St. Margaret Mary Parish January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord 1450 Green Trails Dr. Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777 Masses: Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 pm 7:30 am 10:45 am 9:00 am 12:15 pm Weekdays Monday-Saturday 8:15 am Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Parish Office: 369-0777 Fax: 369-1493 Religious Ed. Office: 369-0833 All Saints Catholic Academy: 1155 Aurora Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 961-6125 or New Parishioners: Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40) St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to welcome everyone to our community as Jesus would. For information, please call the parish office. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30 PM or anytime by request. Sacrament of Baptism: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish Office to make arrangements for Baptism and required Preparation Meeting. Sacrament of Marriage: Six months preparation required. Parish music policies, which reflect Diocesan guidelines, are to be followed. Food for the Journey Scripture Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45 Heb 4:1-5, 11; Mk 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Pastor’s Corner This bulletin is the first one in real time for several weeks. Holiday season at the printers means that we always have to have everything done way in advance. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who made this Christmas so beautiful. The music, environment, the ministries were all conducted with reverence and joy. I want to thank all those who generously shared their blessings with the parish. Not only is giving part of the spirit of Christmas, but giving is good for us, sharing the fruit of our labor to help advance the kingdom of God on earth is something we need to do if we believe. There was a small wrinkle in the celebrations introduced by our sound system. It is getting old and microphones get short circuits. We had just fixed one a few weeks before Christmas, then on Christmas another went out. The serious inconvenience was at the 9 am Mass Christmas morning. Only this past Saturday, a whole section went out. Thanks to John Schlaman, this was also repaired immediately. However the sound system will doubtless requires some major updating in the near future. SAVE THE DATE “WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CATHOLIC TODAY?” JOIN US JANUARY 18, 19 AND 20 7:30 p.m. Fr. Tom McCarthy Come and reflect with Fr. Tom on “WHAT DOES IT MEANS TO BE CATHOLIC TODAY?” Father Tom will preach at all of the weekend Masses and will continue with three special celebrations on the following nights: Evening 1 - Sunday, January 18 – 7:30 p.m. The Saints – How are they the heroes of our faith? Am I a saint in training? Evening 2 - Monday, January 19 – 7:30 p.m. Prayer – Is it worth it? Does God listen to me? Answered or unanswered prayers – which do I believe in? Evening 3 - Tuesday, January 20 – 7:30 p.m. The Family of Faith –Do I consider my Parish a family? How do I build up my family of faith? I want to belong – how do I do it? Babysitting available for each evening Reception following in the Upper Room 2 September Club Valentine Celebration Start the New Year with good food & good friends Wednesday, February 4 at 2 pm At the House of Emperor 1212 S. Naper Blvd. Naperville Call Dolores Peterman at 630.955.9581 by January 31 to reserve your place. Mail a check payable to SMMP for $12 to 3013 Oldham Dr. Lisle, IL 60532 Enrichment Living Simply Within Abundance Wednesday, January 14th from 9:15-11:15 a.m. In the COR Center Donation: $8 Speaker: Sallie Latkovich, CSJ This presentation will explore the abundance with which we live, including a challenge to live simply. There are biblical foundations to living such a life-style, and several authors who write about living simply so that others may simply live. Come to this presentation expecting to be both affirmed and challenged. Sallie Latkovich is a Sister of St. Joseph, who has a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Scripture and Spirituality. She is currently an adjunct professor at Catholic Theological Union, and directs the Bible Study and Travel Program. Sallie's primary teaching experience is with adults in various settings: parish, diocese, and academic institutions. It takes a lot of work to make our church look this beautiful for Christmas, and Ordinary Time! Please stay or come back after 12:15 Mass this Sunday, January 11 to help take down our Christmas decorations. We appreciate your help! Business Breakfast Cell Phone Face Down Saturday, January 17th from 8 to 9:30 a.m. In the COR Center Donation: $10 Speaker: Al Gustafson Those of us “connected,” are all aware of the gravitational pull a smart phone alert has on our psyche and behavior. Knowing a new message is waiting for us to read…no matter what we may be doing, it is very difficult to resist the temptation. And most cannot resist. In fact, there is now a boot camp available for those of us who are addicted to our devices. Smart phones do make our lives immeasurably better, but every light casts a shadow. Our business breakfast will begin with a test to determine just how attached we are to the smartphone in our pocket. We will then consider how we might more effectively use technology rather than be used by it as we tap into the wisdom of sources such as Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and the Catholic teaching on birth control. After reading that sentence, you might be thinking, what wisdom and what could it possibly have to do with