May 17, 2015 - Blessed Sacrament Church

Blessed Sacrament Parish
The Seventh Sunday of Easter • May 17, 2015
“Consecrate them in the
truth. Your word is truth.”
JOHN 17:17
SECOND READING: 1 John 4:11–16
GOSPEL: John 17:11b–19
Love One Another, 2
A Celebration of Two, 3
Saint John of the Cross, 5
The Power of God, 7
St. Mary Parish
FIRST READING: Acts 1:15–17, 20a, 20c–26
RESPONSORIAL: Psalm 103:1–2, 11–12,
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Phot: Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP/Flickr.
Catholic Collaborative Parishes of Sharon and Walpole
Love One Another,
Come What May
Rev. Chip Hines
God is love, and whoever remains in love
remains in God and God in him. (1 John 4:16)
There you have it, a simple understanding of what it means to be a Christian. It’s not about power; it is about love. It is
not about who’s making the decisions; it is about decisions made in love.
My friend and deceased mentor Monsignor Mehm once told me: “Some people will always question your motives.
Some people will always think you’re doing something that isn’t on the up and up.” I have found that to be true. At a
fundamental level, people distrust change and they distrust new people. My takeaway from the first letter of John is
that the Christian should not be this way.
The Christian should have the position that “if God so loved us, we also must love one another. No one has ever seen
God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us.” We must love one
another. That’s a tough one isn’t it? I mean, some people make it very hard for us to love them and yet we must. This
is why the Christian life is so riddled with people who struggle, because of this precise thing, that we must love one
another and loving one another means that even if someone does something we dislike we treat them as the child of
God they are. The Christian is supposed to be turning the other cheek, loving their neighbor and a host of other commands that Jesus gave.
A Catholic parish should be an expression of this love too. A Catholic parish has a way of rallying around all its members and embracing them, even if they have ways about them they find difficult. We will not always be perfect at this,
but we must try to be the kind of people who despite our human desire to have things “as they have always been” or
say, “we’ve always done it that way,” we can adjust to change and perhaps even find new ways of loving our fellow parishioners or loving the new ways of doing things, whatever those new things may be. God through His Son the Christ
wants this of us.
Can we do it? Yes we can! We can do it by embracing the concept of change in our lives. We can do it by loving those
who disagree with us. We can do it by being involved in parish life. We can do it by having patience. We can do it by
remembering that we are all children of the loving God. We can do it by being people of the Word. We can do it by frequenting the sacraments, especially Eucharist and confession. We can do it by having an active prayer life. We can do
it by learning about our faith through the great Catholic spiritual masters. We can do it by being kind to one another.
We can do it by cutting out cynicism and hatred in our lives. Yes, my friends these are just but a few ways we must act
so as to love one another. Let us continue to walk this path together seeing and embracing the Lord in one another.
Photo: Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP/Flickr.
Photo: Eric Montfort/Flickr.
A Celebration of Two
Second Collections
Thank you to all the parishes for your generosity in last
week’s second collection for earthquake relief in Nepal, where the humanitarian crisis is ongoing. If you
were unable to make a donation, please visit www. The parishes donated the following
Blessed Sacrament Parish: $2,536
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish: $1,650
St. Mary Parish: $3,119
This week’s second collection supports the Catholic
Communication Campaign (CCC). If Jesus Christ began
his ministry today, how would he spread his message
of salvation? Wouldn’t he use all communication vehicles to share the Good News? The CCC believes Jesus
would use as many means as possible, and that is why
it supports projects that use the entire array of media
tools available today to evangelize and promote Gospel
values. Please visit for more information. 50% of the collection remains at the parish to
promote local communication efforts, such as website
technology and bulletins.
Next week’s second collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese
of Boston for future service, as priests. We are blessed
that many are responding to the call to serve as priests.
Please be generous and support these seminarians on
their journey toward their ordination to the priesthood.
