VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 THIS WEEKEND! You Are Invited to Plan for Your Loved Ones! What Will Your Legacy Be? Barbershop Extravaganza March 28 | 7:30 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room STAY CONNECTED AND INFORMED through CSM's online community CSM.TXT Facebook It’s not a comfortable topic, but it is a necessary one. When a loved one passes on, families are thrown into turmoil and grief, and if that loved one did not leave a straightforward and comprehensive document listing his or her wishes, the family suffers more. Lacking a plan can lead to family conflict, dissipation of assets, and estate taxes that might not have been necessary. The CSM Foundation is sponsoring a free breakfast session to help employees and the community get started on planning and assigning assets for the future. "This is such a gift to our families and those organizations we passionately support," said Michelle Goodwin, Vice President of Advancement at CSM. "You want to make sure your assets go to your loved ones and not to the IRS, so learning how to make that happen is important." “The Family Love Letter” program will be offered on April 9 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Center for Business and Industry, Room 113. Seating is limited and an RSVP is required. Feel free to bring a spouse, friend or family member. Estate planning experts from Morgan Stanley will be available to help with this sensitive topic and offer tips on what it takes to gather all of the necessary information to create a will and begin to plan for your legacy. Participants will receive a 38-page booklet that can be used to list important information, from the name of your doctor to your bank "You want to make sure your assets go account information, as well as insurance to your loved ones and not to the IRS, so policies, investments, and personal property. learning how to make that happen is "The Family Love Letter" program is important." being offered to the entire CSM family and —CSM Vice President of Advancement Michelle Goodwin is being presented by Karen Dranick from Neuberger Berman, and is being hosted by the following individuals from Morgan Stanley: Charles L. Rosenfield, CFP, Senior Vice President, Investment Management Consultant, and Financial Advisor; Gary T. Vaughan, CFP, Vice President and Financial Advisor; Kimberly Rosenfield, CFP, CRPS, Second Vice President and Financial Advisor; and Katharine Vaughan Myers, CFP, CRPC, Financial Advisor. Kimberly Rosenfield is also a CSM Foundation director. Please RSVP to Toni Kruszka at ext. 7636 or e-mail tonik@csmd.edu; or to Nicole Brien at 301-396-3185 or e-mail nicole.brien@ms.com by April 6. Twitter CSMDTube The Friday Report is the weekly newsletter of the College of Southern Maryland staff and faculty. Article requests are due by 10 a.m. every Thursday. Please send article requests to the Friday Report e-mail account: ````@csmd.edu. FRO M T HE O F F I C E O F TH E PRES ID EN T ( PRE) State of the College Presentation Coffee with the President’s Council Staff and faculty are invited to join CSM President Gottfried for his annual report on the college. Time will be allowed for questions. Please plan to attend one of the following sessions: Staff and faculty are invited to join the division vice presidents during one of the following sessions for updates and an informal question-and-answer sessions: Monday, March 30, 10 a.m. La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E NEW! Thursday, April 2, 2:30 p.m. La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E NEW! Tuesday, April 21, 2:30 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Flagship Building, Room 119 Tuesday, March 31, 2:30 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 104/105 For more information, please contact Kim Yellman, Office of the President, ext. 7627. Schedule is subject to change. Mark your calendar for these events, but please continue to check The Friday Report for any changes. Board of Trustees Meeting The Board of Trustees held its monthly board meeting on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at the Leonardtown Campus. • The board approved the following: - Minutes of January 15, 2015 meeting - Revisions to the Audit Committee Charter, the Academic and Student Services Committee Charter, and the Human Resources and Benefits Committee Charter. - Ratification of New Academic Programs as follows: Associate of Arts in Environmental Studies and certificates in the following programs: Mechatronics Technology: Robotics; Small Business Entrepreneurship; Networking Technology; and CyberSecurity. - Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding between CSM Foundation and Brad and Linda Gottfried