THE SPUR Jan. 7, 2015 Visit our Web Page at The R O T A R Y C L U B of L I V E R M O R E CLUB ASSEMBLY Birthdays Meeting Photos by Arne Kirkewoog Marty Plone Thought for the day Bruce Shore Your Spur Reporter Cirrus wisps in an otherwise clear sky, with golfing weather, as President Milly rang the Rotary bell to a full room of Rotarians, starting the new year. She requested we continue the tradition begun by Phil Dean last year, of greeting one another, and so engrossed were we that the start of the Pledge of Allegiance was not noticed at first. The songsters, accompanied on guitar by Michael Ferrucci, led us in Auld Lang Syne: Alan Frank, Ralph Sherman, Mike Riehl, Tr i -Va l l e y R o t a r y M a k e - u p O p p o r t u n i t i e s MONDAY 11:55 AM-12:30 Interact Livermore High Room 412 TUESDAY TUESDAY 7:00 AM 12:15 PM Livermore Valley Club Dublin Club Beeb’s Dublin Ranch Golf Club Livermore 5900 Signal Hill Drive THURSDAY 12:15 PM Pleasanton Club Haps Original Pleasanton THURSDAY 7:30 PM Rotaract Club Handles Gastropub Pleasanton THURSDAY 6:00 PM Tri-Valley Club Castlewood CC Pleasanton FRIDAY 12:10 PM Pleasanton North Club Handles Gastropub Pleasanton The Meeting Kathy Coyle, Kathy Streeter and Beth Wilson assisted. Helpers today: Spur reporter: Bruce Shore; Photographer Arne Kirkewoog; Videographer Marty Plone read a thought for Nile Runge; Audio Don Wentz; the day, a quotation from 1906 Head Table John Sarboraria, Ed on Fraud and Equity. Coats, Randy Schlientz, Lance Cavalieri, Debbie Peck; Greeter Bruce Shore. Visiting Rotarian: Gambs, morning club. Dennis Guests: Fernando Romero (with son JR); Jeff Marks (with Mike Riehl); Sonia Sheffield (with John Shirley), Linda Tinney, Chair of LAS Guild (Kathy Streeter) and Scott Kenison, new Executive Director for LVPAC (with Kathy Streeter) Michael Ferrucci auctioned two tickets to the Oakland Speakers Series on Jan 13, Stephen Chu speaking. Marc Roberts bought them for $150 to the Music Scholarship Fund. John Linn and Mike Morgan did their monthly presentation of Birthdays and Anniversaries, with many witty remarks about the named individuals, rather lost for me amidst the overall congeniality of conversations. Birthday cup cakes were delivered by Bob Bishop to: Tim Berry, Bob Barton, Bopb Bishop, Lance Cavalieri, Carol Howell, Rick Peterson, Marty Plone, JR Romero, Beth Wilson and Jacky Poulsen. Roses were delivered by Barbara Hickman to Pat and Kathy Coyle and Peter and Jacky Poulsen, after which we all sang ”Let me call you sweetheart” INVESTMENT SECURITIES 2277 THIRD STREET LIVERMORE, CA 94550 2 THE SPUR DAVID B. GREINER Registered Principal (925) 447-2623 (888) 223-2562 FAX: (925) 447-0524 Securities offered through Sterne Agee Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC The Meeting Ken Perrine gave us an update on the Crab Feed, taking place on 6 February for $50 each. 39 tables have been sold, so a sellout will happen. NEW MEMBER PROPOSAL Paul Banke is seeking helpers Sblend Sblendorio gave an for the Crab Feed kitchen. update on the Bella Rosa Ball, fundraiser for the Rotarian Milly thanked those who had Foundation, to take place on 14 helped with the Christmas February at Garre Winery. gifts for our special families: Debbie Peck, Kathy Streeter, Carol Howell announced the start of the 12th year of our annual Milly, and one more. Dictionary project, which this year will give 1270 dictionaries to all the third graders in our Livermore Schools. On Thursday of 17 January, at 7pm in the home This is the second publication a new member proposal for Linda Tinney Linda has been proposed for membership by Kathy Streeter If anyone has an objection to this proposal please contact Paul Thompson immediately. NEW MEMBER PROPOSAL This is the first publication of new member proposals for Sonya Sheffield & Scott Kenison. Sonya has been proposed for membership by John Shirley and Ken by Kathy Streeter. 3 THE SPUR If anyone has an objection to these proposals please contact Paul Thompson immediately. “Serving the Valley Area Residents for 25+ Years” 5980 Stoneridge Dr., #122 Pleasanton, Ca. 94588 Mary Anne Rozsa Broker Associate DRE #0783003 925-373-2288 DIRECT 925-416-0175 FAX 925-963-0887 CELL c A Music Benefit for the Livermore Rotary Music Scholarship Fund BOTHWELL ARTS CENTER Friday, January 16 7:30 pm Admission : $15.00 adv / $18.00 door. 2466 8th Street, Livermore. Advance tickets are available at The Meeting of Carol, we will fill out the personalized name plates for all these students. The annual Children’s Christmas Party at the Barn was a great success. Michael Ferrucci announced a concert by guitarist Muriel Anderson, at the Bothwell Center on Friday Jan 16 at 7:30, tickets $18 to benefit the Music Scholarship Fund. President Millie then began the Club Assembly by describing our Club Goals: To increase membership by 5% (we have already