THE ANNOUNCER Ascension Lutheran Church of Shelby January 2015 300 N. Lafayette St. Shelby, NC 28150 Our Vision is to be an extension of the hands of Christ: Our hands extend to a ministry pointing to Jesus, a ministry of prayer, a ministry of outreach, a ministry of affirmation and a ministry of calling others to service. From the Pastor A FAITHFUL RESPONSE On the first Sunday in January we will celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord, a principal festival in the Church that remembers that Christ came as a Messiah, not only for Israel, but “for the world.” It is a joyful time that calls on us to reflect how we respond when we see the bright light of the star, when Christ is revealed to us. Do we always and immediately journey to offer ourselves and our praise and adoration to God? On January 11 we will celebrate the Baptism of our Lord, which is the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in the world. Jesus is anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent out as a prophet, teacher and king. Reverend John W. Mocko, Director for Evangelical Mission in the NC Synod, will be our guest preacher, and we will have a fellowship lunch after worship. On the Sundays after Epiphany (January 18 and January 25) the Gospel readings introduce the first disciples Jesus calls to follow him in his ministry. Reading their responses and watching their actions, we can ask ourselves, “What does a faithful response to God look like?” Our forty days of prayer which began on the first Sunday of Advent continues through Thursday, January 8. The next step is a conversation which begins with the question, “Where is God calling us as a congregation to use our gifts and be in ministry in our community?” The Congregation Council is asking everyone to participate in a church assessment to look more closely at our congregation and context. There will be more information about this announced in January, but meanwhile, continue to pray for our congregation and ministries, our congregation leaders and your pastor, that we will respond faithfully to what we hear God saying. +Pr. Christina Phone-704-487-5679 LEADERSHIP CHURCH OFFICERS & CONTACT Otto Olsen Carol Berger A conference, called "Forward Together: A Renewed Church for a New Age," to be held at Christ, Charlotte, January 29-31, 2015, will provide inspiration and challenge that builds on the synod's Forward Together initiative, a mission effort that encourages every congregation to ask who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do. Expected outcomes for the conference are: Treasurer— Greg Blalock Passionate Curiosity to know your neighbor Faith-based Confidence in our God of abundance Imaginative Courage to go on an adventure with God in mission Daryl Cook Inspired Commitment to a renewed church for a new age Keynote speakers are the Rev. Dr. David Lose and Andrew Root, PhD and Peter Mayer will perform in concert on Friday night. J.L. Setzer Mark Costner Are you interested in exploring what God is doing, and where God may be leading our congregation to participate in mission here in Shelby and Cleveland County? Call Pastor Christina or email her to learn more. Kelly Smolzer Lyle Sturgis CONGREGATION COUNCIL AS COMMUNIO IN ACTION Bob Bryant Ludy Wilkie STAFF: Rev. Christina Auch, Pastor Renee Kimray, Secretary: 704-600-6349 Stephen White, Lead Organist As Church Together, we are called to work together for God’s mission – baptizing and making disciples – working as one across differences, many hands joined in one purpose. It is a model of communio inspired by the Trinity. Our ministry teams focus on how we live out our congregation values of pointing to Christ, prayer, affirmation, outreach and calling others to service. Our staff manages the day-to-day work of our congregation, and our Congregation Council manages the “big rocks,” the long-term vision and decision-making for Ascension. After the annual congregation meeting in November, concern was expressed that we will be operating with a smaller, tenmember Council in the New Year. In practice, we have been operating with a ten-member Council, or fewer, in 2014 because of resignations and absences that took place during the course of the year. We believe a Council this size remains capable and effective, and representative, of the congregation. If you have ministry concerns or ideas, or would like to be more involved, know you are invited to speak with Pastor Christina or a council member at any time. Your