to name Room 104 in the Center for Business and Industry (BI Building) and the first floor lobby in the Business Classroom (BU) Building on the La Plata Campus. - Ratification of contract to purchase Parcel B & A-1 Leonardtown Road in Hughesville from Hughesville Station, LLC - Ratification of Contract Awards to Replace Two Faulty Chillers at (1) La Plata Campus and (1) Leonardtown Campus - Ratification of Submission of Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, Stalking and Retaliation Policy to MHEC - Award of Landscaping Contract to Complete Landscaping - Addition of Instructor for CDL Programs Position • The following oral reports were presented: - Vice President Jernigan presented the January and February 2015 financial report. - Trustee Harwood presented an Audit Committee Report - Trustee Roache presented a Human Resources and Benefits Committee report - Trustee Harwood presented a Foundation Quarterly report. - Vice President Harris presented a Leonardtown Campus update. - Student Government Association officers presented an SGA and SA report. Please join the College of Southern Maryland and University of Maryland School of Nursing for a partnership signing of a nursing dual admission agreement. Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 11 a.m. College of Southern Maryland La Plata Campus, Center for Business and Industry (BI Building) Chaney Enterprises Conference Room (Room 113) Refreshments will follow the signing ceremony. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 2 Kawai Piano Sale at CSM, March 29 By Invitation Preview of New, Used Upright, Grand, Digital Pianos CSM, in partnership with the Kawai Corporation, is hosting a public piano sale, 12 to 5 p.m., March 29, at the La Plata Campus in the BI Building. Prior to the public sale, patrons can schedule an appointment with Kawai representatives, through March 28, which allows them to purchase a piano with priority selection and special pricing. “The college’s collaboration with Kawai provides our music department with the use of four upright pianos to use during the school year at no cost in exchange for the use of CSM facilities to hold a piano sale,” said CSM Communication, Arts, and Humanities Chair Dr. Stephen Johnson. The sale includes pianos used by CSM students as well as more than 30 upright, grand, new, used, and digital models. Private showings can be arranged through Kawai at 240-419-9541. Visit www.csmd.edu/cah/index.html for more information on CSM’s music program, Congratulations • To Laura Dyson, administrative assistant, Advisement and Career Services, on the recent birth of a son. Mark Your Calendars! CSM's 2nd Annual Picnic in the Park All faculty and staff are invited to our 2nd Annual Picnic in the Park on Friday, May 8, 2015 at Gilbert Run Park, 13140 Charles Street, Charlotte Hall, MD. Come enjoy: • Music • Picnic including pulled pork, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, potato salad, baked beans, cookies, and beverages • Lawn Games: volleyball, cornhole, horseshoes, and ladder ball • Pictures with the Hawk • Door Prizes, and more! Employees are encouraged to change out of their business attire into casual attire/footwear at 3 p.m. prior to arriving at Gilbert Run. Also, feel free to bring your camp chairs, dancing shoes, fishing poles, sunscreen, and bug spray. Once inside Gilbert Run's entrance gate, turn right to enter the parking lot for Brookside Pavilion. Please Note: Beginning at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 8, all CSM campuses will have limited operations so that most employees can attend the picnic (classes and other essential functions will continue as scheduled). Employees choosing to leave their campus at 3 p.m. and not attend the picnic are expected to take personal leave. The CSM picnic is for faculty and staff only; no guests should be invited. Please direct any questions regarding participation to your supervisor, or for general information regarding the picnic, please contact Kim Yellman, PRE, ext. 7627. Wear a CSM shirt and show your school pride! Let's have some fun! See you at the park! With Sympathy • To Mike Green, professor, Business and Technology Division, on the recent death of his mother. Student Volunteers Needed for the Pulse of Southern Maryland Opinion Poll CSM is looking for volunteers to participate in the Pulse of Southern Maryland public opinion telephone poll. Faculty, please encourage your students to volunteer (with extra credit awarded, where appropriate). Participating in the Pulse is a great opportunity for students to gain self-confidence a set of skills for dealing with the public as a professional. Instructors will be given data on the number of calls attempted and number of surveys