For more information, please visit
Please join Fr. Chip, Fr. Joe and Fr. Vinnie for a gathering
honoring Marie Martin and Jeanette Penza who will retire from their work at Blessed Sacrament Parish at the
end of June. These ladies have given so much of themselves to the people of their parish and the collaborative and have become an integral part of our lives. The
celebration will begin with Mass at Blessed Sacrament
Parish on Sunday, June 7 at 11am followed by a reception luncheon in the Blessed Sacrament School gym
and cafeteria.
Mass & Healing Service
A Mass and Healing Service will be held at Blessed Sacrament Church this Sunday, May 17 at 2pm with Fr. Joseph P. McDermott. All those who have physical illnesses, as well as those
burdened or suffering emotionally, mentally, spiritually, psychologically, or financially are cordially invited
to come and pray with us. You may pray for your own
needs or the needs of others.
If you would like a list of all the healing services, usually
being held on the last Sunday of the Month, please call
the Blessed Sacrament parish office at 508-668-4700
and the Healing Service Calendar will be mailed to you.
Memorial Day Mass
Come celebrate the Annual Memorial Day Mass on May
25 at 9am in the St. Francis Cemetery in Walpole. Memorial Day is a special day to remember our Veterans
as well as the deceased members of our families and
friends. This Mass is a wonderful opportunity to bring
the parishes in our Collaborative together in prayer.
Won’t you consider joining us at this beautiful Mass?
Most folks park along Washington Street and car pooling is suggested. Please bring a chair so you will be comfortable. Refreshments will be served after the Mass in
the cemetery. In case of rain, there will be a sign at the
entrance of the cemetery and this Mass will be celebrated at Blessed Sacrament Church. Parish Results as of May 12, 2015
Donors Goal
St. Mary
Our Lady
of Sorrows
Parish Goals are based on past Appeal performance.
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Ten Diamond Street, Walpole, MA 02081
Annual Baccalaureate Mass
All high school and college 2015 graduates are invited for our annual
Baccalaureate Mass. Come to the 11am Mass on June 14 and stay for a
reception. We give thanks to God for your great achievement and offer
a special blessing as you begin a new chapter in your lives. Your presence gives us a sense of pride and hope. Parents, family, and all those
who have supported you on your educational journey are welcome.
Sister St. Vincent Award Nominations
Sister St. Vincent served at Blessed Sacrament and was known for her zeal and service towards others. In her memory,
Blessed Sacrament honors a graduating high school senior in the parish who has demonstrated a similar passion for
service in his/her school, parish, and greater community. If you know of a high school senior who lives out Sister St.
Vincent’s spirit of service, please submit a letter of nomination to Margaret Manning at the parish house or via e-mail, The letter should include the nominee’s name and state specific examples of
how that person serves above and beyond in the community. Please have letters in by Friday May 29. A committee of
parishioners will select a recipient who will receive the award at the Baccalaureate Mass on June 14.
Prayers for Our Service Members
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect
us. Bless them and their families for their selfless service to us and our
country. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Zachary Bannon
Robert Dunne, Jr.
Al Goetz
Frank L. Brunetta
Michael Edwards
Kevin Day
Peter Conroy
Caitlin Brunetta
Michael McKay
Kyle Bradbury
Matthew McKay
Timothy Merrigan
Photo: Samuel King Jr/Flickr
Please remember our military in your prayers. To add or remove a name, call Marie 508668-4700 x1024.
Thy Kingdom Remains
Today’s First Reading begins by giving us a time-frame—the
events take place during the days between Christ’s ascension
and Pentecost. We’re at the same point in our liturgical year. On
Thursday we celebrated His being taken up in glory, and next
Sunday we will celebrate His sending of the Spirit upon the
Jesus’ prayer in the Gospel today also captures the mood of departure and the anticipation. He is telling us today how it will be
when He is no longer in the world.
The twelve apostles symbolize the twelve tribes and hence the
fulfillment of God’s plan for Israel (see Galatians 6:16).That’s
why it is crucial to replace Judas—so that the Church in its fullness receives the Spirit at Pentecost.