my phone? You will have to show up at the business breakfast to find out. To register call 630.369.0777. Al Gustafson is a spiritual director and retreat leader. He has been a staff member at Old St. Patrick’s Church, Chicago since 1994 and is the former Director of the Crossroads Center for Faith & Work. He is a founder and past president of the Career Transitions Center of Chicago where he continues to be involved. He is a co-leader of an annual 38-week retreat on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius at St. Margaret Mary Church in Naperville. In addition to ministry, Al is the president of the Gustafson Family Foundation, a private foundation promoting the development and education of young children at risk. Al also serves on several boards including Educare of West DuPage, Institute of Catholic Bioethics and Swifty Foundation. Al holds degrees in accounting and ethics as well as a Doctorate of Ministry from Catholic Theological Union. He lives with his wife and teenage children in Woodridge, IL. 3 Our parish theme and missional directives in God’s Word To Us Reflection on Lectionary Readings Feast of the Holy Family The Spirit makes us children of God. Originally the Baptism of Jesus formed one of the three events that the fathers of the Church believed set Christ and Christianity on its unique and specific mission. They constitute a new epiphany or manifestation of God. The first is the appearance of God, in the flesh, the light of the world symbolized by the light of a star. The third was the wedding at Cana symbolizing the union of humanity and divinity in Christ, as well as the blood poured forth by Christ, when his time came, in a perfect self-gift to the Father. The second, the Baptism of Jesus, speaks of a new dimension given to human life by the Holy Spirit. The spirit is the manifestation of who a person is. With the baptism with the Holy Spirit, we can manifest God in the world. We are no longer slaves to past habits, the powers that be, or the temptations that can mislead us and deceive us in a myriad of ways. In the Spirit we become children of God with the right to inherit an eternal home with Jesus our elder brother. God welcomes us to our new family with open arms and expects us to do the same with others. We are equipped with all kinds of gifts to accomplish this so that it is really the Spirit working through us. We are the feet, hands and mouth of God going in his name into the world. By becoming reoriented to a new goal and purpose in life, the commandments are no longer burdensome obstacles in the way of what we might want, but now are in sync with what we want because we want what God wants. By Fr. Paul Hottinger The founders of St. Procopius Abbey and Sacred Heart Monastery, following the model of Saints Benedict and Scholastica, were brother and Sister. Both Abbot Nepomuk Jaeger and Mother Nepomuk Jaeger had a famous Czech saint, John Nepomucene, as their patron. Mid-East Christian Relief Fundraiser -- A Special Evening Dedicated to Helping Persecuted Christians Hundreds of thousands of Christian families are trapped in the chaos gripping Iraq, Syria and beyond. They need your help. Join the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) for a night of unity and support as we raise much-needed funds for shelter, food and protection. 100% of profits will benefit CNEWA programs dedicated to Christian families. Date: Saturday, January 31, 2015 Location: Alta Villa Banquet - 430 N. Addison Rd, Addison, IL Donation: $60 ($40 for children under 10) The evening will include dinner and live entertainment. 4 Religious Education (Preschool—5th) Gentle Jesus, help us to share our faith with others Martin Luther King Jr. Break Classes will be canceled for the week beginning Saturday, January 17th. Classes will resume on Saturday, January 24th. First Communion Parent Retreat We have created a half day retreat program that delves into the traditions of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Each presentation will challenge parents to understand how the sacred is woven into their lives. The remaining session is Sunday, February 1st from 12 -4 pm. We will begin with prayer and an introduction then lunch will be served. We are asking that at least one parent from each family attend one session during the year. Pre-registration is required. First Communion Registration information for First Communions were mailed last week. If you did not receive a packet and you child is eligible to share in the sacrament, please contact the RE office. Children’s Liturgies On Saturday, February 7th, the 1st to 5th graders in our religious education program will be hosting the 5:00 Mass. Online registration will be available on the Education page of the parish website We will also be emailing information to all of the parents of children in our program. Any adult interested in assisting with the Mass please contact the Parent Coordinator at Children’s Liturgy of the Word The program is offered during the Saturday 5:00 Mass and the Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 Masses. After opening prayers children are invited to attend "Liturgy of the Word." Children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to participate. Please contact Sue Davey at 369-0833 with any questions. service on the anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion throughout the full 9 months of pregnancy. MIDWEST MARCH FOR LIFE If you can’t get to Washington, D.C. for the National March for Life, join other mid-westerners in Chicago for the Chicago March for Life, Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 2-4 pm. The March will