Rotarians inspired by a talk on human relationships

f o r p r ivat e c i r c u l at i o n o n ly
Vol. 5 6 I Is s ue No. 2 9 I Mum bai I Jan uar y 13 – Jan uar y 19, 2015 I Pages 8 I r 3/-
Rotarians inspired by a talk on
human relationships
At last week's meeting, Shri Shubha Vilas Das shared the secrets to lasting relationships
hri Shubha Vilas Das
holds a Bachelor’s degree
in Electronics and Telecommunications as well as an
L.L.B. (specialising in Intellectual
Property Law). His career began
with the Tata Group and he later
moved to an international law
firm in Bangalore. He has served
society in numerous ways. One
of his many roles is counselling
and guiding students in the areas
of leadership, overcoming failures
and managing stress at various
colleges such as IISC, Bangalore;
BITS Pilani, Goa; Jamnalal Bajaj
Institute of Management Studies
and Sydenham Institute of Management Studies.
He also conducts courses for
Management students based on
the learnings from the Ramayana. He has authored a series
of books published by Jaico
Publishing known as Ramayana
—The Game of Life. These books
contain stories from the epic
Ramayana that impart lessons for
a fruitful and content contemporary life.
Before starting the talk, Shri
Shubha Vilas recited a prayer and
expressed his gratitude towards
the Club for letting him share his
ideas with them. He began by
giving Rotarians tips on how to
handle human relationships. He
said, “The one thing that everybody in this world needs is to give
love and experience love and naturally, the process of giving and
receiving love is what is called a
relationship today. It is said that
relationships are like a bird; if you
squeeze it too much, it dies and
if you leave it free, it flies. If you
give it love and affection, it stays.
On one hand, in a desire to develop strong relationships, people
squeeze a relationship so badly,
the other person wants to run
away from it. On the other hand,
in order to have a relationship
based on freedom and space,
we spend such little time with the
other person that the relationship
dies altogether. Whether it is in a
family or friendship; a corporate
setup or the community at large,
relationships are what make
He proceeded to share what
he calls the secrets of a lasting
relationship. He explained, “The
first secret is to focus on the goal
and not on your role. Most times
in life, we forget to see the bigger
picture and make ourselves the
big picture. Instead of focusing
on the goal of a relationship, one
starts focusing on one’s own
role, and once the role becomes
prominent, the goal is forgotten.
When you try to make yourself
the big picture, you forget the
biggest picture and that is why
relationships meet a tragic end.
Let me share a story from the
Ramayana with you to explain
this better. When the monkey
army is in search of Mother Sita,
they come across an 800-mile
sea which has to be crossed and
while the monkeys bragged about
their powers, Hanuman remained
silent. It is here that Jambavan intervened and convinced
Hanuman of his powers and
Guest Speaker Shri Shubha Vilas Das at last week's meeting
directed him towards his goals.
One hardly sees a mention of
Jambavan in Ramayana from
this point, but had he focused
on his role and not the bigger
goal, the goal would never have
been achieved. From the world’s
point of view, Hanuman is the
hero, but from his point of view,
Jambavan is the real hero as
had he not inspired Hanuman to
tap into his potential, he would
January 13 to January 19, 2015
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
From L to R: Rtn. Jetu Lalvani, Rtn. Nanik Rupani and Guest Speaker Shri Shubha Vilas Das
From L to R: President Rtn. Shailesh Haribhakti, Honorary Secretary Rtn. Nandan Maluste
and Shri Shubha Vilas Das
From L to R: Rtn. Nanik Rupani, Rtn. Nandan Maluste, Shri Shubha Vilas Das, President Rtn.
Shailesh Haribhakti and Rtn. Ritu Prakash Desai
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
never have realised it for himself.
Relationships are essentially in
three categories — the first is
where you like to be independent,
the second is where you like to be
dependent but the third and the
ideal type is where one is ready
to be interdependent.
“The second secret is the four
As of a relationship. The first A is
acceptance. When we know that
someone has skills, abilities and
resources and exploit the person
completely, the relationship dies
and we lose that person forever. It is important to only accept
what and how much you deserve
to receive from the person to
ensure that the relationship stays
healthy. The second A stands for
appreciation. Appreciation should
be done in public and criticism in
private. Unfortunately, most of the
times, it is the other way round
and even when there is no appreciation, criticism is done very publically. People struggle so much
to appreciate another person and
often do not think twice before
humiliating them. One has to put
one's ego aside and appreciate
people for their efforts. The third
A is known as acknowledgement.
One of the most important needs
in human beings is the need
to be acknowledged. So many
people come to me with problems and I sit and listen to them
patiently and after two hours of
talking to me, they tell me, “Thank
you, Prabhu ji, you solved our
problems” and all I had done was
listen to them and acknowledge
them as real people with real
Honorary Secretary Rtn. Nandan Maluste
problems. The fourth and final A
happens only when the first three
As are not acknowledged, which
is alienation and this can be
avoided by practising the values
of acceptance, appreciation and
In closing, he discussed how
talent is not enough to sustain
life but a good attitude can be.
