The original documents are located in Box 2, folder “1976/08/19 - Cary Grant Introduction of Betty Ford, Kansas City, Missouri” of the Frances K. Pullen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Scanned from Box 2 of the Frances K. Pullen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Cary Grant~ust 19, 1976 (Pul len) For thos e view ers who just look ed up, this is stil l the Republi~an Nati onal Con vent ion in Kans as City , and not the late mov ie. I'm maki ng the came o app~arance to help rene w "The Ford s of 1600 Penn sylv ania Aven-q.e" for a four year seas on, beca use I do have some spec ial exp ertis e and expe rien ce for my job- --wh ich is to intro duce a very spec ial lady . Like the man sele cted as your nom inee for Pres iden t, I have the qua lific atio ns for my job. When the Cred enti als Com mitte e aske d what they were , I told them : Mar lene Die trich . Iren e Dunn e. Fon tain e. Kath erin e Hepb urn. Caro le Lom bard . Dori s Day. Jean Harl ow. Rosa lind Rus sell. Joan .A.ud rey Hepb urn. Star s and fasc inat ing ladi es all. · · a star in real life . But the lady I am intro ducl .ng l.S [ She has been a prof essi onal d ance r, a wife , a moth er and an advo cate of wom en's righ ts. J She is a lady who chos e a good man ---a stro ng man --and the man I be·ll.'ev e will be elec ted Pres iden t of the Unit ed Stat es, beca use of t h e e xcel lent J'ob he is doin g. • -- /~ ·Pag e Two It is a tribu te to his wisdo m that he marr ied this part icul ar woma n to shar e his life and bear his child ren. Long ago, he reco gniz ed her char acte r and charm . This spir ited and hone st woma n refle cts grea t cred it on the man who marr ied her. . ' She tells us much abou t him. I've had the joy of know ing her pers onal ly and shar ing her thou ghts . Many who have neve r me~ her admi re her sinc erity , cand or and humo r, and I can assu re you- --she is an extr aord inar ily comp assio nate and down -to-e arth pers on. As the fath er of a daug hter, I espe ciall y admi re her for spea king out abou t equa lity for wome n. Her effo rts help gain resp ect for the talen ts of wom en--- in the busi ness worl d and at home . She not only has the Pres iden t's ear and ours on this impo rtant subj ect, but she talk s open ly abou t many of our fears and hope s. Her indi vidu ality comp limen ts his own open and hone st Adm inist ratio n. They are quit e a team . The mutu al resp ect and adm irati on of thes e two for each othe r and for thei r child ren show s us a grea t deal abou t thei r feeli ngs for peop le and thei r ·stre ngth of char acter ·. Few thing s say more abou t a man than the woma n he marr ies. What a fant astic comm ent she is abou t him~ Perm it me to intro duce to you and to the Nati on-- 1'. -. , \- the Pres iden t• s and our Firs t Lac:J .y--_- Betty Ford . # • # # \.. (l>u lle.__IA) Cary Grant Introduction, August 19, 1976 For those viewers who just looked up, I want to assure you this is not the late show or a remake of "Mr. Smith Goe s'f to Washington. " This is the Republican National Convention in Kansas City. H I am making a cameo appearance to help renew "The Fords of 1600 lHIHIHI~Il Pennsylvania Avenue" for a four-year season. Like the man selected as your nominee for President, I too • have the experience for my jo~---which is to introduce a very special lady: The Credentials Committee approved my qualifications--after I gave them a few names. Marlene Dietrich. Katherine Hepburn. Jean Harlow. ,...._ Irene Dunne. . Fonta~ne. ,........ ~ Carole Lombard. ~D. Day. or~s Rosalind W Russell. Joan Audrey Hepburn. Stars and fascinating ladies all. But the lady I am introducing is a star in a real-life role---wife, mother and her own person. She is a lady who chose a good man---a strong man--and the man I believe will be elected President of the United States, because of the excellent job he is doing . • Page Two It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particular woman to share his life and bear his children. This Long ago, he recognized her character and charm. spirited and honest woman reflects great credit on the man who married her. She tells us much about him. I've had the joy of knowing her personally and skE sharing her thoughts. Many who have never met her admire her sincerity, candor and humor, and I can assure you---she is an extraordinarily compassionate and a~HHX~X down-to-earth person. As the father of a daughter, xe I especially admire her for speaking out about equality for women. Her efforts help gain respect for the talents of women---in the business world and athome. ~ t is always important to know who has the President's llow talks ear. acco ese two for each us a great deal of character. Few things say more about a man than the woman he marries. What a fantastic comment she is about him! • She H0~X0 H~ not only has the President's ear and ours on this important subject, but she talks openly about many of our fears and hopes. Her individuality compliments his own open and honest Administration. They are quite a team. The mutual respect and admiration of these two for each other and for their children shows us a great deal about their feelings for people and their strength of character. Pic~ up ..