start at Federal Plaza and end at the State of Illinois Building. This year’s service will be held on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:30 pm. The service will be held at the Harvest Bible Chapel, High Point Drive, Naperville. All are welcome Featured speakers include Archbishop Cupick, Congressmen Dan Lipinski and Peter Roskam. Former Miss America, Erika Harold will emcee the event. BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER Start saving your change. The Baby Bottle Fundraiser will begin the weekend of January 31-February 1. Baby bottles will be handed out after all the Masses that weekend. Donations benefit Project Gabriel, a program that helps pregnant moms and their babies. For more information go to the Facebook page for the March for Life Chicago Naperville Christians for Life Prayer Service Every year, the Naperville Christians for Life hold a prayer 5 SMMP Weekend Retreat Why a St. Margaret Mary Parish Retreat? The goal of every Christian is to grow in intimacy with God. A retreat is a great help! It is also a great help to be surrounded by people who desire a deep relationship with the Holy One. In order to become the person God desires us to be, we must create opportunites to make soul-contact with God and others. The retreat will provide such an opportunity. Some Particulars: The retreat will be held at Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in Mundelein, IL, an extrordinarily beautiful place to nourish the body and soul. It's a great place to take a nap or walk....or both. +The retreat for women will be held February 6-8 ; for the men, March 6-8 , 2015. th th +My hope is that the participants of the retreats will be markedly diverse: young and old; married and single; former CRHP participants and non-CRHP particiapants. +Each retreatant will have a private room and bath at the retreat house. +The retreats will be faciliated by Sr. Madelyn Gould and Fr. Jonathan Foster. +Time frame: Friday 5:30 PM departure through Sunday 1:30 PM return. +Theme of the retreat: Into Deep Quiet....Reflections will focus on finding peace within and relating to God with wordless prayer. +Cost: $150.00 (Includes meals, accommodations and bus trasportation). $50.00 deposit at the time of reservation. (Total cost: $200.00) +Please make checks payable to St. Margaret Mary Church. If you have any questions, please call Sr. Madelyn Gould (630-369-0777). Please indicate preference of retreat dates: _____February 6-8 _____ March 6-8, 2015 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: ______________________ email: _________________________________________ Return this form to Sr. Madelyn Gould, 1450 Green Trails Dr., Naperville, IL 60540 6 made for Brian Pelz the Contemporary Choir Director to bring Off the Rails as music entertainment. continued to discern what our faith tradition says about the signs of the times and our interviews conducted with SMMP parishioners. Tom reviewed the following Update on Nominations Committee: Victoria Kosirog, Nominations Committee steps already taken: Co-Chair with Phil Samuels reported that • Interviewing parishioners, especially two of last year’s nominees for Parish occasional travelers in a one-on-one Council are interested in the process again. “active” listening basis There are conflicting reports regarding the • Reading the signs of the times from provision for a youth representative (at the interviews and seeking the least 16 years of age), but the council Update on Parish Volunteer “common thread” issues and concerns supports the idea of having a youth Appreciation Dinner: Neil Gorman and that were revealed Mike Newell are in charge and the date for representative and will amend the • Examining our own faith traditions to constitution if required to provide for one the event has been determined. January help interpret the signs using available 17, 2015 is the date. The theme will be “A in addition to the existing Council cultural resources. Night in Italy”. Due to health members. Four different articles were read in advance circumstances of parishioners who would Additional Boy Scout Trailer: Although of the discussion tonight as preparation. have made the meal, it has become the Council was in agreement at last Tonight’s discussion included discernment necessary to get bids from local caterers. month’s meeting to allow a second supply about the following: Tom Cordaro will create a full page trailer for Boy Scout Troop 507 (sponsored announcement for the bulletin and Victoria by SMMP), Barb Zdon consulted Mike • Who do we say Jesus is? Kosirig will coordinate the sign up for • Who do we say we are? Prus and discovered the Scouts do not parishioners to bring additional appetizers carry insurance. Fr. Paul then offered that • How do we foster community? and desserts. • How do we speak to spiritual seekers? the diocese carries insurance for SMMP • In what practices – personal, Council members signed up for volunteer and also insures the trailer which is communal and social – are the duties as hosts of the event including considered SMMP’s property. Christian Communities being called decorating, washing dishes and clean up. Discernment for Work Cycle 1: Tom by God in this time and place? Dan Lawler, Director of Youth Ministry Cordaro, Justice/Outreach Minister, led the will be contacted about obtaining help • What should we do? council in an hour long discussion as they from the teens. Arrangements have been The following is a summary of the working draft minutes from the 12/9/14 SMMP Pastoral Council meeting. The final minutes, as approved by Council, along with the Commission and Committee