HOLY NAME PARISH PASTOR - Fr. Mario Basque 2223 - 34 Street SW Calgary, AB T3E 2W2 Phone: 403 249-7764 Fax: 403 249-9952 Charity No.: 107909939RR0013 Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 We should never sit in the house of God as strangers. Did you remember to say hello to someone today? A NEW CREATION Call 403 265-1199 for Evan J Strong Zoe’s store Hair Design By 1403 14 Street Sw 403 398-7544 Why shop at Zoe’s ? GOLDIE 1935 37 Street SW Your community denturist, call Curtis at 403 228-5311 1. recycle, re-use, reduce 2. respect the environment 3. Supports our Community * donations welcome during business hours* Phone : 403 246-2626 Bay 2, 3711 17 Avenue SW Open: Monday - Saturday 9 AM - 6 PM WEST FLOORING & RENO LTD. Rent this space for only $10.00 per week! TONY LANDSCAPING *Power Raking * Aerating *Weekly and Vacation Cutting * Spring and Fall Clean-Ups * Pruning * Fertilizing * Lawn Maintenance Free Estimates * Satisfaction Guaranteed Please call Tony Tieu cell: 560-9136 ~Quality First~ ALL KIND OF FLOORING FOR ALL KIND OF BUDGET PLEASE CALL AND VISIT OUR SHOWROOM @ # 13- 4703 BOWNESS ROAD NW CALGARY Private French Lessons or Tutoring Personalized instruction tailored to your particular needs! One-on-one or groups Adults – Students – Teens – Children Contact Christiane 403 400 7233 Ph. 403.288.6300 Cell.403.397.7365 BASEMENT DEVELOPMENT & BATHROOM RENOVATION BY EUOROPIAN KRAFSTMAN ~ LICENCED ~ BONDED ~ INSURED ~ To advertise in this Bulletin please contact the Parish Office. DIOCESE ANNOUNCEMENTS Women's Weekend Silent Retreat All women are invited to Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre January 30 – February 1 for a weekend to foster prayerful listening and responding to our God. Silent Retreat theme: The Beatitudes in Luke's Gospel. Please call Simone 403 284 1702; Margaret 403 689 0358; Dayna 403 460 7381 or Dianna 403 680 0358. The Iwaasa Lecture on Urban Theology Panel on Addressing Poverty in Calgary: Issues, Challenges, Strategies. Monday, February 2, 7:30 PM at Grace Presbyterian Church (1009 - 15 Avenue SW). All are welcome to this free event – please join us! Sacred Heart Church Columbarium A Columbarium is a resting place in which urns containing cremated human remains are interred in niches for a respectful and dignified memorial. The Sacred Heart Columbarium is the first facility of its kind in Western Canada. To learn more, contact Mark Kennedy at 403-244-2741 x 232, shcolumbarium@shaw.ca or sacredheartcalgary.ca. Catholic Pastoral Centre Library The library is open to everyone. Find books, CDs, DVDs to support your parish, family or individual spiritual journey. Email library@rcdiocese-calgary.ab.ca. Why did Jesus, the Sinless One, submit himself to John's baptism? John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. In this humble submission we see a foreshadowing of the "baptism" of his bloody death upon the cross. Jesus' baptism is the acceptance and the beginning of his mission as God's suffering Servant. He allowed himself to be numbered among sinners. Jesus submitted himself entirely to his Father's will. Out of love he consented to this baptism of death for the remission of our sins. Do you know the joy of trust and submission to God? The Father proclaimed his entire delight in his Son and spoke audibly for all to hear. The Holy Spirit, too, was present as he anointed Jesus for his ministry which began that day as he rose from the waters of the Jordan river. Jesus will be the source of the Spirit for all who come to believe in him. At his baptism the heavens were opened and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, signifying the beginning of a new creation. Do you want to see your life transformed by the love and power of Jesus Christ? And do you want to become a more effective instrument of the Gospel of peace, mercy, and righteousness? Examine Jesus' humility and ask the Holy Spirit to forge this same attitude in your heart. As you do, heaven will open for you as well. The Lord Jesus is ever ready to renew us in his Holy Spirit and to anoint us for mission. We are called to be "light" and "salt" to those around us. The Lord wants his love and truth to shine through us that others may see the goodness and truth of God's message of salvation. Ask the Lord Jesus to fill you with his Holy Spirit that you may radiate the joy of the Gospel to those around you. "Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and inflame my heart with the joy of the Gospel. May I find joy in seeking to please you just as you found joy in seeking to please your Father." CONTACTS www.holynameparish.org Pastor - Fr. Mario Basque parish.holyname@shaw.ca Deacon - Rev. Mr. Danial Plamondon deacondanial@hotmail.com Sacrament Coordinator - Cindy Senft csenft.holyname@shaw.ca Secretary - Marlene