Current Week - Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Parish

SATURDAY January 10, 2015
4:00 PM
(A) Mary Weddick/ Tess Bob Enterlante
Nick Ingargiola/ Kathy & Don Shannon
Ross Gardner/ Delarosby Family
Robert Olson/ Fritz & Judy Litz
Mary Jarensky/ Daughter
Gabriel Stise/ Marion Dellanno
4:30 PM
(SN) Lawrence Roesch/ Brother, Walter
Frances Puggi/ Frank & Teresa Camillo & Girls
Gerard Frontuto/ Family
Evelyn Guerrieri/ St. Nicholas Knights of Columbus
SUNDAY January 11, 2015
8:30 AM
(SN) Anthony Capille/ Maria & Jay Pierpont
8:30 AM
(A) Fred Allgeyer/ Carolyn DeRosa & Family
10:00 AM
(SN) Emilia Heredia/ Pilar Miranda
11:00 AM
(A) Elaine Collins/ Price & Aschmann Family
MONDAY January 12, 2015
7:00 AM
(SN) Special intentions of Evelyne Fisher/ Eva Gentile
8:00 AM
(A) Pamela Hughes/ Ron & Ginny Kornafel
12:15 PM
(A) Thomas Mooney/ Flo & Pat Pagliuco
1 SAMUEL 3:3B-10, 19 (65B)
1 CORINTHIANS 6:13C-15A, 17-20
GOSPEL: JOHN 1:35-42
Pray For Our Sick - George Link, Abel Pencheff,
Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Mrs. Gibney, Debbie
Simons, Clara Caruso, Joanne Gazo, Cleo Presnell, Felicia Mazzola,,
Gianna DeRosa, Alice Musterel, Joseph LoPiccolo, Dan Bartolini, Luke
Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Patricia Cushion, Msgr
Joe Stoerlein, Kathy Schmookler, Thomas Crowe, Sharon Armhold,
Brennan Camp, Patricia Cornely, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke,
Randy Hagar, Anthony Mondelio, Gregory Barrett, Mary Ann Gatto,
Joseph Husta, Grace Peele, Mike Carter, Joan Finn, Denise
Holzberger, Paul Putt, Jacob Goldsmith, Deacon Jim Teeney, Ann
Giesguth, Esther Frontuto, Lee Dooner, James Morales, Pauline
Roesch, Tom Jordan Jr., Dennis Arcaetto, Lyla Pavechak, Bill Lee,
Margaret Andrews, Judy Medrano, Charlie Roesch, Susan Ionno,
Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Peggy Kelly, Shirley Winterbottom , Gerson Cohen,
Rosemary Metzen, Adam Bengis, Norma Cillo, George Kendall, Russ
Fitzgerald, Robert Sanchez & Julia Ganiel.
TUESDAY January 13, 2015
7:00 AM
(SN) Sick of our Parish
8:00 AM
(A) Zella Leonetti/ Nancy Braun
COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas
Church. All are welcomed.
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
12:15 PM
ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – From September to May we meet on
the second Tuesday each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Nicholas
rectory. For further information call Donna at 965-2740.
January 14, 2015
(SN) People of the Parish
(A) Lu Ann Johnson/ Meg & Dennis Connelly
(A) Thomas Mooney/ Frank & Virginia Kist
THURSDAY January 15, 2015
7:00 AM
(SN) For our Nursing Home Patients
8:00 AM
(A) Leo Joseph & best friend Anto/Caroline Joseph
WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING BIBLE STUDY is held in the parish office
on Tuesdays, 9:00 am. For further information call Gerry at 965-3487
FRIDAY January 16, 2015
7:00 AM
(SN) For vocations
8:00 AM
(A) Virginia & Jamie Ojeda/ Family
12:15 PM
(A) Victoria Marinaccio/ Flo & Pat Pagliuco
GETTING MARRIED? – Go to the diocesan website for important
at This has important information that you
will need in preparing for your wedding.
