 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. We have room for 10-12* Four to Five Minute Acts If you’d like to participate, sign up in CAS or Contact Bob Hewey at 860 578-9678 or at with questions. *If the response warrants it, we’ll schedule more Open Mic Nights! For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. ~T.S. Eliot "Little Gidding" Smile and Say Cheese! Kindergarten Visits We will be bringing in a photographer in January to take professional photos of all Residents for the directories. As you well know the photo quality varies from person to person and we are looking to upgrade the quality of the directories. There will be a notice with dates available to come and get a new photo taken. Keep a look out on Channel 918 and in your in-house mailboxes. The kindergarten students from Laurel School have been coming to Seabury for over 20 years, and we would like this intergenerational tradition to continue. Please consider spending an hour with these bright young minds, once a month. The visit consists of a seasonal story, craft project and snack. The children enjoy meeting and interacting with you. Please call Jodi (860) 243-6035 with questions or to sign up! Story Tellers to Resume in January Story Tellers for Seabury women will resume on Saturday, January 17 at 9:30 a.m. in Heritage Hall. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. If you are relatively new to Seabury, don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the lives of your neighbors and fellow residents! Our first guest speaker is preparing for the day, but we’re not announcing who it is yet. Watch for fliers a few days before the event! - Pauline Topazian Seabury Monthly Beyond the Plate Happy New Year to everyone from your Culinary Department! The past six months of 2014 for me were both exciting and busy. Some of our most recent events in December were The Holiday Reception for Residents which gave my team and I the chance to display some really nice food selections and be creative on a large scale. Then the Gingerbread Brunch with all of the families and children that provided the opportunity to decorate their very own gingerbread man. Our special Hanukkah dinner to help celebrate the occasion was lovely, and the Christmas Eve gala and the New Year’s Eve gala will be a huge success, and we enjoy these opportunities to give you an evening of good food with pleasant company and atmosphere. Thank you for letting us serve you! 2015 is a brand new year that will feature an abundance of special events and food. We will be bring back our bi-monthly Fine Dining adventures with foods throughout the world as well as our monthly special menus and get-togethers. My staff and I are looking forward to ringing in the New Year with you! -Chef Eugene and your Culinary Team Help Wanted! The Seabury Chapel Altar Guild is looking for a few people to help with weekly services. Two of the principle Guild members are retiring and everyone is slowing down a bit. We need your help so that services can continue for Seabury residents in Independent Living, The Views and the Health Center. We need people to help set up for services, which can be done the day before, and help during services as well. The jobs can be shared, so if you are able to commit to even 45 minutes once each month, that would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Chaplain Bob at (860) 243-6085. Two Hospitality Events Mixer Dinner: Playful Penguins Upcoming Trips Joey Garlic’s Revisited: Our last trip was cancelled, so let’s give it another try! Don’t miss a chance to sample their amazing New Haven style, thin crust, brick-oven Pizza, or delicious pastas and salads! Thursday, January 8, 2015. We will leave at 11:00 a.m. Lunch is on your own. Transportation is $7. Please join us for a tour of the Mark Twain House in Hartford on Monday, January 26, 2015. Whether you’re new to the Hartford area or a life-long native, don’t miss this opportunity to tour the home of one of Hartford’s most well-known residents! We will leave Seabury at 12:30 p.m.; trip total is $25 and includes guided tour and transportation. There is no café available, so please eat before we leave. The 1st floor of the 3 floors of the Mark Twain House is walker and wheelchair accessible. The Visitor Center is fully accessible. Sign up in CAS by 1/12/15 so we can confirm our reservation. Thursday, January 22, 2015 Reception 4:45 at TOS Dinner Seatings 5:15 & 5:45 p.m. Cold snowy weather and penguins just seem to go together. Come dressed in black and white to carry out our theme and join in the frivolity. Pick a number for one of the two seatings. New Resident Reception Sunday February 1, 2015 4 p.m. Please wear your nametag to both events Page 3 CH918 The Lunch Box 6 9-4 Bank Open 9:30 ALP Spring Preview HH 10:00 Shop Geisslers 1:00 Encore! Committee Meeting HP 1:00 ALP Curriculum Committee MR 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:00 Action Forum CAS 4:30 Drop In Social HP 5 3:00 Meditation SP 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 4 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Pride and Prejudice MR 1:00 UCONN vs St John HH No Hymn Sing 7:00 Movie: Tuesday Rooms Cont. CLD Clinic Desk CSA Center for Successful Aging GV Garden View GR Game Room HH