Paley parish.holyname@shaw.ca Finance - Monica Micallef monicamicallef5@gmail.com PARISH SCHEDULE Weekday Masses: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 AM Rosary 8:35 AM and Thursday at Sarcee 10:30 AM Sunday Masses: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 PM Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon & 1:00 - 4:00 PM Please submit all items for the bulletin to the Parish Secretary by noon on Wednesday. MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptisms The next Baptism Preparation class is Monday, January 26, 7 PM. All parents who have children up to 12 years old are welcome. Call the Parish Office to register. We welcome into our faith community those who received the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Joshua Chow, Keira Chow, Kai Greeff, Ella McQuiggan and Mason McQuiggan. Rosary Everyone is invited to pray the Rosary Tuesday – Friday at 8:30 AM and join us for Rosary night on Monday, January 19, 7 PM in the church. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration is on Friday, February 6 from 9:30 AM to noon. The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended so we are asking parishioners who can commit some time to sign up on the sheet at the Church entrance. Everyone is most welcome. Holy Name Cares Holy Name Cares monthly meeting is on Wednesday, January 21 at 7 PM. All members are encouraged to attend and any parishioners interested in this joining this ministry are most welcome. First Reconciliation The parent meetings for children registered for First Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday, January 14 and Wednesday, January 21 at 7 PM. Parents need only attend one of the two meetings. Sacrament Registration Registration for First Reconciliation and First Communion are available online or in the Parish Office. Reconciliation is for children in Grade 4 and older and classes start at the end of January. First Communion is for children in Grade 2 and older and classes start in mid-April. Online registration and further details are available at www.holynameparish.org. Catholic Women’s League Our annual CWL Membership Dinner will take place in the hall at 6:00 PM on Saturday, January 17. This gourmet event, featuring an "Around the World" menu, will be catered by the Knights of Columbus. Tickets can be purchased after Mass for $25 at the entrance to the church this weekend, along with CWL memberships, or from the Church office on Monday. Please note that the deadline is Monday, January 12, and no tickets will be available at the door. 2015 CWL memberships are now due. We invite all women of Holy Name Parish to consider joining our council. We are women who are connected with over 90,000 women across Canada, united by our Catholic faith. Our monthly meetings are open to all women of the parish to come see what we are all about and meet with other women of the parish. Even if you can’t come to meetings, through your membership you will be supporting our work at the parish, diocesan and national levels. Perhaps you might be able to help out at a CWL event throughout the year, join us for our Christmas Party or a retreat, or simply offer your support and prayers. We welcome all new members in whatever capacity you are able to contribute. To renew or take out new memberships, please place your cheque for $25, payable to Holy Name CWL, in a clearly marked envelope, and put it in the collection basket at mass. Include pertinent contact information, please. READINGS January 11 – Baptism of the Lord Isaiah 55.1-11 Incline your ear, and come to the waters; listen, so that you may live. 1 John 5.1-9 There are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood. Mark 1.7-11 You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased. January 18 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Samuel 3.3b-10, 19 Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. 1 Corinthians 6.13c-15a, 17-20 Your bodies are members of Christ. John 1.35-42 The disciples of John came and saw where Jesus was staying, and they remained with him. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Those who are in need healing and comfort: Mary Carter Don Chesney Iva Coyes Christian Cruz Georgette Djan Myrtle Fletcher Catherine Hemsing Jim Heuberger Ted Jova Margaret Kampel Neve Knapp Claire Laffin Helen Louisy And those who have died. Rita McNabb Mady McNulty Victor Mendonsa Ron Semenoff Bill Sierolawski Peggy Simpson Brian & Paquita Skitch Joyce Taylor Gerard van der Heiden Oscar & Natalia Viray Moyra Walton OFFERINGS December 31, 2014 - January 4, 2015 Parish Support $ 18,360.67 Building Fund $ 12,743.98 Holy Name Cares $ 1,097.00 Together in Action $ 340.00 Initial Offering $ 1,128.00 Building Fund - December 2014 $ 66,647.55 Each month we require a minimum of $25,000 to be donated to the Building Fund to meet our monthly Line of Credit payment. Fr. Greg Coupal Retirement Dinner Please join us in celebrating Fr. Greg’s retirement with dinner, drinks, recollections, laughter and many happy wishes. The celebration is Friday, January 16, with cocktails at 6 PM and dinner at 7 PM at St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Church (4903 - 45 Street SW). Tickets are $15. For tickets contact 403 228 4170 or reception@stmaryscalgary.com. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Church Decorating The Christmas decorations in the church will be taken down this Sunday, January 11 at 1:30 PM. If you are able to assist, please come! Ushers We have a great need for assistance in the ushering ministry, especially at both the 5:00 Mass and the 9:00 Mass due to a number of former ushers taking on other new ministries. If you would like to be involved in a ministry where you have the opportunity to greet almost everyone attending Mass and to assist with the collection and other duties please contact Brian O’Grady at 403 249 9949 or bogrady1@shaw.ca. Contribution Envelopes STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION "Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread... ?" (Isaiah 55.2) Whether it is our money, our labour, or our time, there are many ways we can spend it. One of the reasons we live in a culture of want is that we squander our resources on things that do not satisfy. Spend your resources on building the Kingdom, your efforts for God's glory, and your time in prayer. HOLY MASS INTENTIONS January 10 - 18, 2015 Saturday Jan 10 5 PM RIP Sylvia Wylie Sunday Jan 11 9 AM RIP Lloyd & Dorothy Phillips The 2015 contribution envelopes are available for pickup in the Gathering Area. If you are not currently assigned an envelope set, but would like one, please complete the registration form and a box will be available to you the following week. Tuesday 11 AM SI Parishioners Jan 13 9 AM SI Pierre De Bussy Wednesday Jan 14 9 AM SI Brocklebank Family Welcoming Committee Thursday Jan 15 9 AM RIP John LeClair Newly registered parishioners – please check the table in the Gathering Area for your welcoming package. Friday Jan 16 9 AM RIP Fred Oake Saturday Jan 17 5 PM RIP Constancia De Vera NEW PARISHIONERS Sunday Jan 18 9 AM Please join us as we welcome the following new parishioners to our Holy Name family: Maribel Zamayla Lindsay Montogmery, Kristina Montgomery Belinda Raro Nyalithi Obyeny SI 11 AM RIP Parishioners Anna Maria & Luigi Colabella DIOCESE ANNOUNCEMENTS How many Sisters do you know? SIMPLE WAYS TO SUPPORT THE BUILDING FUND! Cash Cards You need to buy groceries, so why not support the Building Fund too? We offer Coop, Safeway, Superstore, Sobeys and Walmart cards. You receive full face value for the card and the Building Fund receives an average of 5%. On a $100 card, that’s $100 to you and $5 to the Building Fund! You can purchase them in the Gathering Area after Mass or at the Parish Office during the week. Donate-a-Car Canada To donate a car, truck, RV, boat, motorcycle or other vehicle to Holy Name Church, simply fill out the DONATE NOW tab at www.donatecar.ca. Donate-aCar Canada will look after everything to make your donation easy for you to support Holy Name and we will send you a valuable tax receipt. Automated Donations You can set up an automated donation through debit or credit to support the Building Fund. Call the Parish Office for further details. Young, single women are invited to a day of reflection on Discernment for those considering a Religious Vocation. This is a great opportunity to speak with Sisters from a number of Religious communities. Join us on Saturday, January 24, 9 AM to 5 PM, at Dominican Sisters’ Convent (2108 Uxbridge Dr. NW). Lunch is provided. There is no set cost but donations are welcome. Please register by January 17. Contact Karla at www.facebook.com/vocationsretreat2014 or Sr. Terry at 403 228 3623 or tksmithfcj@yahoo.ca. GriefShare Program at St. Michael Catholic Community The Grief Support Ministry would like to invite individuals or couples who have experienced the loss of loved ones and would like to participate in a GriefShare Program for 2 hours every Tuesday evening for 6 weeks. This program consists of a video seminar, group support discussions with facilitators and a personal workbook. The program will start on Tuesday, February 10, 7 PM at St. Michael Catholic Community (800 - 85 Street SW). No cost involved. Call 403 249 0423 x 115 to register. Pilgrimage of Spain and Portugal Plan to join Fr. Dennis Polanco on an 18 day pilgrimage of Spain and Portugal from May 27-June 13 for $4,498 CDN including flights. Call Liz at 1-888-565-9922 for more information.
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