Peter’s leadership of the apostles is another key element of the
Church as it is depicted today. Notice that Peter is unquestionably in control, interpreting the Scriptures, deciding a course of
action, even defining the nature of the apostolic ministry.
By His ascension, the Lord has established His throne in heaven,
as we sing in today’s Psalm. His kingdom is His Church, which
continues His mission on earth.
No one has ever seen God, as we hear in today’s Epistle. Yet,
through the Church founded on His apostles, the witnesses to
the resurrection, the world will come to know and believe in
God’s love, that He sent His Son to be our savior.
Jesus fashioned His kingdom as a new Jerusalem, and a new
house of David (see Psalm 122:4-5; Revelation 21:9-14). He entrusted this kingdom to His twelve apostles, who were to preside at the Eucharistic table, and to rule with Him over the restored twelve tribes of Israel (see Luke 22:29-30).
Through the Church, Jesus’ pledge still comes to us—that if we
love, God will remain with us in our trials and protects us from
the evil one. By His word of truth He will help us grow in holiness, the perfection of love.
—Dr. Scott Hahn
Sung Acclamations During Mass
We are asked to remember in our prayers all our shutins, our unemployed, our sick, our grieving, and our
own parish dead, including Mark R. Spillane, whose funeral Mass was celebrated this past week.
For the Easter Season, please turn to #880-884 (Mass
of Creation) in the pew hymnal to join in singing our
sung acclamations during Mass. Please lift your
voices in song!
Call 508-668-2448 with your prayer intentions or to join
our prayer line.
Catholic Spiritual Writers: Saint John of the Cross
One day, as I walked down the steps to the subway in New York
City. I found the tunnel deserted. The light was dim. The air didn’t
stir. The surroundings mirrored my own inner emptiness. I was
still mourning the death of my father, and I felt very alone. Then,
from somewhere in the shadows, music from a single violin
reached through my desolation. Not only is someone else here, I
thought, this someone has been here before and knows this is a
good place.
That violinist was like St. John of the Cross sounding the mystery
of God. St. John is known as Spain’s greatest lyrical poet. His
books, The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Spiritual Canticle, The
Living Flame of Love, and The Dark Night, are remarkable road
signs for us on the mystical road to union with God. God’s eternal silence is sung in John’s writings, so that our soul can hear
it described in words that speak of desire: bride, garden, hidden
fountain, darkness, healing, bridegroom, beloved.
John de Yepes y Álvarez knew what success felt like. His projects
had gone smoothly, and the Carmelite Order entrusted him with positions of leadership. It was not long
after his ordination that the young John met the wise Teresa of Ávila. She invited him to join her reform of
Carmel. But the reform Teresa and John introduced angered many in the Order. John was kidnapped and
imprisoned. It was during this imprisonment that John wrote his most influential books.
When we find ourselves entering a crisis of faith, hovering on the edge of hope, we have received an invitation to go deeper. John encourages us not to walk away from but to go through whatever it is we face,
because in the final analysis it will lead us to freedom in love. This purified love will be greater and stronger than anything we have encountered. John describes this as a time God gently and lovingly awakens in
our heart as we enter an unknown land and travel unknown roads. The journey through crises is a journey
toward new birth. To be Christian is not to maintain, it is to transform. To reach our destination we wait,
listen, and set out. Waiting implies staying in a solitary place while longing to arrive. It means moving onto
the train, where we remain standing. Once the door opens, we walk out into God’s loving gaze, reflected on
our face.
Transitions in life can be difficult, especially today when we long for stability in a changing world. Our former
way of seeing and choosing no longer works. It is in these circumstances that the invitation to transformation is given.
As our companion, John of the Cross lets us in on the secret way to serenity in the midst of a dark, pathless
night. What we love and what we have lost reawaken us to a new encounter with the Divine. John presents
the night as an inflow of God, more lovely than the dawn. Let yourself be carried by God, he encourages. God
loves that you may love God with the love God has for you. This love is “poured into our hearts through the
Holy Spirit” (Rom 5:5), the spring that flows and runs, although it is night.
