January 2015 INSIDE 2 Epiphany Pageant 3 Branches Letter from the Sr. Warden 4 Christmas Eve Pictures 5 What is Epiphany Notice of Annual Meeting 6-7 Christian Education Puzzles & Pictures The Bishop’s Blog 8 Feasibility Study 9 January Memorials January Scripture Readings January Birthdays/ Anniversaries Seasons of Life Prayer For the New Year 10 January Calendar 11 January Sunday Ministries January LEV Schedule 12 Announcements From Fr. Michael Reflections on the Season The season of Epiphany, which begins on January 6 with its eponymous feast day and continues until Ash Wednesday and the begin‐ ning of Lent, fills January and half of February this year. In all six Sundays are devoted to this “green” season. Other years, however, the length of the season is often much shorter – sometimes lasting a mere four weeks. With a fixed start on the calendar but an end that changes every year, Epiphany is annually either shrunk or stretched, depending on where Easter falls (which dictates when Lent must begin). This inconsistency in length puzzles a lot of people, and the identity of the season seems to suffer as a result. In fact, we don’t always seem to know what to make of Epiphany! What is it any‐ way?! Is it just a “holding” period, something that the church does to mark time between Christmas and Lent? Like the Roman God Janus, who is depicted with two faces, one looking backward to the past, one looking forward to the future, Epiphany can seem as little more than a bridge between these two more readily understood seasons. But of course Epiphany is not just about marking time until the next liturgical season, nor is it about merely looking back at the joy of the Incarnation and ahead to our Lenten devotions. Epiphany has an identity that is all its own! The word Epiphany means “revelation, manifestation, showing forth, something made known.” So, the season calls us to consider how Christ is made known to us and how we make Christ known to others. We see in the scriptures appointed for this season how Jesus is revealed as God made manifest as a human being, thus rendering God understandable to the people of his day. Where do we see God in 2015? We are called to reflect upon these lessons (Continued on page 2) Christ Episcopal Church (Continued from page 1) 321 West Avenue, Red Wing, MN 651‐388‐0411 Bishop: The Right Reverend Brian Prior Rector: The Rev. Michael Way: rector@christchurchredwing.com Deacon The Rev. Barbara von Haaren: barbaravonhaaren@gmail.com Director of PreK‐12 Christian Formation: Vicki Lambert: education@christchurchredwing.com Treasurer Buck Foot: finance@christchurchredwing.com Administrative Assistant: Kathy Kolsrud: office@christchurchredwing.com Computers/Newsletter/Webmaster Pat Welke: admin@christchurchredwing.com Director of Music: John Schultz: music@christchurchredwing.com Custodians: Lottie Aslakson, Bud Gustafson: sexton@christchurchredwing.com and consider how Jesus is made manifest both in our liturgy and in our lives today. This is a time for us to look for the Light in the world and to rec‐ ognize it as a manifestation of the Lord’s presence among us here and now. And once more we are called to action for once we have seen this Light, we feel compelled to share it with others. Church Email: office@christchurchredwing.com Website: christchurchredwing.com Christ Church Vestry Senior Warden: John Blue Junior Warden: Jon Danielson, Rebekah Foot (2014), Suzanne Simonson (2014), Marilyn May (2014) Annette Johnson (2015), Bob Stark (2015), Pam Dressen (2016) Youth Representative: Brendan Kelly (2014) Vestry Clerk: Pat Welke (2014) Epiphany The theme of light is not new to us; we have been discussing it in various ways over the past six weeks through Advent, Christmas and now in Epiphany. Noted scholar and educator Joseph Russell explained the theme of “light” as it is por‐ trayed in this succession of seasons as follows: “we begin with Advent as darkness gradually proceeds toward light; then in Christmas we pro‐ claim the presence of the light; at last Epiphany calls us to spread the light.” In the Collect for the Feast of the Epiphany we ask again for the Lord to “Lead us, who know you by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face.” So, open wide your eyes and look around, you’ll be surprised by how often you come face to face with God in the eyes of others. Indeed, for God is all around us, always; and this light is never extinguished, eternally burning with a flame so bright, one that radiates such warmth, that it must be shared! So, may you always bask in the warmth of that light and be led to share it with others, loving and caring for our neighbor, as is our privilege and as Christ commands. Peace, Fr. Michael Christmas/Epiphany Pageant How The Magi Truly Became Wise January 4 10 a.m. Followed by a Festive Coffee Hour Page 2 Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015 Branches January 2015 From the