• few things, etc • • Page Three Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation--the President's and our First -0- • ~B¥ Lady---Betty Ford. Cary Grant Introduction, August 19, 1976 (Pullen) For those viewers who just looked up, I want to assure you this is not the late show or a remake of "Mr. Smith Goesx to Washington." This is the Republican National Convention in Kansas City, and I am making a x:a:.em cameo appearance 1J? ~8~~y "The Fords of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue~ q...-~~,,.~- f5"'n- Life the man selected as your nominee for President, I too have the experience and qualifications for my job---which is to talk about a very special lady. The Credentials Committee approved my qualifications--them a few names. Marlene Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Irene Dunne, Carole Lombard, Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine, Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn. Convinced of my expertise, they :a:~xx.e agreed to me talk about a friend of mine. The women I've played opposite in films are stars and fascinating women all. But the woman I'm talking about is a star in a real-life role---wife, mother and her own person. • Page Two She is a lady who chose a good man---a strong man--and the man I believe will be elected President of the United States. It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particular woman to share his life and bear his children. Long ago, he recognized her character and charm. This spirited and honest woman reflects great credit on man who married her. the She tells us much about his feelings about people and ideas. I've ks had the joy of knowing her personally. Her kindness, compassion and humor have endeared her to millions who have never met her, and I can tell you she is what she appears to EH&a&axxex be --- a very down-to-earth and warm human being. As the father of a RHB daughter, I especially admire her involvement in the quest for women for equality. She says to all of us that the talents of women---whether in the business world or at home---should be respected. I believe she's brought new dignity and honor Xkex to the MxxesxaHa place of wives and mothers in our country---and new understan~ ~ what women can contribute in our society. It's~ important to know who kBxe has the President's ear, and this gracious lady does. Their mutual respect and admiration show us how he feels about kxss himself and of • his willingness to listen to others. ~(Most of all, this woman reminds us of what courage and grace are.J This lady---more than any other I've ever known--can help make America a better £8Hxa~ place thiDugh the loving partnership of marriage and the sxxex~k strength of her compassion and convictions.<!V Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nax±BRH& Nation---the President's and our First Lady---Betty Ford. -0- • don't put the lady's name until the end foresight to x choose a god man, strong man ... remain your president ... tribute to his own wisdom ... chooise this ~a particula r woman ... to bear his children ..• joy of knowing her of her EX~RE personal!~ ... kindness serenity ... and all of you are familiar with her and her thoughts toward equality of the sexes •.. her efforts can appreciate ¥S her efforts .•• quiet x pillow talks ... effects of pillow talks ... quest for equality ..• an important advocate .•. • For those television viewers who may have just walked into the room, I want to assure you this isn't the late show or a remake of "Mr. Smith Goesx to Washingto n." I'm here to introduce a very special lady, and my appearanc e has been approved by the Credentia ls Committee . They asked me what credentia ls I had for the job. I told them: Marlene Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Irene Dunn, Carole Lombard Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine, Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn. And XH¥ they ~ksse a~xx agreed I had the necessary expertise . The women I've played opposite in films are stars and fascinatin g women all. But the lady I'm talking about is a star in a real life role---max kex wife, mother and friend. Whe is a lady who chose a good man, a strong man as her ~axxkex partner and father of her children, and a man I predict will BH remain President of the United States. It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particula r woman to share his life and bear his children. BHSXXHXXHEX He recognized her XXHH character and MBXmXH charm long ago. I've had the joy of knowing her personall y. • Her kindness, compassion, humor and foreright manner have endeared her to many who have never met her, and I can tell you she is as she appears to be. As the father of a daughter, I especially admire the inspiration she gives as a woman who loves her home and family---and yet is very much her own person. I believe it's very important to know who has the President's ear. This gracious and wonderful lady does, and she is not timid in sharing her views with him. She is an advocate of women in their quest for HH~ equality. Whether in the business world or in a contented partnership in the home, this xaa~ woman can play a special role in communicating her thoughts--tp her husband and to the Nation. She does not flinch at criticism---nor give up in the face of personal problems. Reminds us of what courage and grace are. This lady---more than any othEr I've know---can help ~x±H~ Please permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation, the