reports, will be available on the parish website: 7 Friday - February 6 th 7:00pm ’til 10:00pm SMMP Parish Center It’s an evening of BINGO and what better way to start off the weekend than with a great night of fun and prizes. Talk to old friends, meet new ones, have some fun, and win some cash. Admission is free! All members of the parish and their friends are invited! SPONSORED BY THE SMMP MEN’S CLUB Fr. Paul’s Homily The Very Idea of Family Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph/B Sunday, December 28, 2014 10:45 AM Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2:22, 39-40 (Joy comes from giving love freely to those who need it. The family is the first school where we learn that essential lesson.) As we continue to celebrate the octave of the great feast of Christmas, the liturgy of the Church turns our attention to family, the Holy Family, our families, and the very idea of family. Sometimes we can take our families for granted. Sometimes we take the love that we gather from them and share with them for granted, as if it’s a necessary ingredient in everyone’s life. Well, it really isn’t. It’s a gift freely given, freely received, for which we need to be grateful. There are so many people in the world today that do not have the necessities either physically to live a decent life, lacking food or shelter or clean water or dwelling, or spiritually lacking love, acceptance, family. These are great gifts that we share and need to be aware of. So our Church wants us to reflect on the reality of family life, not just our own families but the reality of family itself. God has designed life in such a way that many generations interact and are interdependent. We need all the generations. We enrich each other wherever we belong. The old share experience and wisdom with the young, and the young really need that. Hopefully they learn how to receive what they are given. And the young lend their strength and adaptability to the old, and the old need that; and hopefully they learn how to receive it. The result is a rich and beautiful experience exceeding the wealth or beauty that any one person on his or her own could ever acquire. When a man and a woman marry it is for better or for worse, meaning the commitment must exceed mere prosperity or convenience. Families share likewise in this kind of a commitment since no life is free from burdens, disappointments, accidents, diseases, and various forms of distress. So interdependence of family members does not only intermingle the different generations, it intermingles different degrees of health, prosperity, success, well-being, and accomplishment, so that we all can be helping one another. What we must never forget is that the very life of God, the very life God has given us to share, is marked by mutual giving and serving, because this is essential to God. That’s what the mystery of the Incarnation reveals to us, the mystery of Christ, that God is a loving, generous, serving God, and he has given himself in Christ as a model for all of us. Thus we can learn this great lesson that joy comes—joy comes—from serving. Joy comes from giving love freely to those who need it. The family is the first school where we learn that essential lesson. Further, in a family we learn another lesson: that all people do not think, feel, or believe alike. Yet in spite of many differences we can learn how to get along; and we can learn how to accept one another, because despite all kinds of differences, deep down inside, in spite of personality and temperamental differences, all human beings are really the same and have the same needs. Physically we all have the need for food, shelter, clothing, and so on; and spiritually we all need love and acceptance. Society is nothing more than an extension of that. Unfortunately in our contemporary society many people believe that they can rewrite the laws of creation and make the individual the basic building block of social order, and this will never work. Individuals cannot create themselves, nurture themselves, or fulfill themselves. We need one another. You might have heard this song years ago—I think Barbra Streisand sang it—“People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.” Actually they are the only people in the world. And I must say also that unmarried people, single people, are not “unfamilied” people. They belong to families. They contribute to families and are enriched by their contributions. So we have to keep in mind family in a 9 very broad sense. And even in a broader sense there are families that are not related by blood at all, but really serve the purposes of mutual love, acceptance, and service. Likewise, the parish is a family; it’s a family of families. Even though individuals may join the Church, by joining they become a member of what St. Paul calls “the household of God.” And just as cousins are not the same thing as siblings but nonetheless related, so unbelievers who belong to the family of believers are related to the household of God. They are cousins. They belong to us too, even though they are not full members and even though they are not actually communicants. We have to keep that in mind and keep them in prayer as we pray as a parish family for our needs. The quintessential celebration of family life of course is the meal. Thanksgiving isn’t a great time because of turkey. Christmas is not about the goose or the standing roast. It’s about family getting together and celebrating. Likewise, the Eucharist is a gathering of the household of God at a meal. Sad to say, as many families complain, there are fewer and fewer occasions where families actually sit down