Senior Warden By The Rev. Barbara von Haaren With the departure of Father Michael, there are going to be mixed feelings on his leaving Christ Episcopal Church; sadness, confusion, disappoint‐ ment. This is understandable since Father Michael is well liked and has done much for our congregation in the last three years. Fellow Parishioners, As I get older, there seem to be a number of things I miss, especially during the holiday season. Like having our kids and their friends around all the time. The noise and confusion of it. I miss the great huge trees we used to put up the night before Christmas so that the Christ Child could come and bless it with gifts while we slept. I miss the candles on that tree. I miss the big old house we used to live in, with lots of nooks and crannies, and room for everyone and everything. The kids have all grown up now, and moved out on their own. They have their own homes and their own trees and are building their own traditions. But then I realize I am not living in the past, I am living in the now. I know in my head there is no need for a big old home, or a huge Christmas tree. And when I see the sure signs of Epiphany coming, the world starting to grow again, the days getting longer, the wonderful light in the darkness of winter, I know that the missing is just nostalgia, that Godʹs greatest gift to us is year‐round, and surrounds each of us as we move forward in this life. There is really nothing to miss. Every moment is precious in the eyes of God. Dear Christ Church family, Thank you so much for the Christmas wishes and visits and the gift of a poinsettia. Iʹm still enjoying life and thankful to be active with only the use of a walker and so grateful to have a reader like Marilyn May to share very interesting books. I give my very best wishes to all my friends at Christ Church. Olive Roome Note: Olive is 101 years old and resides at St. Brigidʹs. January 2015 I think it is important to remember that Father Mi‐ chael has chosen to leave not because of us or the church, but because of much more personal reasons that were for the most part out of our control. He will be missed, and we wish him well, but it is now time for us to look towards the future. I have been in contact with Bishop Prior and Karen Olsen from the Bishop’s office and have expressed the concerns that I would imagine most of us have. Are we going to have to endure another 18 month search process for a new priest? How will not hav‐ ing a Priest in charge effect our capital campaign project? Who will be our supply priest and our in‐ terim priest? I have been assured that we should have an interim priest in about a month and a new Priest in Charge within six months. The Bishop’s office is already coming up with a list of possible candidates that we should have by the middle of January. They will have the capital campaign in mind when an interim priest is chosen which should help us stay on our timeline for that project. Your Vestry, along with various committees, will be working hard to make sure the next few months move smoothly as we make the transition to a new Priest in Charge. As your Senior Warden I assure you that the process of finding a new Priest in Charge will be as transparent as possible. Feel free to contact Junior Warden Jon Danielson or me if you have any questions on this or any matters involving Christ Episcopal Church. Our Faith Will Move Us Forward John C. Blue Senior Warden Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ Page 3 Christmas Eve Page 4 Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015 THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY Annual Meeting January 25 Today the church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany, which marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas each year on January 6. Epiphany is a Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “appearing.” At the Feast of the Epiphany we celebrate Jesus being made man‐ ifest or appearing as Christ. Traditionally, there are three manifestations celebrated on this feast day. The most widely celebrated manifestation of Christ on this feast day, and the one that has been historically celebrated by Christian churches in the West, is Jesus revealed as Christ to the three wise men, or Ma‐ gi, from the East, who followed the Star of Beth‐ lehem at Je‐ sus’ birth. The second manifestation celebrated today is the baptism of “The Adoration of the Magi” by Luca Di Tommè, Jesus in the circa 1360 (image from Wikimedia) River Jor‐ dan. Although this was part of the original Epiph‐ any celebrations of second‐century Christian churches in the East, by the fourth century Western churches had largely stopped observing the Holy Baptism in Epiphany celebrations. The 1979 Book of Common Prayer began to reintroduce Jesus’ bap‐ tism into this celebration by revising the lectionary readings for the First Sunday after the Epiphany to include gospel