Heritage Hall HP Hearthside Parlor L Library MDR Main Dining MR Media Room NL North Lounge SP Center for Spirituality TOS Top of Stairs TPC Time Piece Cafe Monday Abbreviations: B & G: Buildings & Grounds Additional E & E: Education Chapel & Entertainment Offerings S & C Suggestions & Concerns Monday-Friday 2 G’s: Garden & Greenhouse Morning Prayer Rooms 9 a.m. ATR Atrium BC Business Center BR Billiards Room CAS Creative Arts Studio CH Chapel VDR Views Dining Rm Sunday 7 9:00 Hospitality Committee HP 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 3:00 Meditation SP 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: The Birdcage HH Sign Up in CAS for Event When Indicated With DOUBLE STARS ** Encore will receive DONATIONS EVERY TUESDAY 9am-noon Wednesday Bank is Closed CH918 7:15 The Story of Abigail Adams HH The Birdcage 8 9-4 Bank Open 11:00 Lunch Bunch to Joey Garlic’s** 12:00 Conversational French PDR 3:00 Spiritual Life Committee SP 3:00 Bereavement and Loss Support Group HP 5:30 Birthday Fun MDR 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Happy New Year! 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Nebraska CH918 1 Thursday 9 10:00 iPad Class BC 11:00 Dr. Coll’s Lecture: Strength & Balance HH 12:45 Kindergarten Visit CAS 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 3:00 Poets and Writers HP 7:00 Bridge CAS 2 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 1:45 Tea TOS 7:00 Bridge CAS Friday Saturday HH FOOD DRIVE this Weekend The Gambit 10 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 10:00 ISOD Speaker Bloomfield Police Chief Paul B. Hammick HH 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: 3 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 10:30 ISOD Steering Committee GV 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: The Lunch Box HH A Balanced Life Calendar of Activities Brought to You by Resident Services JANUARY 2015 21 9:00 Resident Council HH 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 1:15 Hartford Stage 3:00 Meditation SP 3:30 Critic’s Circle MR 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Educating Rita HH 28 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 3:00 Meditation SP 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Hairspray HH 20 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 Shop Geissler’s 2:00 Dr. Thompson, Superintendent of Bloomfield Schools HH 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Tellabration HH 27 9-4 Bank Open 9:00 Buildings and Grounds MR 10:00 Shop Stop & Shop Call CLD 2:30 Judaic Service CH 3:00 E&E CAS 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP 19 8:00 Men’s Breakfast MDR 11:00 Dining Com. PDR 3:30 Seabury Community Forum HH 3:00 Meditation SP 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 26 10:00 Library Com. L 12:30 Trip: ** Mark Twain House 3:00 Meditation SP 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 18 10:30 Communion CH 1:00 UCONN vs St John HH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Persuasion MR 3:30 Hymn Sing 7:00 Movie 100 25 10:30 Communion CH 1:00 UCONN vs Cincinnati HH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Emma MR 7:00 Movie: Elsa and Fred CH918 3:00 UCONN vs SMU HH 7:00 Movie: The Gambit CH918 CH918 Foot Journey 4 THURSDAY 16 FRIDAY 29 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 ALP MR 12:00 Conversational French PDR 1:00 ALP HH 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Airborne R & B Trio HH CH918 Educating Rita 22 9-4 Bank Open 12:00 Conversational French PDR 1:00 ALP Board Meeting SP 4:45 Mixer Dinner MDR 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: 30 10:00 iPad Class BC 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 7:00 Bridge CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Hairspray CH918 23 10:00 iPad Class BC 10:00 Flower and Decoration Comm. GV 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 7:00 Bridge CAS 10:00 iPad Class BC 10:15 Book Group HP 10:30 Joyce Harmon: Common Drug Interactions HH 10:30 Catholic Mass CH 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 1:45 Tea TOS 2:00 Friend to Friend Social VDR Mandela Long Walk 3:00 Better Hearing Group HH to Freedom CH918 6:15 Masterworks** 7:00 Bridge CAS 15 9-4 Bank Open 12:00 Conversational French PDR 2:00 Cong. Church Discussion GV 3:00 Caregiver’s Support Group HP 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Spiritual Life Speaker Mandela Long Walk to Dr. Rouman HH Freedom 7:15 Classic Movie: HH 14 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 2:00 Communications Comm. BC 3:00 Meditation SP 5:00 Artist Table MDR 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: 13 9-4 Bank Open 8:00 Resident Breakfast Stacey-Ann Walker TPC & MDR 10:00 Shop Stop & Shop 11:00 Trails Comm. GV 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Violinist Gary Capozziello HH 12 10:00 Health Services Com. HH 2:00 Resident Portal Education Session HH 3:00 Meditation SP 5:00 Gallery Opening: Artist Joy Floyd TOS 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 11 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Mansfield Park MR WEDNESDAY TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY 31 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: Boyhood HH 24 