VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 Important Information about the OneCard and ID Cards See page 3 for details. Reminder! Employee Service Awards February 13 STAY CONNECTED AND INFORMED through CSM's online community CSM.TXT Facebook Twitter Celebrate #CSMLove2015 Recognize and Appreciate Students, Alumni, Colleagues, Partners, Supporters The tradition of CSM love kicks off on February 1. CSM love 2015 will celebrate CSM's culture and tradition of appreciation and celebration of our values. The month of February will be devoted to: • Demonstrating an environment of respect, teamwork, civility, and appreciation for CSM students, alumni, faculty, staff, partners, and community members • Engaging communities and highlighting the unique facts, assets, and qualities CSM has to offer • Building brand awareness and increasing reputation of CSM as a community resource February events will focus on awareness and CSM love with the following communities: • February 1-7: CSM loves Students and Alumni • February 8-14: CSM loves Staff and Faculty • February 15-21: CSM loves Partners and Supporters • February 22-28: CSM loves the Community Highlights will include contests, community service projects, and activities to share messages, photos, and CSM's proud points of distinction. Each week will include social media and activities on each of the campuses; a contest promoted on social media based on clues and questions featured throughout the month; and giveaways for students. Employees can join in the fun by sending CSM love notes to fellow CSM faculty and staff, using the #CSMLove2015 hashtag, and signing the CSM love banner. The community service projects include signing CSM love notes to be distributed to veterans at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home; partnering with NUR1115 students to give students, staff, faculty, and community members health and wellness screenings; and partnering with Wellness, Fitness, and Aquatics for its Go Red for Women campaign. Visit the CSM love Intranet page (www.hawk.csmd.edu/csmlove.html) for more details, templates, and resources. Watch for weekly updates in The Friday Report. For information on the campaign, contact Community Relations Coordinator Larisa Pfeiffer at ext. 7703 or lpfeiffer@csmd.edu. CSMDTube The Friday Report is the weekly newsletter of the College of Southern Maryland staff and faculty. Article requests are due by 10 a.m. every Thursday. Please send article requests to the Friday Report e-mail account: fridayreport@csmd.edu. FRO M T HE O F F I C E O F TH E PRES ID EN T ( PRE) State of the College Presentation Staff and faculty are invited to join CSM President Gottfried for his annual report on the college. Time will be allowed for questions. Please plan to attend one of the following sessions: Tuesday, February 17, 2:30 p.m. – Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 104/105 Monday, March 2, 10 a.m. – La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 103/104 Tuesday, March 10, 2:30 p.m. – La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 103/104 Thursday, March 12, 2:30 p.m. – Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206 Coffee with the President’s Council Staff and faculty are invited to join the division vice presidents during one of the following sessions for updates and an informal question-and-answer sessions: Tuesday, February 10, 2:30 p.m. – La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E Tuesday, March 3, 2:30 p.m. – Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206 Tuesday, March 31, 2:30 p.m. – Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 104/105 For more information, please contact Kim Yellman, Office of the President, ext. 7627. Schedule is subject to change. Mark you calendar for these events, but please continue to check The Friday Report for any changes. 2+2 Transfer Scholarships Equal Savings for Community College Graduates Students who begin their post-secondary educations at CSM not only earn credits at half of the cost of most Maryland colleges, but they are also eligible for additional savings through scholarships designed solely for community college graduates when they transfer to pursue a bachelor’s degree. “The 2+2 Transfer Scholarship is open to all community college students in Maryland who are enrolled full-time or part-time, maintain a 2.5 grade point average, and demonstrate financial need,” said CSM Associate Vice President of the Enrollment Management Team, Joan Middleton. “This scholarship is for students who are in their last semester at CSM and have been accepted into their transfer schools. It is a wonderful gift from the State of Maryland for students who complete their community college degrees.” Students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application by March 1 for priority awarding. Students in all majors are eligible, with students enrolling in a science, teaching, engineering, computer science, mathematics, or nursing program receiving annual awards of $2,000 and students in all other majors receiving $1,000 annually for up to three years or six semesters. For information on transfer services at CSM, visit www.csmd.edu/transfer or contact CSM Senior Coordinator of Transfer Services and Articulation James Spence at 301-934-7574 or JamesS@csmd.edu. The scholarship application and eligibility information is available at http://www.mhec.state.md.us/ financialaid/ProgramDescriptions/prog_2+2.asp, with directions on how to apply. Transfer Fairs and Transfer Awareness Week Faculty and staff, please remind CSM students of the upcoming Transfer Fair as well as Transfer Awareness Week activities. For dates and for more information, visit: www.csmd.edu/ TransferServices/transferFairs.html. March 