Written by Margaret Kerry, FSP. Excerpted from Strength in Darkness: Wisdom from Saint John of the Cross, with the permission of
Pauline Books & Media (
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Remember in Your Prayers
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
59 Cottage Street, Sharon, MA 02067
Service Trip to Special Olympics
A Youth Ministry service trip to volunteer at the Special Olympics Track
& Field Competition at Milton Academy will be on Sunday, May 17. We
will meet as a group in the Bullock Center at 8am and travel together
to Milton. Parents can plan to pick-up their children at 4pm. Special
thanks to all our volunteers and adult chaperones. For more information about the parish’s Youth Ministry program, please contact Kerry
Payson at Thank You!
Unity & Diversity Celebration
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish invites you to the Unity and Cultural Diversity Celebration Potluck on Saturday, May 30. We will begin with a
multilingual Mass of Pentecost at 4:30pm followed by a potluck dinner
in O’Connell Hall at 5:30pm. We ask you to bring a dish to serve 10 to 12
people and an object that represents your heritage. To register or for
more information, please contact Fabiola Aguilera at or 781-784-2265 ext. 1036.
Please keep in your prayers the members of our Confirmation Class who
received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, May 15. We pray that
our young people continue to be open to the gift of the Holy Spirit in their
lives and that the Holy Spirit continues to guide them all the days of their
Danielle Browne
Ian Camilli
Aidan David
Michael DiGirolamo
Erica K. Dougherty
Daniel Dudziak
Caiden Dunham
William Gassmann
Alexander Geragotelis
Benjamin Hack
Kate Holzman
Julianna McCann
Thomas Modelevsky
Devin Payson
Mitsu Philogene
Sean Ronan
Lauren Sears
Vy Uong
Victoria Zambello
Kelly Watka
Parish Offertory Survey
Based on feedback from the recent Town Hall meeting in March, Fr.
Chip and the parish’s leaders have put together a survey to garner
feedback from parishioners specifically on their financial giving. This is
not meant to imply that money is the most important topic facing our
parish, but it’s just one of the pressing issues being addressed. If you
wish to participate, please fill out the form online at www.olossharon.
org/2015-parish-offertory-survey or pick up a paper survey in the back
of the church or in O’Connell Hall and return by May 22.
Today’s Music
The Mass Setting for the Sundays in Easter is from the
Mass of Creation beginning on page 193 in Gather 3
Hymnal. Music for the First Eucharist Masses at 4:30pm
on Saturday and 10:45am on Sunday is found in the
worship aid, and is as follows:
Gathering Song: G3 #916 I Receive the Living
Response to Psalm: The Lord has set His
throne in heaven.
Communion Songs: Jesus You Are Bread for Us
(worship aid); G3 #932 One Bread, One Body
Sending Forth Song: Walk in the Light (worship
For the 8:30am Mass on Sunday, the music is as follows:
Response to Psalm: The Lord has set His
throne in heaven.
Communion Song: G3 #932 One Bread, One
Sending Forth Song: G3 #636 Now Thank We
All Our God
Today’s Readings: Page 1080
Coffee Hours & Reception
In addition to our regular coffee hour after the 8:30am
Mass on Sunday, we will also have receptions after
the 4:30pm Saturday and 10:45am Sunday Masses for
those those receiving First Eucharist. All are welcome!
Please join us in O’Connell Hall for refreshments in a
relaxed, social atmosphere with family, friends and
other parishioners.
Prayers for the Deceased
Winifred Richardson, Maria Eugenia Gonzalez
Prayers for the Sick
Bob Naughton, Matt Canuel, Anthony Venti, Thelma
Sirkin, Gert & Francis DiLoreto, Diane DeGeralamo,
Sherril White, Wayne & Judy Satterley, Donna Prado,
Carrie-Ann Cabral, Kathleen Kanneigizer, Rob Christiansen, Ellsworth Klotzbier
The Power of God
It’s intriguing what qualifies as power in our world. People debate about the right to carry concealed weapons.