Congregation Council will be installed during worship on Epiphany Sunday, January 4, 2015. Please join us for worship and affirm their service and gifts of leadership. NARTHEX EDUCATION MINISTRY “WELCOME TO GOD’S HOUSE” “Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God.” Find this information in the Narthex Special notices Usher schedule Service Assistant schedules, etc. Romans 15:7 ADULT BIBLE STUDY The adult Bible study discussion meets each Sunday in the Mattie Blanton room in the Fellowship Building. “We meet at 9:45am God’s time, 10:00am our time” as our own Lyle Sturgis says. Discussion is led by Lyle Sturgis. DOES THE CHURCH OFFICE HAVE YOUR PREFERRED EMAIL? Please email the office at to provide your preferred email to keep up with congregation events and news. A Brief weekly e-newsletter is sent to all active members on Thursday mornings. Email the office to sign up. CROSS + GEN FAITH FORMATION (Sundays at 9:45 in the fellowship hall) is based on Faith 5, a pattern for practicing faith that encourages us to gather together, share our highs and lows, listen to God's Word, pray together, and send each other out with a blessing before worship. How many generations will you will learn and pray with? Join us on Sunday morning and find out. We will be hibernating until Lent. Join us on February 22nd. STAY CONNECTED Provide your email to receive the weekly eNews on Thursdays. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter (@alutheran) Listen to Pastor Christina’s sermons (a link to an .mp3 file is posted on the Facebook page by Monday afternoon) FIRST COMMUNION We will celebrate First Communion at the Maundy Thursday service on April 2, 2015. Two classes will be held on Sundays in March. Parents: if you are interested in having your child participate, please contact Pastor Christina by Sunday, March 1. Please know that all who have been baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion, whether or not you have received this formation and instruction first. ADOPT A BED The new Cleveland County Rescue Mission Homeless Shelter is opening in 2015 and it is promoting an “Adopt-a-Bed” fundraiser. A gift of $250 will provide a bed, mattress, sheets, blanket and a pillow for one individual at the shelter. Please consider making a gift! With every donation to the Adopt-a-Bed fundraiser, a group name will be placed on a plaque that will be installed over the bed. Give individually, or as a group, or help our church provide a bed (or two) by marking your envelope, “Adopt-aBed”. For more information, talk to Pastor Christina. Save the date! Fellowship Lunch Sunday PRAYER REQUEST FORMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX. Just drop your prayer request in the offering plate. January 11th after the service. Please bring a dish to share. Contact Kelly Smolzer with any questions. SAVE THE DATE! We will be celebrating Souper Bowl Sunday on Sunday, February 1, 2015 during our worship (11 a.m.) It is the 25th anniversary for Souper Bowl with over $100 million towards hunger-relief in the United States during its history. We do not know who will be the 2015 champion on the field, but we know who will be the real champions off the field. Please plan to participate! YOUTH Generally, on the fourth Sunday of the month, children and youth will have afternoon activities after worship. Save the date for these activities and watch for more details: February 1 Souper Bowl Sunday (worship) February 1 Super Bowl Party with Episcopal Church of the Redeemer Join volunteers monthly at 7 p.m. in the conference room for planning meetings on January 7, February 4 and March 4. 2014 CHRISTMAS PLAY Youth and children shared the Christmas story in the December 7 Christmas play “The Nativity of Our Lord” taken from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. TRANSFORM SOMEONE’S LIFE: The Family Farm Challenge for 2015 A cow, a few goats, some chickens, pigs and farm tools can mean a new life for a family in underdeveloped countries. Ascension’s WELCA members are issuing a challenge to our congregation for 2015: Give a transformational Family Farm gift through the ELCA World Hunger program. The cost for setting up a family farm with animals and tools and providing family members with agricultural training and marketing support is $715. That’s money most of us would never miss if we join together as a congregation and break it down into small gifts throughout the year. If each person attending worship would contribute $1 each month, Ascension