VOLUME 40 NO. 1 JANUARY 9, 2015 Celebrate With Your CSM Colleagues Service Recognition Reception – February 13 REMINDER! WINTER 2015 GRADUATION EVENTS Thursday January 15 La Plata Campus See details inside on page 2. The Board of Trustees invites all employees to the upcoming Service Recognition Reception, Friday, February 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the BI Building, Chaney Enterprises Conference Room (Room 113) on the La Plata Campus. This event will celebrate CSM's employees marking significant milestones in their years of service with the college. The reception will include delicious appetizers/desserts and an opportunity to honor this year's 62 honorees being recognized for their accumulated 855 years of service to CSM. Administration is strongly encouraging everyone to participate in this occasion and that employees coordinate with their supervisors so that as many employees as possible have the opportunity to celebrate with co-workers as they receive their recognition. The following individuals will be recognized: FORTY YEARS: Paul Billeter and Charles Clark THIRTY YEARS: Tom Gorecki, Mary Johnson, Wayne Karlin, Tom Seremet, and Margaret Thomas TWENTY-FIVE YEARS: Colleen Joffe, Toni Kruszka, Joan Middleton, Andrea Ronaldi, and Don Smith TWENTY YEARS: Beverly Coger, Chip Keech, Jackie Koerbel, and Robin Young FIFTEEN YEARS: Tony Bates, Joe Burgin, Wendy Cleary, Glennis Daniels-Bacchus, Joni Ellis, Judi Ferrara, Linda Giles, Tom Grinder, Vickie Grow, Mary Beth Klinger, Linda Cooke Smith, Benita Sneade, and Michael Suwak STAY CONNECTED AND INFORMED through CSM's online community CSM.TXT Facebook Twitter TEN YEARS: Jennifer Everhart, James Finger, Nancy Gibson, Lisa Lynk Smith, Tara McManaway, Andrea Muntz, Bill Rollins, Barbara Scotland, Tatiana Vrem, George Wall, Susan Wilson, and Patty Zych FIVE YEARS: Erika Abell, Valerie Anderson, Tisean Bell, Kim Busch, Pat Conward, Richard Fleming, Loretta Foster, James Gerondakis, Keith Hight, Tony Jernigan, Shaniel McBurrows, Dennis McIntosh, Michelle Morsell, Craig Patenaude, Larisa Pfeiffer, Jane Pomponio, David Robinson, Shelly Snell, Penny Trusty, Charles Walsh, and Heather Zeolla Beginning with next week's issue, through our February 13 issue, The Friday Report will be highlighting employees who have been at the college for 25, 30, and 40 years. Congratulations to all who are being recognized this year for their service to the college. CSMDTube The Friday Report is the weekly newsletter of the College of Southern Maryland staff and faculty. Article requests are due by 10 a.m. every Thursday. Please send article requests to the Friday Report e-mail account: fridayreport@csmd.edu. 201 5 W I N TER G R A D UATI O N EVEN T S - Januar y 1 5 Commencement Speaker is Retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson CSM will recognize candidates for degrees and certificates during its 16th Winter Commencement on January 15 at the La Plata Campus. A keynote address will be provided by Retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson, founder and president of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military personnel and disabled veterans. 15th Anniversary of the College's Winter Graduation Ceremony Retired Navy Capt. Ed Nicholson Did you know that the college's first Winter Graduation was 15 years ago on January 13, 2000? The college, then Charles County Community College (CCCC), which transitioned to the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) in July 2000, recognized graduates from the tri-county area in its first winter graduation on January 13, 2000 at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center at the La Plata Campus. CCCC alumnus Del. Thomas E. "Tim" Hutchins presented the keynote address. It's interesting to note that while 48 percent of the graduates were Charles County residents, nearly 32 percent were from St. Mary's County and 18.5 percent were from Calvert County, which is close to the proportion of the college's enrollment each semester at that time. A Note About Cap and Gowns Cap and gowns are in for winter graduation! Faculty and staff at the Leonardtown and Prince Frederick campuses can pick up their items on the La Plata Campus in the AD Building, Room 220. If previous arrangements were made to have your cap and gown sent to your office/ campus, you should have received your items by now. If not, please check your mailbox or office. An e-mail was sent on January 8 to those faculty and staff who still have cap and gowns ready for pickup. Reminder, your items must be returned the night of graduation to the BI Building, Room 124. Please e-mail any questions to Jeanine Davis at jgdavis@csmd.edu or call ext. 7891. Graduation Events and Particulars NURSES RECOGNITION Thursday, January 15, 2015, 1 p.m. Physical Education Building, La Plata Campus 11:45 a.m. Nursing graduates assemble in the PE Building, upper level. 