Welcome to ALCESTER BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Scott Conner Cell: (605) 261-0288 Church Office (605) 934-2575 Website – www.alcesterbaptist.com Like us on Facebook! Facebook.com/alcesterbaptist January 11, 2015 10:30 AM Worship Service Clavinovist Pianist Organist Yvonne Clark Laura McKee Donna Anderson Welcome & Announcements/Greeting One Another Prelude-Preparing Our Hearts for Worship Invocation #102 – 10,000 Reasons #96 – How Marvelous Prayer and Praises #43 – In Christ Alone Giving of Tithes & Offerings Offertory Response- #21 – Give Thanks Children’s Moment Scripture for Meditation: Colossians 1:3-8 Message: No “ifs” in Christ Closing Song #66 – How Great is Our God Benediction *United Board Meeting after the service today Prayer Concerns: Friends of the Week- Scott , Nola & Emmy Conner Those in the Nursing Home / Homebound Phyllis & Bernard Bergdale-Craig Anthony-Dave Laapagard Bernice Sandvall- Betty Mead-Mary Reppe-Eileen Johnson Nick & Joan Villas Missionaries of the Week- Cory Grimm – Haiti International Missions Sharon Joachim Ariyanna Miller Opportunities This Week Monday, January 12 6:30am- Men’s Bible Study & Prayer Wednesday, January 14 7:00pm- Kids Clubs and Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm-Auditing Committee Meeting Sunday, January 18 9:00am-Coffee Fellowship- Jerry & Sharon Joachim 9:30am-Sunday School 10:30am-Worship Service; Greeter-Jason & Stacy Johnson Music-Roxanne Clark 11:30am-Quarterly Business Meeting & Potluck Group 2 serving (Christi Wegh, Marge Eilers, Von Clark, Nola Conner, Cleo Clark, Gladys Johnson, Roxanne Clark, Jeri Strong) January Deacons:Donowan Larson, Warren Johnson Jerry Joachim January Ushers: Tom McKee, Grant Johnson, Travis Goeden January Deaconess: Debbie Johnson Upcoming Events and Announcements: The Nominating committee has published the list of recommendations for church offices and committees to be presented for approval at the annual meeting next Sunday. They are posted at both entrances. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the nominating committee (Warren, Sue, Nola or Jim Q.). 1st Quarter Missions Offering will be Sunday January 25th. Reminder – It is time to gather and submit your reports for the annual meeting, which is Sunday, January 18th. Please submit these reports as soon as possible. If there is any changes for next year’s Church directory that need to be made such as address, phone number, birthday, anniversary etc. please turn them into Kristen in written form. Also if there is anyone that would like to be added to the rotation for serving coffee on Sunday’s let Kristen know as well. Happy Birthday Jan. 12 –Paul McKee Zach McKee Jan. 14 – Lennea Clark 409 Iowa St Alcester, SD 57001 605-934-2575 WWW.ALCESTERBAPTIST.COM FACEBOOK.COM/ALCESTERBAPTIST
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