1 Deadline Approaching Transfer Academic Excellence Scholarship The University of Maryland College Park is proud to offer one of the most prestigious scholarships to Maryland community college students. The Transfer Academic Excellence Scholarship (TAES) is a full-tuition scholarship for transfer students awarded in the fall of each academic year to competitive transfer students. Generally, Maryland community college students approaching the completion of 56 credits or an associate's degree and who have earned a 3.5 or above cumulative GPA may be eligible to apply for the scholarship. The deadline is March 1. Potential transfer students can receive more information and apply for TAES at: www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/ finaid/scholarshiptransfer.asp. VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 PAGE 2 Celebrate With Your CSM Colleagues - February 13 The Board of Trustees invites all employees to the upcoming Service Recognition Reception, Friday, February 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in the BI Building, Chaney Enterprises Conference Room (Room 113) on the La Plata Campus. This event will celebrate CSM's employees marking significant milestones in their years of service with the college. The reception will include delicious appetizers/desserts and an opportunity to honor this year's 62 honorees being recognized for their accumulated 855 years of service to CSM. Administration is strongly encouraging everyone to participate in this occasion and that employees coordinate with their supervisors so that as many employees as possible have the opportunity to celebrate with co-workers as they receive their recognition. This week, we are highlighting Charles Clark, technician, Building and Grounds, Physical Plant, and Tom Seremet, professor, Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Division. 40 YEARS CHARLES CLARK Technician, Building and Grounds Physical Plant What first brought you to the college? A friend told me there were openings at the Charles County Community College. He felt that my work ethics would serve well at the now College of Southern Maryland. What were your initial impressions? I had a good supervisor, Claude Veney, who is now deceased. He was also a very good leader. He taught me to always respect everybody and to always do my best. What was your first job? I worked as a Janitor and Security for the first twelve years. 30 YEARS TOM SEREMET Professor Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Division What first brought you to the college? The opportunity to teach students at the college level. This was a career change for me. What were your initial impressions? I had worked here for several years as an adjunct instructor, so I had some insight into what I was taking on. I have always been impressed with the support and respect given by the college as a whole to the faculty as we perform our mission. What is your funniest memory about the college? I was working the midnight shift, leaving the PE Building, heading to the SA Building. There was a power failure at the campus while I was in the center of the ST Building. It was so dark. When I turned around twice, I lost track of how to get out of the building. It took about four to five minutes before the generator kicked in. I didn’t know the college could be so black without lights. Thank you, Mr. President, for keeping the lights on. What is your fondest memory? I’ve met a lot of nice, kind, and respectful people. I’ve made life-long friendships. What would you like for people to know about you? I have a beautiful wife of 30 years whom I love more today than when I married her. I have four daughters whom I love dearly and two granddaughters and two grandsons who are the joy of my life. What is your funniest memory about the college? When I was chair, we had reached the deadline one semester for turning in grades. We still had one part-time instructor who had not tuned his in. Our department administrative assistant had tracked him down at BWI airport waiting to get on a plane. I heard her tell him on the phone to not even think about getting on the plane without turning on his laptop and entering his grades. Many of us heard her hollering into the phone and we all just cracked up. He did get his grades in on time. What is your fondest memory? The party that was given to me by the math faculty when I retired as department chair was my fondest memory. What would you like for people to know about you? I bleed "Black and Gold." What was your first job? Math Assistant Professor The OneCard and ID Cards The college has begun issuing new OneCards to students, faculty, and staff. This card has a lot of features and functionality. However, it is not designed to be a wearable ID Card/Name Badge. If you or any students you work with need a wearable ID Card/Name Badge in addition to the OneCard, it can be obtained by contacting the Library staff on any campus. Wearable ID Cards/Name Badges are available to any student, faculty, or staff member, including student assistants. If students are required to have a wearable ID Card/Name Badge as part of their course work, their instructors should e-mail a class roster containing names and student ID numbers to the Library staff. Students should then be directed to go to any CSM Library to be issued the ID Card/Name Badge. Instructors should collect these ID Card/Name Badges from students at the end of the course. As of February 1, the card readers at the Wellness, Fitness, and Aquatics Centers will be updated so that they will only be able to scan the new OneCards. If you wish to utilize any of the fitness facilities or fitness classes that require you to "swipe in," you will need to have a new CSM