This Week's Grace Notes

Grace Episcopal Church
19 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033
856/429-0007 E-mail:
“Grace Notes” is a weekly newsletter meant to inform people of upcoming
events and activities for the week. For more information, please check the
website or contact the office. Thank you.
January 8, 2015
Dear friends,
Thank you! So far, the music fund campaign for the upcoming year has been tremendously successful,
raising nearly $4,000 for the support of the music program. After this Sunday, January 11, we will
conclude the campaign. Our contributors to the music fund this year, as of January 7th, are listed below.
Please join me in thanking these individuals, and prayerfully consider joining them in contributing to the
fund. Your support provides for musical offerings at the highest level of artistry at Grace Church.
In peace,
A CAPPELLA (up to $50)
INTERMEZZO ($100-249)
Frank and Ros Davenport
Elaine Furniss
Bill and Lynn Irving
Judith Jacobsen
Marcie MacGoldrick
Joyce McAuley
Fran Miller
Carol Moyer
Jessie Orlando
Mark and Kathleen Platzer
Bill Ratcliffe
Sara Sweeney
Larry Buenzle
Tom Diavolitsis and
Benedicta Hughes
Lisa Hildebrand
Jim and Georgeanne Moore
Jim Perrin
Roger and Rebecca Perry
John and Gretchen Poliero
Marty and Sue Rosica
Skip and Missy Slauson
Scotty and Carol Tatem
Gerry Caracciolo and
Janet Wedgwood
Carl and Dawn Willers
ENSEMBLE ($50-99)
Rick and Toni Bonnette
Marianne Buzby
Joe and Marianne Gambardello
Darlene Haines
Wynn and Kate Myers
Helen Pollack
Al and Bobbie Schmidt
Dave and Colleen Spaeth
John and Cyndi Vena
Carmen and DeSha Viola
Polly Youngstein
Kim Strommen and
Margaret Becker
Rob and Candy Gallo
Carl and Marlene Alexoff
Jay Kauffman
Pat and Diane Close
OUR VISION STATEMENT: GRACE is God’s gift of unconditional love made known to us in Jesus
Christ. Our vision is to live with grace as an open, welcoming community. In the pew and at the altar,
we invite you to be part of our faith journey. No matter where you are, we will meet you there.
(GPH) Grace Performance Hall; (C) is Church; (PH) is Parish Hall; (P) is Parlor; (L) is Library; (U) Undercroft, and, (R) is
Rector’s Office. Other locations will be so noted.
Thursday, January 8th
o 9:30 Holy Eucharist
o 7 pm, Education Committee Meeting (L)
o 7:30 pm, Choir
Friday, January 9th
o 10 am, Thrift Shop Open
Saturday, January 10th
o 9:00 am, KAC Lunch making (PH)
o 10 am, Thrift Shop Open
o 5:30 pm, Holy Communion (Fr. Pat, Celebrant)
8 am & 9:30 am, Holy Communion (Fr. Pat, Celebrant)
10:30 am Church School “Wedding at Cana”
10:45 am Bible Challenge Discussion (P)
11:30 am, Youth Choirs
11:30 am Website Design Committee (L)
3:30 pm, First viewing of the new website
Monday, January 12th
o 10 am, Staff Meeting
o 10 am, Music Together
o 1 pm, Book Club (P)
o 6 pm, South Jersey Chorus (GPH)
o 7 pm, God Talk Meeting (PH)
o 7:00 pm, Finance Committee Meeting (R)
• Tuesday, January 13th
o 9:30 & 10:30 am, Music Together
o 7 pm, Zumba (GPH)
• Wednesday, January 14th
o 7 am Holy Communion Service
o 9:00 & 10:00 am, Music Together
o 10:30 am, St. Paul’s Meeting (L)
o 7 pm, Bible Challenge (L)
o 8 pm, Running Club (PH)
• Thursday, January 15th
o 9:30 am, Holy Communion Service
o 10:30 am, Bible Study (L)
o 4 pm, Confirmation Class (PH)
o 7:30 pm, Adult Choir
Friday, January 16th
o 10 am, Thrift Shop Open
Saturday, January 17th
o 9:30 am, Music Together
o 10am, Thrift Shop Open
o 10 am, KnitWits
o 11 am, Open Clinic at St. Wilfrid’s
o 1 pm, Beer Brewers (GPH)
o 5:30 pm, Holy Communion (Fr. Pat Celebrant, Deacon Carl Preacher)
8 am & 9:30 am, Holy Communion (Fr. Pat, Celebrant, Deacon Carl Preacher)
10:45 am Church School
10:45 am Bible Challenge Discussion (P)
11:30 am, Youth Choirs
4 pm, Dr. Martin Luther King Service, Mt. Olivet Church
Monday, January 19th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
o Please Note: Office Closed
o 10 am, Music Together
o Dr. King Day of Service – Meet at 1st Presbyterian
o 6 pm, South Jersey Chorus (GPH)
o 7 pm, God Talk Meeting (PH)
o 7:00 pm, Vestry Meeting (L)
• Tuesday, January 20th
o 9:30 & 10:30 am, Music Together
o 7 pm, Zumba (GPH)
• Wednesday, January 21st
o 7 am Holy Communion Service
o 9:00 & 10:00 am, Music Together
o 10:30 am, St. Anne’s Meeting (L)
o 7 pm, Bible Challenge (P)
• Thursday, January 22nd
o 9:30 am, Holy Communion Service
o 10:30 am, Bible Study (L)
o 4 pm, Confirmation Class (PH)
o 7:30 pm, Adult Choir
MONDAY, JANUARY 19 is the annual MLK Day of Service. We will gather at
8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary at the 1St Presbyterian Church of Haddonfield. This
is an all ages outreach event. There will be activities for children as young as 5.
We need adults to volunteer to drive to the locations as well. Please Contact
Betsy Murphy t o volunteer.
ANNUAL MEETING-Sunday, January 25, 10:45 a.m. Come welcome new
members of the vestry, vote for Convocation Delegates and hear about how
Grace fared in 2014.
INTERFAITH DIALOGUE ON ISLAM-Sunday, January 25, 2015 - A symposium on
Islam with Dr. Rafey Habib, a professor at Camden's Rutgers University campus, will
be our guest for an evening of conversation about the Islamic religion and our
common misconceptions about our people of Islamic faith. Dr. Habib was with us
several years ago and was most helpful in clarifying the nature and beauty of his faith.
So join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church's Fellowship Hall. An opportunity
for thoughtful questions will be provided.
FEBRUARY 14, 2015 • 6:30 P.M.-VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER-DANCE A night for
lovers and for lovers of music, our popular annual Valentine’s Day event kicks off with
a beautiful dinner in a fun atmosphere, and ends with a rockin’ dance night featuring
a live Doo-Wop band. $25
MANY THANKS! Thank you to everyone who helped to surprise Diane and me for
our 40th Wedding Anniversary on January 4th! We truly enjoyed the surprise and
are happy to be part of this great parish! Again, thanks!