Seabury Monthly YOUR COMMUNITY LIFE EVENTS PUBLICATION FEBRUARY 2015 Love Life and Be Good to Yourself Many of us spend our days taking care of others, seeing to their needs and comfort. In February, so many things are happening that give us the opportunity to examine what we do and to remember to take care of ourselves, and have a treat once in a while. Love Your Heart February is American Heart Month: Seabury will recognize the need to raise awareness about Heart Disease and Prevention with Go Red Day on Friday, February 6. We hope everyone will join us for a special tea in the afternoon, and please wear red to support this cause. Celebrate Valentine’s Day in your own quiet way, or enjoy a special dinner with friends in the Main Dining Room, Saturday, February 14. Presidents’ Day falls on Monday, February 16. We honor all of our presidents, not only George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whose birthdays are this month. Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) is celebrated on Tuesday, February 17. Feel free to wear purple, gold and green, and sign up for a Fine Dining luncheon, or enjoy special menu items in the Bistro and Main Dining Room, before the solemnity of lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18. February is also Black History Month. We will pay tribute throughout the month with special educational and entertaining programs (see page 7 for details) and with historical and biographical information broadcast on Sundays on Touchtown, (Channel 918). How can I love ME? Let us count the ways. (apologies to E.B. Browning) A really top notch plan is three fold: regular practice of yoga, meditation and massage. Yoga and meditation benefits add up to stronger muscles, greater breath awareness, and mental clarity. Massage adds healthful relaxation from caring touch, healing from good circulation, released muscles and nourished skin. The sum of these practices will have you feeling great and you'll love it! Seabury supports this plan with classes and massage services under one roof! For more information or to make an appointment, please call (860) 243-6070. Evan Williams, LMT & Tria Anderson, LMT To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT 2 BEYOND PLATE 3 VOTE! 3 THE IT’S TIME TO UPCOMING TRIPS 3 CALENDAR 4 CENTER FOR SPIRITUALITY 6 SEABURY CINEMA 6 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 7 IMPORTANT ESSENTIALS 8 Resident Services Department Heather Stanton Director (860) 243-6040 hstanton@ Jodi Morrissey Activities & Trip Coordinator (860) 243-6035 jodimorrissey@ Tiffany Smith Events & Program Coordinator (860) 243-6065 Tiffanysmith@ Carl Donatelli Event Logistics & Technical Support Coordinator (860) 748-6835 carldonatelli@ Front Desk Manager Mary O’Connell Receptionists Rory Dlugos Jeremy Harvey Vickie Hester-Foster Transportation Coordinator Maura Mazur Drivers Derrick Henry Angel Jimenez “A CUT ABOVE” SALON Candace Mattingly Gwendolyn Simpson Kathleen Kay Contractor-Stylists (860) 243-6090 Tuesday-Friday 8:30-3:00 Page 2 Wellness Spotlight: Emotional Dimension of Wellness Five Minutes to Emotional Wellness I f you only have five minutes a day, you can still take positive steps toward a more balanced life. When you understand the concept of wellness and how the 7 Dimensions of Wellness can lead you toward a more whole and complete life, you can find simple ways to create that feeling of wellness in your day-to-day life. How do you achieve overall wellness in just five minutes a day? There are some basic positive steps you can take in each wellness dimension to further your wellness journey. Of course, you can spend more time if you’d like. Sometimes, though, you only have five minutes...and you can still do something special for yourself and start feeling better. Emotional Wellness doesn’t have to involve sitting in a therapist’s chair for an hour a week. There are some simple things you can do to support your Emotional Wellness in just five minutes a day: • Journal. Even if you only have five minutes, you can journal. Simply write some quick notes about how you’re feeling and what is going on in your life. It may not seem like much, but you can use these