Sunday Bulletin - Our Lady Queen of Peace

Our Lady Queen of Peace
4696 Notre Dame Lane, House Springs, Mo 63051 636-671-3062
January 11, 2015
Reverend Michael Murphy
Reverend James Beighlie, C.M.
Reverend Donald F. Molitor, Retired
Saturday Evening
Holy Days
5:00 pm
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am
as announced
8:00 am
Reverend Dr. Thomas Gerling
Reverend Mr. Paul Turek, Sr.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayerful
Adoration every Wednesday of the month after
8:00 am Mass until 8:00 pm.
Mr. Bob Ellison
Tuesday after 8:00 am Mass
Mr. Curt Baker
Monday through Friday after 8:00 am Mass
For vocations 2nd Monday of month after 8:00 am
Rosary before 5:00 pm Mass - Fatima Prayers
included on 1st Saturday
Before 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday evenings
Mrs. Debra O’Donnell
Mrs. Terry Ostlund
Bailey Alexander, Thomas Broadbent,
Cathy Carley, Joe Corio, Bev Gregory,
David Holmes, Mary Luebbert, Dave Mills,
Jan Schultheiss, Maria Webb, Tim Webb
Parish Office
First and third Sunday of the month after 11:30 am
Mass. Make arrangements by calling Parish Office.
4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment
As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact one
of the parish priests.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Registration forms may be found on our website (, in the
Church lobby or you may stop by the Parish Office to fill one out. If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your parents’ home or graduated from high school, you need to
re-register. Please help us keep our records accurate.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Sat 28
Sun 15
Sun 5
Sun 19
Sat 25
Daughters of Isabella Antique Tea
Wed 6
Sat 13
Sat 12
Sun 27
Sat 3
Red Hat/Ladies Bingo & Luncheon
How’s Your Faith?
First Communion
Daughters of Isabella Tailgate
“Have you ever felt disillusioned about your faith
and filled with doubt? Matthew Kelly will take
you on the adventure of a lifetime designed to
help revitalize your spiritual life. Bold, practical,
and inspiring, he will help you rediscover the
true meaning of life as expressed in the seven
pillars of authentic Catholic spirituality. One of
our most popular talks for many years now, this
DVD is sure to stir your soul and invigorate your
spiritual life.”
OLQP Picnic
Daughters of Isabella Tailgate
OLQP Quilt Social
OLQP Auction
On Monday, January 12, we will enjoy
lunch at Holland Restaurant (in old
K-Mart shopping center, High Ridge)
at 1:00 pm.
Hope to see everyone there!
Parish Activities ~ January 12th to 18th
Jan 12 PSR, 6:15 - 7:30 pm
Jan 13 Perpetual Help Devotions after 8:00 am
Quilters, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 4:30 7:30 pm, Parish Office, Quilters Room
Jan 14 Eucharistic Adoration, after 8:00 am
Mass until 8:00 pm
“Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality”
DVD presentation, 9:00 am and
7:00 pm, Cafeteria
Jan 15 Choir Practice, 7:00 pm, Church
 The above quote is used to describe Matthew
Kelly’s DVD “The Seven Pillars of Catholic
Spirituality”. We are happy to announce that
we will show this DVD this Wednesday,
January 14th at 9:00 am and again at
7:00 pm in the parish hall. A discussion will
follow. The DVD lasts about an hour, but it is
an hour that goes by quickly with Matthew
Kelly’s humor and practical insights into the
Catholic faith. There will be a signup table in
the gathering area this weekend after all
Masses. Please sign up and invite your family
and friends to sign up.
 In February we will begin to form small groups
to study Matthew Kelly’s book “The Four Signs
of a Dynamic Catholic” in response to the
Archdiocesan invitation to focus on prayer this
year. Groups will concentrate on the “Prayer”
section of the book. Signup forms will be
available in the Sunday bulletins.
 Also, as a way of encouraging prayer and
providing opportunities to pray, we will begin
to pray the Rosary for peace 20 minutes
before the start of each Sunday Mass. We are
looking for volunteers to lead the Rosary.
Please call the parish office, 636-671-3062,
if you are willing to do this.
~ fr. mike
Sunday in Ordinary Time
December Big Ticket Winner!
We are pleased to announce that Greg
Love was the December winner of $100
for the Big Ticket raffle. Don’t forget to
get your ticket (or tickets!!!!!) in the
Church lobby by the Scrip table or in the
Parish Office, Monday through Friday,
8:00 am to 4:00 pm!