completed by each of their students. Telephone surveys will be conducted at the La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E on the following dates: • Monday, April 6, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Tuesday, April 7, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Wednesday, April 8, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. • Thursday, April 9, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Participants will be provided with scripts, pre-printed surveys, and sheets of telephone numbers. Complimentary pizza will be served. Due to a limited number of spaces, electronic pre-registration is required at: www.csmd.edu/mth/pulse.html. The results of the survey will be published in Southern Maryland Newspapers. We need as many students as possible to place more than 3,400 calls. The more students we have, the fewer calls anyone will need to make. For more information, contact Pat Schroeder at patsc@csmd.edu. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 3 Partners in STEM Education, hosted by CSM and other key partners, will take place during the month of April and will promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and careers in Southern Maryland. CSM is focused on engaging, challenging, and educating the future STEM workforce with support from all segments of our region through strategic planning sessions, community outreach, events and activities, and educator conferences. CEOs, naval officers, technology and defense companies, and K-12 administrators and educators have joined forces to move forward at an aggressive pace to ensure a highly skilled workforce that can be employed locally to lead our region into the future. This year's STEM events will showcase four outreach activities: Tri-County Job and Career Fair, LEGO Robotics Championship, Student Success Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, and Women + Math. Volunteers Needed! Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend one or all of the events, and volunteers will be needed for all events. For more information, visit www.csmd.edu/STEM. To sign up to volunteer for the LEGO Robotics Championship event, visit www.csmd.edu/stem/roboticsvolunteer.html. Visit, www.hawk.csmd.edu/acs/survey to register to volunteer for one hour to assist with the Tri-County Job and Career Fair that will be held on April 7, or contact Chloe Hiland, ext. 7511. UPCOMING STEM EVENTS - La Plata Campus Tri-County Job and Career Fair LEGO Robotics Championship Tuesday, April 7 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. PE Building Saturday, April 11 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PE Building Student Success Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Women + Math Saturday, April 18 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. BI Building Friday, April 17 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. BI Building Register Now for the Student Success Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference! Attention faculty and staff! Register now to attend this year's Student Success Mid Atlantic Regional Conference on April 17. To register, visit www.dlf.csmd.edu/studentsuccess/registration.html. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 4 Pizza Hotline Fundraiser On Monday, March 30, the Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Committee is holding a fundraiser at Pizza Hotline in La Plata. Order a pizza, calzone, salad, sandwich, or lasagna between 2 and 8 p.m. and 10% of the sale will go to the Adjunct Faculty Scholarship Committee. You can order by phone 301-934-4670 or order online at PizzaHotlineOnline.com This is our main means of raising funds, so your support is greatly appreciated! For more information, contact Denise Snee at dsnee@csmd.edu Diversity Matters IS MY RELATIONSHIP HEALTHY? March 31 | 2:30-4 p.m. La Plata Campus, BI Building, Room 113E April 2 | 2:30-4 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Room 104/105 April 7 | 2:30-4 p.m. Leonardtown Campus, Building C, Room 216 Join us to learn about the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship, the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship, and how to break the cycles of abuse. Michelle Corley from the Center for Abused Persons will provide information and resources for participants who may be seeking support for themselves or someone they care about. Hiring Event for Nursing Students March 31 | 1 - 3 p.m. Leonardtown Campus Building A, Room 206, Auditorium 30th Annual Zonta Fashion Show April 10, Waldorf Jaycees Community Center Needed—new or gently used machine washable business attire for "Attire to Inspire," benefiting Lifestyles of Maryland, a 503(c) nonprofit organization. Bring