The Anglican Parish of the Wollombi Valley The Weekly Wollombi Valley E-pistle From the Churches of St John’s, Wollombi and St Mark’s, Laguna Sunday the 11th January 2015 – the Baptism of the Lord Sentences, Prayers and Readings for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Sentence: God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10.38 Prayer of the Day: Eternal God, at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan you proclaimed him your beloved Son, and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: grant that all who are baptised into his name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Saviour; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. AMEN Readings for this week, the Baptism of the Lord (first Sunday after the Epiphany): Genesis 1.1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19.1-7 Mark 1.4-11 Rosters … Readings for next week, the second Sunday after the Epiphany: st Roster for this week, 21 of December 1 Samuel 3.1-10 (11-20) Psalm 139.1-5,12-18 READER; Kerry, PRAYER LEADER; Keith, MORNING TEA; 1 Corinthians 6.12-20 John 1.43-51 Paula, SACRAMENTS;Rex, CLEANING; Ken This Week … th Sunday 11 of January 2015 Service of Prayer and Worship at St John's Wollombi at 8:30 am. Holy Eucharist at St John's Wollombi at 10 am. Next Week … th Roster for this week, 11 of January READER; Marilyn, PRAYER LEADER; Kerry, MORNING TEA; Marilyn, SACRAMENTS;George, CLEANING; Helen th Roster for next week, 18 of January READER; George, PRAYER LEADER; Marilyn, MORNING TEA; Helen, SACRAMENTS;Rex, CLEANING; Marilyn, George th Sunday 18 of January 2015 Service of Prayer and Worship at St Mark's Laguna at 8:30 am Holy Eucharist at St Mark's Laguna at 10 am. Parish Contacts… Priest in Charge: Father Graham Jackson ph. 4998 8343 Priest’s Warden: John Nicol ph. 4998 8396 People’s Wardens: Ken Winn, George Star Organist: Helen Ellis ph. 4998 3479 Newsletter Editor: Michael Ellis ph.4998 3479 Parish Secretary; Kerry Lannoy ph 4998 8343 If you will not be at Church when rostered, please swap with someone on the list and let the Chalice Assistant know. Prayers … FOR THE WORLD Authors, Artists, Poets, Musicians, Composers, Sculptors and Potters Charitable Organisations and Relief Agencies Children, young people and families Friends, Neighbors and Work Mates Hospitals and Medical Centres Leaders of commerce, business and industry Local Communities and their Leaders Our Local State Members Peace across the world and for peace-makers to be active, both afar and locally (especially with the announcement that RAAF aircraft are to be involved in military action in Iraq) Prisoners and those Leaving Prison Refugees and the Homeless Royal Commissions as they undertake their work Social welfare and justice ministries and their work Sport players and officials State Emergency Services, Fire, Police and Ambulance Services within our Communities The Disadvantaged and Disabled and those who Minister to them The Environment The First Peoples of the Diocese especially the Awabakal, Biripi, Darkinjung, Geawegal, Kamilaroi, Worimi and Wonnarua peoples Organisations working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders The Governor of NSW The Governor General The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank The Isolated, Marginalised and Lonely The Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Cabinet The Leader of the State Opposition and Shadow Cabinet The Media The Premier and State Cabinet The Prime Minister and Cabinet The Unemployed Those damaged by the Church Trade Union Leaders Universities and Schools World Leaders FOR THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD THE DIOCESE OF LANTANG (In the Province of JOS, NIGERIA) THE BISHOP Stanley EUBE THE DIOCESE OF GUADALCANAL THE BISHOP Nathan TOME PROVINCE DE L’LEGLISE ANGLICANE DU CONGO (THE PROVINCE OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CONGO) THE ARCHBISHOP AND BISHOP OF KINSHASA Kahwa Henri ISINGOMA THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH (OF THE USA) THE PRESIDING BISHOP Katherine Jefferts SCHORI THE CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA THE DIOCESE OF GIPPSLAND THE BISHOP