notes later for insight and greater personal awareness. • Read an article, listen to a podcast (re-broadcast video clips on the internet) or watch a video. Look for short articles, podcasts, or videos on various Emotional Wellness topics, such as anger management techniques, anxiety reduction, defeating depression, or overcoming fear. • This information will come in handy when you least expect it, and learning more about Emotional Wellness is the first step toward greater emotional health. Tell a friend. If you’re having a bad day, call a friend and quickly let them know what’s going on. Sometimes simply expressing your feelings in a safe place can alleviate some of the tension. A quick conversation with a friend can lift your spirits and lets you know you’re not alone. Excerpted from an internet article “Five Minutes for Wellness,” by The 123 Feel Better Company in The Insight Journal, at Seabury resources for emotional wellness: The Caregiver Support group meets on the third Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. in Hearthside Parlor. This is open to Seabury residents only and is led by Beth Lomasky. Bereavement and Loss Support group meets on the second Thursday at 3 p.m. in CSA. This group is led by Consulting Psychiatrist Dr. Harris. Listen...Do You Hear VOICES? These frigid days when we huddle over a cup of tea could be the perfect time to put pen to paper (or hands to computer keys) to write a story for the Spring edition of Voices, our community "literary magazine". Prose pieces should be limited to 1000 words, poems must be 40 lines or fewer, and sketches are very welcome too. You have some time before our official submission month, but now's the time to you hear an idea Seabury Monthly Beyond the Plate Hello everyone from your Culinary Department, I hope this newsletter finds you well! We have several new additions to our staff, which you may already know, but please help me welcome Kevin Smith and Aliyah Johnson, our new Views Dining Room servers, and Edward Payton our new Bistro Cook. Also new to our team is Joshua Binder, our cook at Seabury Meadows. Did you know? Apples belong to the rose family, as do pears and plums. If you have ever buried your nose into an apple, rose, strawberry, or cherry blossoms, then you know the Rose family. In the early 1900s, botanists reclassified the former Spirea, Plum, and Apple families as subfamilies within the Rose family. In response, Robert Frost penned the following poem: "The rose is a rose and was always a rose. But the theory now goes that the apple's a rose, and the pear is, and so is the plum, I suppose. The dear [Lord] only knows what will next prove a rose. You, of course, are a rose - but were always a rose." On a side note I would ask that you help us prevent the spread of influenza and other infections. A couple of ways to do this is to regularly use hand sanitizer, located throughout the building, and if you are dining in the Main Dining Room and you have a runny nose please use a tissue instead of a cloth napkin. Tissues are available at the entrance to the dining room, so grab one on your way in, just in case. Thank you so much helping to keep us all healthy, and for letting us serve you! - Chef Eugene and your Culinary Team. Upcoming Trip A number of people have asked if we could take a trip to FootPrints in Newington. We will be going on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. If you would like to join us, please sign up in CAS. New Resident Reception Come and meet your new neighbors! Sunday February 1, 2015 4 p.m. Please wear your nametag Shredding is Back! In the Residents’ Business Center starting Monday, January 26, there will be a secure collection bin for papers that you would like to have shredded. They will be picked up monthly by the firm used by Seabury’s administration and shredded offsite. So that all may have room, please do NOT put your whole stash in at one time. If you have a lot of paper, just bring a small amount each month. This service is being offered free of charge by the Communications Committee. Come out and Vote for Hartford Magazine’s “Best Of”!! Seabury has been nominated in 7 categories. You are welcome to vote from your home computer, at your convenience, by going to and clicking on the link. If you would like help, we will have iPads at the Top of the Stairs with volunteers to assist you in voting on the following dates and times: Tuesday February 3rd: 11 a.m.