January 11, 2015 January 11, 2015 Jeff Brewer Cory Wynne Jared Phillips James Glispie Johnny Wynn David Compton Olice Williams Val Kovalenko Messiah Hayes Terry Pittman Derrold Satterwhite Brian Bowen Gregg Blackman Ronnie Wynne William Beck Jordan Mitchell Jay Griffin Monika Blackshear Angelique Williams Terri Blackshear Delphia Williams Dustin Nemati Sharon Black Rick and Becky Vander Maas Levi and Willa Bell Val and Brooke Kovalenko January 14, 2015 Terry Pittman Josh Swearingen Messiah Hayes Garrett Hill Richard Harvey Tommy Harris Jeff Brewer Cory Wynne Jared Phillips J.D. Blackshear Chris Jordan Terry Pittman and David Compton Samantha Brewer and Kiersten Williams The New Year Once again we trade in our old calendars for a new one. A new year is now here and with it some new things. I hope that you are intent on making 2015 a great year in your walk with God. In just a few weeks we will be talking about our new theme for 2015 and where our focus will lie. There are many things going on and a great deal planned for 2015. I want to begin by letting you know about what is going on to start our year. Things are in a bit of disarray around our offices right now. The renovation work that was done in 2014 to my office and the downstairs classrooms was completed. However, this week we have begun renovations to Tammy’s office and what used to be Maynard’s office. This will take between 2 and 3 weeks. In the meantime, there might be some things that are out of whack. Tammy will be using classroom 4 as a temporary office. Once the work is done, Tammy will be moving into Maynard’s old office on a permanent basis. On a personal note, I am excited to announce that Tammy’s brother (my brother-in-law), David Dixon, has accepted an offer to become the new preacher at the Wesconnett congregation here in town. We are both excited to have some family members living here in Jacksonville with us. I know David will do an excellent job there. David is married to Rachel (McCullough) who grew up here at Lake Forest. They are both excited to begin their new work here in Jacksonville. AM - When The Light Becomes AM - Gospel Brighter Meeting AM - Women In Worship Matthew 5:14-16 I Timothy 2:11-14 PM - Gospel Meeting PM - Fasting: The Forgotten Practice PM - Which Road Are You On? Matthew 6:16-18 Matthew 7:13-14 Words I Want To Hear SICK: Victoria Wilson fell and is in Memorial Hospital room 106. She is improving. RESPONSES: Rose Anderson came forward Sunday morning asking for the prayers of the church. Sunday evening Teri Wilson came forward wanting to be restored and rededicate her life to Christ. PRAYER REQUEST: Dennis Clemons came forward asking for the prayers of the church for his friend and fellow classmate, Stuart Scott, ESPN announcer, who passed away Sunday morning from cancer. FISHERS OF MEN: There is a Fishers of Men class scheduled to begin the first Monday in April. This is a 12 week class that will meet every Monday at 7 pm. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those interested. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: January 17, 2015 - Youth Devo at the Compton’s January 24, 2015 - Men’s Breakfast in the fellowship hall ASSIGNMENTS: There is a monthly schedule of assignments on the bulletin board. Please take a moment and check to see if your name is on the list. If you can not complete these assignments notify Jay Griffin. The sign up list is on the bulletin board for January. YES WEEKEND 2015: The Forrest Park church of Christ in Valdosta, Georgia will have Yes Weekend 2015 on February 20, 21 and 22. The theme is “Scars”. Make plans to attend. MOTHER/DAUGHTER RETREAT: The Central Florida Bible camp will have a Mother/ Daughter Retreat Friday - Sunday, February 6-8, 2015. Contact CFBC with questions. events@acfbiblecamp.org or 352-357-6316. 128 106 179 213 117 NC $6659 $7694 BIBLE CALL: Free Bible call a telephone library sponsored by Jacksonville area churches of Christ. Hear recorded information on hundreds of Bible subjects. Call 743-8557. Available 24 hours a day. LADS TO LEADERS: Students who are doing bulletin boards will meet Saturday, January 10 at 9:00 at the building. The Lads to Leaders convention will be April 3-5 in Orlando, Florida. The overall theme for 2015 is “One”. BRIDAL SHOWER: There will be a Bridal Shower for Lindsey Black Saturday, January 17 in the fellowship hall at 11:30. She is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target. See Tammy Scott, if you can help. MEN’S BREAKFAST: Saturday, January 24 there will be a Men’s Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those planning on attending. LADIES DAY: The Lakeside church of Christ invites you to their Ladies Day, Saturday January 24 with Kathy Pollard. The topic this year is “Will Your Anchor Hold?” The program will begin at 8:30. The event will end around noon and then lunch will be served. Please RSVP to the church office 264-2463 if you plan to attend. GOSPEL MEETING: There will be a Gospel Meeting January 29-31 at the Lakeside church of Christ. The guest speaker is David Shannon. He will be speaking Thursday and Friday evening at 7:00 and