St. James Lutheran Church Belle Fourche, South Dakota November 2014 Newsletter To the great and gracious people of St. James Lutheran Church and friends around the world, Shadrach Peter and I were in the office with Pastor Bob Duemig and Eileen Miller at First United Methodist Church of Belle Fourche sharing about how we might help Shadrach and Gladys Peter’s project in India. Pastor Bob suggested we do a joint Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday, November 26, at St. James Lutheran Church at 6:30 PM for those who are here. This year Pastor Bob will be preaching at our church, and all the donations will go to the Nereekshe Fund in India to support Shadrach and Gladys and their mission. We will be worshipping using Holden Evening Prayer plus serving Holy Communion at the Thanksgiving Service and having a time of fellowship following the service. Next year the service will be at the Methodist Church. If you are not traveling to see family, please join us for worship. If you haven’t heard, I will be going to India to visit Shadrach and Gladys at the end of January and the first few weeks of February to see how we as a community can facilitate growth among the churches in Belle Fourche and help in the mission field in India with Shadrach and Gladys. When I purchased my ticket, I put out a call to friends around the United States who on short notice might be willing to travel with me. Lo and behold, a friend of mine in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is also going with me to India. She hasn’t even met Shadrach, but the Lord put a call in her life, and she is going to India as well. Dawn Brachman is a lawyer in Grand Rapids, and she has a great heart for the Lord. She prayed and sought after God, and she is now going with me to the state of Karnataka, the city of Bangalore, and the village of Muranpur. The two of us will be traveling to India, and then I found out that another friend from Michigan will also be in the same state and cities close to where Dawn and I will be traveling. The group continues to grow all at a moment’s notice. There are many things that I need you to pray for, and here is the list. First, we need to get our visas from India which we hope won’t take too long to get. Second pray that we don’t react to the inoculations or other medications we have to take to prevent us from getting malaria or other diseases. Ebola isn’t an issue in India, but many other diseases are, so I am asking you to pray for us to be safe and sickness free. The third thing I would have you pray is that we will be able to document what we can do in service to our sisters and brothers in India, whether it is taking a group of missionaries to aid Shadrach and Gladys Peter, or whether we create an appeal to raise a significantly larger portion of money for the mission in India. There is much to pray for and also much to be thankful for. I have seen the amazing growth in this church’s ability to step up in times of giving. St. James raised $2,000.00 for Shadrach in one week’s time, and then our church received two anonymous gifts. One gift to pay for the basement tiles was for $1,000.00, and another gift to finish the basement was for $10,000.00, and these gifts came all on the same day. What a blessing all of you are to this church! To those two anonymous givers, thank you for your generosity. And to those who worked on the parsonage putting in the new windows, another WOW! Amazing service to God’s Kingdom. In this time of Stewardship, may you know that your prayers and service are making a difference in Belle Fourche and around the world. Amen. Pastor Jeff M. Otterman. Prayer Ministry October Baptisms, Confirmations, and Funeral Baptisms: Theran Anderson, Layne Matthew, and Jessica Matthew were baptized on October 11, 2014. Confirmations: Theran Anderson, Griffin Conner, Braydin Eastman, Dillon Giacometto, JakeLyn Mehrer, Tate Olson, & Jon Peterson were confirmed on October 12, 2014. Funeral: Alva Shoemaker passed away October 13, 2014. Her funeral was October 17, 2014. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Busy Workers at St. James One project has been completed, and others are being continued. Here are some of the activities that have taken place at St. James: • Work on the parsonage roof and window has been completed. Thanks go to everyone who helped with that project for a job well done. • Work continues on the basement remodel. Thanks to a couple of generous donations, it looks as if we have enough money to complete the whole basement project. Work still needs to be done in the kitchen area as well as in the women’s bathroom. The ceiling tiles have been purchased and are being installed. We could use more help with some of these projects, so please give a member of the Basement Committee a call if you can be of help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. One of the things this church does well is prayer. Join us for a new ministry to Pray Without Ceasing. Each Thursday morning at 11:03 anyone who would like to participate will be praying in the sanctuary. We will offer prayers to guide our church and its mission, to thank God for His blessings, and for anyone or anything in need of prayer. These Thursday morning prayers will be in addition to the intercessory prayers of the Saturday and Sunday worship prayer list, so please use the pew prayer request cards for the worship prayer list. However, if you have a prayer request for Pray Without Ceasing, please fill out a card at the back of the church and place it in the box provided there. These prayer requests may be made anonymously and, if necessary, a simple “Unspoken” may be used. Let’s glorify God and help each other in prayer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Commitment Weekend November 15 & 16 will be Commitment Weekend. Letters will be mailed shortly to explain this process. Please prayerfully consider your monetary or time commitment to the work of the Lord in our church. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. James Radio Broadcast The Sunday worship service of St. James Lutheran is broadcast every Sunday on our local radio station. You may turn your radio to either KBFS-AM at 1450 or KYDT-FM at 103.1, to hear our worship service at 10:15 AM. Veterans’ Day Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are invited to the 18th Annual Belle Fourche Middle School Veterans’ Day Program on Tuesday, November 11, at 2 PM in the BFMS Gymnasium. Join the students and staff of the BFMS and enjoy some patriotic music, poetry, history, and ceremony. iPraise Baked Potato Bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Board of Education is having a Baked Potato Bar to raise money for iPraise on Wednesday, November 5, from 5-6 PM. Come and join them for some baked potatoes with all the fixings! A freewill offering will be taken. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. James Thanksgiving Feast St. James Lutheran Church will be holding its 9th annual Thanksgiving Feast on Sunday, November 23, from 5-8 PM, or as long as the food lasts. This is a free event, and everyone is welcome to come and eat. Lynn’s Dakotamart has again graciously agreed to cook and carve the turkeys needed for this event as long as we buy the turkeys from them. We will be running the event in much the same way we did before, which means we will be cooking the vegetables, potatoes, gravy, and stuffing at the church the day of the event. You may also bake/buy buns or bake pies and cakes for desserts. Work shifts of 5 people per hour will begin at noon, and beginning at 4 PM, we will need about 10 adults per hour. In order to prepare for this event, please sign up to help with buying turkeys, cooking or baking items, buying some necessary items, or helping prepare or serve at the event. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Thanksgiving Committee: Dallas Conner, Pastor Jeff, or Ann Turbiville. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turkeys & Other Ingredients for the Feast If you are purchasing a turkey for the feast, please make sure you buy it by November 18 to give it time to thaw, and then it will be cooked at Lynn’s Dakotamart. We have determined that approximately 20 turkeys is our limit. Turkeys will be available at Lynn’s beginning November 10. You may notice on the sign-up sheets that we have also included items for making the stuffing and the yam hot dish. If you buy potatoes or other ingredients, please do not buy them too far in advance because we don’t want any of them to spoil before we use them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Church Phone Number: 605605-723723-3923 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dinner Belle Because of the Thanksgiving Feast in November and the community Christmas Dinner in December, we will not be having Dinner Belle for those months. Our next Dinner Belle will be January 25, 2015. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lefse During one week in October, the ladies of the church made two batches of lefse which they promptly sold on a Saturday afternoon. Thank you to all of those hard workers! If you were unable to purchase any lefse before it was all sold and wish there had been more to purchase, then please consider helping make it next year so more can be sold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Annual Quilt Sale The St. James Quilters will be holding their Annual Quilt Sale on November 22 and 23. The quilts will be on display in the Fellowship Hall. The quilts are 60 by 80 inches and will sell for $40.00. Members of the quilting group will be available after services on those days to sell the quilts. They will also be sold at the Thanksgiving Feast on November 23. We thank the congregation for the support that they give us each year. The money from the sale of the quilts is used to buy batting and other supplies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanksgiving Eve Service This year we will begin a tradition of having a church service on Thanksgiving Eve in conjunction with the Methodist Church of Belle Fourche. The service will be at our church on Wednesday, November 26, at 6:30 PM with the Methodist pastor, Pastor Bob Duemig, preaching. All offering money collected will be sent to India to help Shadrach Peter with his ministry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N OVEMBER B IRTHDAYS & A NNIVERSARIES Names in Italics are Anniversaries Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Rick Rothermel 2 3 Tiffany Bierschenk 4 Tammy Clem Nathan Miller 5 Jason & Karen McLennan 6 7 Sam Pehl Payton Baity Mavis Ude Mary Shoemaker 8 Nick Miller Leah Stambaugh 9 Alexa Eberhard 10 11 Rhonda Jakober 12 Kitty Nordstrom Logan Fowler Robert Nickels 16 17 18 19 Theodore Jeitz Jill Keller Kavin Linch Gregg Galea Crystal Sowell Gladys Voyles Brian Speidel Quillan McNeese 13 Shirley Blake Kermit & Liz Diers Tom Cooper 20 24 25 26 Vanesa Kudlock Taya Keller Vern Fritz Dave Olson Betsy Mackey Travis Sorenson, Jr. Slone Weishaar John & Brenda Chayka 30 Liz Diers Kyrstin Hayworth Pat Rische 27 Terry Batterman Clyde Rische 15 Velda Pehl Trigg Olson 21 22 JoLene Nelson Brandon & Vanesa Kudlock Dave & Jeri Olson Troy & Coral Mills 23 14 Brain Schultz Maynard & Anna Teppo 28 Jim & Darleen Cobb (50) 29 Theadore Conner St. James Lutheran Church Sun Mon N OVEMBER 2014 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Worship 5 PM 2 3 PJ Day Off; Quilting 9-3 4 Quilting 9-3; Trustees and Building & Grounds 7 PM 5 WELCA Meeting 9:30 AM; iPraise 3:35 PM; Confirmation 5 PM; Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM 6 Common Sense Parenting Class 6-8 PM 7 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 8 Worship 5 PM iPraise Baked Potato Bar 5-6 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; 9 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM 16 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM; 10 PJ Day Off 17 11 Veterans Day Esther Circle 9 AM; Council 7 PM Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM 18 PJ Day Off 23 Thanksgiving Feast 55-8 PM 30 Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM iPraise 3:35 PM; 19 iPraise 3:35 PM; Confirmation 5 PM; Bell Choir 6:15 PM; LYO 6:30 PM; Choir 7:15 PM Commitment Sunday Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Worship 10:15 AM; 12 24 PJ Day Off 25 26 13 Common Sense Parenting Class 6-8 PM 20 Deborah Circle 7 PM 27 Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving! Eve Services 6:30 PM 14 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 21 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 28 Lutheran Men in Mission 7 AM at Belle Inn 15 Worship 5 PM 22 Worship 5 PM 29 Worship 5 PM St. James Lutheran Church 1100 Stanley Street Belle Fourche, SD 57717 November 2014 Newsletter Check out our church website at to find out about upcoming church events. Church Council Members Pastor Jeff Otterman President: Paul Turbiville Vice President: Karin Haxton Treasurer: Tim Speidel Secretary: Carolyn Kindsfater Trustees: Tyler Bickerdyke, Don Nelson, Clyde Rische, Larry Shoemaker, David Sowell, and Bruce Ude Deacons: Letitia Fashbaugh, Dean Haxton, Lynn Olson, Genevieve Skogberg, Linda Stambaugh, and Ann Turbiville
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