Whether such a right keeps people safer is in question, but certainly it makes people feel more powerful.
Our democratic process is marvelous, but the campaigns to determine who gets presidential power are,
sadly, messy and undignified. We have the ability to wield power, but we often forget that ultimate power
belongs to God. Our Ascension readings remind us that no human power can compare with “the surpassing
greatness of his power for us who believe” (Ephesians 1:19). As if Jesus’ Incarnation and resurrection weren’t
enough of a display of God’s power, now Jesus ascends to heaven to his glorified place with the Father. God’s
mighty actions make our guns, authority figures, and defenses seem weak.
Perhaps we forget God’s great power because it’s not as visible as our human displays of power. Yet God
continues to work mighty deeds—we know of amazing miracles that can be ascribed only to God’s power.
But also, God’s power works in us—the Church. We have to be open enough to let God work through us, and
that can be a challenge.
But Jesus promised to be with us always. If we trust in his very real power moving through us, we’ll be
amazed at what can be accomplished in our friendships, families, neighborhoods—even in our world.
—Janel Esker, Bringing Home the Word, May 17, 2015
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Gathering Song: G3 #916 I Receive the Living
The average cost to run the parish is $11,371 per week
and our expectation is that 69% ($7,845) will come
from the weekly offertory. Last week, the parishioners
contributed $7,021. This number includes the average
of our electronic giving.
St. Mary Parish
176 Washington St, East Walpole, MA 02032 |
Service Recognition Award 2015
Applications for the 2015 Service Recognition Award are available at
the parish office, in the church sacristy, or at The
Service Recognition program was established to acknowledge the substantial and continuous contributions of members of St. Mary Parish
who will be graduating from high school this year and who will be going
on to college, technical school or the military. Completed applications
must be returned to the parish office no later than June 8.
Religious Ed Registration
Thank you for a wonderful year of sharing the faith with your children.
We are so grateful to be able to provide religious education to more
than 400 St. Mary Parish families who gather here in our parish weekly
to pray and grow spiritually. We are blessed with wonderful volunteer
catechists (religious education teachers) who are called to this mission. We are always looking for teachers and would love for you to join
our religious education team and share the gift of our faith with the
young people of our parish while deepening your own.
As we have done in the past we are asking you to register your children now for classes beginning in the fall of 2015.
Our schedule will remain the same with an additional summer session program that will be offered for middle school
students (entering grades 6, 7, 8) that will take place the week of July 20. More details will follow in the next few
weeks. At St. Mary’s we have always tried to accommodate student’s needs by offering options for class times. We will
continue to try and offer solutions by offering this type of summer program along with alternative time slots for your
child to attend classes through the year. To register online please visit
Knights of Lithuania
St. Mary Parish
The Knights of Lithuania Council 27, an organization of Catholics of Lithuanian descent
which meets monthly at St. Mary’s, will meet in the lower rectory this Sunday, May 17
after the 7:30am Mass. All are welcome.
Council 27 is holding a yard sale on Saturday, May 23. It will be held from 9am till 3pm
at 50 Washington St., Norwood. Funds from the Yard Sale will support our Council. The
Knights of Lithuania’s aim is to keep alive among its members an appreciation of the
Lithuanian language, customs and culture.
Pine Street Inn
Prayer Requests
St. Mary’s monthly collection of tuna, peas, noodles
and desserts for the guests of the Pine Street Inn will
take place on Friday, May 29 from 5-6pm in the Parish
Center (far door, parking lot side.) Non-perishable items
are also collected.
We are asked to pray for all our sick, our grieving, and
our suffering. If you wish to add a name to the prayer
requests for St. Mary’s, please contact Louise Fahey
Father Bullock Run, Walk, Shuffle
Mass of Anointing
Father Robert Bullock was the Pastor at Our Lady of
Sorrows for 26 years, until he passed away in 2004. He
was an avid runner, and since 2005 the Fr. Bullock Run,
Walk, Shuffle has been held annually in his memory.