passages each year about Christ’s baptism, The First Sunday After the Epiphany is also known as the Baptism of Our lord. The third manifestation of Jesus as Christ that was traditional‐ ly celebrated on this day is the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana, Christ’s first recorded miracle, January 2015 NOTICE of Annual Meeting The annual meeting will be held in the Parish Hall of Christ Church, Red Wing, Minnesota, on the 25th day of January, 2015, at 11 a.m. for the purpose of electing officers and other Vestry members to new and any unexpired terms, electing lay delegates and alternates to diocesan convention, receiving the budget and reports, adopting additions to the By‐ Laws, adopting Restated Articles of Incorporation and conducting such other business as may proper‐ ly come before the meeting. Dated this 4th day of January, 2015. Pat Welke, Clerk Proposed By-Laws 5.11 Action Without a Meeting: An action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Vestry or by a lawfully constituted committee thereof may be taken by written action signed, or consented to by authenticated electronic communication, by all of members of the Vestry. The written action is effec‐ tive when signed, or consented to by authenticated electronic communication, by all of the members of the Vestry or committee members unless a different effective time is provided in the written action. 5.12 Participation by Electronic Communications: A Vestry member may participate in a meeting by any means of communication through which the Vestry member, other Vestry members so participating and all Vestry members physically present at the meet‐ ing may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. A Vestry member so participating shall be deemed present in person at the meeting. Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ Page 5 Christian Education SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Live Nativity Our mission: Pass on our faith in the risen Christ through sto‐ ries, songs, and activities. “Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.” II Timothy 1:7, 14 Sunday school is at 9 a.m. Advent has come and gone. Welcome to the 12 days of Christmas, which moves into the Epiphany season. During the season of Epiphany, the children are learning stories about Jesus’ teachings, also known as parables. January 4 Christmas/ Epiphany Pageant 10 a.m. How The Magi Truly Became Wise By The Rev. Donnel O’Flynn (Except January 4) Children’s church is at 10 a. m. This is a choice for children to hear a Bible message in a very kid‐friendly way during the worship and then join parents for the second half of the service. Youth News Our mission: Come alongside our youth to share the gospel and help them navigate adolescence with their faith intact. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 Check it out! Mark your calendars! 1/3 10 a.m. 1/4 10 a.m. 1/14 7‐8:30 p.m. 1/18 12p‐5 p.m. 1/28 7‐8:30 p.m. Page 6 Epiphany Pageant Practice Epiphany Pageant How The Magi Truly Became Wise Youth Group Sno‐Tubing at the regionʹs #1 rated area. Enjoy a ride down a gentle ʺBunnyʺ slope or savor the thrill of a run on the wilder side. Hudson, WI. $15/person (scholarships available) – Reservations in advance required. Youth Group Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015 Save the Date! The Bishop’s Blog: The Importance of Goal Setting ECW Lenten Retreat ʺWomen at the Wellʺ March 7th Speaker Author Lindsay Hardin Freeman Hidden Words Puzzle All the words listed are in the puzzle ‐ left, right, up, down or diagonally. Find each word and circle it. After you have found all the words, use the leftover letters in the correct order to form the mystery answer Epiphany Angel, Baby, Dream, East, Egypt, Gifts, Herod, Kings, Searched, Stars, Warned, Worship January 2015 I have an app on my iPhone called “Daily Goals”. I have made it a practice around the time of my morning and evening prayers to take a look at my daily goals. Through the years, tying my goals to my prayer life has been extremely benefi‐ cial. To put it quite simply, it helps me to consist‐ ently remind myself that it’s not about me. My family, closest friends, and longtime col‐ leagues know that I am a big advocate of setting goals. I have had transformative experiences when a group of folks is moved to an intentional‐ ly prayerful process of discerning what God is inviting them to. The energy begins to shift from a cacophony of individual agendas to a unifying harmony of what God is inviting us to. With this in mind, I share the following prayer (adopted from Liturgy for the Whole Church) which was offered during the Christmas Pageant at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral. May it be an inspiring way to begin your own discernment. “Mighty God, make your Church to be one in sprit and truth, strong with courage, and rich with grace. Help us to tell the Good News of your love in all we say and do, and especially as we reach toward each other.” Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ Page 7 Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Summary Over the past several years Christ Episcopal Church has worked diligently to produce a strategic and capital improvement plan. The latest step in the process was a feasibility study completed in fall, 2014 by the Episcopal Church Foundation. The results of the study were presented to the Vestry in December, 2014. According to Erin Weber Johnson from the Foundation the results were extremely positive in support of major capital improvements and the feasibility of paying for them. In fact she considers it one of the most posi‐ tive studies she has seen. The Foundation suggests setting a goal of $616,000. That amount, combined with other potential contri‐ butions and grants would allow us to complete Phase One of the capital improvement plans. Here are the major findings of the feasibility study: A majority of those responding to the study (94 percent) are aware the possible campaign and are aware of at least some of the pro‐ posed plans The highest priority of the capital improvement plans was identified as ADA compliance and handicap accessibility followed by con‐ necting the Worship space to the Parish Hall and third a first class youth activity space Page 8 80 percent of Parish members have indicated a willingness to give to the campaign Campaign leadership can be identified 24 percent of Parish members are willing to vol‐ unteer to work on the campaign While these are all positive indicators, this will not be a simple process. It will require the work and dedication of our entire community to make this a reality. For your convenience the full feasibility study will be posted on the Church website. Please take time to review the full results. With Father Michael’s recent announcement of his departure, we have had additional conversations with Bishop Pryor and Erin Weber Johnson of the Foundation. Both have indicated that they still be‐ lieve this is an appropriate time to launch the cam‐ paign. We can make this happen. The Vestry will be considering what will be our next steps. Please feel free to contact me or your Junior Warden Jon Danielson with your ideas and your suggestions. John Blue Senior Warden Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015 January Memorials Birthdays 01/04 Church In memory of wife, her mother, father, brother by David Van Houten 1/01 Sonia Heckman Stark 1/02 Jason Yockey 1/03 Tom Danielson 1/05 Beckie Plaas Matthew Wilson 1/06 JoAnne McNamara 1/08 Jessica Baker Severson Meg Lahammer 1/10 Neil Lahammer 1/11 Becca Knudsen 1/13 Barbara Knudson 1/17 Rebecca Martin Ben von Haaren Zachary Burton 1/18 Ned Brown Matthew Knudson 1/20 Linda Grassle 1/21 Lori Remus 1/22 Laura Teele 1/24 Kathryn Hoyt 1/25 Joyce Koerner 1/27 Sarah Martin 1/28 Barbara von Haaren 1/30 Randy Johnson 1/31 Patricia Tighe Peter Haverlandt Chapel In loving memory of our parents Joe & Jane Welke, Willie & Margaret Wilson by Mike & Jeannette Wilson 01/11 Church In memory of loved ones by Mary Brunner Chapel In memory of Lloyd “Noisy” Johnson by his family 01/18 Church In loving memory of Alva & Ginevra Ervin and Deane B. & Ellen Valentine by Er‐ nie, Mary Ann & Rich Valentine Anniversaries 1/29 Bud & Betty Stolpa Chapel In memory of Lorana Park Foot 01/25 Church In memory of Nick and loved ones by Nada Peters, James Touchi‐Peters & Mary Foley Chapel In memory of Ibba Hawley by Elizabeth J. Brooks I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3 January Scripture Readings 01/04 Epiphany: Isaiah 60:1‐6, Psalm 72:1‐7,10‐14, Ephesians 3:1‐12. Gospel: Matthew 2:1‐12 01/11 1st Sunday after Epiphany: Genesis 1:1‐5, Psalm 29, Acts 19:1‐7. Gospel: Mark 1:4‐11 01/18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany: 1 Samuel 3:1‐10(11‐20), Psalm 139:1‐5, 12‐17, 1 Corinthians 6:12‐20. Gospel: John 1:43‐51 01/25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany: Jonah 3:1‐5, 10, Psalm 62: 6‐14, 1 Corinthians 7: 29‐31. Gospel: Mark 1:14‐20 Seasons of Life Baptism: December 7. Benjamin Lee Parents are Garrett Gordon and Jessica Kelli Kitzmann. Grandmother: Deb St. John. If your birthday is not listed, and you would like to be remembered, please send your name and birth date to the office—just the month and day. Prayer for the New Year By Deb St. John At my grandmother’s funeral Pastor Holden’s message was of her prayers for all of us. “When she died, her prayers did not die with her. God has al‐ ready answered some of her prayers, some will be answered shortly, some of her prayers will take years to be answered...but make no mistake, each of her prayers will be answered.” Prayer brings with it great hope. There was hope in Pastor Holden’s message...my grandmother’s prayers were all around us. There is hope all around us at Christ Church with the newness of the baby