PIBsident's and our First Lady, Betty Ford . • Cary Grant Introdutio n, August 19, 1976 (Pullen) For those viewers who just looked up, I want to assure you this XKHXX is not the late show or a remake of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washingto n." National ~kKKMM This is the Republican convention in Kansas¥ City. Like the man x selected as the nominee of this ~ the party, I ~ have ±8~ experienc e and qualifica tions for xkex~¥ Xke~job of introducin g a very special lady. My appearanc e has been approved ¥ by the Credentia ls Committee . They r~Rd .asked ~~edentials 1--ftad. I told them: Jean RBX8 Marlene Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Harlow, Irene Dunne, Carole Lombard, Rosalind Ruseell, Joan Fontaine, Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn. So they agreed, and here I am to tell you about a friend of mine. The women%xx I've played opposite in films are stars and fascinatin g women all. But the ±Ba¥ woman I'm talking about is a star in a real-life role---wi fe, mother and represent ative of her husband. She is a lady who chose a good man, a strong man and • ~ ~ k. the man ~will co~~~~Q as President of the United States. It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particular woman to share his life and bear his children. He recognized her character and charm long ago. Because he knew kexxs3NRHX3H eaxxk what a spirited and honest woman she is---he has XHRXxkexx3RXMRft¥X3E been his representativ e This lady is an important xe%exx reflection of the man she married---and tells us that he is I've had the joy of knowing her. xxxaxxxkexa~~eaxxxX3 %x«axxxe%%X¥3HXXke Her kindness, compassion, humor and honestyHHHKk xxk have endeared her to many who have never met her, and I can tell you she is what she appears to be. As the father of a daughter, I especially admire wzaz her efforts to promote the quest of women for equality. She reminds us xkaXXK3MHR of the x%a talents of women---whet her in the business world or in a contented partnership in the horne. She says to all of us that what we want for all Americans--- is what us to be the best we can be. I believe it's very important to know who has the President's ear. This gracious and wonderful lady does, and we know that in those quiet pillow talks---when two people share their deepest thoughts---sh e will share her xe views with him. • Most a of all, this woman reminds 3 us of what courage and grace are-----fine human being. This lady---more than any other I've known---xx can help make our country a better place through kHx X3XH xkxx the loving partnership of her marriage RR because she has the 3 courage of her convictions. Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation--the President's and our First Lady---Betty Ford. -0- • Page Two It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particular woman to share his life and bear his children. ~ Long ago, he recognized her character and charm. This spirited and ~ honest woman reflects great credit on the man who married her. She tells us much about him. \...ONttJ.~ ' - ~:) ~ I've had the joy of knowing her personally kindness, sincerity and humor have endeared her ~ to ,~'-_!/ millions who have ne.ver. met ~er, and I c:anFou--- is'-.~s~;::·!J£ ;z,:I~a•••h and~ she . eei!l!t!• ~~·~ :ht!!ttt!m As her 't 1 ~he J ~. father of a daughter, I especially admire Vl&ulS M. ouls~Rt 1 ~the quest of women for equality and what that effort will mean for our children.ll She says to us that the talents of women---whether in the business world or at home---should be respected. I believe she brings new dignity and honor to~ responsible jobs of wife and mother---and new understanding .~ frll\. ~~SDW~ Jo~eF4!i3::ReJO e£ f 2 ; ( ' - of the 5 . . . • 'bJt.f~ USJI ~ab~ ""''r""f)l~. It is always vital for us to know who has the President's ear. This gracious lady does. Their mutual respect and admiration show us how he feels about himself and other people. • Page Two It is a tribu te to his wisdo m that he marri ed this parti cular woman to share his life and bear his child ren. Long ago, he recog nized her chara cter and charm . This spiri ted and hones t woman refle cts great cred it on the man who marri ed her. She tells us much about him. I've had the joy of knowi ng her perso nally . k±H~~HesxkH Her kindn ess, comp assion and humor have endea red her to milli ons who have never met her, and I can tell you she is what she appea rs to be--- a xex~x down -to-ea rth and warm human being . As the fathe r of a daugh ter, I espec ially admir e her invol veme nt in the ~?~us que~alitY, that the talen ts of e"l · "· women---~ She wheth er in the busin ess world or at home ---sho uld be respe cted. I belie ve she bring s new digni ty and honor to the ~ ~~~Aee of ~ and mg~rere---and new under stand ing of ~d s 4 women , ~ fArVtJA..:htt,.. ~ IW\ ~. ee:n ile~tQ tg gnr ileli~ I •·• L. It is alway s impo rtant to know who has the Presi dent' s ear. This graci ous lady does. Their ~ mutua l respe ct and admi ration show us how he feels about hims elf and other peopl e. This lady- --mor e than any other I've ever~ know n--- 0\cl\..