January Newsletter 15.pub - South Woodham Ferrers U3A

January 2015
Vice Chairman
Janice Tyas
David Courtenay
Maureen Stockton
Allen Surrey
Committee Members
Sheila Chilton
01245 321110
01245 321093
01621 741655
01245 320743
01245 321238
Chris Dutfield
Heather Richardson
Brian Chilton
01621 828806
01245 320205
01245 321238
Anne Jackson
01245 322261
Lynn Boyland
01245 321127
Adelaide Ogilvie
Jean Foddering
01245 320716
01245 320874
From the Chair,
I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. If you are like me, you
over-indulged! I am glad the Christmas dinners are over and the turkey
finished. It’s the time of the year for New Year resolutions, do you make
them and if so do you keep them. I never do, so I do not bother any more.
I hope you have another successful year in your groups and we have two new
ones starting soon. The social committee are planning some more trips this
year and I hope you will support them.
On behalf of the committee I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.
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Memory Course 2015
Due to this being oversubscribed, not everyone
who put their name down will be able to come
on this occasion. I have contacted those who
were on the waiting list from last year, and
added those who put their name down at the last
meeting, on a first come first served basis.
Everyone will be contacted personally, and if
you are not included this time, your name will
be put on the waiting list for the next course.
Margaret Martin
Cost is £13 including coach fare to visit this
special venue with a tour.
There are still places available for this trip
Please come and talk to our Social Committee
(in other hall) for more details, if you are
Jean Foddering
Weekend Activities/Sunday Dining
We are meeting Sunday, 12 o’clock 1st February
at the Town Crier, South Woodham Ferrers.
If you are interested in joining us
please sign the list at the U3A meeting,
or telephone me on 322261
Anne Jackson
Groups Co-ordinator
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Twenty members of the group met for a chat and refreshments at Stow
Maries for our Christmas get together. We discussed the 2014 programme
and I was able to talk a little about next year’s plans. Thanks to Judy we
quietly worked on the quiz and the crossword both of which challenged our
horticultural knowledge. Many thanks to the everybody who helped
to organise the event. We will not to forget the cake makers either.
Future Plans
Monday January 12th We will have a talk by Mike Sullivan from the
Alpine Society. Mike will bring plants and answer questions.
2 pm at Smythe Hall, Stow Maries. £4.50 including refreshments.
Monday February 9th Dr. Simon Charlesworth who is a Lavender
Grower, propagator and Chelsea gold medal winner. We hope to visit his
nursery later in the year to learn more about lavender. 2 pm at Smythe
Hall Stow Maries. Cost £5.00 including refreshments.
Monday March 9th Awaiting info from Writtle College but we have other
idea in the pipeline if not successful with Writtle.
Enjoy Mary
Walking Group
The walking group meet on the first and third Friday of the month; we are
not a strolling group and do walk at quite a stiff pace with few stops. If you
would like to join us, just turn up. Alternatively please feel free to contact
me for further information about walking, using any of the means listed at
the back of this newsletter. You can also get more details about the walking
group from our web site; http://walking.swf-u3a.org.uk, which is updated
January Walks
Friday 2nd January - Bradwell Walk - 6.5 miles - please meet in St Peters
on the Wall car park just before 10am.
Friday 16th January - Woodham Walter Walk - 5.5 miles - please meet in
the lay-by opposite the Bell pub in Woodham Walter for a 10am start.
Advance Notice of February Walks
Friday 6th February - Burnham Walk - 6 miles - please meet in Burnham
Marina car park at 10 am.
Friday 20th February - Purleigh Walk - 5.5 miles - please meet in
Purleigh sports field car park at 10 am.
Bob Tyas
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Local History
Christmas lunch
Once again the Local History Group enjoyed the festive lunch at Club
Woodham. We have used this venue for a few years now and they always
come up trumps on food and service.
Special thanks go to Allen and the team for an excellent year of events and for
their time and effort. We look forward to more of the same in 2015. Pat
Theatre Throng
‘History Boys’
Palace Theatre Westcliff
Thursday 29th January 2015 at 2.30pm
Followed by dinner at Oldhams (opposite the
Tickets were available for collection and
payment at December meeting.
All tickets now sold.
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The next meeting will be on Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 7.30
for 7.45pm
The venue:
The Balti Bhujon
24 Mill Road
Tel: 01621 852564
All starters and main dishes from the menu will be
charged at half price. Approximate cost of a two course
evening meal excluding drinks should be £10
. Payment to be paid to the restaurant on the night.