THE CLERGY THE PEOPLE John MCINTYRE PARISHES AND ORGANISATIONS IN THE DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE FOR OUR BISHOPS GREG THOMPSON (Diocesan) PETER STUART (Assistant) ARCHDEACON FOR MISSION SUPPORT Sonia ROULSTON /DIOCESAN OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Nikola SCHUBERT Jane DUMSA THE CATHEDRAL THE DEAN Stephen WILLIAMS THE CANON PASTOR Mark WATSON THE CANON LITURGIST David COLE HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCIES JOHN HUNTER HOSPITAL Roger ZOHRAB KINCUMBER THE PARISH PRIEST Allan BATE ASSOCIATE PRIEST Tim GOLDSMITH KOTARA SOUTH THE PARISH PRIEST Fergus KING THE AREA DEANERY OF THE UPPER HUNTER FOR OUR PARISH; PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE PARISH OF THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY Pray for the formation of our new parish now 3¼ years old; for the work that must continue in the establishment of infrastructure and processes; for the work in establishing our Ministry and Vision. Prayer for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in the development of Ministry in the Wollombi Valley Prayer for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in the election of Church Wardens and Councillors in the Parish For the current Parish Council; John NICOL, George STAR, Ken WINN, Helen ELLIS, Kerry LANNOY, Maria ROE, Marilyn STAR, Paula THOMPSON, Rex THOMPSON FOR THE COVENANT BETWEEN THE ANGLICAN AND CATHOLIC CHURCHES IN THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY THE CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL AND THE FRIENDS OF ST MICHAEL’S ALL PEOPLE IN THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY FOR THOSE IN NEED Prisoners and those Leaving Prison All Christians imprisoned for their Faith Those imprisoned for their Faith FOR HEALING Fr Leo Joseph (a Franciscan and Parish Priest of the Parish of St John’s Lakeport, California), Grace Baker and her mother Deanne (Deanne is a teacher at the Wollombi and Laguna Schools), Patricia Lannoy Phillips (Kerry’s Sister) David Phillips (Kerry’s Brother-in-law), Bethany Pederson (Richard and Katherine’s granddaughter), Mary Blazey (Former Parishioner and now living in Hornsby), Wendy Comyns (Former resident of Wollombi), Alicia Thompson (Rex and Paula’s daughter), Gerry Hartigan (A former Local Wollombi Resident and now residing in Sydney), Philip and Mary Drewett (Former Parishioners and now parishioners in the Lake Macquarie area), Jai Maurice (Ron & Lyn Wall’s grandson. Ron and Lyn are Local Wollombi residents in Paynes Crossing Road)), Max Andrews (Local Wollombi Resident and Pioneer of the Valley), Chris Levy (Former Parishioner and now a Parishioner of the University Chapel in Brisbane), Ray Hollingshed (Friend and Employee of Alan and Maria Roe), Bob Fordham(Former Parishioner and Local Wollombi Resident), Lesley Williams (Local Bucketty Resident), Alex Wilson (Local Laguna Resident), Ivy Andrews and her daughter Pamela (Local Laguna Residents and Pioneers of the Valley), ) Dominic Ellis (Helen and Michael’s Son), Sarah Ellis (Helen and Michael’s Daughter-in-Law), Rex Thompson, Helen Ellis, Nancy Cunningham (Mother of Denise, a friend of Suzie Roe), John Nicol, Margaret Nicol, John Richards (Local Wollombi resident in Paynes Crossing Road), Cheryl Nesbitt (Former Wollombi resident and former Parishioner of St Michael’s), Fr David Simpson, his wife Marilyn and their family (David is a former Rector of Cessnock with Wollombi), Siobhan Turrell (Fiona Bateman’s daughter) FOR SUPPORT Helen & Michael Ellis, James & Scott; especially for Scott, Dominic and Sarah, Catherine Ellis, Simon & Helen Palfreeman, Jock Palfreeman; Gerri Palfreeman (Family members of Tony Palfreeman a Local Wollombi resident in Paynes Crossing Road and Parishioner of St Michael’s), The countries of South Sudan, Syria, Israel, Palestine Egypt and Ukraine, for resolution of the conflict and for peace. Reminders There is now one Mass monthly at Saint Michael's th This will be at 6pm on the 17 January, the third Saturday of the month. The new times commence in January. 6 pm in daylight saving time 5 pm in winter
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