CHAMBER NEWS January, 2015 w w w .C he r o ke e I o w a C ha m be r . c o m 2015 CHEROKEE CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Wilberding, President PSS Inc. Jared Koch, Vice President Cherokee State Bank Amy Loughlin, Secretary/Treasurer Underground Clothing Darla Struck, Past President Western Iowa Tech C. C. Jan Morton, Gasthaus Michelle Murphy, Mazurek Law Firm Brian Lauck Lauck Aviation Todd Bevard Letsche’s Bike Shop & Radio Shack Denny Paltz Northwest Realty Mike Reynolds Jackson Recovery Centers Terri Brown Bixenman Insurance Amber Thorson Burkhardt & Dawson, CPA Stephanie Zarr Delta Properties Julie Hering Kent Executive Director Vicki Menke PT Office Assistant The New Year is here and your Chamber of Commerce is off to a busy start. There is a lot of information on upcoming events in this newsletter and you will want to get those dates on your calendar. 2015 Chamber Dues information has been mailed. We have worked hard to keep within our budget and keep costs down, but to keep up with rising expenses, the board has implemented a minimal 2% increase to dues for 2015. We will continue to pass along a 5% discount to businesses that pay their dues in full by February 1. A common question I am asked is “What does the Chamber do for ME?” I could go over the 2 page fact sheet that lists the advantages of membership, but you have seen that before. There are a lot of things we do at the chamber that you may not see, but are helping your business nonetheless. For example, we receive phone calls daily from people who want the names or phone numbers of businesses, or want to know where they can find “this” or who does “that”—and we refer them to YOU. We sell Cherokee Chamber Bucks weekly—in fact we sold $38,000 worth in 2014. That is money that can only be spent with YOU. We work with families who are relocating to Cherokee, and with travelers who are planning trips to our community. We attend state and regional meetings to learn what is happening in other communities, and stay updated on legislative issues at the state and federal level, and bring that knowledge back to Cherokee. Instead of asking “What does the Chamber do for me?” ask yourself “How am I involved in the chamber?” Are you reading our monthly newsletter and weekly e-mail blasts? Do you use our Chamber website? Do you attend Chamber Coffees? When was the last time you recorded a chamber chat? Have you brought us items to include in the Welcome Bags for new residents? Have you volunteered to help with Chamber events? Have you called the chamber for help or with questions or to tell us how you are growing your business? While none of these things are required for your Chamber membership, they do bring more value to your membership. Remember, your membership dues are not a donation, they are an investment in your business, your chamber and in your community. Thank you for your support in 2014 and please let us know what we can do for YOU in 2015. Happy New Year! Julie Hering Kent “Chamber Chat” Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Coffee Fridays at 9:30 AM January 2—NO coffee January 9– Chamber Annual Meeting At City Hall Chambers January 16— Loft 101 January 23—OPEN January 30—CIC at New Building— 201 W Main KCHE (92.1 FM or 1440 AM) Every Tuesday morning at approximately 8:20 A.M. (Pre-recorded on Monday) January 6—Jazz and Blues Festival January 13—OPEN January 20—OPEN January 27—OPEN Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 1 CHAMBER ANNUAL MEETING Chamber Coffee Friday, January 9, 2015 9:30 AM Cherokee City Hall Chambers The Cherokee Chamber of Commerce will hold their 2015 Annual Meeting as part of the weekly Chamber Coffee: • All Members of the Cherokee Chamber of Commerce are invited • Hear updates from the Board of Directors • Provide input to the Board of Directors for 2015 According to our Chamber By-Laws, an Annual Meeting is to be held each year, open to the entire membership. We hope you can JOIN US! Did you know….. In 2014, The Cherokee Chamber of Commerce sold over $38,000 in Chamber Bucks. That is a $4,700 increase over 2013 and $8,300 over 2012! This is money being spent in YOUR Chamber Businesses. Thank You to those of you who use Chamber Bucks throughout the year as employee incentives and bonuses, and in clever promotions through your business. Let’s all work to continue promoting the use of Chamber Bucks in 2015. Join the Northwest Chapter of the Iowa Archaeological Society What’s on the Menu at a Prehistoric Plain’s Village? Wednesday, January 7 At 6 PM at the Sanford Museum Dr. Landon Karr , Assistant Professor at Augustana College, will be presenting on his research of animal use at prehistoric villages in the Great Plains region. He has recently been studying the Brewster archaeological site, just outside of Cherokee. Please Welcome These New Individuals to Our Community Pat Evans Jackie Miller Roni Johns Elizabeth Schuck David Stinson Andrew Barriger Julia & Merle Waples Jr. Kiel & Kirby Stephens Jadeyn Pender & Michael Paeper Brigette Schreiber & Kerwin Van Houten Are You Still Receiving This Newsletter via Snail Mail? The Chamber is busy updating mailing lists and email addresses to better serve you and reduce costs. If you are currently receiving a paper copy of this newsletter but would prefer to receive it via email in .pdf format , please give the Chamber a call or email us so we can update your info. 49¢ Thank you! Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 2 Phone Books Available At the Chamber Office Chamber Dues Pay your Chamber Dues in Full by February 1 and SAVE 5% Remember to check us out on Facebook - just search “Cherokee Chamber of Commerce” and remember to click SCHEDULE YOUR CHAMBER COFFEE AND CHAMBER CHAT FOR 2015 Chamber Coffee’s are a wonderful time to network and a perfect time to display and show off what your business has to contribute to our community. We only have 50 weeks of Chamber Coffee’s and over 200 PLEASE make sure you call TODAY and reserve your date. Don’t assume that if you had the same time last year you are on the calendar for the new year. It is also time to schedule Chamber Coffee’s for 2015. Please call Julie at the Chamber Office to reserve your date. Call 225-6414 to schedule your Chamber Coffee and Chamber Chat! 2015 Chamber Officers Congratulations to our 2015 Chamber of Commerce Officers: President—Dave Wilberding Vice President—Jared Koch Secretary/Treasurer—Amy Loughlin Past President—Darla Struck The red Iowa Heartland Regional Directory produced by Colorlyne Directories Is available at the Chamber Office. There was an issue in getting the books delivered to some sections of Cherokee, and businesses or individuals who did not receive one are invited to pick a book up at the Chamber of Commerce. It’s Crazy Days in January Retailers, have been asking for a January Clearance Event, so here it is. “Jingle Bell Shop” With us January 15—17 In Cherokee Shoppers who present $50 in sales receipts dated January 16 or 17 will be admitted FREE to the Jazz and Blues Festival Jam Session on Saturday, January 17. CHEROKEE RETAILER MEETING We will kick off 2015 by getting our Retail businesses together to discuss issues concerning them. Some agenda items will include: • Discuss how Holiday Open House and Christmas Promotions went this year; • Determine dates for our 2015 retail promotions including Crazy Days, All Girls Getaway, and Holiday Open House; • Discuss fundraising to cover promotion expenses; • Identify other promotions the chamber should be working on Meeting will be held Wednesday, January 28 5:30 PM Cherokee City Hall Chambers Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 3 Cherokee County Ag Show Tuesday, February 10 - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM WITCC, 200 Victory Drive in Cherokee 9:00 AM: Vendor booths open 9:30 AM: ISU Pesticide Training 2:00 PM: Bill Northey, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Free Lunch served from Noon to 1 PM Sponsored by area financial institutions Bill Northey, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey is a fourth generation farmer from Spirit Lake, Iowa who grows corn and soybeans. Northey returned to Spirit Lake to farm with his grandfather after graduating from Iowa State University in 1981. He is serving his second term as Iowa Secretary of Agriculture after being reelected in November of 2010. As Secretary, Northey has committed to traveling to each of Iowa's 99 counties every year to hear from farmers and rural residents with a stake in the future of agriculture. These meetings allow him to listen to their needs and better lead the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship as it seeks to serve the people of the state. His priorities as Secretary of Agriculture are advancing science and new technologies to better care for our air, soil and water and reaching out to all Iowans to tell the story of Iowa agricul- Sponsored by the Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Agri-Business Committee Questions call Cherokee Chamber of Commerce: 712-225-6414 Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 4 January, 2015 Sun Mon Dec 28 Dec 29 Jazz Mtg 5:00 PM Rotary 4 5 Tue Dec 30 Wed Dec 31 Thu 1 2 Chamber Chat— Chamber of Commerce 18 3 \ 6 7 8 9 10 Chamber Coffee— City Hall— Chamber Annual Meeting Rotary 11 Sat Chamber Coffee – NO Coffee Chamber Chat Jazz & Blues Festival Country Jammin’ 1:00 - 4:00 PM Sanford Museum Fri 12 13 14 Fairboard Meeting Lions Rotary Chamber Chat— Open Chamber Board 7 am Ag Committee Noon 19 20 21 15 16 Chamber Coffee Loft 101 Ribbon Cutting 17 Jazz Festival Crazy Days in January 22 23 24 Chamber Coffee - OPEN Chamber Chat— OPEN Rotary 25 26 Public Planetarium Program 2:00 PM at Sanford Museum 27 Chamber Chat— OPEN Rodeo Mtg 6:00 PM Rotary 28 29 Retail Meeting 5:30 PM 30 31 Chamber Coffee—CIC At New Building— 201 W Main Lions Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 5 416 West Main Street Suite 1 Cherokee, IA 51012 Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement “TO PROMOTE POSITVE GROWTH FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF OUR COMMUNITY” Cherokee Chamber of Commerce - January, 2015 Contact: Phone: 712-225-6414 6
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