could purchase a Family Farm and have it delivered by the end of next year. That’s ONE DOLLAR a month during 2015. Ascension has not heard the ring of its hand held bells for quite some time. Several church members have asked whether we could revive the hand bell choir. So this is a call to the music lovers and melody makers among us from ages 10 to 100 to come together on Sunday, February 1st in the Choir Room directly after the service! We will discuss rebuilding our hand bell choir. We will need a director as well as ringers. If you are interested we would greatly appreciate your participation and ideas. Thanks to all! With new tools and new farming techniques, a family will be able to grow larger crops. Animals will provide eggs, milk and meat for the family to sell, enabling them to escape the cycle of hunger and poverty for good. Will you accept the Family Farm Challenge and commit to contributing $1 each month in 2015? Starting in January, WELCA members will be on hand at worship to share more information and receive your donations. THANKS FOR THE SOCKS AND BOX SUCCESS! Members of our Ascension family brightened the lives of people here at home and around the world at Christmas. The numbers tell the story: 15 boxes for area senior citizens -- each packed to the brim with personal care items. We reviewed the congregational meeting and addressed concerns that some of you have expressed to council members, regarding the number of members required for our council. We would like to assure you that a council with 10 members will cover all committees. We will have a council installation for the entire council on Sunday Jan. 4th. As always if you would like to be on council, names for next years ballot will be compiled prior to our November 2015 congregational meeting. From our treasurer we heard that we are on track to make budget for the year and that giving is up - thank you. But the Columbarium fund needs additional contributions in order for us to 154 pairs of socks, 12 toboggans, 3 pairs of gloves, 3 puzzles, 2 meet our 2015 responsiblities/commitments. pairs of tights, 1 pair of leggings – delivered to the Lutheran Foundation’s Heritage Oaks Assisted Living Center for residents’ JL shared with us the Property Committee's handy work for the Christmas goodie bags. month. This included all the great things they accomplished on the Nov. 15th work day. Please see JL for more details, or to In addition, an overflowing box of personal care items, puzzles submit your name for the next work day! We welcome your ideand games went to Heritage Oaks earlier in the season. as about what the third floor classrooms need: please share those with council members, property committee volunteers Thanks to Renee Kimray for coordinating the gift boxes for and/or Pastor Christina. We also passed our fire inspection seniors project, to Lin and D.P. Washburn for leading our OperaYay! So please remember to keep hallways and stairwells clear, tion Christmas Child response, and to Ascension WELCA for orand if you take it out, put it back! ganizing Sock Sunday for Heritage Oaks residents. 48 shoeboxes -- off to foreign lands via Operation Christmas Child. Most of all, thanks to each member of the Ascension family for Fellowship Outreach reported the back pack programs is doing this out pouring of Christian charity. well and will continue to take donations. Just a reminder we are still feeding the men at the Men's Shelter once a month, until the new facitlity opens. These funds are running low and we may need meat donations in the near future. Jan 11 will be a covered dish lunch after services, Group One will set up and take down, the congregation is asked to bring a dish. Relay for Life is in May - look for fund raisers to start after the first of the year, and ask Lisa Philbeck how you can help. TEMPLE TALK Council met this past Tuesday with eight voting members, chairman Lisa Philbeck and treasurer Greg Blalock Here are the highlights: In the Chairman's Moment, Lisa informed us of the resignation from council of Scott Stone. She also filled us in on the progress of the Constitution Committee, with all things going along as planned the committee will meet again in January. It's a big season for Worship and Music. Dec. 7th was the children's Crismon tree, the 14th is Hanging of the Greens, 21st Steve is on vacation and Cathy will be with us, 28th will be carols and lessons with Carol and Otto. Advent readers have been assigned for the season, thank you to