Bulletin - Our Lady of the Holy Cross Catholic Church

Our Lady of the Holy Cross Catholic Church
8115 Church Road + St. Louis, Missouri 63147-1832 + 314-381-0323 + 314-381-4828 (Fax)
January 11, 2015
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Donald L. Buhr, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Donald Driscoll, Permanent Deacon
Sr. Carlene Welker D.C., Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Ann Blum, Liturgist
Mrs. JoAnn Ghirardi, Parish Secretary
Ms. Joan Hanheide, Parish Secretary
Ms. Lynda Brand, Parish Secretary
Music Ministry:
Mr. Ralph Klocker, Organist/Choir Director
Mr. William Collier
- Organizations and Ministries Parish Pastoral Council President
Mr. Richard Burgdorf
Parish Finance Council
Mr. Louis Coffman
Liturgy Committee
Mrs. Ann Blum
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
President, Mr. Gary Moellering
Jonah Ministry
Our Lady of the Holy Cross Seniors
Ladies, St. Monica’s Society
Parish Telephone Prayer Chain
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Ushers / Greeters
Sacraments and Liturgy
Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m.
Saturday Mass: 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. (DST)
Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. (in the rectory)
Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays, following the
8:00 a.m. Mass until 4:30 p.m.
Pastoral Care of the Sick: Contact the rectory to
request visitation of the sick, either at home or at
the hospital. Sacrament of the Anointing of the
Sick is offered as needed and seasonally in church.
Sacrament of Penance:
30 minutes prior to Mass time
Sacrament of Baptism: Congratulations! Please call
the rectory for preparation and scheduling.
Sacrament of Marriage: Congratulations! Please call the rectory 6
months prior to the anticipated date of marriage in order to
allow sufficient time for preparation.
Registration: New parishioners, please fill out the registration card
in church and drop in the collection or call the rectory. We
look forward to meeting you and having you in our community.
Welcome to Our Lady
of the Holy Cross Parish
…If you are new and would like to join our parish, we look forward
to meeting you personally. Please introduce yourself to the pastor
after Mass or stop by the parish office at the rectory to register. We
are interested in getting to know you so that we can better minister to
you. We hope you find a home here among friends who pray
together, work together and play together.
…If you have not been active in the practice of the Catholic faith, we
encourage you to return. If you would like to speak with someone
on the parish staff, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us.
…If a previous marriage has kept you from receiving the Sacraments,
we invite you to contact the rectory. In many cases we can work with
you toward a favorable solution so that you can again receive the
…If you cannot come to Church because of illness, please be sure
that the parish office is notified so that we might minister to you
either at home, hospital or nursing care facility.
Baptism of the Lord
Monday, January 12
8:00 a.m.
Melvin & Rose Brichacek
Tuesday, January 13
St. Hilary
8:00 a.m.
Charles Faille
Wednesday, January 14
8:00 a.m.
Bernice Schneitz
Thursday, January 15
8:00 a.m.
Gerald Morgenthaler
Friday, January 16
8:00 a.m.
Arek Gorka
Saturday, January 17
St. Anthony
8:00 a.m.
Hal King, Jr.
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 18
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00 a.m.
Nuncio & Caroline Farace
Saturday, January 17
4:00 p.m. Lector:
Sunday, January 18
10:00 a.m. Lectors:
Sheila Johnson
Rita Kemna
Sabra Ward
Donna Franklin
Rich Burgdorf
Judy Lydon
Caroline Chew
Charlotte Flowers
Jacqueline Robinson
Sanctuary Lamp Intentions
Shirley Carson Family
Johnnie Lyons
Bill Collier
Damien Foster
Jim Smith
Gary Moellering
January 18, 2015
1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
John 1:35-42
“With a short Christmas season, Ordinary Time's return may seem a bit of a jolt, but this liturgy places us right in
with the call of the first disciples as told in John's Gospel. As he did with those first disciples long ago, Jesus invites
us to ‘Come and see.’
We must fulfill our role in God's plan of salvation, for ‘whenever the memorial of this sacrifice is celebrated,’ God
continues ‘the work of our redemption’. The first reading's account of the call of the prophet Samuel surely echoes
our own struggle to hear God's call and proclaim Christ's saving work in our daily lives.
The liturgy, then, directs us both inward, to hear ‘the Holy Spirit within’, and outward, to live as disciples in a world
awaiting the fullness of the good news. We go forth to live as God's messengers of peace.”
© 2005, 2006, 2014, OCP. All rights reserved.
Please remember in your prayers ...
Phillie Riti
Faith Marie Hamilton
Christina Russell
Alexandra Russell
Deacon Fred Dodson
Cole Owens
Mark Dickerson
Regenia Butts
Wanda Butts
Kas Unnerstall
Mary Anthonis
Thomas Moore
Pamela Coffman
Mary Gericke
Mark Haywood
George Brooks, Jr.