“Talent can open the first and
second door to success but not
necessarily the last one. Beyond
a certain point, talent is the
most worthless virtue one can
possess. There are many things
that talent can help with but the
From L to R: Shri Shubha Vilas Das, President Rtn. Shailesh Haribhakti and Rtn. Ritu
Prakash Desai
January 13 to January 19, 2015
Rtn. Ritu Prakash Desai
Rotarians and Rotaryannes at last week's meeting
day you meet with a problem
that talent cannot overcome
and if all your life, you have only
overcome your difficulties with
the help of talent, then you will
face the greatest crisis of your
life and not know what to do.
In relationships where there is
talent, there is also a lot of ego
and for these relationships to
last, one must always have a
good attitude. In life, if you are
not talented, it is fine but if you
have a bad attitude, it will not be
fine. A bad attitude is more contagious than a good one, which
is why we should keep a check
on our attitude.
“Here is a principle that will
help you see relationships from a
totally different perspective. This
is known as the Lens Principle
that essentially says ‘who you
are is what you will see; who you
are determines how you will see
others, and who you are determines how you see life’. Our
self-image is very important and
we must start finding new ways
of loving people and learning
to appreciate what we already
have,” he concluded.
Pink Flamingo Field Trip-cum-Fellowship
The Environment Committee of the Rotary Club of Bombay is organising a Field Trip-cum-Fellowship event on February 2
(World Wetlands Day) between 1.30 pm and 6.30 pm.
The trip will include watching pink flamingos that migrate to the wetlands of Navi Mumbai. An award-winning naturalist will
give the group a guided tour of the mangroves and mud flats and treat Rotarians to some rare bird-watching.
After this, a 10-minute film on the importance of wetlands will be screened at the Seawoods Complex Club House, Navi
Mumbai, followed by high tea hosted by Dr. Anjali Parasnis, a renowned scientist who heads the Mumbai operations of
TERI, the environment consultancy headed by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri
(who won the Nobel Prize as the Chairman of IPCC).
Rotarians and Rotaryannes are requested to register with Madhusudan Daga (Chairman,
Environment Committee) via email at Please note that to keep this a
meaningful and entertaining experience, we can only have a group size of 50 on a
first-come-first-served basis. So hurry and register.
Donors to the Rotary Club of Bombay
Charities Trust No. 3 (2014-15)
Rtn. Shivkumar Israni through Gharda Chemicals Ltd.
Bhavishya Yaan
Rtn. Harkishan Chatlani
Birthday Donation
` 51,000
Rtn. Khurshed Thanawalla
Birthday Donation
` 11,000
Rtn. Zinia Lawyer
Birthday Donation
` 10,000
Rtn. Ishraq Contractor
Birthday Donation
` 5,000
Rtn. Chiranjilal Joshi
Birthday Donation
` 5,000
January 13 to January 19, 2015
` 500,000
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
January 13 to January 19, 2015
January 13 to January 19, 2015
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
Christmas Assembly at G. K. Marg
Municipal School
ecember 23, 2014 was a
merry time at the
G. K. Marg School as
Bhavishya Yaan organised a
Christmas Assembly for the
students. Bhavishya Yaan
students organised a party for
the non-BY Students so as to
include the whole school in the
Christmas celebrations. All of the
350 students were invited to the
party and the arrangements were
supervised by R/Anne Ekta Shah.
Rtn. Sitaram Shah,
Rtn. Rajesh Shah and
R/Anne Asha Shah attended the
party and participated in all the
games and activities with the
children.The Bhavishya Yaan
students took the lead in arrangements, right from decoration to
hosting, keeping every small
detail in mind and executing
everything to perfection.
They sang Christmas carols,
danced to Christmas songs and
also organised a flash mob to the
Bollywood song Rang De
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
January 13 to January 19, 2015
Basanti. The students set up
many game stalls such as
Bucketing the Ball, Ring the Toys,
Joker & Lollipop and Thermocol
Balls & Straw.
All the students attended
the party dressed in red and
white and also exchanged gifts.
Snacks such as cake, chips and
samosas. were provided to the
Rtn. Vandan Shah surprised
the students with his entry as
Santa Claus and distributed
chocolates. Mrs. Moralwar,
the principal of the School cut
the cake. The BY coordinators
did a wonderful job in putting
things together and making
the Christmas celebrations a
grand success. The party was
sponsored by Rtn. Rajesh Shah,
Rtn. Vandan Shah and Rtn. Alok
Donor passes for the Terry Fox Brunch to be held on
Sunday, February 1 at the Regal Room, Trident are
available with the Rotary Office. Please do purchase to
support Tata Memorial Hospital's
Cancer Research Programme.