families participating. The Youth participated in a service project on Nov. 23 with Episcopal Church of the Redeemer. Two car loads of youth collected food from 16 households to be used by the Shepherd's Table Feeding Ministries. Thank you to all who donated! On the 7th we had our Christmas play and the kids did great with only one rehearsal! The covered dish was well attended and we even had a special guest. A good time was had by all. Christmas cards have been sorted and are available in the Narthex for the next few Sundays. On the 21st our youth will go Christmas Caroling to Hospice and some members homes. Pastor Christina presented her activities for the month and the items she has her calendar thus far. She also presented a few items to council. After review the following items have been decided on. We will be participating in a church assessment that is being offered to us by the synod, the first step will a congregation survey in January. More information will be in the January newsletter. With a vote of 5 for and 3 opposed we will allow the Rescue Mission to use our parking lot once this winter for their clothing closet with the limitations we have set. Lastly pastor will be on vacation from December 25 to January 2. ASCENSION PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT 1. H & H Pest Control did regular maintenance on , 2014. 2. A work day was held on Saturday morning, 15 November 2014 at 9:30 am. Those members participating were Bill Bridges, Scott Stone, Allen Philbeck, Dave Williams, D P Washburn, Rick Jackson, J L Setzer, Max Smolzer, Zachary Smolzer, and Logan Lacy. Coffee and sweets were supplied by Willi and Ray Lacy. 3. A storage container, previously fabricated from miscellaneous steel and aluminum parts by Allen Philbeck and Rick Jackson, was installed by them inside the fenced enclosure behind the Sanctuary. It will be painted when weather permits. It will be utilized as a storage place for propane gas tanks and flammable items. A lock will be provided and keys stored on the keyboard in the Fellowship Hall kitchen cabinet. 4. Two alter flower stands, which have been previously been stored in the organ pipe room or on the stairs leading to the basement, are now stored behind the door leading from the alter area to the basement. A kick down door stop has been stalled on the door to facilitate access to the stand storage space. Dave Williams and D P Washburn. The Property Committee must have a “needs list” from the church committees to prepare a scope of work to be done with the available funds. A sketch of the third floor room arrangement has been prepared with the rooms designated with numbers. Requests should refer to these numbers. Some items listed should be: A. Ceiling repair B. Painting C. Carpet D. Other 9. A recent rain revealed that we have a low volume leak in room 2 of the Ed Bldg roof. The roofing contractor has been notified. 10. The writer was shown a defective commode flush valve in the ladies’ toilet in the Sanctuary basement on 28 November 2014. Parts have been purchased to replace the defective shut off valve, supply line, and valve assembly. This repair was accomplished on Saturday, 06 December 2014 by Dave Williams and J L Setzer. 11. Members of the Shelby Fire Department inspected the Sanctuary and Ed Bldg on 02 December 2014. No violations were found and we were approved on our yearly inspection. 12. The writer approved the purchase of approximately $100.00 worth of lime and fertilizer for immediate use on the grass of the Church yard. installed on the door to facilitate access to the stand storage space. Dave Williams and D P Washburn. 5. The inoperable fluorescent light fixture located in room 3 of 5. The inoperable fluorescent light fixture located in room 3 of the third floor of the Ed Bldg was repaired and cleaned. This unit the third floor of the Ed Bldg was repaired and cleaned. This unit was damaged by water from the leaking roof. A new electrical was damaged by water from the leaking roof. A new electrical ballast was installed. Scott Stone and Bill Bridges. ballast was installed. Scott Stone and Bill Bridges. 6. Limbs were removed from a maple tree located on the northwest corner of the church parking lot. The tree limbs had completely engulfed the lamp post and light rendering it useless. The light fixture can now provide illumination of the parking lot as it was intended to do. Dave Williams, Rick Jackson, D P Washburn, and J L Setzer. 