items to the event on April 10, or, if unable to attend, donations will be accepted March 2 - April 9, and can be dropped off at the La Plata Campus, CC Building, Room 110. A VIP reception (for sponsors) begins at 5:30 p.m. Doors open for guests at 6:30 p.m. for the bar and the Silent Auction. Dinner and the evening program begins at 7 p.m. An after-party will take place 9:30 p.m. - Midnight. For more information visit zontacharlescounty.org. SPRING OPEN HOUSE • Meet the faculty and ask questions about the various programs of study • Learn more about Financial Aid and Scholarships • Receive transfer information and learn about guaranteed admissions to universities and colleges including University of Maryland, College Park April 14 | 5 - 7 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus April 15 | 5 - 7 p.m. La Plata Campus April 16 | 5 - 7 p.m. Leonardtown Campus • Talk to current CSM students • Find out about athletics and other CSM clubs and organizations Get a Head Start! Registration begins April 1 for 2015 Summer Session I. Right at Home In Home Care & Assistance will be interviewing for the following positions: Summer Session I: May 26 - June 2 Summer Session II: July 6 - August 14 • Personal Care Aides - CNA/GNA license • Companion/Homemakers - No certificate or license • Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses Accepting applications from LPNs and RNs for upcoming openings. register.csmd.edu For more information, contact Tamara Cherry-Clarke at tcherry-clarke@csmd.edu. Faculty/Staff Cap and Gown Rental for 2015 Spring Graduation Spring graduation is just around the corner. If you plan to attend the graduation ceremony on May 21, 2015, and need to order a cap and gown, please contact Jeanine Davis at jgdavis@csmd.edu by April 7 with your confirmation of attendance and approval to order. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 Save the Date! Splash for Scholarships - April 25 Think warm weather, poolside drinks, flip flops, beach music, and fun. Join us for Splash for Scholarships, a poolside evening of fun to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our Wellness and Aquatics Center at the Leonardtown Campus, with all proceeds supporting CSM student scholarships. For more information, visit www.csmd.edu/foundation/splash. PAGE 5 College of Southern Maryland Student Government Banquet Awards Every year, the college’s Student Government Association (SGA), in conjunction with the Student Life and Athletics Department, presents several awards to honor students and clubs. Nominations for all of these awards may be made by anyone within the college community and may be made for any current or outgoing student. Selections of award recipients are made by the college’s student life advisors. Award recipients will be honored at the annual CSM SGA Banquet to be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015, 5:30 - 8 p.m. at Middleton Hall in Waldorf, Maryland. PRESIDENT’S AND VICE-PRESIDENT’S CUP AWARD The President’s Cup is given to the college’s outstanding student leader. The recipient should be someone who has demonstrated the ability to motivate and lead others, has given their time and talents in an effort to better the college community and has been actively involved in the college’s extracurricular program at any campus. The Vice-President’s Cup is presented to the student who has most significantly contributed to improving the college community. This award is designed to recognize the important work completed by students “behind the scenes.” The major criteria for the Vice-President's Cup are dedication, commitment, and involvement. Your nomination should specify the award and contain a brief explanation of why you believe the student should be nominated for the award and what the student has done to earn the award. STUDENT EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AWARD The Student Assistant of the Year Award is given to a student employee who has gone “above and beyond” their duties as a student employee. Nominations can be made by any one member who interacts with the student employee and must also include a letter of support by the student employee’s direct supervisor. STUDENT CLUB OF THE YEAR AWARD This year, the SGA has chosen to recognize and honor one club from any CSM campus as the “CSM Student Club of the Year.” The Club of the Year is given to one CSM club that has been active for the full academic year and has added value to the college community through its involvement on campus and/or in the community; as well as its impact on enhancing the overall student experience. STUDENT CLUB ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD This year, the SGA has chosen to recognize and honor one club