Marriage Preparation
“Living a Joy Filled Marriage”, a marriage
preparation program, fulfills the requirement for
those preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony
will be offered starting February 8, 2015. The
program will be held on four consecutive Sunday
evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at the home of
January 11, 2015
They did an amazing job. We thank Bishop Rice
for surprising us by coming to celebrate the
11:30 Mass at the closing of the retreat here at
Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Register For The Steubenville Conference
Down payment due by Monday, Jan. 26th
All current 8th graders and High School Youth are
invited to join us for the Steubenville Conference
in Springfield, MO held on the campus of Missouri
State. This year there will be over 5,000 youth
attending. We are attending this year’s
conferences on July 17-19, 2015. We leave on
Friday morning and return about 5:00 pm on
Sunday. The conference theme is “Limitless,”
which is taken from John 10:10, “I came that you
might have life and have it abundantly.” The cost
of the conference is $175 which includes meals.
A $50 down payment will hold your spot for the
conference. To reserve your spot put your contact
information and $50 in an envelope marked Terry
in the collection basket or drop off at the Parish
Office no later than Monday, January 26th.
Deacon Tom and Margaret Gerling. The cost of the
program will be $60, which will cover the cost of
materials. To register please call Deacon Tom or
Margaret, 636-671-0627.
Winter Weather
With winter weather approaching please be
reminded that the Parish Office sometimes closes
in the event of bad weather.
Youth Council News
Thanks so much!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the aluminum cans! This helps
support our youth events.
Thanks for a $300 scholarship for the Pro-Life trip,
donated by a very generous couple in the parish.
Thanks to our four young adults who led our youth
retreat last weekend. Donald Morris, Mary Pat
Ostlund, Rebecca Pigue and James Ostlund.
High School Youth Group
Sunday Evenings
January 11th and 18th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Cafeteria Meeting Room
Get your homework done
before 6:00 pm on Sunday
evenings, invite a friend and join us from
6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Cafeteria Meeting Room.
Strengthen your relationship with Jesus and
become the best version of yourself. We also
have time for fun and food. Invite a friend and
join us.
Confirmation Candidate Retreat
Monday, January 19, 2015
Here at OLQP
All Confirmation Candidates will meet on Martin
Luther King Day for 8:00 am Mass followed by a
day of prayer and growing stronger in our faith.
Please pray for our Confirmation candidates as
they journey toward Confirmation on May 6th.
For more information about any of our youth
ministry activities please contact Terry Ostlund,
314-566-8363 or by email
Advent Prayer Challenge Results
4 Signs of a Dynamic Catholic
2015 —Year of Prayer
2016 — Year of Study
2017– Year of Generosity
2018— Year of Evangelization
During advent, we published in the bulletin ideas to
challenge you to look at your current prayer life, and
encourage you to increase your personal daily prayer time.
We calculated the number of returned forms, and the
number of minutes recorded in that week. The following are
the results:
Nov. 30
Forms __2__
Minutes__ 178___
Dec. 7
Forms __3___
Minutes__ 569___
Dec. 14
Forms __2___
Minutes__ 465___
Dec. 21
Forms __2___
Minutes __503___
Dec. 30
Forms __1___
As you can see, as a parish, we really need to work on our
2015 Tentative Calendar
January 14th—”Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality” DVD
presentation— 9:00 am and 7:00 pm, Cafeteria
prayer life! Hopefully, the upcoming year will help you make
a positive change in your life!
February — “Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” Small
groups to start– will discuss the first part “Prayer” of
Matthew Kelly’s book. Signups begin in January
Sign ups
Rosary for Peace
Lent — Stations of the Cross every Saturday morning after
March 11 — Divine Mercy Presentation—an explanation of
the history and relevance of Divine Mercy Sunday, 7:00 pm,
April 8 — How to use the Catechism, 7:00 pm, Cafeteria
We are looking for volunteers to lead a Rosary for Peace each
weekend about 20 minutes before Mass.
Lead Rosary for Peace on 5pm, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30
(circle one)
April 27 — Praying the Rosary— 6:40 to 7:20pm, Church.