7. Allen Philbeck used his tractor to plow out the roots of undesirable bushes growing along the Church property lines. This will reduce annual maintenance and permit easier mowing of the grass. All of the work party participated in this task. 8. The Property Committee has received no information on the following September entry. ---We received a check on 19 August 2014 from the Dover Foundation for the amount of $3945.00 to be used in the painting and carpet repair/replacement on the third floor of the Ed Bldg. There is some amount of memorial gift money that will be added to this sum. 6. Limbs were removed from a maple tree located on the northwest corner of the church parking lot. The tree limbs had completely engulfed the lamp post and light rendering it useless. The light fixture can now provide illumination of the parking lot as it was intended to do. Dave Williams, Rick Jackson, D P Washburn, and J L Setzer. 7. Allen Philbeck used his tractor to plow out the roots of undesirable bushes growing along the Church property lines. This will reduce annual maintenance and permit easier mowing of the grass. All of the work party participated in this task. 8. The Property Committee has received no information on the following September entry. ---We received a check on 19 August 2014 from the Dover Foundation for the amount of $3945.00 to be used in the painting and carpet repair/replacement on the third floor of the Ed Bldg. There is some amount of memorial gift money that will be added to this sum. The Property Committee must have a “needs list” from the church committees to prepare a scope of work to be done with the available funds. A sketch of the third floor room arrangement has been prepared with the rooms designated with numbers. Requests should refer to these numbers. Some items listed should be: A. Ceiling repair HAPPY BIRTHDAY B. Painting C. Carpet D. Other 9. A recent rain revealed that we have a low volume leak in room 2 of the Ed Bldg roof. The roofing contractor has been notified. Bailey Jackson 1/1 Zachary Jackson 1/16 Priscilla Williams 1/20 Rick Washburn 1/23 Gail McKillop 1/29 Karen Long 1/30 10. The writer was shown a defective commode flush valve in the ladies’ toilet in the Sanctuary basement on 28 November 2014. Parts have been purchased to replace the defective shut off valve, supply line, and valve assembly. This repair was accomplished on Saturday, 06 December 2014 by Dave Williams and J L Setzer. STEWARDSHIP TREASURER’S REPORT 11. Members of the Shelby Fire Department inspected the Sanctuary and Ed Bldg on 02 December 2014. No violations were found and we were approved on our yearly inspection. 12. The writer approved the purchase of approximately $100.00 worth of lime and fertilizer for immediate use on the grass of the Church yard. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wilson 1/19 Mr. & Mrs. Loy Hoffman 1/26 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lacy 1/28 Mr. & Mrs. Dick Lily 1/28 ALTAR GUILD Will have its regular instructional meeting in the Choir Room on Sunday, January 25th directly after the 11:00 a.m. service. Any confirmed members of Ascension are invited to serve as Communion Assistants. We welcome young and old to join in this important ministry which allows us to participate in the most sacred part of our worship service. Ascension Unified Fund 2014 Actual Budget Unified receipts through 11/30/2014 $ 126,614 Unified disbursements through 11/30/2014 $ $ $ (110,174) (145,287) 35,113 Surplus or (deficit) year-to $ -date 16,440 Transfers from Emergency $ Reserve Designated items - net $ (6,541) Year-to-date change $ 9,899 Beginning cash balance 1/1/2014 $ 40,683 Ending cash balance 11/30/2014 $ 50,582 $ 145,287 Actual vs. Budget $ - $ (18,673) $ 16,440 THANKS PRAYER REQUESTS Sherri Atkins (niece of Clarann Schiavo), Roland Rohrer (friend of Renee Kimray), Hezekiah Lubas (friend of Renee Kimray), David Ware (friend of DP & Lin Washburn) Minnie Williams (mother of Dave Williams), Robert Morin, Chad Wilson (son of the Wilsons), Wanda Fitzsimons (friend of Priscilla Williams), Emma Davenport (friend of Priscilla Williams’), Pastor Gary Weant, Jean Roberts & Robert Yates (friends of Jean Sturgis), Anna Bloomer (friend of Jean Sturgis), Ray Davis (son of Dean Davis), Mack & Susan Jenkins (friends of the Williams), Judy Burns (friend of the Lamberts), Anthony Burr, Richard Gillespie Members: Bruce Long, Dale Guffey, Lin Washburn Home Bound: Max Moser, Fred & Drucilla Morgan MEMORIALS Fred Simmons By: Ray Valentine Ann Sipe Eleanor Hendrick