—2 p.m. Wednesday February 4th: 11 a.m.—2 p.m. Wednesday February 11th: 11 a.m.—1 p.m.; 4-5 p.m. Thursday February 12th: 11 a.m.—1 p.m.; 4-5 p.m. Page 3 9 10:00 Health Services Committee HH 2:00 Monday Reading Club Harbor Part Two HH HH 3:00 Meditation SP 7:00 Movie: 3:00 Billiards Tourney The Good Lie BR CH918 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 8:00 Women’s BB UCONN vs South Carolina HH 8 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Pearl Hood 7:00 Movie: Boy CH918 Reception MDR 6:30 Super Bowl Viewing HH MR 3:30 Hymn Sing TOS 2:00 Women’s BB UCONN vs Temple HH 4:00 New Resident 10 9-4 Bank Open 8:00 Resident Breakfast: Erik Meischied TPC 10:00 Shop Stop & Shop 11:00 Trails Comm. GV 2:30 Judaic Service CH 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP HH Night Train to Munich 10:00 ALP HH 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 1:00 ALP HH 2:00 Communications Comm. BC 3:00 Meditation SP 3:00 Billiards Tourney BR 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: 11 4 9:00 Hospitality Committee HP 10:00 ALP HH 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 1:00 ALP HP 3:00 Meditation SP 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Duplicity HH 3 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 Shop Geisslers 1:00 Encore! Committee Meeting HP 1:00 ALP Curriculum Committee MR 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:00 Action Forum CAS 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:00 UCONN Women’s BB vs Cincinnati HH 2 3:00 Meditation SP 5:30 Having Fun with Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 1 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Pearl Harbor Part One Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday “They Called Me HH Lizzy” 7:15 Encore Performance Elizabeth Keckly CH918 Night Train to Munich 12 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 ALP MR 12:00 Conversational French PDR 1:00 ALP HH 3:00 Spiritual Life Committee SP 3:00 Bereavement and Loss Support Group HP 5:15 Birthday Fun MDR 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: 5 9-4 Bank Open 10:30 ALP MR 10-3 Encore Is Open 12:00 Conversational French PDR 1:00 ALP HH 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Duplicity CH918 7:15 Patty Carver presents Irving Berlin: A Patriotic Tribute HH Thursday Saturday 13 10:00 iPad Class BC 12:30 Kindergarten Visit CAS 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 6:15 HSO Masterworks** 7:00 Bridge CAS HH FOOD DRIVE this Weekend The Love Punch 4:00 Women’s BB UCONN vs Tulane HH 4:30 Drop In Social HP 6:15 HSO Masterworks** 7:15 Movie: 14 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 10:00 ISOD: Steven Lewis HH 6 7 10:00 iPad Class BC 9:00 Men’s Mug 11:00 Dr. Coll Club HP Lecture: Signs and 10:30 ISOD Symptoms of a Steering Comm GV Stroke HH 3:30 Women’s BB 1:00 Shop Stop and UCONN vs Shop Memphis HH 1:45 GO Red Tea TOS 4:30 Drop In Social 3:00 Poets and HP Writers HP 7:15 Movie: The 7:00 Bridge CAS Good Lie HH Friday A Balanced Life Calendar of Activities Brought to You by Resident Services FEBRUARY 2015 MONDAY Encore receives DONATIONS EVERY TUESDAY 9 am-noon Sign Up in CAS for Event When Indicated With DOUBLE STARS ** 23 10:00 Library Comm. L 3:00 Meditation SP 2:00 Middle East Patton: A Genius For Study Group MR War HH 3:00 Billiards Tourney 7:00 Movie: Elsa 5:30 Having Fun with & Fred CH918 Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 8:00 Women’s BB UCONN v Tulane HH 22 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: HH 16 8:00 Men’s Breakfast MDR 11:00 Dining Com. PDR 3:00 Billiards Tourney BR 3:00 Meditation SP 3:30 Seabury Community Forum HH The Love Punch 5:30 Having Fun with CH918 Spanish MDR 6:30 MahJongg GR 7:00 Dup. Bridge CAS 7:15 The Louie Armstrong Concert 15 10:30 Communion CH 2:00 Sunday Movie: Panama Canal MR 2:00 Seabury Authors Speak: Kathy Carle HH 3:30 Hymn Sing TOS 7:00 Movie: SUNDAY