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: Elsa and Fred HH 7:15 Movie: 100 Foot Journey HH 6:15 Masterworks ** 17 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 9:30 Story Tellers HH 4:30 Drop In Social HP SATURDAY Seabury Monthly Center for Spirituality: The Power of Forgiveness The guest writer this month is Deacon Doug Engwall. This year my holiday season was brightened by an unexpected act of forgiveness granted to me by my niece. The incident causing the hurt had occurred five years ago over a shared summer cottage. At that time, I had used my best logic to explain why our families had grown too large to continue to share this small space. I thought the matter had been settled and didn’t realize that hurt feelings lingered. An email arrived around Thanksgiving from my niece who had decided that the hurt had lasted long enough. She offered me forgiveness. I immediately wrote back thanking her and apologizing for my lack of sensitivity. My lack of awareness of the hurt shocked and saddened me. I thought of all the occasions we had been together over the last five years without taking the time to clear the air. This act of forgiveness was the best gift I received over the holidays. It reminded me of the power of forgiveness, beautifully described in this passage, is from Brother Ramon's Way of Love (1995). If forgiveness does not have free play among us, then we have seriously to question whether we have truly received the divine forgiveness that melts the heart. It is not that God withholds forgiveness, but that we erect barriers, close doors, harden our hearts, so that we are not capable of receiving, and therefore offering to others, true forgiveness. A friendship can only mature if differences and divergent views and temperaments are acknowledged, appreciated and allowed for. Otherwise estrangement takes place, turning to alienation, with the loss of spontaneity and peace. If we do not forgive, then we cannot be forgiven. As we enter into a new year, I can think of no better time to seek and grant forgiveness. Often, as in my case, the other party may not know that your feelings were hurt, and it does take courage to start the conversation. All the world’s religions teach us not to bear hurt and resentment that may turn into anger. A Buddhist teaching says this clearly. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. So my invitation for the New Year is that we practice more acts of random forgiveness. This may lead to a January thaw that will make all our winters just a bit warmer. -Deacon Doug Seabury Cinema 1/1 Nebraska @ 7 p.m., CH 918 All movies are selected by residents in the Critics Circle group, which typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Media Room. The group does its best to find a balance between classic and modern, in order to make a variety of films available to residents. Everyone is welcome. Full movie descriptions are available in CAS. Page 6 1/3 The Lunch Box* @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/4 Pride & Prejudice @ 2 p.m., Media Room 1/7 The Birdcage @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/8 The Birdcage @ 7:15 p.m. CH 918 1/10 Gambit* @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/11 Mansfield Park @ 2 p.m., Media Room 1/14 Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/15 Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom @ 7:15 p.m., CH 918 1/17 100 Foot Journey* @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/18 Persuasion @ 2 p.m., Media Room 1/21 Educating Rita @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/22 Educating Rita @ 7:15 p.m., CH 918 1/24 Elsa & Fred @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/25 Emma @ 2 p.m., Media Room 1/28 Hairspray @ 7:15 p.m., HH 1/30 Hairspray @ 7:15 p.m., CH 918 1/31 Boyhood @ 7:15 p.m., HH Sunday Movie Theme this Month: BBC Series: The Jane Austen Collection Please note that all Sunday films will be shown in the Media Room. UCONN Women’s Basketball games will be in HH *Please Note: Saturday Movies are at 7:15 p.m. in HH and on Sundays at 7 p.m. on Ch 918. Seabury Monthly January Program Highlights ALP Spring Preview Join us to see which courses will be offered this spring. Speak with presenters, mingle with other ALP members and register for courses. The annual meeting will follow with a presentation by guest speaker J. Ronald Spencer, a graduate of Trinity College and Columbia University, who will speak about "Lincoln's Navy Secretary Gideon Welles' Chronicles of the Civil War." Tuesday, January 6, 9:30 a.m., Heritage Hall The Abigail Adams Story – Carol Beilefeld tells the story of Abigail Adams, based on her autobiography. She was the wife of John Adams, the second President of the United States. Thursday, January 8, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall In Support of Democracy “Views on our CT and Bloomfield Racial Issues,” presented by Police Chief Paul B. Hammick, and a yet-to-be- confirmed State Attorney participant. It will be a timely discussion for all of us. Saturday, January 10, 10 a.m., Heritage Hall Resident Portal Education Session Please join us for an informative session about what the Resident Portal is and how to use it. Monday, January 12, 2 p.m., Heritage Hall Gallery Opening We are treated to a showing of new works by Seabury Artist Joy Floyd. Over the years Mrs. Floyd has developed a style of giving new life to found objects by turning them into objets d’arte. Monday, January 12, 5 p.m., Top of the Stairs Resident Breakfast: Come meet Stacy-Ann Walker, Seabury’s Director of Community Outreach. Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 8 a.m., Timepiece Café and Main Dining Room Gary Capozziello Please come and enjoy the beautiful strains of a violin recital, featuring the Schumann Violin Sonata, Beethoven Violin Sonata No. 5 and Mozart K. 301 Tuesday, January, 13, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall Artist Table Seabury Artists are welcome to come together for dinner and artistic conversation. Wednesday, January. 14, 2015, 5 p.m., Main Dining Room Common Drug Interactions presented by Joyce Harmon, APRN Tuesday, Januray, 16, 11 a.m., Heritage Hall Beat the Winter Blues is the theme for our next Friend to Friend Social. Wear something blue, and join friends old and new in the Views for warm conversation. Friday, January 16, 2 p.m., Views Dining Room Dr. James Thompson, Superintendent of the Bloomfield Public Schools will discuss his journey to improve the Bloomfield Schools and the plan for the future. Tuesday, January 20, 2 p.m., Heritage Hall. Tellabration! is a world-wide celebration of storytelling. Every November, thousands of tellers and listeners gather on every continent except Antarctica to celebrate the joys of storytelling…and it started right here in Connecticut. Our Tellabration! story teller was unable to come in November, so we welcome her rescheduled visit! Tuesday, January 20, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall. Airborne R& B Trio Music of Yesterday and Today. This high-spirited group will present a variety of songs, styles and genres. They are excellent musicians and vocalists. Fun, Exciting, and Interactive! Thursday, January 29, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall. Time to Sign up for Billiards! Be part of the Resident/Staff Tournament to play everyone’s favorite winter table game. Nine-ball is the game and you don’t need to be a pool shark to play—just someone who wants to have some friendly competition. Residents are paired with staff, usually Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. Play goes for 10-12 weeks, depending on the number of teams and will start in early February. Sign up now in CAS so we can organize the tournament! Page 7 IMPORTANT ESSENTIALS TO YOUR HEALTH TRANSPORTATION Dr. Coll will discuss: “Strength & Balance” on January 9, 2015, 11 a.m. in Heritage Hall. Routine medical transportation is available. Please complete a transportation request form (found in the rack across from the US mail boxes and at the Clinic Desk), then bring it to the Clinic. Questions? Contact Maura Mazur, the Transportation Coordinator, directly at (860) 243-6058. She is available Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Medical Transportation THE SEABURY CLINIC FOR APPOINTMENTS call (860) 243-6080 and leave a message. Messages are retrieved at 9 a.m., 12 & 3 p.m. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Every Wed. from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. No appointment needed. Want to shop on Tuesday or Friday? Call (860) 243-6070 PLEASE NOTE: A CLINIC NURSE IS AVAILABLE ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY FOOTNOTES FROM THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE Happy 2015 Now that the cold snowy weather is upon us, it is hard to bundle up and venture out in the wind and cold. The Library Committee welcomes you to the cozy and warm library. In the library you can browse through the collection, pick a book from the stacks, and settle into one of the comfortable chairs. In the quiet surroundings of the library you can pass the time lost in your book. You will find articles in the various magazines on the magazine rack to enjoy. Perhaps a long story in the New Yorker or a discovery in the National Geographic will meet your fancy. How about a mystery to pass the time of day? The newly acquired books can be found on the table by the window. So come in and explore and discover what awaits you on a cold winter’s day. ¹Front page article is based on an internet article, “The Science Behind Successful New Year’s Resolutions,” by Tasha Eurich, Ph.D. Mon/Wed/Fri: Bloomfield, Hartford, West Hartford Tues/Thurs: Avon, Farmington, Simsbury, Windsor S SUNDAY UNDAY C CHURCH HURCH S SHUTTLE HUTTLE Please sign up at Maura the Front Desk Please contact Mazur byat2(860) p.m. 243-6058 on Friday. if interested There are a minimum number of passengers required There is a minimum number for a driver to be available. of passengers for a driver to be available. We will depart from the Front Lobby at 9:30 a.m. Bloomfield Bloomfield Congregational Congregational Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Roman Roman Catholic Catholic Please enjoy Sunday Episcopal services in the Seabury Chapel MALL SHOPPING Mall trips are offered for a minimum of 5 shoppers. Leave Seabury at 12 p.m., pickup at 3 p.m. Note Change of Time!! Next trip: February 2, Buckland Hills Sign up in the Activity Book in CAS Page 8
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