added 5 members, or 3%), to continue support of Rotary International at our past level, to break ground for the Rotary Bandstand at the Carnegie Park in Livermore (this will take place this spring), and to Have Fun (clearly well under way). Our club is a Pilot Club and as such we have pioneered a category of membership that has now become RI policy. Under consideration is a possible Corporate Membership. We plan to continue as a Pilot Club. Our annual major fundraiser, the Crab Feed, serves 450 dinners. Under consideration is a second fundraiser, possibly an October Fun Run through downtown Livermore. We donated $13K to our chosen Needy Families at Christmas, gave $700 to the hotel staff, and are contributing $2K to the Dictionary Project. Our fall Back To School BBQ at Marylin Ave School served some 1,000 hotdogs to 500+ families. Our Minigrants have given $16K in awards, leveraged by contributions from the Livermore Valley Education Foundation. 2155 Las Positas Ct., Suite P Livermore, CA 94551 Phone: (925) 443-2800 WEALTH ACCUMULATION, PROTECTION & MANAGEMENT Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. CA Insurance License #0G78854 4 THE SPUR CHRISTIAN CHUKWUMA, MBA Financial Advisor The Rotary Bandstand is shaping up nicely. This is jointly sponsored by the two Rotary Clubs and the Rotarian Foundation. We have contributed $10K already and are expecting to increase this eventually. Steve Neef and Dennis Gambs are the designers, and assistance with getting City support has come from Marc Robers and Stu Gary. The city of Livermore will pay for the electrical, and will hold title. There will be a campaign for funding that will give an opportunity to buy a plaque. The Meeting Irv Stowers, our Treasurer, gave a brief report, noting that we have now converted completely from the former punched-card payments to an electronic form of payment for lunches. We have officially changed our name from Livermore RC to RC of Livermore. We will soon have an official street address, required by the State of California. Our bookkeeper is now Dawn Bazurto, no longer Ken McCartney. Irv told us that last year, when our various bank accounts were consolidated, it was realized that we had more cash on hand that was needed for prudent business practices and the board began to downsize our reserve from $140K to an eventual $25K. Our Crab Feed brings income of $12K, the Rodeo Parade another $2K. We spent $12K on Minigrants, $5K to RI, and we will pay an auditor $6K (for the first audit in memory of anybody) Stu Gary announced that we are within $900 of meeting our goal of $45K for donations to RI. We have donated $8K to Polio Plus. Bob Cowan was awarded his eighth Paul Harris award. Milly concluded by advising us that next week we will have a Club Job Fair, in which we can decide on the committees we want to be part of. Marty Plone won the raffle. 5 THE SPUR The Meeting Dick Warga Registered Representative Life Planning Strategist I N C O R P O R A T E D Investing in your Future 2021 Las Positas Ct., Ste 165 Livermore, CA 94551 925 449 7830 · CA Ins Lic. #0575138 Investment Securities Since 1962 JACK O. MILLS, D.D.S., Inc. ORAL AND MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY 6 THE SPUR 60 FENTON ST., SUITE 7 LIVERMORE, CA 94550 925-443-4211 The Meeting 7 THE SPUR Published by: CAMINO PRESS 4749-H Bennett Drive Livermore CA 94551 COMING ATTRACTIONS 1-14 Meeting Mini Grant Award Presentations 1-21 Meeting - Speaker Dale Miller "High Performance Driver Ed" 1-28 - Meeting - First Round of Speech Contest 2-4 Meeting - Speaker Chuck Hartwig, Rotarian Foundation of Liv 2-11 Meeting InterAct Auction 2-18 Meeting Area Speech Contest 2-25 Meeting Speaker, Joe Montana (or not) "Levi's (49ers) stadium" Bella Rosa Ball Sat., February 14 Rotarian Foundation of Livermore DIST. 5170 GOVERNOR Ed Jellen ASSISTANT GOVERNOR Pamela Philbert PRESIDENT - Milly Seibel PRESIDENT ELECT - JR Romero SECRETARY - Bob Cowan TREASURER - Irv Stowers CLUB SERVICE DIRECTOR Linda Kime (14-16) MEMBERSHIP - Paul Thompson PARLIAMENTARIAN Sblend Sblendorio SERGEANT at ARMS John Sarboraria PUBLIC RELATIONS - Lee Younker COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTOR Christian Chukwuma (13-15) INTERNATIONAL SERVICE DIRECTOR Laura Mercier (14-16) INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Stu Gary MAJOR EVENTS DIRECTOR Ryan Renard (13-15) VOCATIONAL SERVICE DIRECTOR Stacy Linder (14-16) NEW GENERATIONS DIRECTOR Evonne Hopkins (13-15) PAST PRESIDENT - Phil Dean Rotary Club of Livermore Presents Our 60th Annual b a r C d e Fe Friday, February 6, 2015 - 6:00 PM Dancing to Live Music by The Gabe Duffin Band Aahmes Shrine Event Center 170 Lindburgh Avenue, Livermore Great Food • Great Entertainment • Raffle Prizes TO ORDER TICKETS CALL: Debbie Peck at Travel Bug 447-4300
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