May 13 — Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 pm, Church
May 25 — Memorial Day Cemetery Mass at House Springs
Cemetery, 9:00 am
July 4 — July 4th Mass at Chapel Hill Cemetery, 9:00 am
“Seven Pillars of Spirituality” DVD
9:00 am or 7:00 pm (circle one)
July 18 — Retreat at Il Ritiro, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
September 7 — Labor Day Mass at Byrnesville Cemetery
Pavilion, 9:00 am
September 16 and 23 — Explanation of the Mass,
Fr Don, 7:00 pm, Church
Oct. 7 and 14 — Two evening discussions on discovering
your personal “Charism”, 7:00 pm, Cafeteria
November 4 — “Lectio Divina” discussion, 7:00pm,
Advent — begin 2015 Year of Study
“Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” Small Groups
(times to be determined)
Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 11, 2015
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
Football Booster Winners
The following is a list of Football Booster
winners who purchased their tickets through
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. Over 2,250
cards were sold by the four organizations
participating in the Football Booster Program
which includes OLQP. Week 17 was the final
week of the regular football season bringing the
Football Booster program to an end. There was
one final winner from our parish. (Most recent
winners are listed in bold).
Congratulations to the winners and THANK
YOU to all who participated. We hope to do
this again next year.
Richard Amick
Mike Watts
Kate Tutass
Tony Jerger
Nancy Haynes
Tom and Trish Guethle
Elizabeth Richardson
Ron Pott
Sylvia Giblin
Norma Ambrose
Paul Herbert
Dan Tissi
Toby Jones
Gerald Forys
Kevin Richardson
Ken Ungerman
Thomas Royermund
Christina Farris
Maria Randazzo
Donald Pollitt
Mary Ann Lodes
Dixie Garrett
Carlos Sanchez
Christina Harris
Jeff Gregory
Week 2
Week 8
Week 7
Week 12
Week 14
Week 14
Week 15
Week 11
Week 12
Week 3
Week 7
Week 8
Week 6
Week 14
Week 12
Week 15
Week 1
Week 17
Week 2
Week 8
Week 15
Week 4
Week 4
Week 6
Week 13
Combined Winnings $3,769.36
Thank you to our OLQP Parishioners for making
our Annual Christmas Bake Sale another
success. The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
uses the funds to donate to our various charities
throughout the year. Looking forward to seeing
you in 2015!
Every Friday Night
Knights of Columbus Hall
Doors Open at 4:30 pm
Bingo starts at 6:45 pm
Everyone welcome!
St. Vincent De Paul
The Two Commandments—To love
God and to love our neighbor—are
inseparable. If we do not love God we
cannot love our neighbor, and if we do
not love our neighbor we cannot love God.
We would like to thank
Ottiger Tree Service,
parishioners Nick and Mindy Ottiger,
for advertising in our parish bulletin.
Because of their generosity we do not
pay for our bulletins to be printed.
Please patronize our advertisers and
thank them for supporting our parish.
For Reflection…
Until you are convinced that prayer is the
best use of your time, you will not find time for
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Eucharistic Ministers
In the 24th Chapter of Luke's gospel we read the
story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus after
Christ's crucifixion. They are despondent and
hopeless. What you may not have noticed is that
they are traveling away from Jerusalem, away
from the temple, figuratively away from worship.
They are joined by Jesus along the path and
recognize Him in the breaking and sharing of the
bread. After Jesus departs, they return to
Jerusalem, return to the temple, return to
As Eucharistic Ministers did it cross your mind that
as you presented the Body and Blood of Christ at
the Christmas Masses that you were possibly
turning some Catholics, who had traveled away
from the Church and from worship, back to the
communion of saints?
We all know of C&E Catholics, we all know how
many more people attend Christmas Masses, we
saw how crowded the church was this past week.
Sure many were friends and families but
somewhere in our church were those who were
"despondent and hopeless." Maybe we, as
Eucharistic Ministers, gave them new hope in the
"sharing of the bread."
If you would like to join this ministry and become
an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist please
contact the parish office, 636-671-3062 or Joe
Nenninger at
Alive in Christ 2015 Applications
Applications will be accepted beginning January
26, 2015 for the 2015 Alive in Christ Scholarship
Program. Your schools will have access to the
application beginning Sunday, January 25. Alive in
Christ scholarships provide financial assistance to
families who would like their children to attend a
Catholic elementary school in the Archdiocese of
St. Louis. Scholarship award amounts are based
upon financial need and will be awarded on a first
come, first serve basis.
This program is open to families with new
students entering Kindergarten through 4th grade
or Catholic families with students currently
attending an Archdiocesan elementary school.