advisor from any CSM Campus as the “CSM Student Club Advisor of the Year.” The Club Advisor of the Year is given to one CSM club advisor who exemplifies committee to the club’s mission and activity on campus and aids in the growth and development of the club’s officers and members. Nominations forms or write-ups for ALL awards must be delivered to any college Student Life Office or emailed to Jennifer VanCory (jenv@csmd.edu), by close of business on Friday, April 10, 2015. For more information or questions, please contact Jennifer at ext. 5410. Thank you for your help in recognizing the contributions of our student leaders, student employees, club advisors, and student clubs! Nomination forms can be obtained through the Student Life office. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 Grants Update Agency Name: American Legacy Foundation Amount of Request: $4,995 Funding Period: 4/1/15 - 3/31/16 Project Title: Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Community College Grant Initiative Grant funds will be used to provide a framework to assess the CSM college campuses. With input from students, employees and visitors, a taskforce will look at the feasibility of CSM becoming smoke-free/ tobacco-free. 2015 Spring Series Continues • The spring Connections series will continue on April 3 with a reading by Poet W. D. Ehrhart at 7:30 p.m., Leonardtown Campus, Building A, Auditorium. Ehrhart is one of the best-known poets and memoirists to come out of the Vietnam War. The influence of Ehrhart's encounter with the Vietnam War can readily be seen in his writing. • The March presentation by Retired Lieutenant Colonel Ron Capps and Author and Poet Fred Foote has been rescheduled due to inclement weather and college closures. This presentation will now be held on April 24, 7:30 p.m., La Plata Campus, LR Building, Room 102. Ron Capps is the founder and director of the Veterans’ Writing Project, a program he initiated to help veterans find their voices and tell their stories. Fred Foote is the author of Medic Against Bomb, a book of poetry on the wounded (Americans, Iraqis, and Afghanis) of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. It also describes the inspiring healing efforts of our nation’s military medics and those at the Veterans Administration. • To conclude the series on May 1, contributors to the Spring 2015 Connections Literary Magazine will read from their works. Copies of the books featured in the Connections Literary Series can be purchased at any CSM College Store location or online at www.csmd.edu/CollegeStore. For for more information, visit www.csmd.edu/Connections . For advance tickets, e-mail bxoffc@csmd.edu or call 301-934-7828. Charles County Chapter of Maryland Writers’ Association April Session Ever get writer’s block? There’s a cure for that. Alix Moore will show how to go “From Stuck to Flowing” and give members a bit of practice surmounting the block at the April 15 meeting of the Charles County Chapter of the Maryland Writers’ Association. Moore, a writer and teacher, is also the author of several books on writing, marketing, and creativity. For more information about the writers' association membership and the upcoming meetings, contact Edna Troiano, CSM professor emerita, at ednatroiano@gmail.com. Or, contact Michelle Brosco Christian, CSM assistant professor of communication, at mchristian@csmd.edu. Also, visit the MWA website at www.marylandwriters.org. PAGE 6 FROM T H E H U M A N R ES O U RCES D EPAR T M EN T ( H RD) Faculty/Staff Updates New employees: Daniel Polhemus System Administrator (Network/Academic), part-time Technology Support Team March 23, 2015, ext. TBD Departures: Brandi Shorter Office Assistant/Lab Technician Healthcare March 23, 2015 Ronald Toward Executive Director Physical Plant March 23, 2015, ext. 7728 Brenda Miller Administrative Assistant Distance Learning and Faculty Development March 24, 2015 Promotion: Joyce Embrey Director of Operations Continuing Education and Workforce Development March 23, 2015, ext. 7655 Robert Manley Course Coordinator Center for Trades and Energy Training March 27, 2015 Brian Connoley Environmental Compliance Specialist Maryland Center for Environmental Training - MDE March 26, 2015 Position Announcement: Position: Instructional Technology Assistant (#3058) Announcement No.: FY15-78 Department: Distance Learning and Faculty Development Salary: $36,947 Grade: 23800 Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Flexibility is required. Location:La Plata Campus Opening Date: 03/26/15 Closing Date: Open until filled. For best consideration apply by 04/09/15. CSM Employee Recognition and Awards Program FY15 Call for Nominations | Deadline June 30 All employees are encouraged to participate