Father Bullock connected the community, and the proceeds of the event are donated to Facing History and
Ourselves and to Youth Lead, two organizations dear to
his heart, as well as to the Jimmy Fund in recognition of
the fact the he died of cancer. Last year a total of $4,300
was raised.
Every year Blessed Sacrament Parish celebrates a special Mass that includes the Sacrament of the Anointing
of the Sick. This Mass will be held on June 6 at 1pm in
the Blessed Sacrament School auditorium. Ramps are
located at the entrance of the auditorium for easy access. Light refreshments are also served immediately
following the Mass. We invite families from all the parishes in our collaborative to this communal celebration
of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The location
makes this Mass especially convenient for folks who
would have a difficult time entering a church with stairs.
Won’t you take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate with
each other this wonderful sacrament of healing? This year’s event, the 11th, will take place on Sunday,
June 14. With a kids race, a 2-mile walk and a 5-km run,
there is something for every fitness level. The kids’ race
kicks things off at 5:30pm, with the other distances following at 5:45pm. The first 175 to register will receive a
commemorative T-shirt.
In addition to participants, we are looking for volunteers and sponsors. Participants can register on-line at Sponsors and volunteers
can connect at www.father
Weekly Mass Intentions
25th & 50th Wedding Anniversaries
Cardinal Seán O’Malley invites all couples of the Archdiocese of Boston who are marking their 25th and 50th
wedding anniversaries in 2015 to join him for the annual
celebration at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Sunday,
June 14 for an 11:30am Mass, which will include a renewal of marriage vows by all participating anniversary
couples. Family members and friends of the participating couples, as well as the general public, are welcome
to attend. If you would like to attend this celebration,
please register by contacting Craig at craig_dyke@ . A formal invitation will then be sent from the
Archdiocese to celebrating couples. For more info, visit
BSP-Blessed Sacrament; OLOS-Our Lady of Sorrows;
STM-St. Mary
Sat, May 16 4pm BSP: Robyn Musco & Bruen Family: Peter,
Mary, Patrick, Chuck & Michael
4pm STM: Arnaldo Costa
All Week
BSP Chapel Sanctuary Lamp: Clara Boyle
BSP Church Sanctuary Lamp: Mary L. Cerbo
Sun, May 17 7:30am STM: Ryan M. Young
Wedding Banns
9am STM: Dannie Nickerson
Blessed Sacrament I Jason Lamoureux & Courtney Doyle
11am BSP: Francis Lally
Blessed Sacrament III Kelly Richall & William Flaherty
11:30am STM: Rose Yelapi Patton
Mon, May 18 8am STM: John H. Kilduff
Daily Mass Readings
9am OLOS: Robert Chervenak
Mon, May 18: Acts 19:1–8; John 16:39–33
Tue, May 19 8am STM: Jonathan Karis
Tues, May 19: Acts 20:17–27; John 17:1–11a
Wed, May 20 8am STM: Edward & Julia Dognazzi
Wed, May 20: Acts 20:28–38; John 17:11b–19
Thu, May 21 9am BSP: Clara Boyle
Thu, May 21: Acts 22:30, 23:6–11; John 17:20–26
Fri, May 22 8am STM: Thomas & Eily Cotter
Fri, May 22: Acts 25:13b–21; John 21:15–19
Sat, May 23 4pm STM: Leo Fahey
Sat, May 23: Acts 28:16–20; John 21:20–25
“Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus,
the only sinless one. We worship your Cross, O Christ, and we hymn and
glorify your holy Resurrection. For you are our God, we know no other but
you, we name you by name. Come all the faithful, let us worship the holy
Resurrection of Christ; for behold through the Cross, joy has come in all
the world. Ever blessing the Lord, we hymn his Resurrection. For having
endured the Cross for us, he has destroyed death by death.”