Board will be out at meetings.
Graham Evans Tel 01621 742524
Kathy and I would like to thank all the Cliquers for their
support and wonderful company during 2014. I would
like to say a special word of thanks for the generosity
and kindness shown to us at the Christmas Clique
Special. Santa would also like to thank Judy, Chris,
Mary, Kay, Christine and even ‘Noel’ for the special
attention he received. Graham
SUPREME COURT TRIP 6TH FEBRUARY - I will confirm pick-up
times at the U3A meeting as coach company is closed over the
holidays. Will all those booked please let me know if they want to be
picked up at the Village Hall in Hullbridge Road or at Asda.
SUMMER TRIP - I have booked a coach for a trip to Aldeburgh and
Southwold on Tuesday 30th June which will have our two usual guides
Claire and Ian on board. Further details to be given later but put the date in
your diaries early.
QUIZ NIGHT - This has been booked for Friday October 16th at
Champions Manor Hall so please put this date in your diaries now so we
can sell tickets later in the year.
Thank you for supporting the Social Committee. Jean Foddering
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Wine Group 3
Christmas Buffet
A great time was had by all with great food, wine and plenty of merriment to
go round.
The stars of the show were our very own organisers Sheila and Brian who
have done us proud throughout the year.
The rain was pouring and there was a big puddle
in front of the pub. A ragged old man was
standing there with a rod and hanging a string
into the puddle. A curious gentleman came over
to him and asked what he was doing.
'Fishing,' the old man said simply.
'Poor old fool,' the gentleman thought and he
invited the ragged old man to a drink in the pub.
As he felt he should start some conversation
while they were sipping their whisky, the
gentleman asked, ‘And how many have you
Page 7
London Walks 1
May we begin by wishing you all a Happy Healthy and Peaceful NewYear.
This is a list of our planned walks for the coming year and as you can see
we begin with our Indoor talk at Champions Manor from 2pm -4pm. We
will be collecting names and money (£5) for this at the meeting.
Wednesday February 18 Talk at Champions Manor entitled
"London's Horrible History "
" March 18 Ghosts of the West End (Evening)
" April 15 Bloody Flaming Poxy London
May 20 Docklands
June 17 Old Palace Quarter
15 Village in Piccadilly
August 19 Olympic Park
Sept 16 Old Marylebone
21 In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes
Nov 18 Inside Covent Garden
02 Christmas meal (TBC)
Mary and Kay
Art and Architecture
We have booked a speaker for a talk at Champions Manor Hall on
Wednesday 28th January. It will be a similar format to last year with a
buffet lunch followed by the talk. The speaker will be David Thompson
who gave the talk last January but his topic this year will be the architect
Nicholas Hawksmoor.
The plan is for the buffet lunch to be available at 1.30pm followed by the
talk at 2.00pm so please gather about 1.15pm for 1.30pm.
All u3a members are welcome to attend. The price is £12.50 per person
however we are able to call upon group funds do subsidise the price for
2014 Art and Architecture group members for whom the price is £8.50.
This covers the buffet lunch and the talk.
There are a good number of people signed up to attend but places are
available if you would like to come along. If possible we would to finalise
numbers (and payments) on Wednesday 7th January so that catering
numbers can be confirmed. Chris and Roy
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London Theatre
The Book of the Mormon - Wed mat. 11th February. 10+ £39.50 + 60p
fee. Tickets on hold. Please confirm your availability and have cheques
available at the meeting.
Cats - Wed mat 25th February. 6+ £39.50 + 60p fee. Tickets available at
the meeting.
Taken at Midnight - Wed mat. 11th March – 6+ £32.50+49p 10+
£29.50+45p. Tickets available at the meeting, please have cheques
available for payment.
Miss Saigon - Thurs mat. 23rd April - 10+ £32.50 + 49p fee. Tickets
purchased, please have cheques available at the meeting. I will circulate
tickets in the New Year.
Memphis - Wed mat 17th or 24th June - 10+ £39.50 + 60p fee – Starring
Beverley Knight has opened to rave reviews, however, she is not
performing matinees. It looks as though the majority will go for a matinee
so I’m suggesting 17th or 24th June. Please indicate whether you are
available on these dates.