-J can help make AII&~Rll'iva 1d~@ futur e bette r......... -~illl • gj Pil Page Three through the loving partnership of her marriage and the strength of her compassion and convictions. Ske ~ Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation--the President's and our First Lady---Betty Ford . • Cary Grant Introducti on, August 19, 1976 F~r those viewers who just looked up, I want to asaaxe assure you this is not the late show or a remake of 11 Mr. Smith Goes to .Wask±H~a Washingto n ... This is the Republican National Convention in Kansas City, and I am making a cameo appearanc e to help renew "the Fords of 1600 Pennsylva nia Avenue .. for a four-year season. Like the man selected as your nominee for President , I too have the experienc e aHa for my job---whic h is to talk about~ The Credentia ls Committee ~ ~y qualifica tions __ I gave them a few names. Marlene ~ Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Irene Dunne, Carole Lombard, Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine, Doris Day Audrey Hepburn. 1~ Stars---an d fascinatin g ladies all. But the woman ~I'm introducin g is a star in a real-life role--wife, mother and her own person. She is a lady who chose a good man---a strong man--and the man I believe will be elected President of the ~huN' United States, because of the • ~ job wi.aJ ~ he~~!3~x~3a·l-;rr doing . Page Two It is a tribute to his NXa8xNa± wisdom that he married this particular woman to xkae share his life and X8 bear his children. charm. Long ago, he recognized her character and This spirited and honest woman reflects great credit on the maxx± man who married her. She tells MHEH us much about him. I've had the joy of knowing her personally and sharing her thoughts. she is an extraordinarily Xk~~kxxxaxa her I can x assure you--- ~MWJI) ~ and compassionate woman. As xe the father of a daughter, I especially admire her views 8X on the equality of the sexes and what her efforts will mean for our children. She says to ~ us~the talents of women---whether in the business world or at home---should be respected. I believe she brings new dignity and honor to the responsible jobs of wife and mother---and new understanding QJL of why every person be able to use~their abilities. .Jo.e t:fl:e It f~:~llest. . ~s iii\11 a 1 ways President's ear. ~~f a or ¥~8 ' us to know who has the This gracious lady does. .... Those quiet ~ ~ mutual ~~~~~. pillow talks can accomplish much. respect and admiration show us how the President& feels about people~ ob~~~~- ~'b....~~~ ~ CL ~ .h, ~.Jvz.. ~- • Page Three This lady---more than any other I've ever known--can help make our ~~etter---through loving partnership of her marriage and the ~ ofa.wi her ae;;aooioR~RQ convictions. Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation--~the President's and our First Lady---Betty Ford . • ~1 Cary Grant Introduction, August 19, 1976 (Pullen) For those viewers who just looked up, I want to assure you this is not the late show or a IBmake of x "Mr. Smith Goesx to Wllk Washington." This is the Republican National Convention XH in Kansas City, and %x I am making a cameo appearance in the story of "The Fords of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." Like the man sxe selected as your nominee, I too have the experience and qualifications for my ..J¥ introduc~g job-~~ a very special lady. ~v.A. . The Credentials Committee 11~ approved my kppearance after I xxs gave them a few names. Marlene¥ Dietrich, Katherine Hepburn, Jean Harlow, Irene Dunne, Carole g Lombard, Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine, Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn. Convinced of my expertise, they agreed to kllx&XB let me tell you about a friend of mine. The women I've played opposite in films are stars and XliBKXHBXH fascinating women all. But the woman I'm talking B about is a star in a real-life role---wife, M mother and her own person. She is a lady who chose a good man---a strong man-- • and the man I believe will be elected President of the United States. It is a tribute to his wisdom that he married this particular woman to share his life and bear his children. He recognized her character and charm long ago. This spirited and honest woman reflects great credit on the man who married her. She tells us much about his own feelings about people and life. ~HS® personally. Her Hexx%ke kindness, compassion and humor have endeared her I 1 Ve HB had the joy of knowing her to millions who have never met her, and I can tell you she is what she appears to be---a very down-to-earth and warm person. As the father of a daughter, I especially admire her involvement in the quest of women for equality. She says to all of us xa xa that the talents of women---Me whether in the business world or at home---should be respected. I believe she•s brought new dignity and honor to xkeXMxx place of wives and mothers in our country---and new understanding of what women can contribute in our society. I xe Eexxxa believe it•s very important to know who has the President•s ear, and this ~® does. ~d gracious and wonderful lady Their mutual respect and admiration xe%% show us MHRX how he feels listen ~RB about~and learn from others.) • of his willingess to Most of all, this woman reminds us of what courage and grace are. % This lady---more than any other r•ve ever known--a can help make this country better through the loving partnership of her marriage and the strength of her compassion and convictions. Permit me to introduce to you and to the Nation---the Presidents and our First Lady---Betty Ford. -0- •
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