Monday-Friday Morning Prayer 9 a.m. Additional Chapel Offerings 24 9-4 Bank Open 9:00 Buildings and Grounds MR 10:00 Shop Stop & Shop 3:30 E & E CAS 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP 17 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 2G’s Comm. GV 10:00 Shop Geisslers 12:00 Fine Dine: Mardi Gras MDR 1:30 Great Decisions MR 3:30 Knit ‘n Stitch NL 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:00 Women’s BB UCONN vs Houston HH TUESDAY 19 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 ALP MR 10-3 Encore Open 10:30 Catholic Communion Service CH 11:00 Dr. Harris: 18 9:00 Resident Council HH 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 1:00 ALP HP 3:00 Meditation SP 3:00 Billiards Tourney BR 3:30 Critic’s Circle MR 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Amelia HH 26 9-4 Bank Open 10:00 ALP MR 12:00 Conversational French PDR 1:00 ALP HH 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Coma CH918 Rooms ATR Atrium BC Business Center BR Billiards Room CAS Creative Arts Studio CH Chapel CLD Clinic Desk 25 10:00 ALP HH 10:30 Ecumenical Service & Sacrament of Healing CH 1:00 ALP HP 3:00 Meditation SP 3:00 Billiards Tourney BR 7:00 Cribbage CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Coma HH Abbreviations: B & G: Buildings & Grounds E & E: Education & Entertainment S & C Suggestions & Concerns 2 G’s: Garden & Greenhouse 12:00 French PDR 2:00 Cong. Church Discussion GV 3:00 Caregiver’s Support Group HP Third Thursday Dining 7:00 Poker CAS 7:15 Classic Movie: Amelia CH918 Mental Health Consultant HH THURSDAY WEDNESDAY Rooms Cont. CSA Center for Successful Aging GV Garden View GR Game Room HH Heritage Hall HP Hearthside Parlor L Library MDR Main Dining HH Elizabeth Smith 27 9:30 ALP MR 10:00 iPad Class BC 10:00 Flowers and Décor Comm. GV 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 7:00 Bridge CAS 7:15 Classical Pianist: Grace 20 9:30 ALP MR 10:00 iPad Class BC 10:15 Book Group HP 1:00 Shop Stop and Shop 1:45 Tea TOS 7:00 Bridge CAS 7:15 Open Mic Night HH FRIDAY Rooms Cont. MR Media Room NL North Lounge SP Center for Spirituality TOS Top of Stairs TPC Time Piece Café 28 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 2:00 UCONN Women’s BB vs Memphis HH 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: Maleficent HH 21 9:00 Men’s Mug Club HP 9:30 Story Tellers HH 3:00 Women’s BB UCONN vs Tulsa HH 4:30 Drop In Social HP 7:15 Movie: Elsa & Fred HH (this film was not available last month) SATURDAY Seabury Monthly Center for Spirituality I’d like to introduce myself. I am Tania Bouteneff, chaplain intern here at Seabury for the last several months. I have lived in West Hartford for some 20 years. I spent most of my adult life devoted to the field of education, first as an elementary school teacher, and then as a school administrator. It’s only in the last 5-6 years or so that I became drawn to chaplaincy. My work in education gave me plenty of experience listening carefully and having meaningful conversations (with students, parents, faculty members), providing support as needed. This was something I particularly loved about my work. Being a chaplain is a wonderful next step in my life, because it allows me to integrate two things that are very meaningful to me: building relationships with individuals, and my spirituality. This new direction my life has taken has been very nourishing and gratifying for me. I have now had several years of experience in training as well as visiting patients as a chaplain intern at John Dempsey Hospital and at Hartford Hospital, but until now, I hadn’t had the experience of visiting residents at a life-care facility. I feel enormously fortunate that I was invited to come to Seabury—–what a wonderful and welcoming place this is! My visits have been primarily at Brewer and Davis, as well as the Meadows. Unfortunately, I’m only able to spend one morning a week at Seabury, so I never have as much time as I’d like to talk with people. But in my limited time here I’ve met residents who are wonderfully varied and interesting and admirable, and who face challenges with dignity and courage. And I’ve seen staff whose caring, kindness, respect, and