Gypsy - Wed. mat. 6+ £45+68p 10+ £39.50+60p 40+ £35+53p. Starring
Imelda Staunton is coming to the Savoy Theatre in April and booking
through to November -Board is out for interest and I will be looking at
booking in July or August if this doesn’t clash with holidays.
A Happy & Healthy New Year to all. Pauline
New Year's Resolutions
Just think, think, think,
Of things you can do,
To make yourself better,
Before the year's through.
Resolutions can be tough,
Or simple as can be,
Making resolutions,
Are great for you and me!
So what will you promise,
To help yourself my dear
Through 2015,
Have a happy new year!
Iram Khan
Page 9
By John Updike
The days are short,
The sun a spark,
Hung thin between
The dark and dark.
Fat snowy footsteps
Track the floor.
Milk bottles burst
Outside the door.
The river is
A frozen place
Held still beneath
The trees of lace.
The sky is low.
The wind is gray.
The radiator
Purrs all day.
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Today’s speaker is Patricia Pound ’Snippets of history of Romford,
Hornchurch and Brentwood’
4th Feb:
Ian Keeble
‘Satirist to Insanity’
Ian talks of one of the most famous graphic artists of the 18th century,
James Gilroy. It is 100 years since his death but who, in many respects,
was the pioneer of the modern caricature
Jean Foddering (Leader)
Monica Streamer (Treasurer)
Dorne Knott
Pat Golding
Unni Vester-Hodgson
Shirley Watters
Our Web Site
This contains details of past and future meetings. It also
has a copy of the newsletter each month, so you can check
any details. http://www.swf-u3a.org.uk
The Crouch Valley U3A web site is at
Page 11
Meet 4th Friday @ 11am
Contact:- Maureen Jones
Art & Architecture Meet 4th Tuesday @
Co-ordinator :- Chris Miles
01245 401015
e-mail:- chrisandkaymiles@yahoo.co.uk
Art Group Practical Meet 3rd Tuesday 1.30pm – 4:30pm
Co-ordinator :- Ali-J Wilson
e-mail:- alijaywilson@btinternet.com
Bird Watching
Meets 1st Thursday @ 10:00am
Contact :- Eileen Maclean
01245 426232
01245 321160
Book Group 1
Meets 1st Monday @ 10.00am First Monday.
Co-ordinator:- Sue Moore
01268 763679
Book Group 2
Meets 1st Monday @ 7.30pm. First Monday
Co-ordinator :- Pam French
01245 400311
e-mail:- derekpamfrench@hotmail.com
Cards and Games
for fun
Meets 4th Wednesday
Co-ordinator :- Adelaide Ogilivie
e mail:- adelaide.ogilvie@btinternet.com 01245 320716 .
Computer Self Help On line forum No Meetings
Co-ordinator :- JG Weston
e-mail:- jgw321@gmail.com
Craft Group
Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays @10:00-12:00am
Plus 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @10:00-12:00am
Co-ordinator :- Sandra Rolfe
01245 320374
E-mail - sandra.rolfe@btinternet.com
Curry Clique
Meets third Tuesday of alternate months
Co-ordinator Graham Evans
01621 742524
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Discussion Group
Meets 3rd Monday @ 2:00 – 4:00pm
at members homes
Co-ordinator :- Margaret Hill
Digital Photography Meets 4th Friday @ 10:00am
Co-ordinator :- Ali-J Wilson
e-mail:- alijaywilson@btinternet.com
Drawing Group
01245 426232
Meets fourth Monday of the month at 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Co-ordinator :- Ali-J Wilson
01245 426232
e-mail:- alijaywilson@btinternet.com
Family History Group Meets 4th Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm
Co-ordinator :- Pat Golding
e-mail:- patgo121@gmail.com
Film Making
01245 320997
01245 320846
Meets 3rd Thursday @ 10:00 – 12:00am
Co-ordinator :- Ken Pratt
01245 324930
e-mail:- ken.pratt@btinternet.com
Film Viewing Group Meets 3rd Wednesday @ 2:00 – 4:30pm
Co-ordinator :- Linda Cusick
01245 329817
e-mail:- lindacusick@me.com
French Group
Gardening Group
Golfing Group
Meets 2nd Thursday @ 1:30 – 4:30pm