SATURDAY January 17, 2015
4:00 PM
(A) John Dugan/ Wife, Ann
Robert Olson/ Paul & Mary Boris
Helen Rita Campbell/ Fritz & Judy Litz
Alfred Boehler/ Michael Feeney
Joseph Myers/ Myers Family
Special intentions of Fr. Pat Brady/ Kathy & Don
4:30 PM
(SN) Costa Family
Billy Johns/ Family
Frances Puggi/ Peg Roesch
Evelyn Guerrieri/ George & Sandy Ordille
Mary Hayes/ Margie Schroer
MONTHLY ROSARY – Our Monthly Rosary at Assumption is held on
the first Friday of the month (February 6th ) at 7:00 pm.
SUNDAY January 18, 2015
8:30 AM
(SN) George H. Boyd, Sr./ David Torres & Family
8:30 AM
(A) Henry Wise/ Kathy & Don Shannon
10:00 AM
(SN) Emilia Heredia/ Pilar Miranda
11:00 AM
(A) Deceased members of Roesch & Schiavo Family/
Charles & Rose Roesch
ALTAR LINENS for the month of January at St. Nicholas site
Pat Schwarzenbach
Tuesdays from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm in the Assumption site Chapel.
Effective February 4th, Adoration will be on Wednesday from 8:30 –
6:00 pm.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – If you are interested in learning more
about the Knights or would like to join please call (A) Bob Luke at
609-652-7992 or visit their website: (SN) Egg Harbor
#3500, call 965-2813 or visit:
HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS - If you know of someone who would
like to have communion brought to their home, please call the
parish office.
PRAYER GROUPS – Meets at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St.
Nicholas Rectory (Wkly). Assumption’s is Wednesday’s (Chapel) at
6:30 pm is Scripture and 7:15 pm Prayer meeting (Wkly). Men’s
prayer Group meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at
Pastor’s Corner
While the Christmas season, which
concludes with this Sunday’s
celebration of the Baptism of the
Lord, is commonly characterized by
joy and peace; there is also an aura
of triumph that pervades this period
of time in both the spiritual and
secular realms.
First, on the spiritual side, the
proclamation that ‘God is with us’ in
the nativity of the Christ Child,
followed by the adoration of the
Magi asserting that He is the King of Kings, and today’s feast of
Jesus’ Baptism – acknowledging Him as the Son of God - are the
grace-filled events that act as the foundation of our faith allowing us
to celebrate His victory over sin and death on Easter Sunday.
On the secular front, victory is also on the minds of many people
during Christmas time. First, as the football season winds down,
champions emerge. In bowl game after bowl game winners are
crowned; and this year is especially charged with excitement due to
the new format in determining the collegiate champion. By Monday
evening we will know who the victor is, and then we will focus on the
final 4 teams in the NFL’s race to the Super Bowl.
Similarly, the motion picture companies often use the Christmas
season as the opportunity to present films of a heroic nature, where
the good guys beat the bad guys. This year particularly, closure was
provided in the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, where the
virtuous underdog overcomes the power of evil and victory is
Assumption RegionAl
CatholiC SChool
Dear Friends,
I am very pleased to announce some of the recent awards that our
Eighth Grade students have received:
Spartan NYB, an organization located in Philadelphia, has announced
its 2nd annual Essay Winners of 2015.
Makayla Brennan placed second and won a $1,000 scholarship to
any Catholic High School.
Catherine DelGuidice placed third and also received a $1,000
scholarship to any Catholic High School.
The topic for the essay was: “What are the effects of bullying and
what can be done to prevent them.”
We are very proud of the accomplishments of our students.
Thank you for your continued support.
God bless you,
Mary Ellen Schurtz
In the second reading this Sunday from the first letter of St. John
we are reminded that “whoever is begotten by God conquers the
world. And the victory that conquers the world is our Faith. Who
indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that
Jesus is the Son of God?”
We are very excited to report that our Annual
Fund has received a great start! To date we have
raised over $58,000 which is 73% of our overall
goal of $70,000.