OneCard in order to facilitate your speedy entrance into the facility or fitness class. Questions should be e-mailed to OneCard@csmd.edu. VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 PAGE 3 FROM T H E H U M A N R ES O U RCES D EPAR T M EN T ( H RD) Faculty/Staff Updates: New employees: Chelsea Brown Development Director Advancement January 26, 2015, ext. 7649 Promotion: Shelby Potts Assistant Director, Recruitment Admissions Department January 26, 2015, ext. 7524 Darlene Reitz Call Center Specialist Admissions Department January 26, 2015, ext. 7953 Position Announcement: Position: Enrollment Advisor, PRIN (#8112) Announcement No.: FY15-60 Department: Admissions Salary: $41,516 Grade: 25800 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Prince Frederick Campus Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 02/12/15. Position: Student Success and Assessment Specialist, PT (#8514) Announcement No.: FY15-61 Department: Academic Affairs Salary:$33,000 Grade: 26700 Hours: 30 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:La Plata Campus Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 02/12/15. Position: Natural Resources Planner - MDE – Grant funded (#8507) Announcement No.: FY15-62 Department: Maryland Center for Environmental Training Salary: $36,557 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Baltimore Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 02/12/15. Position: Geologist - MDE – Grant funded (#8508) Announcement No.: FY15-63 Department: Maryland Center for Environmental Training Salary: $41,358 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Baltimore Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 02/12/15. Position: Regulatory and Compliance Engineer - MDE – Grant funded (#8510, #8511) Announcement No.: FY15-64 Department: Maryland Center for Environmental Training Salary: $41,358 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Baltimore Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 02/12/15. VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 Position: Administrative Specialist - MDE – Grant funded (#8509) Announcement No.: FY15-65 Department: Maryland Center for Environmental Training Salary: $30,472 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Baltimore Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: 02/12/15 Position: Office Secretary - MDE – Grant funded (#8512) Announcement No.: FY15-66 Department: Maryland Center for Environmental Training Salary: $27,048 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Flexibility is required Location:Baltimore Opening Date: 01/29/15 Closing Date: 02/12/15 TIAA-CREF and Fidelity Individual Counseling Fidelity and TIAA-CREF representatives will be holding one-on-one counseling sessions at all campuses this semester. Depending on which retirement plan you are enrolled in, you will receive details via e-mail regarding how to sign up for a session. You must call the respective vendor directly to schedule your appointment. HRD cannot schedule appointments. The following schedule is provided for planning purposes: TIAA-CREF Sessions February 26, La Plata Campus, BU Building, Room 202 March 26, Leonardtown Campus, Building C, Room 203 May 21, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 112 Fidelity Sessions February 10, La Plata Campus, BU Building, Room 202 March 3, Leonardtown Campus, Building C, Room 203 March 5, Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 102 If you have general questions about the sessions, please contact Jen Rupp, ext. 4714. Locating a Provider on NCAS Due to new regulations, NCAS has had to change the provider search function on its website. You will now need to log in to your MY NCAS account in order to conduct a provider search. If you don't have a MY NCAS account set up yet, please follow the instructions below to create one: 1. Go to www.ncas.com and make sure your browser is set to allow pop-ups. 2. Click on Members on the left side of the screen. 3. Leave the Member Number field blank and click Enter. 4. Log-in screen will open. Click Register New User. 5. Create a new User Account by providing the requested information (user name, e-mail, address and type of user) and click Next. 6. Verify your identity. Use UPPERCASE letters to enter information. The participant ID is your member ID listed on your NCAS ID card (not your Social Security Number). 7. Establish your Password and click Submit. Your MY NCAS account also lets you access claims information and order replacement ID cards. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Rupp, ext. 4714, or Pam Starkey, ext. 7895. PAGE 4 CSM FO U N DATI O N NEW S Coming in February 2015: A New Way for Students to Apply for CSM Foundation Scholarships! The CSM Online Scholarship Finder opens for the 2015-2016 academic year in mid-February. This year the CSM Online Scholarship Finder is getting a new look. With improved program capabilities, applying for CSM scholarships will be more streamlined and easier than ever. Enhanced program features include the following: • • • • Ability to apply using myCSMD account Ability to upload documents from personal computer directly to CSM Online Scholarship Finder account An automatch feature that will ensure that students apply for every scholarship for which they qualify An autofill feature that will automatically enter student information on record Each year, the CSM Foundation awards scholarships in a number of academic programs of study to students with varying backgrounds and needs. Students should visit www.csmd.edu/Financial/scholarships/index.html often for the most up-to-date information and complete scholarship eligibility criteria. Contact the Financial Assistance Department at 301-934-7531 for additional