Applications will be available at the school office
or online at beginning
January 25. For more information call Laura, 314792-7735 or email
Archdiocesan Financial Assistance
Application Due Date: March 15, 2015
The Catholic Education Office will be using the
FACTS Co. to input the data of those families
applying for the Archdiocesan financial programs
for the 2015-16 school year. Families must
complete the FACTS Grant and Aid application
when applying for the following programs:
 Catholic Families Tuition Assistance
Endowment Fund (CFTA)
 Parish Employee Endowment Fund (PEEF)
 School Funds
Families meeting the above requirements may
apply online for the CFTA and PEEF Funds
beginning in late December at https:// or obtain a paper copy
from the Parish Office.
Only one application per child will be accepted. In
a divorce situation, the application from the
custodial parent will be accepted.
Information and documentation required for these
programs includes:
 An application completed online or a signed
and completed paper application.
 Payment of the $30 application fee made
payable to: “Facts Grant & Aid Assessment”.
Please do not send cash.
 Copies of your 2013 Federal tax forms
including all supporting tax schedules.
 Copies of your 2014 W-2 forms for both you
and your spouse.
 Copies of supporting documentation for Social
Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food
Stamps, Worker’s Compensation and TANF.
Failure to submit all of the required information by
the deadline may result in your family not
receiving financial aid or limit the amount given
due to incomplete information.
Sunday TV Mass Time Change
Effective January 4, the ION channel is moving
our local Sunday TV Mass to the 5:30 am time
slot. The change is due to an expansion of their
entertainment programming schedule. For up to
date information about all Mass options available
for the homebound, please call 314-792-7500 or
Sunday in Ordinary Time
Unclassified Ads in the Bulletin
Do you have an old car you want to sell? Old baby
furniture or clothes? Electronic items or toys and
games your kids have outgrown? Are you having
a garage sale, a block party, a Tupperware party?
Why not consider advertising in the Parish
The Fundraising Committee is initiating a program
for posting unclassified ads in the bulletin. These
ads will feature personal items for sale and
personal/family events. No business related ads
will be allowed since these would conflict with the
advertisers using the back page of the bulletin
whose ads make the publication of the bulletin
possible. All ads will be posted on a first come,
first served basis.
The ads are restricted to 21 words (about 3 lines
of text) and must be submitted by the Friday
(nine days before bulletin publication). All items
are subject to approval by the Fundraising
Committee, whose decision about publication is
final. If an item is deemed inappropriate for
publication in this forum, the $10 fee will be
returned to the applicant. The ads will appear in
the bulletin and on the parish website in the
weekly online posting of the bulletin.
This new program has the potential, on its
utilization, of adding $10,000 to parish revenues
annually and moving us closer to our goal of
establishing financial stability and implementing
plans for building a parish center and making
needed improvements to Church and school
Unclassified Bulletin Advertisement Request
January 11, 2015
Seven Days of Inspiration
Take one a day…
and feel great all week!
Day 1
You’re wonderful.
Celebrate yourself!
Day 2
You don’t have to
prove yourself. Everyone
knows you’re a great person!
Day 3
Problems are always
short term.
Day 4
Setbacks are just
practice for success!
Day 5
You can accomplish
more than you think!
Day 6
It’s your turn
to shine!
Day 7
Happiness can
happen anytime.
Daytime Phone____________________________
Date to be Published_______________________
Advertisement Text (must be limited to 21 words)
(Publication subject to approval by the Fundraising Committee.
All items must be submitted by Friday, nine days before the
requested Sunday publication date. $10 fee must be paid at
time submitted.)
Parish Office email
OLQP Web Site
submit articles for bulletin
Deadline Friday at 4:30 pm
(9 days before publication)
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
We will have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
This coming Wednesday, January 14,
after the 8:00 am Mass and conclude at
8:00 pm with Benediction.
Our Gifts to God and Parish
790 registered members
207 online, loose and envelopes used this week
Thank you for your generosity!!!
Special Collections
Seminary ...................................... $1,229.00
St. Louis Review ................................. $60.00
New Building Fund.................. $762,773.96
St. Louis Review Subscription
Please let the Parish Office know (yes or no) if you
wish to receive the St. Louis Review. You may use
the St. Louis Review envelope or a note (with
your name and address on it) and add it to the
collection to let me know your wishes. Thank you
so much for your cooperation.
Catholic Men for Christ
Annual St. Louis Conference
Peabody Opera House, St. Louis
Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Doors open at 7:00 am; Conference begins at
8:30 am; Conference concludes with 4:00 pm
Vigil Mass.