1:00 p.m. Ceremony for Nurses Recognition begins. A reception will follow in the PE Building, upper level. WINTER GRADUATION / COMMENCEMENT Thursday, January 15, 2015, 6:30 p.m. Physical Education Building, La Plata Campus Tickets are required for admission to the PE Building (see below). 4:30 p.m. Graduates assemble in the PE Building, lower level. 5:00 p.m. Graduate rehearsal begins. 5:30 p.m. Doors open for guests. • Guests are asked to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. • Doors to the PE Building will be closed once the procession begins and guests will not be admitted after the procession. • Ceremony will also be broadcast in the Fine Arts Center (FA Building). Tickets are not required for the FA Building but seating is limited and is on a first-come basis. • All guests are subject to a bag check before entry (see below). 6:00 p.m. Faculty/staff assemble in the PE Building, upper level. The Board of Trustees, president, and platform guests report to the PE Building, Room 207H. 6:30 p.m. Procession of graduates begins. Doors will be closed and will remain closed until the end of the ceremony. A reception will follow the ceremony in the BI Building, Room 113/113E. TICKETS Tickets will be issued to graduates participating in the commencement ceremony only. Please add invite@eventbrite.com to your email address contacts, to avoid your invitation from being sent to your spam folder. Graduates will have an opportunity to order up to four tickets for winter commencement and three for spring commencement. Additional tickets will not be issued, seating is limited and tickets are limited based on the seating capacity of our venue. Tickets will be sent to graduates via email, please make sure your email is up to date when applying for graduation. Guests (regardless of age) will not be permitted to enter the PE building without a ticket, no exceptions. However, to accommodate guests without tickets, a live simulcast will be broadcast in our overflow area in the Fine Arts building. Please keep your tickets in a secure place; replacement tickets will not be issued, for any reason. BAG CHECK The safety of CSM students, guests and employees is of the utmost importance. CSM will be conducting a bag check at the winter commencement. Please note that everyone may be subject to a bag check before entry. We encourage you to leave large bags, purses, diaper bags and backpacks in your vehicles or at home, as these will be subject to the bag check process at the door. This is a new security procedure and we appreciate your cooperation and patience. DISABILITY SERVICES There is a seating section for elderly or disabled guests. Due to limited space, the college recommends that the person with the disability and only one other guest sit in the accessible seating section. Additional members of your party should sit in the bleacher seating. VOLUME 40 NO. 1 JANUARY 9, 2015 PAGE 2 FROM T H E H U M A N R ES O U RCES D EPAR T M EN T ( H RD) Faculty/Staff Updates: New employee: Sandra Wiley Administrative Assistant, MDE - Baltimore Maryland Center for Environmental Training January 5, 2015, ext. 7500 Departures: Gregory DeLoache Manager Admissions Department January 6, 2015 Rachael DiMichele Student Records Specialist Registrar's Office January 6, 2015 Travis Moore Regulatory and Compliance Engineer I - MDE Maryland Center for Environmental Training December 30, 2014 Position Announcements: Position: Facilities Supervisor, LEON (#9070) Announcement No.: FY15-54 Department: Physical Plant Salary: $46,646 Grade: 27800 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Flexibility is required. Location:Leonardtown Campus Opening Date: 01/08/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 01/22/15 Position: System Administrator, PT (Network/Academic) (#8506) Announcement No.: FY15-55 Department: Information Technology Services Salary: $34,985 Grade: 27700 Hours: 30 hours per week, Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Flexibility is required. Location:La Plata Campus Opening Date: 01/08/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 01/22/15 The following position is open INTERNAL ONLY: Position: Admissions Manager (#5003) Announcement No.: FY15-56 Department: Admissions Salary: $39,165 Grade: 24800 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Hours subject to change during peak recruitment periods. Location:La Plata Campus Opening Date: 01/08/15 Closing Date: 01/15/15 CSM Leonardtown Campus Hosts Robotics Challenge CSM hosted the FIRST LEGO League Qualifier Tournament for elementary and middle school teams in Southern Maryland on December 6 at the Leonardtown Campus. The competition, FLL World Class Learning Unleashed, challenged students to redesign how people gather knowledge and skills in the 21st Century. Approximately 100 students, representing 10 teams, participated in the challenge. “Events like this provide the kinds of