It is sad that we look to so many external – and even virtual –
sources to find a sense of triumph, accomplishment, self worth or
even hope in our lives. Many people attempt to escape from the
challenges that surround them by entering into a relationship or
dependence on sports, movies, video games, or websites (and not
just pornography) that involves some level of delusion. And the list
could go on and on (alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, extreme
physical fitness, excessive material collections…).
Our Annual Fund is fundraising that is a
sustainable and dependable source of income
that supplements tuition. The annual fund allows
our students to continue to experience the
benefits of a modern education within an
atmosphere of Catholic values. It supports the
sustainability and financial stability of our school
for the future. Monies raised through the annual
fund allows for the updating and upgrading of technology, to help
keep our curriculum on the cutting edge and to support programs
offered to our students. The annual fund helps to bridge the gap
for things that tuition alone does not provide for.
But God tells us that ‘victory’ is an internal reality. We are
triumphant when we accept Jesus as the Son of God and our Savior;
“For the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the
world” (1 Jn 4:4).
In Baptism we do just that: we acknowledge Christ as King of our
lives becoming followers of His Way and members of His team – the
Church, and we receive the grace (special power) to conquer sin and
share in the victory of the Cross & Resurrection.
Take some time this week to reflect on what Baptism is. Google
“Catholic Baptism” and read some good websites about this
awesome sacrament. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you
understand that through Baptism you stand as a champion with
Peace, Fr Nick
If you or your company are looking to make that final tax donation
before the end of the year let us know! All donations to the Annual
Fund are 100% tax-deductible. Your donation, no matter how large
or small, has the potential to create a significant impact here at
To learn more you can call (609) 652-7134, email, go to or send a
donation to 146 S. Pitney Road, Galloway, NJ 08241.
BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Jerry
Gomez y Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de
la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH.
Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia.
NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES: Rectoría: (609) 652-0008 Favor de hacer
cheques a “Our Lady of Perpetual Help” o simplemente: OLPH.
1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por
una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden
echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass
Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de
OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008.
Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños,
NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto
llevatodo un proceso
del 2015 no se olviden después de la Misa Hispana tendremos el
festejo en la Cafetería y también tendremos el DOMINGO
3. GRUPO DE APOYO EN ESPANOL: Este grupo se reúnen todos los
Miércoles a las 4:30 en Decatur Ave Early Childhood Center in
Pleasantville. Temas a discutir son: Como bregar con el estrés o
enfermedades mentales. También cuando viven con personas
que tienen enfermedades mentales como la depresión, la
ansiedad y otros temas que se evolucionan durante la sesión de
grupos. Para mass información pueden llamar al 609-652-3800 –
Liz Flores o al
4. REUNION: Habrá una reunión con todos los cursillistas, lectores,
ministros de eucaristía, coro, los ujieres, TODOS los que
destacan una función en nuestra parroquia y toda la comunidad
que esta interesado en participar como voluntario, el 20 de
enero de 2015, a las 7pm después de la misa. POR FAVOR no
falten, necesitamos de todos ustedes.
5. GRUPO DE JOVENES: Primera reunión del 2015 será en enero 11
a las 6pm en San Nicolás. Tendremos muchas actividades, una
de ellas será el tema de Justicia Social Católica (o mejor dicho
discutiremos como promover la justicia social en el mundo?)
También necesita recoger una carta de permiso para poder
asistir el domingo 25 de enero de 4 a 6pm a la bolera Strike Zone
Lane. Vamos a tener mucha diversión.
6. CARTAS PARA LOS IMPUESTOS: Comenzando la tercera semana
de Enero, puede llamar a la rectoría de OLPH 609-652-0008 y
solicitar una carta para los impuestos de todas las contribuciones
que usted a aportado a la iglesia. Puede dejar su nombre,
dirección y numero de teléfono en los mensajes.
Usted y yo somos esos hijos predilectos de Dios.
