St. James Lutheran Church Belle Fourche, South Dakota January 2015 Newsletter To the most amazing and awesome members and friends of St. James Lutheran Church. Grace and peace be with you always. As I am writing you today, I am thankful for the ability to breathe and not have any fever and find my strength amidst a terrible virus of influenza A that has so dominated my last week of the year 2014. Because of rest, medications, and football, I am almost out of the woods, as is my family who also shared in this difficult plight. I also realize that so many of you in the congregation have had it as well, and you also might be able to give God praise for clear breathing without fever, aches, pains, and the feeling that you were just run over by a large truck. This week we ramp back up with our iPraise program on January 7 as well as start our revamped confirmation program. We then look forward to our annual congregation meeting on January 25 following our worship service. Lots of things are going on, and if you haven't been downstairs in the basement, then you have missed the great amount of work that so many dedicated volunteers have given to our basement remodel. Our confirmation is starting Luther’s Small Catechism again, and I wanted to share with you the Ten Commandments and Luther’s questions and answers and then my 2 cents. 1. You are to have no other gods. What is this? You are to fear, love, and trust God above all things. PJ says, God is number 1. 2. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. What is this? We are to fear and love God, so that we do not curse, swear, practice magic, lie, or deceive using God’s name but instead use that very name to call on, pray to, praise and give thanks to God. PJ says, what you say matters especially when you are talking about God. 3. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. What is this? You are to fear and love God, so that you do not despise preaching or God’s word, but instead keep that word holy and gladly hear and learn it. PJ says, go to church every week and listen and learn. 4. Honor your father and mother. What is this? We are to fear and love God, so that we neither despise nor anger our parents and others in authority but instead honor, serve, obey, love and respect them. PJ says, do you really need me to explain this one? 5. You shall not murder. What is this this? You are to fear and love God, so that we do not endanger or harm the lives of our neighbors but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs. PJ says, do not destroy the life of a human being but protect them. 6. You shall not commit adultery. What is this? You are to fear and love God, you are to lead pure and decent lives in word and deed, and each of us honors his or her spouse. PJ says, nurture the relationship of the one you love and honor the space between you. 7. You shall not steal. What is this? You are to fear and love God, so that we neither take our neighbor’s money or property nor acquire them by shoddy merchandise or crooked deals, but instead help them to improve and protect their property and income. PJ says, do not take your friend’s cookie, or iPhone, or anything that isn’t yours to begin with. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. What is this? You are to fear and love God, so that we do not tell lies about our neighbors, betray or slander them, or destroy their reputations. Instead we are to come to their defense, speak well of them, and interpret everything they do in the best possible light. PJ says, no finger pointing, no gossip, no taking sides to better your position. Be careful in what you say as your tongue might start a fire where bridges might be burned, but find ways to say you’re sorry and to move on and help your neighbor; love your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. What is this? We are to fear and love God, so that we do not trick our neighbors out of their inheritance or property or try to get it for ourselves claiming to have a legal right to it and the like, but instead be of help and service to them in keeping what is theirs. PJ says, wanting what others have is very difficult, and we are guilty of wanting more than we need. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. What is this? You are to fear and love God, so that we do not entice, force, or steal away from our neighbor’s their spouses, household workers, or livestock, but instead urge them to stay to fulfill their responsibilities to our neighbors. PJ says, if your heart is on God you will not want the things of this world, and the harm that is caused by those who don’t heed the Ten Commandments shows in the harm we do to one another. May God’s blessings be upon you this month and for the coming year of 2015! Pastor Jeff M. Otterman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December Funeral & Baptisms Funeral: Ron Stinson passed away on December 7, 2014. His funeral was December 15, 2014. Baptisms: Kora Knapp was baptized December 25, 2014. Rhyan Knapp was baptized December 25, 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annual Meeting The annual meeting will be Sunday, January 25, 2015, immediately after the church service. Please get your year-end reports to the office by Sunday, January 18, 2015. If you would rather email your report, you can email it to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Materials for Audit Committee Any groups who need to have their books checked by the Audit Committee, please bring them to the office as soon as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. James Radio Broadcast The Sunday worship service of St. James Lutheran is broadcast every Sunday on our local radio station. You may turn your radio to either KBFS-AM at 1450 or KYDTFM at 103.1, to hear our worship service at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Cheer Baskets Christmas Cheer Baskets were made and distributed on December 19. A big thank you goes to everyone who contributed goodies, and a special thank you goes to those ladies and gentlemen who put the baskets together and delivered them. Many people truly appreciated the goodies and the thoughtfulness! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dutch Oven Chili Feed Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church will be holding a Dutch Oven Chili Feed on Saturday, January 17, from 5-7 PM at their church on Spring Valley Road. The chili is prepared and cooked outdoors in cast iron Dutch ovens by the Old West Dutch Oven Catering Co. Salads, desserts, and refreshments will also be available. A free-will offering will be taken. For more information, call 787-5588. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Treasurer’s Report Basement Project Update We ended the month (of November) with a $2,213.71 balance in the checking account. Of this amount, I needed to transfer $1,587.00 for designated giving (Compassion Cupboard, SD Synod, Building Fund, Shadrach Peter) leaving a balance of $626.71. The bills available at the beginning of December totaled $2,885.79. In addition to those obligations, we are presently behind on our Mission Partners and Synod Support by $4,882.50. As important as it is to show support for the many special needs that occur in our community, synod, and world, we need to keep in mind the simple items and the importance of St. James Lutheran and its daily operation. It may not be as glorious to pay the gas bill, insurance, or employment taxes as compared to funding efforts occurring outside of our walls, but St. James Lutheran is where it all starts, and we need to remember the gifts that are needed just to keep that part of God’s plan going strong…. If you have not been in the basement recently, a lot has changed! The kitchen cabinets have been installed and just need the countertops to be completed. All of the ceiling tiles have been placed except in the kitchen where new lights still need to be installed. The walls have been patched and now have a new coat of paint. The main thing that remains to be completed is the women’s bathroom. Many people have donated a lot of their time towards this project. Because we don’t want to forget to mention anyone’s name, a big thank you goes to EVERYONE who has helped in some way! Countless hours have been spent, and we thank you for your time and expertise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January Dinner Belle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will be resuming our Dinner Belle on Sunday, January 25, from 5-7 PM at our church. At this time, no definite plans have been made as to the menu, so please watch the bulletin to see what we will be cooking for Dinner Belle this month. Church Phone Number: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 605605-723723-3923 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastor Jeff Going to India In case you haven’t heard, Pastor Jeff will be going to India on January 27 and will return on February 16, just in time for Ash Wednesday on February 18. He will visit Shadrach Peter and see firsthand the mission work being done in India. His plans are to evaluate how St. James can continue to partner with Shadrach in the future. Please pray for Pastor Jeff as he travels this month, and pray that his time in India will be a blessing to Shadrach as well as to St. James Lutheran Church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next two pages of this newsletter are a Christmas letter from Shadrach Peter of India. NEEREKSHE TRUST JOY TO THE WORLD THE LORD IS COME LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING Christmas time brings great JOY to the whole world and us. The King of Kings took human form and came down to earth and lived among us. What a message! The wise men, the shepherds and the Angels. All of them come back to us with a fresh message that this miracle and blessing of Jesus is for all. He came to touch our lives, to transform us and make us citizens of Heaven. Let us worship Him. A brief report of where we live and what is happening here. ST. PETERS HIGH SCHOOL, MURANPUR: Outgoing students of 10th stand April2012 with staff Sports event New High school Block St.Peters School is located in a small village MURANPUR near RAICHUR CITY in North Karnataka. The school has gained in strength, quality and numbers with many from distant villages coming for admissions to school. The strength has risen to 194 children. The number of boys is higher because parents believe in educating Boys and not Girls. We have now told the parents that if they bring girls for admission we will not take fees as we do with Boys. Another highlight was that the first batch of 10th standard students graduated with a good percentage. This year we have also got permission to conduct 10th standard Exams in our school. Our children participated in cultural programmes and won prizes. Children took part in SPORTS competitions at the Taluk level. Many poor children come to our school and need help with books, uniform dress and shoes etc. Many of you are helping us so we can pay for all those expenses. Teachers salaries continue to be our biggest expense every month. Our NEW HIGH SCHOOL BLOCK is a great addition to our school space. One of the classrooms there has been turned into a SCIENCE LABORATORY. One other addition is the IT CLASSROOM--a gift of IAF-UK. Children are greatly attracted to the Laptops and enjoy the computer classes. HOPE HOSTEL: For Boys is a wonderful nest for the boys. Around 34 Boys are now staying there with a Hostel Warden. Two boys sleep on one metal cot. All these Boys come from far away villages. They enjoy friendship and small tiffs too. Every evening they play Cricket after school. They have morning and evening devotion time. The Toilet doors are getting repaired just now. Hope Boys Hostel Children Boys Having Lunch Boys Hostel Building GIRLS HOSTEL: Our girls are sleeping in classrooms so we have made a fervent appeal to God and to friends that we must help our girls live a little bit in comfort. So the construction of the GIRLS HOSTEL has started. It will be a U-shaped building