activities and opportunities for children to explore different careers, develop their teamwork skills, and uncover hidden talents,” said CSM Professor Bernice Brezina, the event coordinator. To view a gallery from the competition, visit http://csmphoto.zenfolio.com/ frstrobotsdec14. Calvert Chamber Supports CSM Scholarships Members of the Chamber of Commerce of Calvert County presented CSM with $937 in support of student scholarships during the Business After Hours reception hosted at the Prince Frederick Campus on December 11. From left are: CSM Vice President of Advancement Michelle Goodwin, CSM Vice President and Dean of Prince Frederick Campus Dr. Rich Fleming, Interim Chamber President Joan Hatfield, Idea Solutions President Frank Smith, Chamber Board Chair and Acting Director of Human Resources for Calvert County Public Schools Dr. Victoria Karol, Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland Business Service Representative Belinda Denton, CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried, Asbury Solomons Executive Director Andrew Applegate, CSM Board of Trustee Vice Chair Dorothea Smith, CSM Foundation Director Greg Cockerham, Calvert Commercial Real Estate Broker Lillie Mattingly and SERVPRO of St. Mary’s, and Calvert County General Manager Chad Day. VOLUME 40 NO. 1 JANUARY 9, 2015 PAGE 3 CSM Selected as a Top School for Veterans Military Advanced Education’s 2015 Guide Recognizes CSM CSM has been awarded the designation of a Top School in the Military Advanced Education 2015 Guide to Colleges and Universities (MAE) which measures best practices in military and veteran education. “We are honored to be recognized again as an institution that goes out of its way to support the men and women who have served our country. By providing advising and support services to our veteran students, they are able to access the information they need to take full advantage of their benefits and to be successful in their academic pursuits,” said CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried. CSM was also recently designated as a 2015 Military Friendly® School by Victory Media for being among the top 15 percent of colleges, universities, and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace military students and to dedicate resources to ensure their success in the classroom and after graduation. "As one of the largest veteran-serving colleges or universities within Maryland, CSM is proud to serve more than 830 military students, veterans, and their dependents each year," said Chris Zimmermann, director of the college’s Financial Assistance Department, which oversees its veteran benefits office. The Guide presents results of a questionnaire of the militarysupportive policies enacted at more than 600 institutions including private, public, for-profit, not-for-profit, four-year, and two-year colleges and was released in the December issue of MAE. It is available online at www.mae-kmi.com. This year, institutes were evaluated on their military culture, financial aid, flexibility, on-campus support, and online support services. Each school’s performance rating by category is represented by an easy-to-recognize dashboard to enable prospective students to quickly target schools that follow best practices in military education and then put these in context with other academic or career considerations. For information on using veterans benefits and services at CSM, visit www.csmd.edu/Veterans. Tigers Learn How to Tell the Story Tigers of Den 1, Cub Scout Pack 417, sponsored by St. Peter's Catholic Church in Waldorf, earned their Tiger badges on January 6 by touring the CSM-TV studio, coordinated Tigers of Den 1, Cub Scout Pack 417 by Station Manager/Executive Producer Trish Christofaro. Ginny Zander and Gary Griffin, student media assistants, led the eight youngsters through the studio to help them fulfill requirement 4G—"How I Tell It,"—to gain insight into how media is collected and shared. The Cubs did a newscast, learned about the cameras and control room equipment, and played in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob SquarePants' home city on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, thanks to the green screen. "The Tiger Cub Scouts had a great time last night, and our guides were really wonderful. I think some of the boys have a real future in broadcasting. My son loved being on camera and really enjoyed telling me all about the work in the control booth," said Tiger Den Leader Jim Walls. VOLUME 40 NO. 1 JANUARY 9, 2015 Severe Flu Season Considered Widespread According to this week's FluView report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. flu activity continued to increase in intensity and expand geographically in many areas of the country. The influenza-like illness (ILI) is considered high throughout Maryland, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, with widespread geographic