information or assistance. Student Volunteers Needed for the Diversity Matters Pulse of Southern Maryland Opinion Poll CSM is looking for volunteers to participate in the Pulse of Southern Maryland public opinion telephone poll. Faculty, please encourage your students to volunteer (with extra credit awarded, where appropriate). Participating in the Pulse is a great opportunity for students to gain self-confidence a set of skills for dealing with the public as a professional. Instructors will be given data on the number of calls attempted and number of surveys completed by each of their students. Telephone surveys will be conducted at the La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E on the following dates: • • • • Monday, April 6, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 9, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Participants will be provided with scripts, pre-printed surveys, and sheets of telephone numbers. Complimentary pizza will be served. Due to a limited number of spaces, electronic pre-registration is required at: www.csmd.edu/mth/pulse.html. The results of the survey will be published in Southern Maryland Newspapers. We need as many students as possible to place more than 3,400 calls. The more students we have, the fewer calls anyone will need to make. For more information, contact Pat Schroeder at patsc@csmd. edu. Space Heater Use – Deadline to Remove Heaters Extended to February 6 As many of you already know, and for those who are new to CSM, space heater use in CSM buildings is prohibited unless approved by a vice president as well as by Physical Plant. For several reasons, explained in last week's issue of The Friday Report, all space heaters must be removed from campus by February 6 (extended date). If space heaters are discovered after that date, they will be removed by the Physical Plant staff. If there is an extenuating need for supplemental heat, you should present your request to your vice president. If approved, the vice president will submit a request to Physical Plant to provide supplemental heat in the area identified. VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 FILM AND SPECIAL GUEST TRACES OF THE TRADE: A STORY FROM THE DEEP NORTH Tuesday, February 10 2:30-4 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 104/105 6-7:30 p.m. La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E A New England family discovers that its ancestors were the largest slave-trading family in US history and gains powerful new perspectives on the black/white divide. Family member, James DeWolf Perry, will be on campus to discuss his experience and answer questions on this powerful film. JEFFERSON PRESENTS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: A RECITAL OF SONGS AND SPIRITUALS FROM SLAVERY TO EMANCIPATION Friday, February 13, 8 p.m. Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Room 206, Auditorium Baritone Dr. Robert L. Jefferson has performed throughout the United States, Japan, Korea, and Australia. Dr. Jefferson is an outstanding interpreter of American Patriotic as well as traditional music from the rich African American heritage. For more information, e-mail diversity@csmd.edu or visit www.csmd.edu/Diversity "Go Red" for Women Heart disease is the leading killer of women, causing about one in every four deaths in the United States. Starting Friday, February 6, the Wellness, Fitness, and Aquatics Department on all three campuses is asking everyone to "Go Red" for Women by wearing red EVERY Friday in February to recognize heart disease. There will also be a "wall of hearts" during the month of February. Stop by any campus Fitness Center to dedicate a heart in honor of or in memory of a special woman in your life who was diagnosed with heart disease. PAGE 5 SPOTLIGHT ON TRAINING Upcoming Technical Training In addition to online courses, the following lecture/lab courses are coming up soon. Unless otherwise noted, classes will meet in the Technical Training Center (ST Building, Room 129) on the La Plata Campus. GroupWise Basics – February 2, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., ST129 Effective Business Writing – February 6, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., BI 103/104 Publisher for Beginners – February 9, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata Coaching for Improved Performance – February 10, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., BI 103/104 CSM Telephone Training – February 10, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., ST129 Introduction to Colleague – February 17, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., ST129 Find additional information about our technical training program, course descriptions, calendars, online registration, and more at http://info.csmd.edu/Training/technical. Training sections are added regularly, so please review the weekly advertisements or check the registration page of the Technical Training web site frequently. If you should have any questions, please contact Wendy Cleary, technical training coordinator, at ext. 7610 or e-mail wendyc@csmd.edu. LIMINAL TERRITORIES, ERIN WIERSMA Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery Exhibition through - March 20 La Plata Campus ADULT AMERICAN MALES Cause Theatre January 30 | 8 p.m., Leonardtown Campus February 5 | 7:30 p.m., La Plata Campus February 6 and 7 | 8 p.m., La Plata Campus TREASURE ISLAND Children's Theatre January 30 | 7 p.m. January 31 | 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. La Plata Campus WARD VIRTS CONCERT SERIES Eliza Garth, Piano February 8 | 3 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus VOLUME 40 NO. 4 JANUARY 30, 2015 PAGE 6
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