George Schroeter
Darline Schroeter
Dorothy Gartland
Urina Riney
Louis Evans
Norleen Manwill
Ericka Ramsdell
Rose Schnieders
Joe Bochatin
Samantha Fondren
David Hanheide
John Hughes
Bill Lawson
Eloise Henderson
Terri Daniels
Leia Sloan
Mary Heinzer
Theresa Forrest
Jacquelyn Robinson
Barbara Carson
Amanda Geldermann
Bernard Miller
Carmen Peluso
Maria Peluso
John Ratheld
Jan Tubbs
Florence Tipton
If you know of someone who needs prayers, call the rectory.
This Sunday draws the Christmas Season to a close
so we will be taking the Christmas decorations down. If
you can stay after Mass today and help; many hands
make light work, we would surely appreciate it.
This Week at the Parish
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration until 4:00 p.m.
Perpetual Help Devotions and
St. Vincent DePaul Society
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 14
9:00 a.m.
Bible Study/Shared Prayer
12:30 p.m.
Liturgy Committee Meeting
Monday, January 19
8:00 a.m.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
(Festival Sunday)
We are currently preparing for our annual Fasching Sonntag Dinner on Sunday, February 15.
Thanks to Bob Calcattera, he has located the man who worked
for Riverview Dairy and made our sausage for the dinner each year.
So, good news, he has agreed to do so for us again this year. We
will have the same sausage as in previous years. THANKS BOB!
Please mark your calendars for the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, February 15, and plan to attend our delicious dinner.
January 11, 2015
To quote from a letter of the Archbishop’s,
“Upon the recommendation of the Annual
Catholic Appeal Parish Emergency Fund Committee, I am pleased to approve your request
for financial assistance to help with a suppression system, as well as, downspout and plaster
repairs at Our Lady of the Holy Cross Parish.
An emergency grant of $7,000 will be provided
to your parish and the Finance Office will
transfer these funds to your parish account.”
To explain some points of this letter: the Emergency Fund is
for parishes like ours that seek assistance in some unforeseen
situations that happen unexpectedly in a parish. We were told by
the city inspector that in a commercial kitchen like ours we are
required to have a fire suppression system that will dose any
flame that occurs unplanned, e.g., a grease fire flaring up on the
stove. This will require about $3,600 and we may need electrical
work which would be an additional expense. In addition to this
suppression system, bids on the downspouts are $3,200. Nine
downspouts need to be replaced, repaired or realigned. The
plastering which needs to be done on a ceiling on the top floor in
our school is bid at $1,650.
The Archdiocese is taking this $7,000 from the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) money that all Catholics in the Archdiocese are
asked to contribute to every year. Now we are on the receiving
end from that annual giving. It just is a reminder that we should
continue to be generous to that annual appeal.
* * * * * * *
It’s the Baptism of the Lord and the close of the Christmas
Season. Time to take down our decorations and discard the
Christmas trees if you haven’t already. Time to say “thank you”
to all who made this a season of giving. And here I want to especially thank those who were so kind to me personally. Thanks
for the cards, the money, the booze, candy, clothes, and other
gifts. Indeed, it was a joyous Season.
Father Donald Buhr
This Sunday, January 11, after Mass the Jonah Ministry
Team will pray for and with you. “Is anyone among you suffering, anyone sick, anyone in need of healing? They should
be prayed for in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith
will save them.”
James 5:13-14
Please join us for the eighth annual Catholic Men for
Christ Conference, which will be held Saturday,
February 7, 2015, at the Peabody Opera House. This
year’s lineup includes George Weigel, Tim Staples, Terry
Barber, and Msgr. Ramicciotti, as well as emcee Zip
Rzeppa. For more information, please visit the Conference’s web site (www.catholicmenforchrist.org) or contact
Lou Coffman or Rich Burgdorf.
All of the spaces for the legacy brick program have
been sold. This program was very successful and we
thank all of you who purchased bricks. At this time, no
more orders can be accepted.
Our regular meeting is on Wednesday,
January 21, at 1:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Please RSVP by Monday, January 19, to
Christmas Flowers in Memory of . . .
Thomas L. Flynn
Robert F. Schnettler
Art & Nell Kemna, Jr.
Gene Hanheide
Felicia & Michael Amantea
Mass will be at the Cathedral Basilica on Sunday, January 18, at 2:30 p.m. to be followed by the Dr. Martin Luther
King Model of Justice Honors presented to selected youth in
Boland Hall. Choir directors are invited to let choir members
know of the joint choir being formed for the event. Other
interested singers are invited too. Please come and join us
in this wonderful tradition of our Archdiocese.
This week our money counters are
Shirley Carson and Joan Hanheide.
December Stewardship
Desired Budgeted Weekly Collection - $1,645.00
Sunday, December 28 Collection - $2,668.16
Amount Over Weekly Budget - $1,023.16
Desired Monthly Collection - $6,580.00
December Collection - $8,252.06
It’s that time again to be thinking about completing your
income tax papers. So should you need a contribution
statement, please contact the rectory at 381-0323. Statements will be mailed to your address on file the next business day after your request.
2015 ST. LOUIS
The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program offers free electronic income tax return preparation and tax information
for a family with income under $58,000. The program is
targeted at those working families who are eligible for the
earned income credit and child care credit.
Dates available are Saturdays: January 24 and 31,
February 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
For more information please visit their website at
www.stlouistap.org or call 602-8622.