Our Lady of Sorrows Calendar Saturday—January 3—Epiphany 4-4:30 pm Confession/ 5 pm Mass/ Sunday—January 4—Epiphany 8 am Mass/ Intention: all parishioners 9:30 am Mass/Nursery/ PreK-4 CLOW 11 am Mass/ Teen Mass 11 am Mass in Spanish at St Anthony, Carnation 12:30 pm Lector Training 4-5:30 pm Youth Group Monday—January 5 6:30-8 pm RCIA 7:15 pm Bible Study Gospel of John Tuesday—January 6 9 am Mass St Anthony, Carnation 7:15 pm Men’s Bible Study Wednesday—January 7 9 am Mass Thursday—January 8 9 am Mass/ 7 pm Rosary for Peace Friday—January 9 9 am Mass/ 9:45 am Bible Study Gospel of John 8 pm Meal at Winter Shelter/Mt Si Lutheran Church Saturday—January 10—Baptism of the Lord 4-4:30 pm Confession/ 5 pm Mass/ Sunday—January 11—Baptism of the Lord 8 am Mass/ Intention: all parishioners 9:30 am Mass/Nursery/ PreK-5 Class 11 am Mass/ 12:30 pm Eucharistic Minister Training 4-5:30 pm Youth Group 6-8 pm Female Faith & Friendship meets Monday—January 12 6:30-8 pm RCIA 7:15 pm Bible Study Gospel of John 8 pm Meal at Winter Shelter/Mt Si Lutheran Church Tuesday—January 13 9 am Mass St Anthony, Carnation 9:30 am Bible Study: Women of the Old Testament 7:15 pm Men’s Bible Study Wednesday—January 14 9 am Mass Thursday—January 15 9 am Mass/ 7 pm Rosary for Peace Friday—January 16 9 am Mass/ 9:45 am Bible Study Gospel of John 1:45 pm Mass for St Joseph School/ Fr. Roy Children’s Worship Bulletins for ages 3-5 and 7-12 are available at the entrances to the church. The activities correspond to the scripture readings of the day’s Mass. Page 3 PreK-5th Class: Jan 11, 25 @ 9:30 am PreK-4 CLOW: Jan 4, 18 at 9:30 am 1st Communion Prep Classes begin Tuesday March 10th @ 6:30pm. First Communion Mass is Sat May 2@10 am For info on baptism preparation for children age 7 + contact Anita at 425-831-2332 MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Andrew Jarboe: Andrew@olos.org MS & HS YG meets Sundays: 4-5:30 pm Youth Group resumes Jan 4th Kaiden Allen Saddler, son of Christopher & Jessica Saddler; and Hayden Rose Pauley, daughter of Colin & Whitney Pauley were baptized at Our Lady of Sorrows last weekend. Our warmest welcome to Kaiden, Hayden, their families and friends. Urgent need for Food Bank Volunteers Jan 21 OLOS provides volunteers for the 3rd Wednesday of the month for the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank, Contact Linda Wager if you can help: 425-888-9800. Shifts are 9:15 am-noon and noon-3:30 pm. Help on Wednesdays after 3:30 pm is especially needed. www.snoqualmievalleyfoodbank.org MEN’S BIBLE STUDY—TUESDAY JAN 6 AT 7:15 PM Join a group of parishioners as they read, pray and discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday. Contact Joe Larson: joelars@gmail.com or Paul Reed: peanut@google.com MASS INTENTIONS—Mass intentions for sick or deceased relatives or friends can be arranged by contacting the parish office. A Mass for that person’s intentions is then scheduled by Father; a Mass card may be sent to the individual (living) or to the closest relative (deceased). A freewill offering may be made to the parish. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN: All children who have been baptized and are in the second grade or older are invited to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist. (First Communion). Children will prepare for and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the fall. First Reconciliation is on Sat, Nov 15 at 10 am. They will then prepare for First Communion in the spring. The First Communion Mass is on Sat, May 2 at 10 am. All children who wish to celebrate First Communion must first prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is according to the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Register for these classes using the FF registration form or call the parish office. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated at OLOS every 2 years in May. Youth wishing to receive Confirmation in May 2016 must be at least 16 years old when they receive the sacrament. Classes begin in Winter 2016. For questions contact Anita Florence: 425-831-2332 or anitaflorence@comcast.net Our Lady of Sorrows Page 4 SACRIFICIAL GIVING DECEMBER 28, 2014 YOUR RETURN FOR BLESSINGS RECEIVED Registered Households: 641 Weekly Sacrificial Goal: $7,379 Weekly Average-Sundays & Holy Days Weekly Contributors: 91 Includes weekly/ monthly envelopes, checks & EFT donations Amount Received: $6,977 Total Christmas Amount Received: $10,846 ———————————————— CAPITAL CAMPAIGN—NEW PROPERTY Number of Pledges Received: 204 Total Amount Pledged: $739,718.52 Total Dollars Received by Nov 30: $626,158.72 STEWARDSHIP-GRATITUDE FOR GOD’S GIFTS The three wise men who came from the East to pay homage to the infant Jesus brought his rich gifts of gold, frankincense & Myrrh as part of their worship. What gifts have I brought to this celebration to offer to the newborn Savior? Eucharistic Minister Training for New & Current Ministers Sunday, January 11th at 12:30 pm Lector Training for New & Current Lectors Sunday, Jan 4th or Jan 18th at 12:30 pm Contact: peggy@olos or call 425 -888-2974 We are grateful to Flintoft’s in Issaquah for providing our 2015 parish calendars. Calendars are by the church entrances & each household is invited to take one. The Book of Parish Petitions is located in the hallway near the entrance to the church. Please write in any special intentions. If you have a family member or friend who is ill or has recently died, please write their names in this book so that we as a parish community may pray with you for your intentions. OLOS BOOK GROUP SAT AT 9:30 AM Contact Ginny Hayden vmphayden@centurytel.net Jan. 17 The Devil in the White City by Eric Larson Feb. 21 Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Mar. 21 I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala YousafzaiApr. 18 Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline During January the food bank especially asks for donations of CANNED MEAT. Baskets are by the Church entrances. PRAYER FOR THE SICK At the celebration of the Eucharist this week and in your own prayers, please remember those from for whom we have been asked to pray: Sherry Cutino, Eddie Heffernan, Dee McGuire, Bill Walker, Jean Parry, Marisa Lynn, Jim Copley, Barbara Wujick, Leslie Lewis, Ellen Bartley, Ernie Tidick, Murray & Mary Anagnost, Heather Ryan, Ellen Smith, Terry Jensen, Helen Anderson, Pam Bramlet, Ashlie Walter, Margot Collins, Ellen Johnsen, Tracy Barton, Helen Noreen, Ryan Sanden, Sydney Perkinson, Suzanne & Tony Findley, Mona Renn To add/remove names contact the parish office. Meals for the Winter Shelter Snoqualmie Valley Renewal Center Friday Jan 9 and Monday Jan 12 at 8 pm OLOS is coordinating 2 meals/month for Winter Shelter at the Mt Si Lutheran Church. Contact Johnnie: anthonyja@earthlink.net Archdiocese of Seattle Planned Giving Office Wills & Estate Planning Seminar Tuesday January 20th 2 sessions: 3-4:30 pm & 7-8:30 pm Childcare provided. This seminar is for everyone. Adults of all ages, with estates of all sizes will benefit. Please RSVP using form in pew or call the parish office: 425-888-2974 Church Open for Silent Prayer & Meditation Tuesday thru Friday 2:30-3:45 pm Please enter church from Alpha Street KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS—JOIN US! Who are the Knights? The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.6 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old. OLOS Round Table Coordinator, Adam Gorski, at hyakski06@yahoo.com, 425-766-8605; or Fr. Roy at frroy@olos.org, 425-888-2974. ELECTRONIC GIVING—SECURE and EASY INTENTIONAL GIVING . . . An electronic giving solution that provides an accurate way for you to donate to OLOS Parish. Those who use electronic giving have peace of mind because their offering always reaches the parish! To learn more about this program, contact the parish office. TO DONATE, go to WWW.OLOS.ORG and CLICK on the DONATE BUTTON. FUNDING THE MINISTRIES OF CHRIST IS TOO IMPORTANT TO LEAVE TO CHANCE
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