then on Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30. Betty Sue Kitchens Betty Kitchens Betty Sue Sue Kitchens Jesse Knight Jesse Knight Jesse Knight Mary Woodbeck Mary Woodbeck Mary Woodbeck Victoria Mitchell Victoria Mitchell family Victoria Mitchell family Elizabeth Canady Elizabeth Canady Elizabeth Canady Bobbye Donaroma & Family Bobbye Donaroma Bobbye Donaroma & & Family Family James Glispie James Glispie James Glispie Shut-Ins: Shut-Ins: Shut-Ins: Hazel Lias Hazel Lias Hazel Lias Doyle Berry Doyle Berry Doyle Berry Martha Plinka Martha Plinka Martha Plinka Don Wike Words that we hear have a way of making each one of us feel good at times. Do you remember the day ladies, you heard the words you had been wanting to hear when you heard “Will you marry me?” and for the guys when you heard the words “Yes I will”!! Do you remember the day when you heard the words “Congratulations, It’s a boy or It’s a girl” or what about the day when you heard the words for the very first time “Congratulations, Your loan has been approved”? Now you could go and buy that house you had been dreaming of or that car you had been wanting to drive. Words have a way of making us feel good and have a way of causing excitement, joy and happiness in our lives. Rose Anderson Rose Anderson RoseHarris Anderson The Family The Harris Family The Harris Family Susan Swearingen Heaven Parks Heaven Parks Don & Suzanne Wike Suzanne Wike Suzanne Wike Charlotte Satterwhite Charlotte Satterwhite Charlotte Satterwhite Novice Watson Novice Watson Novice Watson Vicky Vicky Tierney Tierney In Matt 25:34 our Lord is describing the judgment scene when he says to the faithful “Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. Have you ever stopped and thought about the words that each Pat Rogers Pat Rogers Pat Rogers and every one of us want to hear that would give Ramona Blackman Ramona Blackman Ramona Blackman Cli DavisSwearingen us the greatest sense of joy and happiness that Wanda Wanda Wanda Swearingen Swearingen we have never experienced in this life before? Friends: On judgment day when our Lord says to the Friends: Friends: Clinton White Anita Harris (Lupus) faithful “Come ye blessed of my father”!!! Can Clinton White White Anita Harris (Lupus) (Lupus) Clinton Anita Harris ****************** Collier Family Lori Miles CollierSieg Family Lori Miles you imagine the feeling that day when our Lord Orilla Family ItCollier Just Howard Needs To Be Told Ted Cherry Henry (cancer) Ted Miles Cherry (heart) (heart) Lori Ted Cherry (heart) says those words to us? The Lord would be sayJanet Witt Beck How muchBill time, do you suppose, would Paul Janet Witt Bill Beck Janet Witt Bill Beck Virginia Maynard Carolyn O’Kelly spend discussing modern theological questions ing, if heI want to spend eternity with you in heaven, Virginia Maynard Carolyn O’Kelly Jimmy Houck Virginia Maynard Linda Hancock Chris Lemon you Linda Hancock Chris Lemon were preaching on earth today? Reckon the mes- have done the things that I have asked you Carolyn O’Kelly Linda Hancock Betsy and Joe Chason William Smith (Elizabeth to do, you have obeyed the commandments I set Betsy and Joe Chason William Smith (Elizabeth Betsy and Joesage Chason William Smith (Elizabeth of the 21st Century pulpit isson) more concerned Joseph Abraham (cancer) Canady’s Joseph Abraham (cancer) Canady’s son) forth, “Come ye blessed of my father”. HearNorman Duncan (cancer) Canady’sthings son) than in preaching with “deepbrother) and weighty” Darryl (Vanessa’s Darryl Davis Davis (Vanessa’s brother) Joseph Abraham (cancer) Darryl Davis (Vanessa’s Mandy (brain Stig and Julie The Hunstiger and Him crucified? most eloquent ing those words as faithful Christians will give Mandy Latner Latner Christ (brain tumor) tumor) Henry Howard (cancer) brother) us the greatest sense of joy and happiness that (family today asand inproblems) early days, is done by a deCharlesLatner Pugh preaching (cancer) Stig Julie Hunstiger Mandy (brain tumor) Mrs. Ray (Willa’s Mother) we have never experienced in this life. Those are (family problems) Thaddius Chisholm of friend God who tells thewith story of God’s love Baxley Robertsvout (14 child year old of the Poags Military: the words that I want to hear. How about you? Poag’s friend’s back problems) Norman Duncan (cancer) to a loved one,(Melanie neighbor or friend. The gospel doesDinah Lewis (Afghanistan) brother in a coma) Odessa Grissett n’t(stroke) need oratory. It needs telling. And it can be told Winter Anderson (Germany) Shawn Bowers, (South Korea Donaroma’s adequately and- Bobbye forcefully by any child of God David who Military: Military: grandson) is earnest and sincere. Just don’t miss your chance DinahNichols, Lewis (Afghanistan) Troy Melanie Poag’s brother in law (Iraq) Evan (Afghanistan) WinterJames Anderson (Germany) to tell it. Dinah Lewis (Afghanistan) Shaina GoodwinBobbye (Japan)Donaroma’s grandson Shawn Anderson Bowers, Winter (Germany) DIGEST BULLETIN -Copied Evan James (Afghanistan) Shawn Bowers, Bobbye Donaroma’s grandson (Dubai) Shaina Goodwin (Japan) Parsley
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