Anonymous, 5th–6th Century
Weekly Events Calendar
Sunday, May 17
7:45am OLOS High School Service Trip to
Special Olympics
8:30am OLOS First Eucharist Mass
9:30am BSP First Communion Mass
9:30am OLOS Coffee Hour, O’Connell Hall
10:45am OLOS First Eucharist Mass
12:30pm BSP Baptisms
1pm OLOS Collaborative Seminar for Middle
School, O’Connell
2pm BSP Mass & Healing Service
4:30pm BSP Peer Ministry Party, BSS Cafeteria
7pm BSP Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Monday, May 18
10:30am BSP Bible Study: Ignatius Bible,
Community Room
5pm OLOS Eucharistic Adoration, Church
7pm OLOS Youth Commission Meeting,
O’Connell Hall
7:30pm STM Adult Choir Practice
Tuesday, May 19
9:30am BSP Bible Study: Revelation, Community Room
6:30pm OLOS Children’s Choir Rehearsal
7pm OLOS Boy Scouts, O’Connell Hall
7:30pm BSP MOM’s Group, Community Room
Wednesday, May 20
9:30am BSP Morning Prayer Group, Community Room
10am OLOS Bible Study, O’Connell Hall
4pm BSP Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Chapel
6:30pm STM Adult Bible Study
Thursday, May 21
9:45am BSP Praying the Scriptures, Community Room
5pm BSP Youth Choir Rehearsal, Church
6pm BSP Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Church
7pm BSP Adult Choir Rehearsal, Church
7pm BSP Beloved Community, Community
Sunday Mass Times
Saturday Vigil:
4:00pm Blessed Sacrament & St. Mary
4:30pm Our Lady of Sorrows
7:30am St. Mary
8:00am Blessed Sacrament
8:30am Our Lady of Sorrows
9:00am St. Mary
9:30am Blessed Sacrament
10:45am Our Lady of Sorrows
11:00am Blessed Sacrament
11:30am St. Mary
7:30pm STM Finance Committee, Rectory
Friday, May 22
10am OLOS Rosary
Saturday, May 23
10am OLOS Cantor Rehearsal
Daily Mass Schedule
Mon 8am STM; 9am OLOS
Tue 8am STM; 9am OLOS
Wed 8am STM; 9am BSP
Thu 9am OLOS & BSP
Fri 8am STM; 9am BSP
Sat 9am OLOS & BSP
BSP Blessed Sacrament Parish
BSS Blessed Sacrament School
OLOS Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
STM St. Mary Parish
Collaborative Staff
Rev. George “Chip” Hines, Pastor
Rev. Vincent Doolan, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Joseph Diem, Parochial Vicar
Marie Martin, Pastoral Associate
Martin Murphy, Director of Finance & Op-
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Dcn. Michael Iwanowicz, Senior Deacon
Fabiola Aguilera, Volunteer & Social Coor-
Mary Herx-Morrill, Coordinator of Faith
Kerry Payson, Youth Ministry Director
Domenico Bettinelli, Director of Commu- Judith Lowe, Director of Music
Claire Ramsbottom, Staff Associate
Deborah Lafleur, Administrative Assistant
Margaret Kelly, Assistant to the Pastor
Jane Connolly, Administrative Support for Pastoral Staff & Special Projects
Christine Muldoon, Administrator
James Spillman, School Principal
Larry Seggelin, Maintenance Coordinator
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Confession Times
Dcn. Reynold G. Spadoni, Deacon
St. Mary Parish
AnneMarie Dion, Coordinator of Faith
Karen Brady, Religious Education Director
3:00pm St. Mary & Blessed Sacrament
Kerry Pitman, Office Staff
3:45pm Our Lady of Sorrows
Margaret Manning, Confirmation/Youth Pat Chitvanni, Office Staff
or by appointment
Ray Lane, Facilities Staff
Dr. Erica Johnson, Director of Pastoral
Tom Whearty, Facilities Staff
Social Media
Faith Marchena, Music Director
Susan Glancy, Director of Youth Music
Jeanette Penza, Finance Manager
For Collaborative Staff contact information,
Lee Smolinsky, Business Manager
Mike Lamperti, Facilities Manager
For Parish Staff contact information, visit the
parish web sites listed previously.
Janet Neubecker, Operations Admin