activity. The predominant flu strain is the A-H3 strain, which was not included within the 2014-15 flu vaccine. Flu activity is expected to continue in the coming weeks, and the CDC continues to recommend vaccination as long as flu viruses are circulating and prompt treatment with flu antiviral drugs for people at high risk of serious flu complications. Doctors and health officials advise that getting the flu vaccine is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others. For additional information, go to http://ready.csmd.edu/flu.html. New Polycom Room Usage Beginning February 2, 2015, Room CE102 in the CE Building, CSM's new conference room in the CE Building will REPLACE Room BI211 in the BI Building as a small conference room offering Polycom VTC. Any polycom meetings that have already been scheduled in BI211 beyond February 2 have been relocated to CE102 by the Scheduling Office staff. Polycom scheduling procedures remain unchanged. Please contact the Scheduling Office if you have any questions at sch&conf@csmd.edu or ext. 7743. Correction on Super Saturday Information Please be advised that the correct times for the Super Saturdays events on January 10 and January 17 are 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Super Saturdays allow students to take placement tests, register for classes, meet with career and academic advisors, meet with financial assistance staff, and make payments. Check the online calendar at www.csmd.edu for more information. Seeking Nominations for Student Advocacy Day Nominations Due No Later than Friday, January 23 The Student Life advisors are seeking students to accompany Student Government leaders as they visit our state legislators on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 for Student Advocacy Day (SAD). SAD is an opportunity for the 16 Maryland Community Colleges to bring students to Annapolis and share their stories about how their community college experience has been impacted by the assistance provided by our legislative representatives. These visits allow our Senators and Delegates to hear first-hand how their support of our state community college has an immeasurable impact. With the major changes in some of our local representatives, this year's event may be more necessary than ever. Space is limited for this important event. Details on qualifications for students to be considered for SAD participation will be forthcoming in an Everyone E-mail. Interested students, faculty, and staff should send an e-mail to leonsa@csmd.edu no later than Friday, January 23. Please use the Subject: Student Advocacy Day Interest, and provide the student's name, CSM ID number, and a contact number. For questions, please contact Jennifer Van Cory, ext. 5410. PAGE 4 SPOTLIGHT ON TRAINING Upcoming Technical Training In addition to online courses, the following lecture/lab courses are coming up soon. Unless otherwise noted, classes will meet in the Technical Training Center (ST Building, Room 129) on the La Plata Campus. Excel Charts In Depth – January 12, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata Engaging the Employee – January 14, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., BU 112 Introduction to Colleague – January 15, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ST129 Word Styles In Depth – January 21, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata Supervising Multiple Generations – January 22, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., BI 103/104 Find additional information about our technical training program, course descriptions, calendars, online registration, and more at http://info.csmd.edu/Training/technical. Training sections are added regularly, so please review the weekly advertisements or check the registration page of the Technical Training web site frequently. If you should have any questions, please contact Wendy Cleary, technical training coordinator, at ext. 7610 or e-mail wendyc@csmd.edu. LIMINAL TERRITORIES, ERIN WIERSMA Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery Exhibition through - March 20 La Plata Campus Gallery Talk: Thursday, January 29, 5:30 p.m. TREASURE ISLAND Children's Theatre January 30 | 7 p.m. January 31 | 2 and 7 p.m. La Plata Campus Visit www.csmd.edu/Arts for the full spring 2015 schedule. AUDITIONS FOR SPRING PRODUCTION OF ALL OUT CSM's Fine Arts and Humanities Division is holding open auditions, beginning at 6 p.m., January 26-27, for its upcoming spring production of All Out which will be performed on all three campuses on March 5-6 and March 12-14. The comedy follows a group of game show contestants on their quest to win big money. This production may not be suitable for younger audiences. Auditions will be in the theatre, FA Building, La Plata Campus. Those auditioning should prepare a one-minute monologue. VOLUME 40 NO. 1 JANUARY 9, 2015 PAGE 5
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