and share a meal. And this is sad. This is not helping us. Likewise, the household of God also gathers less and less often together to share the Eucharist. Again, this is not helping us. To say that such circumstances are the result of the way society is, is to put things backwards. Society is the way it is because of the priorities people have set for themselves. There is a gift of the Holy Spirit called wisdom. Wisdom is the gift of seeing the connection between what we choose and the consequences. Let us pray for one another and all of families of our parish that in the year of our Lord 2015 we will all gain the use of this holy gift of wisdom. Our Christmas Parishioners Helping Parishioners program was a great success this year. We were able to help 12 parish families celebrate a joy-filled Christmas. Below are a few quotes from thank you cards. “Words cannot express how touched, appreciative and grateful my children and I were when we received the beautiful and much needed gift certificates for groceries and gifts this Christmas. Being laid off at this time of year is very difficult, but knowing I have a caring Church family sending thoughts and prayers makes it much less difficult. God Bless you.” “Thank you so much. The appreciation I feel can hardly be put into words. Thank you for your kindness, your letter, the thoughtfulness — everything.” 10 Masses for the Week Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. January 17 January 24 Monday— January 12 8:15— Nicholas Mercadante — Loretta Mercadante Tuesday— January 13 8:15— Maurice Barrett — John & Kevin Drohan Wednesday— January 14 8:15— Walter Brouder — Mary Ellen Brouder Thursday— January 15 8:15— Deceased Members Buried from SMMP Friday— January 16 8:15— Jeanette Gaertner — Chris Corbett 7:30 — Healing Mass Saturday— January 17 8:15— Frank Turano — Anne Lysaught 5:00— Evelyn Schlaman — Joanne & Mike Boylan Sunday— January 18/St. Anthony, Abbot 7:30— For the Parish Family 9:00— Shirley Koloseike — Family 10:45*— Betty Peterson — Nancy & Paul Rutkowski 12:15— For The Priest’s Intention Fr. Paul Fr. Paul Please remember in your prayers those members of our parish and family and friends who have recently passed away. \ Patty Levitsky, sister of Mary Biskup *Interpreted for the deaf January 17 & 18 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Servers Sacristan/ Facilitator/LOW Deacon/Presider K. Deaver L. Tomasello D. Wiedeman T. & J. Kerr A. Cronin K. Cernek M. Graber G. Purpura M. O’Hara Kevin Findlay Carly Cernek Sydney Cernek B. Ryan L. Carsello Deacon Ken Fr. Paul 7:30 V. Kosirog A. Prendergast K. Lorenc T. Bleifuss P. Napolski B. Rurik P. Diekemper M. Palmquist R. Ruesch D. Kijek R. Meeker Jessica Schoder * * M. Ciccarelli Deacon Fred Fr. Julian 9:00 M. Coffey R. Eckstein N. Gorman P. Komar Ma. Doyle S. Neuenkirchen M. Nolan K. Fernandez T. Galer T. Maicke Me. Doyle A. Espinos J. Herring Mia Fernandez Scott Stiff Jerome Perales 10:45 D. Dulik T. Hawley A. Hawley J. Zabel C. Dupont R. Johnson M. Van Etten S. & A. Jaworski B. Burkhardt J. Steury B. Zdon L. Cap Emily Zabel Derrick Zabel Julia Dubnick J. McAvoy P. Keenan Deacon Don Fr. McCarthy 12:15 G. Scriba G. Lynch R. Plank A. Moore K. & A. Meder M. Curley F. Lichon G. Rotko Max Schroeder Samuel Schroeder Annamarie Policht * Deacon Don Fr. McCarthy 5:00 W. Hassett M. Perich 11 G. Purpura & C. Kaduk Deacon Fred Fr. McCarthy TODAY’S SCRIPTURE READINGS St. Margaret Mary Parish Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777 Parish Staff First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). NEXT WEEK’S SCRIPTURE READINGS First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ; glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20). Gospel — The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying and they stayed with him (John 1:35-42). “Learn the heart of God from the word of God. “ —Pope St. Gregory Art & Environment Coordinator Mary Lou Krauss Bookkeeper Pat Henke Business Manager Michael Prus Building Manager Bob Stezowski Custodian Ziggy Owiesek Deacons (Permanent) Deacon Joe Ferrari Deacon Don Helgeson Deacon Ken Miles Deacon Fred Straub Deacon Terry Taylor Justice/Outreach Minister Tom Cordaro Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Ken Miles AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR [AED] Music Director John Schlaman Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Sue Carroll St Margaret Mary Parish has three (3) AEDs, located: 1. the Narthex – across from the elevator Pastoral Associate Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F. 2. the Parish Center – across from the elevator 3. the Core Center – across from Room 9 Pastoral Council President Barbara Zdon Priests Please note their locations, in case they are needed in an emergency. Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst. Jonathan Foster, OFM, Weekend Asst. Receptionists Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson SMM Parish Notes • • Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5 Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is available in Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday Masses. Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify the parish office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is hospitalized or homebound so we can visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray for them. Hospitals do not notify us of parishioners’ admittance. 12 Sue Davey. Director of Youth Ministry Dan Lawler Religious Education Secretary Arlene Serio Religious Education Staff Assistant Debbie Brutlag
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