La versión del evangelio según San Marcos dice: "Apenas (Jesús)
salió del agua, vio rasgarse el cielo y al Espíritu bajar hacia él como
una paloma. Se oyó una voz del cielo: Tú eres mi Hijo amado, mi
preferido". Esto significa dos cosas para quienes recibimos las aguas
bautismales. La primera, que el Espíritu Santo habita en quienes son
bautizados. A Jesús el Espíritu Santo lo condujo y lo inspiró durante
toda su vida terrena. Él se dejó conducir y provocaba en todo su
actuar que el Espíritu Santo actuara en Él. Los bautizados también
poseemos el Espíritu Santo desde el día de nuestro bautismo, no
solamente los grupos llamados de renovación carismática, ni los que
se dicen o se creen "iluminados". Todo bautizado posee al Espíritu
Santo; cosa aparte es reflexionar si el Espíritu Santo posee a todo
bautizado, porque ocurre que como muchas veces al ignorar el valor
de nuestro bautismo, no nos dejamos conducir por este Espíritu y lo
sofocamos con nuestra indiferencia, con nuestra falta de piedad, con
nuestros pecados. La otra nota es que Jesús recién bautizado y con
la posesión del Espíritu Santo, fue reconocido como "Hijo amado",
como "predilecto". Este mismo reconocimiento se pronuncia
también en el bautismo de cada persona. Dios Padre reconoce en
cada bautizado a un hijo amado y predilecto. Por tanto, sería tonto
que si somos hijos amados y predilectos nos comportemos como
esclavos ignorantes y sin educación.
Our first Youth Group (Edge) meeting of the year will be Sunday,
January 11th beginning at 6 pm at St. Nick’s. We will have plenty of
activities, snacks, and lively discussion with a focus on Catholic Social
Justice (or better yet, what can we do to promote justice in the
world?) Come and find out! You will also want to pick up a
permission slip for the next meeting which is Sunday, January 25th
from 4 to 6 pm at Strike Zone Lanes! Yay! Shake off that winter chill
by making your moves at the lanes. We will have a great time and
you’ll be home in time to enjoy some hot chocolate in the warmth of
your home! Please email with any
COACH HANDBAG BINGO TICKETS on sale after all Masses starting
January 10th and 11th, only 320 tickets being sold. Cost is $35.00.
Chinese auction on only Coach Products and a 50/50 raffle. Mark the
date, Friday, March 20th at Assumption Regional Catholic School 146
Pitney Rd Galloway. Doors open 5:30 games start at 7:00.
ST NICHOLAS CHURCH UN-DECORATING We will need assistance to
disassemble the Christmas decorations and pack them away this
Sunday, January 11, 2015, at 12 noon. There are many tasks to be
completed and individuals of all ages and abilities are welcome to
help out. Thank you to all of the dedicated volunteer decorators and
to those who made donations for the Christmas flowers and
decorations. After January 11, you are welcome to take home a
poinsettia. We request that you leave the clear carpet protector
saucer so that we may use those again.
Three Kings Celebration Please join us this Sunday, January 11th at St Nicholas
Cafeteria after the 10:00 am Spanish Mass for this celebration. All are invited.
2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS will be available after January 15th.
Please call the parish office with your name, address and phone
number. We will process request and mail out to you. At this time,
we would like to thank those who generously contribute their time
and talent to our parish. We could not do it without the three “T’s”:
Time, Talent and Treasure.
BLOOD DRIVE – Knights of Columbus #6342 will have their annual
Blood Drive on Monday, January 26th from 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm at St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 591 New Jersey Ave, Absecon. Contact
John DeRitis, Sr at 641-4580 if have any questions.
March for Life 2015
The Knights of Columbus Rev. Francis P. Araneo
Chapter and the Villa Marie Council # 6342 are
hosting a Free Bus Trip to the BASILICA OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE,
400 MICHIGAN AVE NE, WASHINGTON DC.20017, for the Right to
Life March.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Basilica of the National Shrine at 4:00PM.
The Knights will provide free morning refreshments. It is important
that you arrive at least 15 minutes before departures from these
sites. For additional information please contact Matt Simons – 609652-2896. Thank You for your support. It is your donations to the
Right to Life Roses, which helps to make this possible.