attention to the individual are without par. I thank Chaplain Bob from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity, and for the wise guidance he offers me. Seabury Cinema 2/1 Documentary: Pearl Harbor, Part 1 @ 2 p.m., MR 2/3 Duplicity @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/5 All movies are selected by residents in the Critics Circle group, which typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Media Room. The group does its best to find a balance between classic and modern, in order to make a variety of films available to residents. Everyone is welcome. Full movie descriptions are available in CAS. Page 6 Duplicity @ 7 p.m., CH 918 2/7 The Good Lie* @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/8 Documentary: Pearl Harbor, Part 1 @ 2 p.m., MR 2/11 Night Train to Munich @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/12 Night Train to Munich @ 7:15 p.m. CH 918 2/14 * @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/15 Documentary: Panama Canal @ 2 p.m., MR 2/18 Amelia @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/19 Amelia @ 7:15 p.m., CH 918 2/21 Elsa & Fred* @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/22 Biography: Patton @ 2 p.m., MR 2/25 Coma @ 7:15 p.m., HH 2/26 Coma @ 7:15 p.m., CH 918 2/28 Maleficent* @ 7:15 p.m., HH *Please Note: Saturday Movies are at 7:15 p.m. in HH and on Sundays at 7:15 p.m. on Ch 918. Seabury Monthly February Program Highlights Superbowl Sunday! Do you want to get together with your fellow football fans to cheer on the Patriots (or the Seahawks)? The Big Game will be televised on the Big Screen in Heritage Hall. BYO refreshments. Sunday, February 1, 6:15 p.m., Heritage Hall iPad Workshops – Apple’s iPads are a great piece of technology that can enhance your life in many ways though, as with any technology, they can take some getting used to. Come learn how to get the most out of your iPad. Fridays, 10 a.m., Business Center Patty Carver presents ”Irving Berlin”- Join Patty Carver as she shares some of her favorite Berlin stories and songs in celebration of one of the greatest American songwriters of all time! Thursday, February 5, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall ISOD Speaker Steven Lewis: Come hear Steven Lewis speak about “The Monarch Butterfly and its Impact on the Climate Change.” Saturday, February 7, 10a.m., Heritage Hall Monday Reading Club— The Monday Reading Club has met at Seabury for many years, and a number of its members are residents. The Club invites the Seabury Community to enjoy a presentation and reading by guest speaker Janet Carville, owner of the Avon Pickin’ Patch, a local pick-your-own farm. Monday, February 9, 2 p.m., Heritage Hall Resident Breakfast Our employee speaker this month is Executive Sous Chef Erik Meischeid. Tuesday, February 10, 8 a.m., Time Piece Bistro Elizabeth Keckly “They Called Me Lizzy” – Back by popular demand, Actress Stephanie Jackson becomes Elizabeth Keckly in this one-woman play on the life of an amazing 19th century woman. Follow Lizzy’s life from slavery to professional dressmaker and eventually to friend and confidante to Mary Todd Lincoln. Thursday, February 12, 7:15 p.m. Heritage Hall Seabury Authors Speak: Kathy Carle will give an inaugural reading from her second book of poetry, THE UNCOMMON NATIVITY OF COMMON THINGS (Antrim House). The event is being held under the auspices of the Seabury Library’s series, "Seabury Authors Speak," which highlights resident authors. Books will be available for purchase at the program. The author will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Seabury Charitable Foundation. Following the presentation, light refreshments will be served in the library. Sunday, February 15, 2 p.m., Heritage Hall A Touch of Jazz “The Louie Armstrong Concert – The Louie Armstrong Concert is a musical program about the life and music of jazz great Louie Armstrong. Monday, February 16, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall Please come and hear Dr. Thelisa Harris speak about her role at Seabury as the Mental Health Consultant. Thursday, February 19, 11 a.m., Heritage Hall Open Mic Night The Education and Entertainment