in the CSM Employee Recognition Awards program by nominating deserving teams and individuals for one of the eight award categories. Nominations are accepted online at www.hawk.csmd.edu/hrd/ employeerecognitionawards.html until June 30, 2015. AWARD CATEGORIES: • President’s Award - recognizes accomplishments that move the college strategically forward • College/Community Service Award - recognizes substantial college or job-related volunteer services internal to the college or in the community • Customer Service Award - recognizes dedication to quality service and customer satisfaction for internal and/or external customers • Extra Mile Award - recognizes a substantial contribution for an extended period • Innovator Award - recognizes efficiencies that save the college substantial money or work; ideas that result in improved educational experiences for students; or ideas that lead the college in a new direction • Leadership Award - recognizes individual who has applied strong leadership skills to the success of a curricular project; committee responsibility, administrative project; or major college activity • Innovative Teaching Award - recognizes faculty individually or as a team who have improved the educational experience for students and moved the college forward strategically • Professional Goal Attainment Award - recognizes achievement of a job-related educational or professional goal The FY15 recognition and award winners and honorable mentions will be announced at the September 25 All-College Convocation event. For questions regarding this program, please contact Pam Starkey in HRD, ext. 7895. TIAA-CREF and Fidelity Individual Counseling For counseling sessions, please see this week's Spotlight on Training everyone e-mail. Tuition Reimbursement Deadline for Summer Semester April 15 is the deadline for submitting your tuition reimbursement request form for the upcoming 2015 summer semester. Eligible employees are those covered by the college’s retirement system. Tuition reimbursement is for credit courses not offered or available at CSM. It is awarded upon the successful completion of pre-approved courses at approved institutions and is contingent upon the availability of funds. Audited and non-credit courses as well as books and fees do not qualify for reimbursement. The maximum allowed credits per fiscal year are 12 graduate credits and 15 undergraduate credits. Visit HRD’s intranet page for a copy of the tuition reimbursement request form. For more information, refer to policy HR 4160 in the Administrative Manual, or contact Patsy Bergquist in HRD at pbergquist@csmd.edu. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 7 SPOTLIGHT ON TRAINING Upcoming Technical Training In addition to online courses, the following lecture/lab courses are coming up soon. Unless otherwise noted, classes will meet in the Technical Training Center (ST Building, Room 129) on the La Plata Campus. -Registration Process – March 30; For con ed 10 a.m – 12 p.m., For credit 2 – 4 p.m., ST129 -Engaging the Employee – March 31, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., BI 103/104 -Introduction to Computers, Part II - March 31, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata -GroupWise Address Books – March 31, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., ST129 -Dealing with Difficult People – April 1, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., BI 103/104 -Degree Audit Basics – April 1, 2:30 – 4 p.m., ST129 -Assertive Communication – April 2, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., BI 103/104 -Word 2010 Basics – April 6, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Charles County Government Building, La Plata Find additional information about our technical training program, course descriptions, calendars, online registration, and more at http://info.csmd.edu/Training/technical. Training sections are added regularly, so please review the weekly advertisements or check the registration page of the Technical Training web site frequently. If you should have any questions, please contact Wendy Cleary, technical training coordinator, at ext. 7610 or e-mail wendyc@csmd.edu. CSM BARBERSHOP EXTRAVAGANZA March 28 and April 20 | 7:30 p.m. Prince Frederick Campus, Building B, Multipurpose Room CSM TONY HUNGERFORD MEMORIAL ART GALLERY: ANNUAL JURIED STUDENT ART EXHIBITION April 8 - May 4 Award Reception - April 14 | 2:30 p.m. La Plata Campus, FA Building, Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery CSM LATIN MUSIC FESTIVAL CONCERT April 10-11 | 8 p.m. La Plata Campus, FA Building, Theater Visit www.csmd.edu/Arts for the entire spring 2015 schedule. VOLUME 40 NO. 10 MARCH 27, 2015 PAGE 8
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