Co-ordinator :- Jean Foddering
Meets 2nd Monday
Co-ordinator :- Mary Dodd
e-mail:- mbdoddswf@aol.com
01245 320874
01245 328179
Meets every Monday Morning
Co-ordinator :- Bob Tyas
01245 321110
e-mail:- robert@tyas82.freeserve.co.uk
Hand Held Technology Meets 1st Thursday @ 1:30—3.30pm
Co-ordinator:- Brian Hurrell
01245 324148
e-mail: handheldtechnology@yahoo.co.uk
Local History Group Meets 2nd Tuesday @ 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Contact :- Allen Surrey
e-mail:- a.surrey@sdtl.com
01245 320743
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London Theatres
Meets to suit Tickets
Co-ordinator :- Pauline Coster
01245 320437
e-mail:- coster@brentpc.orangehome.co.uk30
London Walks
Group 1
Meets 3rd Wednesday when walks are scheduled
Co-ordinator :- Mary Brindley
01245 329162
e-mail:- royandmary@homecall.co.uk
London Walks
Group 2
Meets 4th Thursday when walks are scheduled
Co-ordinator :- Janice Tyas
01245 321110
Luncheon Club
Meets 2nd Thursday for lunch @ selected venue
Co-ordinator :- Heather Richardson 01245 320205
e-mail:- heatherhmr99@waitrose.com
Music Appreciation Meets 2nd Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Co-ordinator :- Heather Richardson
e-mail:- heatherhmr99@waitrose.com
01245 320205
Play Reading Group Meets 3rd Tuesday 10am until 12 noon
Coordinator Judith
email jmary.orchidplace@talktalk.net
Snooker Group
Meets 2nd Thursday 2:00 pm.
First floor SWF Village Hall
Co-ordinator :- David Courtenay
e-mail:- david.courtenay@talktalk.net
01245 321093
Science & Technology Meets 1st Thursday 10:00 – 12:00 pm
In the Meeting Room @ Champions Manor
Co-ordinator :- Carol Weston
01245 325080
Singles - Social
& Dining
Meets 3rd Monday for lunch 11:30 am
Co-ordinator :- Joan Bridger
Val Weidenhaur
E-mail Valinda69@talktalk.net
Meets 4th Monday 10:30 am
Contact :- Anne Jackson
01245 322261
Coordinator: Jill Hiskitt
01245 320794
Page 14
01245 328369.
01245 324813
Tai Chi
Meets 4th Monday 10:30 am
Contact :- Anne Jackson
Coordinator: Jill Hiskitt
Meets every Monday 1:15 – 2:30 pm
@ SWF Village Hall
Tutor :- Gareth Chandler
e-mail:- gochandler@btinternet.com
01245 322261
01245 320794
07760 234536
Ten Pin Bowling
Meets 2nd Friday & 4th Tuesday @ 9:45 am
Madison Heights in Maldon
Co-ordinator :- David Courtenay
01245 321093
e-mail:- david.courtenay@talktalk.net
Walking Group
Meets 1st & 3rd Friday
Co-ordinator :- Bob Tyas
01245 321110
e-mail:- robert@tyas82.freeserve.co.uk
Whisky Appreciation Meets 4th Friday @ 2:00 pm
Co-ordinator :- Alan Golding
01245 3208
Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Group 1
Co-ordinator :- Bob Tyas
01245 321110
e-mail:- robert@tyas82.freeserve.co.uk
Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Group 2
Co-ordinator :- Gerald Malone
e-mail:- gjmalone@yahoo.com
01245 325572
Wine Appreciation Meets 2nd Friday 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Group 3
Co-ordinator :- Brian Chilton
e-mail:- sheila.chilton@talktalk.net
01245 321238
Please note the deadline for inclusion in next month’s
Newsletter is Thursday 31st January
E-mail to Lyn Kear at f.kear365@btinternet.com, tel.321367
or post to
11 Clements Court, SWF, CM3 5FB.
Page 15
Day of the
Golfing Group
Local History
Film Viewing
London Walks 1
Film Making
Art Practical
Curry Clique
Cards and Games for
London Walks 2
Tai Chi
Drawing Group
Ten Pin Bowling
Art & Architecture
Family History
Tai Chi
Craft Group
Golfing Group
Golfing Group
Singles Social &
Tai Chi
Discussion Group
South Woodham Ferrers U3A
Interest Group Programme
Golfing Group
Book Group 1
Tai Chi
Book Group 2
Bird Watchng
Science & Technology
Hand Held
Luncheon Club
Ten Pin
Theatre as Arranged, Curry Clique, third Tuesday of alternate months