Jesus, who was born to bring hope to us sent directly from God. Keep pray‐ ing for all things, not stopping for anything, hoping for everything and trusting God for His best for our lives, for the beginning of this new year, 2015 and whatever it brings to us. “...Come all ye children, remember to pray, Thanking our Father for the first Christmas Day. Gluten Free Communion Wafers Gluten free communion wafers are available for those with wheat allergies, gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. January 2015 God gave us all of the love that He knew When Jesus was born for me, and for you...” Keep praying ‐ Debbi Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ Page 9 January 2015 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tue 6 Wed Thu 7 8a Eucharist Rector's Study 8a Wardens' Mee ng 10a Eucharist 9a Chris an Conversa- Day 5:30p Hope Coali on S 11a Bible Study ons 6p Drawing Class A Advocate Training 5p Ministers' Mee ng 9a Sunday School 5:30p Hospitality 9:45a Childcare Mee ng 10a Epiphany Pag6:30p Choir Prac ce eant/Eucharist 11a Epiphany Potluck 5p CA Mee ng 11 12 13 14 19 8a Eucharist Rector's Study 9a Chris an Conversa- Day 6p Drawing Class ons 9a Sunday School 9:45a Childcare 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 12p YG Tubing 5p CA Mee ng 25 26 Rector's Discre onary Rector's Study Fund Day 8:45a Childcare 9a Eucharist 9a Sunday School 10a Annual Mee ng 5p CA Mee ng 20 21 Sat 2 12p AA Mee ng Rector's Day Off 8 9 3 10 12p AA Mee ng Rector's Day Off 10a Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 12p Finance Mee ng 5p HR Mee ng 5:30p Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 5:30p Property Commi ee 16 15 8a Eucharist Rector's Study 8a Wardens' Mee ng 10a Eucharist 9a Chris an Conversa- Day 5:30p Hope Coali on S 11a Bible Study ons 6p Drawing Class A Advocate Training 5p Ministers' Mee ng 9a Sunday School 6:30p Choir Prac ce 9:45a Childcare 7p Youth Group 10a Children's Church 10a Eucharist 5p CA Mee ng 18 Fri 1 17 12p AA Mee ng Rector's Day Off 10a ECW Board 5p Vestry Mee ng 10a Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 5:30p Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 23 22 24 8a Wardens' Mee ng 10a Eucharist 12p AA Mee ng Rector's Day Off 10a Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 12p Finance Mee ng 11a Bible Study 5:30p Hope Coali on S A Advocate Training 5:30p Hope Coali on S 5p Ministers' Mee ng A Advocate Training 6:30p Choir Prac ce 27 28 30 29 8a Wardens' Mee ng 10a Eucharist 12p AA Mee ng 4:30p Altar Guild 11a Bible Study 5p Ministers' Mee ng 6:30p Choir Prac ce 7p Youth group 31 Rector's Day Off Epiphany Pageant and Festive Coffee Hour Jan 4 10 a.m. service Page 10 Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015 January Sunday Ministries Please save for reference throughout the month. All Acolytes, Lectors, Readers & Cup Bearers, please gather with Fr. Michael in the Chapel 15 minutes before the service to pray together. If you are unable to fulfill your assigned obligation, please find a replacement and notify the office. Date 01/04 Epiphany Time Acolytes Readers Intercessors Cup Bearers Greeters Ushers Hospitality 8 a.m. Mary Flueger Mary Ann Valentine Gordie Gieseke Becky & Ray Schafer 10 a.m. Marissa Kelly Amelia Reinitz Truman Danielson Sunday School Children Sunday School Children Alice Nelson Kris & Sharon Hager SS Parents Randy Johnson Becky & Ray Schafer 8 a.m. 01/11 1st Sunday after 10 a.m. Epiphany 01/18 8 a.m. 2nd Sunday after 10 a.m. Epiphany 01/25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 9 a.m. Catherine Johnson Randy Johnson Ryslan Bangard Truman Danielson Reese Tripp Amy Huber Don Mayo Bear Blaney Amelia Reinitz Truman Danielson Linda McNairy Kris & Sharon Hager Jim/Pam Dressen Sharon Bryan Brendan Kelly Ryslan Bangard Konnor Kelly Peggy Danielson Kris & Sharon Hager Parents Terry Van Allen Kris & Sharon Hager Mary Ann Valentine Becky & Ray Schafer Marilyn Grosse Beckie Plaas Altar Guild: Marm Nihart, Chair; Sharon Bryan, Asst. Chair; Maureen Blue, Alice Nelson, Dawna McMillen, Char Friedrich, Mary Ann Valentine, Jane Smith. Directress, Jeannette Wilson. Floater: Barry Preble Christ Church LEV Schedule—January 2015 01/04 Charlie Brown & Sue Simonson Polly Be erly– Valen ne’s 01/11 June Gustafson & Mary Christensen Olive Roome-St. Brigid’s Villa 01/18 Maureen Blue & Terry Van Allen Peggy Lund-St Brigid’s Villa Jewell Lindrud Videos of Sunday sermons are now available on our church website. DVD’s of church services are available in the rear of the church. January 2015 Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ Page 11 Christ Episcopal Church 321 West Avenue Red Wing, MN 55066 Change Service Requested Services—Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m., Wednesday: 10 a.m. Page 12 Christ Church—A faith community, alive in Christ January 2015
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