Committee is sponsoring this exciting evening spotlighting our local talent. Come and enjoy song, dance, poetry, prose, and more, provided by your friends and neighbors at Seabury. Friday, February 20, 7:15p.m., Heritage Hall Grace Elizabeth Smith – You are cordially invited to attend a performance by Brazilian-American pianist Grace Elizabeth Smith. Her engaging style and captivating interpretations will leave you wanting more. Ms. Smith returns to Seabury following rave reviews. Friday, February 27, 7:15 p.m., Heritage Hall Windsor Federal is Coming to Seabury! In preparation for the transition of banking from Peoples to Windsor Federal, we will be providing transportation to the WFB branch in Bloomfield. We will reserve 5 seats on the Tuesday shopping bus each week for residents who would like to change accounts. Residents will be dropped off at the bank before the bus continues on to the market. These individuals should plan to shop on a different day. Please sign up in CAS to reserve a seat. For information about the bank, please contact the Windsor Federal representatives: Kellie Maliszewski – Branch Operations Manager 860-242-6062; Jonathan Kozloski – Personal Banker 860-242-6062; Page 7 IMPORTANT ESSENTIALS TO YOUR HEALTH TRANSPORTATION Dr. Coll will discuss: “Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke” on February 6, 11 a.m. in Heritage Hall. Routine medical transportation is available. Please complete a transportation request form (found in the rack across from the US mail boxes and at the Clinic Desk), then bring it to the Clinic. Questions? Contact Maura Mazur, the Transportation Coordinator, directly at (860) 243-6058. She is available Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Medical Transportation THE SEABURY CLINIC FOR APPOINTMENTS call (860) 243-6080 and leave a message. Messages are retrieved at 9 a.m., 12 & 3 p.m. You will be contacted to schedule an appointment. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Every Wed. from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. No appointment needed. FOOTNOTES FROM THE Want to shop on Tuesday or Friday? Call (860) 243-6070 PLEASE NOTE: A CLINIC NURSE IS AVAILABLE ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY LIBRARY COMMITTEE In his acceptance speech, for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950, William Faulkner referred to fears of the nuclear age. He also went on to say that he believed that men and women will not merely endure: they will prevail…they have a soul and a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice… Authors and their books feed our souls. What if we had no books full of stories, lives, ideas, poems, plays, science or history? Every month our book selection committee meets in the library to choose new books for the Seabury community. We want tknow what you want to read; books such as: “All the Light We Cannot See; Orphan Train; Revival, Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free; Gray Mountain; The Boston Girl; Unbroken: a World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption; Jeter Unfiltered; The Fault in Our Stars; Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End; 41: a Portrait of My Father; Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good.” If you read a great book or a great book review, If you hear a great book discussion on NPR (or in the dining room) If you remember a great story you would like to read again, Tell us and we will consider ordering it! Contact Carolann Purcell or David Eusden Page 8 Mon/Wed/Fri: Bloomfield, Hartford, West Hartford Tues/Thurs: Avon, Farmington, Simsbury, Windsor SUNDAY CHURCH SHUTTLE Please contact Maura Mazur at (860) 243-6058 if interested. There are a minimum number of passengers for a driver to be available. Bloomfield Congregational Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Please enjoy Sunday Episcopal services in the Seabury Chapel MALL SHOPPING Mall trips are offered for a minimum of 5 shoppers. Leave Seabury at 12 p.m., pickup at 3 p.m. Note Change of Time!! Next trip: February 1st Buckland Hills Mall Sign up in the Activity Book in CAS
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