with a Dormitory for sleeping with attached Toilets and also a Lady Warden's room. The Columns have been raised and now the walls have to go up. Ground Breaking Ceremony Girls hostel construction Work in progress Present stage We hope by April 2015 the building will be ready and by the beginning of the academic year i.e. from June 2015 the girls will be able to live in the Girls Hostel. Please pray that we will have enough finances to complete the building. RURAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE: Is now running in its 3rd year. The new Students of ELECTRICIAN COURSE are enjoying their classes and doing a lot of outside training. Mr. Samuel John, the Principal is working hard to keep the spirit alive among students for new discoveries. Rural Industrial Training Center Students in Electrical Lab Students in computer center MURANPUR MISSIONARY MOVEMENT : Made a new chapter with the village JAGIR VENKATAPUR, about 12 kms from the NEEREKSHE CAMPUS coming under its purview. Our Missionary, Daniel Isaac visits this new village,on his 2-wheeler and has a small group of children and a few adults meeting in someone's house for singing Jesus songs and to hear the Bible lesson and for prayer. He also visits HAL VANKATAPUR where 2 groups meet in 2 homes, and also goes to SULTANPUR and RAGHUNATH HALLI villages. The village people are eager to hear about Jesus. In MURANPUR, church services are held in the morning and evening in our ancestral home which is our village church building for now. The Christmas programmes are planned in these villages as the young boys and girls are involved in singing and nativity scenes. We hope to buy some useful gifts for children as Christmas gifts. Thus far we have crossed 2 barriers in our community. 1. Children of all castes are welcome here. We are in the thick of CASTE entanglements---the high caste do not touch the low caste. But in our school, children of different castes all sit next to each other. 2. Girls are equal to Boys here. In the homes, girls are treated as a liability and Parents get the girls married off at an early age. We are trying to attract more girls by giving incentives for girls education. In our School Boys are taught to value Girls equally. Vacation Bible School (VBS) Food being packed for the Children during VBS Children having Lunch GRACE AND JACK HOSPITAL: The hospital functions with a nurse-Sarojini a trained nurse. She manages the boys and girls treatment at school and Hostel and treats some out-side patients too. We desperately need a doctor or even a visiting doctor to see patients. We are also planning to have a Nurses school so that young girls who cannot go for higher learning academically can take up Nursing .This will make them independent economically and will also bring some form of awareness on health and hygiene in villages which is a desperate need in our villages. ORGANIZATION DETAILS: Organization Name: Neerekshe Address: 25 Lakshmipati Layout, Karianpalya, St. Thomas Town, Bangalore, 560084Telephone: +91-9886491679, +91-9972458111.Email: Registered Charity Number: 19/2001/777/2001 SB-Account at Canara Bank Bensontowen Branch Bangalore-560047 Account Number: 0429-101-032570 (FCRA) Account Number: 0429101032415(RUPEE ACCOUNT) Project At: Muranpur,Kalmala Post,Taluka And District Raichur,Karnataka State 548 136 Projects: St. Peters school and Hostel, Grace Jack hospital , Rural Industrial Training Center and several social projects HAPPY CHRISTMAS SHADRACH AND GLADYS PETER J ANUARY B IRTHDAYS & A NNIVERSARIES Names in Italics are Anniversaries Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Garet Alickson Fri Sat 2 3 Connie Meyer Ciarra Schoon John Skogberg 4 5 Dan Conner 6 Jerry Conner 7 Brandon McNeese Olivia Nehl 11 8 Thomas Keller 9 Sharon Capp 10 Taya Kirstine Friankie Schmidt Robin Carlson 12 Ann Turbiville 13 Cindi Conner 14 Colby Nowowiejski Val Garr 15 16 17 23 24 Randy Herman Laura Young Dale & Dottie Ball 18 Lyle Liming 19 20 Kyle Wahlfeldt 21 Audrey Bickerdyke 22 Cody Sommerside Jane Dowdy Steve & Rhonda Jakober 25 26 Chase Bickerdyke Courtney Oelke 27 28 29 Kristie McKenna 30 31 Barb Williamson J ANUARY 2015 St. James Lutheran Church Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 4 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM 5 PJ Day Off; Quilting 9-3 6 Quilting 9-3; Trustees and Building & Grounds 7 PM 7 WELCA Meeting 9:30 AM, 8 Pray Without Ceasing 11 AM 9 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn Sat 3 Worship 5 PM 10 Worship 5 PM iPraise 3:35 PM; Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM 11 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM 12 PJ Day Off 13 Council 7 PM 14 Esther Circle Pray Without Ceasing 9 AM; iPraise 3:35 PM; 11 AM; Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM 18 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM 25 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM; Annual Meeting after church; Dinner Belle 5-7 PM 19 20 PJ Day Off 21 26 27 Pastor Jeff Goes to India 28 22 Ceasing 11 AM 29 iPraise 3:35 PM; Pray Without Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM 16 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 17 Worship 5 PM Deborah Circle 7 PM iPraise 3:35 PM; Pray Without Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM PJ Day Off 15 Ceasing 11 AM 23 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 30 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 24 Worship 5 PM 31 Worship 5 PM St. James Lutheran Church 1100 Stanley Street Belle Fourche, SD 57717 January 2015 Newsletter Check out our church website at to find out about upcoming church events. Church Council Members Pastor Jeff Otterman President: Paul Turbiville Vice President: Karin Haxton Treasurer: Tim Speidel Secretary: Carolyn Kindsfater Trustees: Tyler Bickerdyke, Don Nelson, Clyde Rische, Larry Shoemaker, David Sowell, and Bruce Ude Deacons: Letitia Fashbaugh, Dean Haxton, Lynn Olson, Genevieve Skogberg, Linda Stambaugh, and Ann Turbiville
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