January 13 to January 19, 2015
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
Published on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Regd. No. MCS/091/2015-17; R.N.I. No. 14015/60, WPP license No. MR / TECH / WPP-89/South 2015
License to post without prepayment. Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai 400 001, on Wednesday, January 14, 2015
rotary club of bombay
Founded 19 march, 1929
Charter No. 3128, Dated 08 May, 1929
97-B Mittal Tower, Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021, India
Tel.: 91 22 22024089
Fax.: 91 22 22024509
Happy Birthday
Forthcoming Meetings
Official Club Visit by District
Office Bearers 2014-15
President Immediate Past President President-Elect President-Nominee Honorary Secretary Joint Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Shailesh Haribhakti
Nirav Shah
Dr. Sonya Mehta
Dr. Mukesh Batra
Nandan Maluste
Ritu Prakash Desai
Manish Reshamwala
Club Service: New Members
Director in charge
Dr. Sonya Mehta
Classifications and
Membership PP Arun Sanghi
Rotary Information PP Paul George
Membership Development
and District Conference Dr. Mukesh Batra
Sergeant-at-Arms and
Assimilation Tara Deshpande
Club Service: Programmes and Meetings
Director in charge Meera Alreja
Programmes Nanik Rupani
Fellowship PP Ashish Vaid
Attendance Arvind Agarwal
Bulletin and Website Dr. Prakriti Poddar
Fundraising Pradeep Chinai
Sports Hiranmay Biswas
Sheila Bulchandani
January 13
Pranay Vakil
January 13
Jai Advani
January 13
Kalpana Munshi
January 14
january 27
Kishore Biyani, CEO, Future
Baji Billimoria
January 15
Dinesh Lal
January 15
Arin Master
January 16
Darious Irani
January 16
S. K. Mitra
January 16
Dr. Ramchandra Lele
January 16
Prakash Jotwani
January 16
Apurva Diwanji
January 17
Community Service: Medical
Director in charge
Dr. Nayna Dastur
Chairman Emeritus – Talwada PP Dr. Rahim Muljiani
Hasanali Tobaccowala Eye Centre PP Dr. Rumi Jehangir
Ajit Deshpande Medical Centre PP Nowroze Vazifdar
Medical and Cancer Aid Dr. Anand Shah
Differently Abled and Polio Plus PP Kalpana Munshi
Community Service: Non Medical
Director in charge
Alok Sekhsaria
Women Empowerment
Arin Master
Environment and Water
Sanitation Madhusudan Daga
Legal Aid
Sameer Tapia
Old Age Home (Ambarnath)
Ravi Fotedar
Vocational Service
Director in charge Rotary Public Awards Vocational Training and
Night Study Centres Vikram Daiya
Shernaz Vakil
Sunny Pariyaram
International Service
Director in charge Hiren Kara
The Rotary Foundaion and
TRF Grants PP Sandip Agarwalla
Corporate Social Responsibility Suresh Goklaney
Youth I – Education
Director in charge Preeti Mehta
Bhavishya Yaan Shivkumar Israni
Merit-cum-Means Scholarships Roda Billimoria
Youth II – Early Act
Director in charge Interact Rotaract District Thrust Areas
Director in charge Committees on
District Initiatives Freyaz Shroff
Sidharth Punshi
Gaurav Nevatia
Manoj Patodia
PP Pradeep Saxena
Soumendra Nath Lahiri on
Indian equity markets
Haresh Jagtiani
January 17
Sushil Kumar
Ratan Tankha
January 18
January 14
Gaurav Nevatia
January 19
Radhika Sheth January 13
Economic and community development
The statistics for the
meeting held on Tuesday,
January 6, 2015 are
as under:
Visting Rotarians
Total attendance 119
Community Service Box
collection - R3,800/-
F orthcoming speaker : S O U M E N D R A N A T H L A H I R I
On January 20, Soumendra Nath Lahiri will discuss "Equity Market Outlook: Going Forward"
oumendra Nath Lahiri, Senior
Vice President and Fund
Manager, DSP ML Mutual
Fund, obtained a Bachelor's
degree in Mechanical Engineering
and a Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (PGDM) from the
Indian Institute of Management
(IIM), Bangalore.
He is the Equities Head at
L&T Investment Management.
He manages L&T Equity Fund,
L&T Infrastructure Fund and L&T
Emerging Businesses Fund and
assets in excess of R5,000 crores
in equities.
Lahiri has more than 18 years
experience in the Indian equity
market. Prior to joining L&T, he
was the Head of Equities at Canara Robeco Mutual Fund.
His previous assignments
include Chief Investment Officer
at Emkay Global Services and
Fortuna Capital and Co-Head-Equities with DSP Merrill Lynch
Investment Managers Private
Editorial Consultant:
Aditi Padiyar, Spenta Multimedia,
Peninsula Spenta, Mathuradas Mill
Compound, N.M. Joshi Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
Landline: 022-24811010
WPP license No. MR / TECH / WPP-89 / South
2015. License to post without prepayment
Regd. No. MCS/091/2015-17,
R.N.I. No. 14015/60
Posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Printed, Published by Rtn. Ar jun Bulchandani on behalf of Rotary Club of Bombay and printed at Spenta Multimedia, Peninsula Spenta, Mathur adas Mill Compound,
N.M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013 and Published at 97/B, Mit tal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021. Editor: Ar jun Bulchandani
The Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bombay |
January 13 to January 19, 2015