The Catholic Men for Christ Conference has a
newly designed “user friendly” website. Find
Conference details and complete your online
registration at
Catholic Women for Christ
6th Annual Conference
Saturday, March 21, 2015
St. Charles Convention Center
“If you are what you should be, you will set the
world on fire”. St. Catherine of Siena
For more details and information please visit
Sunday Loose ................................ $1,093.00
Sunday Envelopes ........................ $22,725.45
Above and Beyond .............................. $20.00
Christmas ...................................... $9,250.00
First Offering ....................................$674.00
Solemnity of Mary .......................... $1,521.25
Parish Enrichment ............................. $736.00
Total Offertory ........................ $36,019.70*
Weekly Offertory Goal .............. $13,000.00
*For weeks December 28th and January 4th
As of January 5, 2015
Contributions Year To Date ..... $344,116.70
Projected Year to Date ........... $364,000.00
2014 Contribution Statements
If you would like a 2014 contribution statement,
please send a note (marked Linda) to the Parish
Office (it may be placed in the collection basket,
mailed to the Parish Office or use the mail slot in
the Parish Office door.
Thank you,
Start With Prayer
“After me comes He who is mightier than I, the thong of
whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.”
Mark 1:7
We are put on this earth to love God, love our
neighbor and make disciples. How many times does
our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling
God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God
and putting Him first in all things should be our top
priority. Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please pray for those who are ill
(parishioners are in bold)
Maryann Barnett
Wally Freihaut
Jackie Nappier
Tim Lodes
Paul McDonnell
Madylin Mikko
Danielle Enghauser
Joyce Stenger
Andy Nappier
Vicky Duckworth
Janice Robertson
Lou Bartoloni
Delbert Swanson, step-father of Scott Reimer
Ed Rabbitt, father of Tammy Groppe
Mary Stone, sister of Susan O’Shea
Eric Oppelz, son of Bill and Barb Oppelz
Virginia Wilson, mother of Linda Gallion
Gene Barnett, husband of Maryann Barnett
~those serving in the military, the homebound,
shut-ins of the parish and all in nursing homes. To add
a name please call the Parish Office, 671-3062. Names
will be removed after 3 weeks.
January 11, 2015
Mass Intentions
Dorothy Grither
John/Alice Nahlik
Raymond Brune
Aggie Gebel
Geneva Freihaut
Irene Baker
Aggie Gebel
Jim Vess
People of the Parish
January 17th and 18th
Special Ministers of the Eucharist
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Joe and Barb Nenninger, Peggy Mikko,
Katie Tutass, Bev Gregory
Jim and Carol England, Rich Ortmann,
Laura Huss, Barb Oppelz
Carl and Patsy Boyer, Trish Guethle,
Fran Corley, Barb Perez, Helen Salamone
Lynette and Patrick Rawlins, Sharon Schmidt,
Angie Tarter, Denise Witt
Become an Usher
If you would like to become an Usher please
contact the parish office, 636-671-3062, or Sam
Pierceall, 636-677-3518.
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Peggy Mikko, Dave Mills
Bev Gregory, Scott Reimer
Helen Salamone, Patricia Larson
Michelle Mose, Laura Huss
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
Jack Groppe, Madison Gross, Michael Reiter
Billy Block, Colleen Kenney, Olivia Schwantner
Sophia Kershaw, Will Ottiger, Faith Ruoff
Grace Eimer, Gracie Scanga, Kate Younkins
5:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
We offer sympathy and the assurance of
our prayers to the family of
Hilda Bowler,
mother of Dave (Mary) Bowler
Tony Di Mercurio,
brother of Gina Clarke
Bill and Donna Clifton, Bart Heinzer,
Dixie Garrett, Darleen Allmeroth, Don Brooks
Jeff Eschbach, Larry Lammert, Ted Hempen,
Vince Rocchio, Tim Webb, Jerry Terry
Tim Diffey, Jerry Sheets, Dale Sudholt,
Steve Freihaut, Mike Harris, Chuck Phillips
Paul McDonnell, Mary Buckey, Cristina Duncan,
Jennifer Younkins, John and David Holmes
Thank you for cleaning Church
January 16
Marie Strayhorn,
Debby Maloney-Reeves,
Denice Bufka,
Bob De Long,
Barb Hoeffer
and Maria Webb
January 18, 2015
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle B
FIRST READING: I Samuel 3:3-10, 19
The first reading tells the story of the call of Samuel. The
First Book of Samuel is a transitional book. In the
on-going story of Israel’s relationship with her God, the
Lord has raised up Moses to lead His people into a
covenant with Him. Through Moses, He led His people to
the very brink of the Promised Land, to the very brink of
God’s promises being fulfilled for His people. Under
Joshua and the Judges, the people have entered the land
and taken up ordinary life as the believing community, but
things were not going well. They were not faithful to the
covenant. It was time for something new; it was time for
kingship to arise in Israel.
