OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH, NOLLAMARA We the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Nollamara, aim to b a vital caring community sharing Gospel values by worshipping together and reaching out in service to the wider community. Address: 269 Flinders Street, Nollamara WA 6061 E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au Website: www.lourdesnollamara.com Ph: (08) 9345 5541 Fax: (08) 9345 5581 Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Parish Priest: Fr Stan Bendkowski SDS E-mail: ololnpp@westnet.com.au Parish Secretary: Teresa Harris E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au School Principal: Daniel Wood Ph: (08) 9349 1233 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD / B 11TH JANUARY 2015 CELEBRATIONS DURING THE WEEK: OUR LADY OF LOURDES PRAY FOR US Celebrations: Baptism of the Lord Australia Day Mass Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Masses Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day Masses Blessing of Married Couples Masses Meetings: Social/Fundraising Committee Finance Committee Parish Council School Board Sun Mon Wed Wed Sat Sun 11th Jan 26th Jan 11th Feb 11th Feb 14th Feb 15th Feb 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 5.45pm 6.00pm 9.00am Wed Tue Thu Wed 28th Jan 10th Feb 12th Feb 25th Feb 10.00am 7.30pm 7.00pm 6.30pm Parish Religious Education Classes: We are urgently seeking Catechists to help us with After School Religious Education Classes. If you can spare one to one and a half hours every Friday from 3.45pm to 4.45pm during the school term please contact Fr Stan on 93455541 or contact the office on the same number. Fr Laurence will celebrate our weekday Masses from Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th January as Fr Stan will be away. We welcome back Fr Laurence. Weekday Masses: Weekend Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 9.00am Saturday Vigil - 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00am Mass Intention’s Book: Those wishing to book a death anniversary Mass should book it well in advance by either ringing the office on 93455541 or seeing Fr Stan. Mass Intentions: Sat 6:00 pm: Franco Cardaci. R.I.P. Sun 9:00 am Sabato & Rosina Divita. R.I.P. 200 Club: Tickets for the next 200 club will commence selling at Masses w/e 7th/8th February. If all the numbers sell we will double the final prize from $200 to $400. RECONCILIATION: 5.30pm Saturdays or by appointment ROSARY is recited at 8.30am before our weekday Masses – all welcome HOLY HOUR AND PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: 1st Friday of the month after 9:00am Mass CHURCH ROSTER: 17TH/18TH JANUARY 2015 SATURDAY 6-00 PM Readers: Sharon Barbaro Jenny Anderson Counters: Y Krebs, D Noonan, T Pastorelli. Cleaners: 17th January 2015 Team “B” SUNDAY 9-00 AM Joe Giorgio Jacques Blandin Gospel Reflection: Now in recess until February 2015. Children’s Liturgy: Now in recess for school holidays. Craft Meetings: Now in recess for school holidays. After School Religious Education Classes: Will resume on Friday 13th Feb. New enrolments will take place at the parish centre on Friday 6th February at either 2.30pm to 3.30pm or 6.30pm to 7.30pm. These classes are for children who attend non Catholic schools. Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults: Now in recess for school holidays. Flame Ministries International 25th annual Flame Congress: You are invited to this congress at John XXIII College Lecture Hall, Claremont Ave, Mt Claremont Fri-Sun 23rd- 25th Jan 2015.For further information see flyers and poster in church foyer. Mark Your Diary: There will be a dinner to celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day on 11th February. Cost will be approx $50.00 ea to be paid at time of booking. Further details next week. Torchlight Procession around Lake Monger to honour Our Lady of Lourdes. It will be held on Friday 6th February 2015 with Rosary and Hymns starting at 7.00pm. Please congregate at the northwest corner at the park end of Dodd Street. The paths are wheelchair and stroller accessible. Please remember to bring torches as no naked flames are allowed and also we suggest a bottle of water and insect repellent. All are welcome. Marist Ex Students Reunion will be held on Wednesday 21st January 2015 with Mass at 4.30pm in the college chapel at Newman College, Empire Ave, Churchlands followed at 6.00pm with a barbeque in the college grounds. BYO everything. Further information Ambrose Depiazzi on 0419912187 or Kevin Wringe on 0407511104. Temporary Office Administrator (Part Time ) Personal Advocacy Service. This position is to job-share 2-3 days per week. The right person will be required to handle a variety of duties including administrative support, book and record keeping, word processing and reception and be available to start week beginning 26th January 2015. The office is located in Morley and applications close 16th January. Further info contact Anabelle on 92755388. Shopfront has resumed collecting. There is always a need for non perishable foods of tinned meat, pasta, rice, cereals, tea, coffee and biscuits If you can help please place items in the baskets located on the altar. Thank you.
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