Marge McKillop By: Mr. & Mrs. Spirko To all those on Docket 2 and Docket 3 for their participation in providing food for Fred Simmons' "Celebration of Life" on the 15th of December. Special thanks to Margie Olsen, Jennie Lambert, Carol Peeler, Betty Blanton, Eleanor Hendrick, Kelley Seagle, Judy Bridges, Carol Berger, Barbara Davis, DP Washburn, Kevin Lacy and Ray Lacy for setting up and serving. Excused: Lin Washburn - Please Get Well Quick. Once again the Lord assisted us in feeding many out of our loaves and fishes. Thanks again, Willi Lacy FLOWERS If you would like to put flowers on the altar, please call the office 704-487-5679 I want to extend a heartfelt message of gratitude and thanksgiving to the area Lutheran Pastors and congregations for the astounding avalanche and sustained outpouring of emails, voice messages, phone calls, get well cards, Christmas cards, inclusions in Intercessory Prayer, gifts of food, fruit, prayer shawls, and various expressions of kindness extended to my wife, Linda, my family, Philadelphia Lutheran Church and me during my complicated illness, the extended treatments and “the roller coaster like journey” toward renewed health and wholeness. I have always confessed as to the efficacy of Intercessory Prayer and affirmed the Biblical truth that despite its imperfections, The Church is the Body of Christ in today’s world. Your sustained kindness and faithful witness have provided me with an undeniable confirmation of these truths! My chemotherapy treatments and the recovery from recent surgery to remove my cancerous and badly diseased right arm, shoulder joint and shoulder blade have gone well thus far. And for these blessings I am truly grateful. However, I still have a ways to go and a number of bridges to cross before we will know the extent of my recovery and return to good health. I will resume two rounds of chemotherapy on January 5 th. that will last for at least six weeks. The doctors will evaluate my progress, and, if all goes well, will schedule surgery to remove a small tumor in my left lower lung. If this surgery succeeds in removing all of the sarcoma from the secondary site, I will likely have three or four more rounds of chemotherapy to help reduce the likelihood of recurrence. As I continue this journey, your continued Prayers are welcomed and much appreciated. I trust that the truth, grace, love, beauty and joy of Christmas will forgive, heal, guide, strengthen and transform us in faith and life not only for the present moment but also for all eternity. In Christmas Love, Grace, Hope, Peace and Joy, Pastor Gary A. Weant TABULATORS Assist. Minister Jan. 4, 2015 Jan. 11, 2015 Jan. 18, 2015 Jan. 25, 2015 Calvin Blalock Calvin Blalock Calvin Blalock Calvin Blalock DP Washburn DP Washburn DP Washburn DP Washburn Carol Berger Rose Cook Judy Bridges Carol Berger Reader USHERS ACOLYTE DP & Lin Ray Lacy Robert Buchanan Larry Wilson Washburn Jake Smolzer Allen Philbeck Ludy Wilkie Rainey Wallen Devyn Paul Zach Jackson Chase Buchanan CRUCIFER Parker Hart Otto Olsen Jacob Stone Brooke Buchanan ALTAR GUILD TEAM B B B COMMUNION Carol Berger Elizabeth Hoffman ASSISTANTS Lyle & Jean Sturgis Michele & Brett Wallen Carol Berger Becky Stillwell Carol Berger B January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Dec. 31, 2014 1 2 3 COUNCIL REPORTS DUE 4 5 Adult Bible 6 7 Council meet Youth meet 13 14 Adventurers Group OFFICE CLOSED Happy New Year! 8 9 10 15 16 17 23 24 30 31 Worship See page 2 for more 11 12 Adult Bible Article deadline Worship QG Communion 18 19 Adult Bible OFFICE CLOSED 20 21 22 Newsletter released Worship See page 2 for more 25 Adult Bible See page 2 for more 26 27 28 COUNCIL REPORTS DUE 29 Dec. 31st-Council reports due Jan. 1st– Office closed Jan. 3rd-Adventurers Group at Parkway House in Cherryville Jan. 4th-Adult Bible at 9:45 am, Worship at 11, Communion, Installation of Congregation Council, Confirmation 12:30 pm Jan. 6th-Council meet at 7 pm Jan. 7th-Youth meet at 7 pm Jan. 11th-Adult Bible at 9:45 am, Worship at 11 am with Rev. John Mocko preaching, communion, new member affirmation, fellowship meal after service Jan. 15th-deadline for articles, Quilters Guild (F/H) Jan.18th-Adult Bible at 9:45 am, Worship at 11 am, communion, Confirmation at 12:30 pm, Sturgis (F/H) Jan. 19th-office closed Jan. 22nd-newsletter released Jan. 25th-Adult Bible at 9:45 am, Worship at 11 am, confirmation at 12:30 pm Jan. 28th-Council reports due
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