In the story, old, blind Eli represents the old order, the
way that failed, the way that was passing away. Samuel
will usher in a new era. He will be the first of Israel’s
prophets and the anointer of kings. Yet, when God calls
him, he does not recognize his voice. Recognition comes
from the most unlikely source – old, blind Eli. For Samuel
to come to see and embrace his role, he needed another
to help him understand God’s presence, to help him see
the way.
SECOND READING: I Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20
The second reading comes from Paul’s First Letter to the
THEME: “Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will.”
Corinthians. It would seem that one of the problems Paul
We begin again the season of Ordinary Time, a time for
faced in Corinth was a kind of nascent Gnosticism. In
us to respond to the presence of God in our midst that we
simplest terms, Gnosticism was a way of thinking that
have just celebrated in the Christmas Season, a time to
held salvation to come from special knowledge.
journey with Jesus as He moves through His ministry to
Following the teachings of Plato, Gnostics held that only
accomplish our salvation. It is the refrain from the
our idea of things was real. In the extreme, Gnostics
responsorial psalm that gives focus to today’s readings.
denied the importance of the body, of physical reality.
We begin our time with enthusiasm, ready to follow the
What that meant was, that if I possessed the “special”
Lord wherever He leads. But to do this, we need each
knowledge, it made no difference what I did with my
other. How can we recognize and respond to the
body. Today, this stance is similar to saying, “I accept
presence of God in our midst unless someone shows us.
Jesus as my personal savior” and assuming that with that
acceptance salvation is mine no matter how I act, how I
treat others.
For Paul, Jesus was incarnate, a man of flesh and
bones. We have just celebrated this incarnation in
Christmas. The salvation Jesus accomplished was
achieved through the sacrifice He suffered in His body,
physical pain and death. His physical experience
mattered; it was crucial for us. Moreover, Paul taught
that we, the believing community, now make up the
Body of Christ, we make Christ present in the
world. What we do with our bodies matters. How we
 The Liturgical Year is marked by great seasons of
remembrance - Advent and Christmas; Lent and
Easter. What is my approach to Ordinary
Time? How do I embrace God's presence in the
mundane and ordinary?
live in the present moment, in the physical world we
inhabit makes a difference. For Paul, this did not mean
that we earn salvation by what we do – salvation is
accomplished in the cross of Jesus Christ. For Paul,
what we do in our physical world determines whether and
how we make Jesus Christ present. It is, for us a choice,
 When has someone unlikely led me to see the
presence of God more clearly? Have I responded
to that insight or dismissed it because it comes from
an unlikely source?
to be members of Jesus’ body or not, to make Jesus
present or not.
 In my life with God, do I attempt to escape the
present world for a "spiritual" experience? How
GOSPEL READING: John 1:35-42
much am I able to see the physical world and
The Gospel reading from John is another transitional
present circumstances as the time and place of
story, a transition from John the Baptist to Jesus. In all
the Gospels, John is presented in the imagery of Isaiah
as one called to prepare the way of the Lord, to point
people to the presence of God in their midst. In all the
 The true role of a disciple is to point others to and
Gospels, John is portrayed as a man who has gathered
invite others to find the Messiah, the presence and
disciples, followers who are hungry for the presence of
will of God for us all. What kind of a disciple am
God in their lives. And, in all the Gospels, John is
I? Do I really invite others to share what I have
presented in the ultimate role of a disciple of Jesus, as
found with my God?
one who invites others into the presence of God with
us. In this story, John points out the Lamb of God to his
followers and releases them. They leave him to follow
 The first reading and the Gospel are stories of
Jesus. Andrew, in becoming a follower of Jesus, goes
transitions, of letting go of what was to move into
and invites his brothers to come and see what he has
what really is and can be. What transition
found, the Messiah, the presence of God with us.
experiences have I had in my relationship with
We begin the season of Ordinary Time with readings
God? How easy is it for me to make a transition,
that focus on hopes fulfilled and responsibilities
to let go and move on in new directions?
embraced. We begin the season echoing the words of
the Psalmist – Long have I waited for the Lord; He heard
my cry and now I say, “Here I am.”