Our Prison Ministry has received a request from the Atlantic County
Prison, Mays Landing on items they need for their inmates. If you
can help, please drop your items off in the Narthex of the
Assumption site. Thank you in advance for your help.
T-Shirts for males – white only- sizes S,L,XL,2X
Men’s underwear – white – sizes S,M,L,XL,2X
Socks for both males and females – white only
Women’s undergarments – white – sz. 5,6,7,8
Women’s bra’s – white – sports – size. 32, 36
Small travel size tubes of toothpaste
Small travel size bottles of lotion
Small travel size shampoo/conditioners
Small bars of soap
Deodorant both males and females. Small or medium.
A Very Special Thank You!
Thank you to all the lovely young people
from Pre-K to 8th grade of the parish who
so graciously gave their time to present in
tableau the gospel during the gospel
reading at the 4 pm Mass Christmas Eve.
Those children are:
Olivia Lewendowski (Mary), Jarod Jakobo (Joseph)
Irenonsen Eigbe (Clare), Dylan Joseph (Francesco)
Angels: Abby Reed, Kaitlyn Moliver, Corrine Morgan, Isabella
Turiano, Vivian Liu, Kiera Liu & Kylie Jinks.
Shepherds: Tim Coleman, Jacob Nowalsky, Owen Nowalsky, Jerry
McGowan, Zachary Palmer, Anthony Marcello & Marissa Turiano.
Thank you as well to
“Angel” Tara Gubbins for bringing bringing baby Jesus (Kylie Gubbins)!
SOCIAL SUNDAY - Stop by and enjoy some goodies and coffee with
your fellow parishioners after Sunday Masses at both locations.
Ministers of Communion, Readers/Lectors, Cantors, Ushers and
Greeters are ministries we are always looking for help. If you have
the desire to be a part of any of the above, please call the parish
DECEMBER 21, 2014
2014 - $16,982.21
2013 - $19,886.68
Christmas Flowers 2014 - $2,026.38
Youth Ministry 2013 - $3,261.96
DECEMBER 28, 2014
2014 - $14,440.88
2013 - $15,112.72
Christmas Flowers – 2014 - $1,299.00
Star Herald – 2014 $1,989.74
Star Herald – 2013 $2,365.29
We need your help in placing an ad on the back of our bulletin.
There are several sizes and spaces available.
The proceeds from these ads make it possible for us to publish our
bulletin at no cost and helps provide much needed income to our
parish. If you can help by placing a small ad or two, please call Bill
Potter at 856-607-3999. He is our representative.
We also ask our parishioners to please support those who do
advertise on our bulletin because they are supporting us
Worthington, Meg
January 1, 2015
Schussler, Mary Ann
January 2, 2015
Tornese, Ronald
January 3, 2015
Giumara, Virginia
January 4, 2015
Freeman, Kathy & George
January 5, 2015
Carlino, Dolores
January 6, 2015
Molska, Elizabeth
January 7, 2015
McLaughlin, Tom & Barb
January 8, 2015
Pescitelli, James
January 9, 2015
Hagar, M/M Michael
January 10, 2015
Ferry, John Sr
January 11, 2015
Gollini, M. Eileen
January 12, 2015
Rundio, Henry
January 13, 2015
Miranda, Michael
January 14, 2015
Shorosky, Annette
January 15, 2015
Pietraniello, Anthony
January 16, 2015
Saraceno, Vincent
January 17, 2015
Caplis, Mike & Jacqueline
January 18, 2015
Bechtle, Suzanne
January 19, 2015
Ryan, Jim
January 20, 2015
Sartorio, Mary Emma & Henry
January 21, 2015
Hyland, Patrick
January 22, 2015
Steiner, Joe
January 23, 2015
Kirner, Barb
January 24, 2015
O’Brien, Finnegan
January 25, 2015
Jacalone, Susan
January 26, 2015
Vekteris, Diane
January 27, 2015
Farabella, Chase
January 28, 2015
Roeser, James
January 29, 2015
McLaughlin, Maureen
Williams, Lynne
January 30, 2015
January 31, 2015