Auburn Highlights Directly mailed to the residents of Auburn and Danville Maine’s largest direct mail community publication company serving nearly 250,000 homes and “It’s All Good” News! January 2015 • Volume 14, Issue 10 Just Good News Since 1992 A Product of WWW.CENTRALMAINETODAY.COM Turner Publishing Inc., PO Box 214, Turner, ME 04282 • 207-225-2076 • Fax: 207-225-5333 • E-Mail: • Web: St. Louis Church Lit up on New Year’s Eve Submitted by Rachel Morin St. Louis Church lit up on New Year’s Eve signaling a new beginning for the New Year and for residents of Auburn and Lewiston. On New Year’s Eve, the lighted façade of the former St. Louis Church in New Auburn graced the chilly evening sky. After 100 years as the heart of the New Auburn Catholic community, the building breathes a new life. Pilotage, the new owner, comprised of community members, Mary Callahan, Daniel Dube, Christine Holden and Donna LeBrun, led by Noel Smith, arranged to light the façade to signal a new beginning to Lewiston and Auburn. The lights were donated by Kennebec Rental with transportation and setup donated by Sundown Construction. From 5 to 8 pm members of Pilotage and local officials were on hand to greet those in attendance coming from many Auburn and Lewiston neighborhoods drawn by the spectacular lighting that was visible from both sides of the Androscoggin River. Noel Smith welcomed the crowd, thanking everyone for their attendance and wishing St. Louis Church a Happy New Year and happy 100th birthday. Father Robert LaRiviere recalled the history of St. Louis Church and spoke of his gratitude that the building, while no longer a religious institution, would remain a vital part of the community. Mayor Jonathan Labonte expressed his pleasure that a benefactor had stepped forward to keep St. Louis alive and his feeling that the fate of the building couldn’t be in better hands. Mary Callahan and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 224-8299 Electricity rates are doubling for commerical users. Upgrade to LED with JAPELCO and receive HUGE Efficiency Maine incentives! ASK US HOW Donna LeBrun thanked those in attendance for their support and enthusiasm for the work that lay ahead for Pilotage and the entire community. Christine Holden and City Councilors Tizz Crowley, Belinda Gerry and Leroy Walker, as well as Maine Senator Eric L. Brakey, were on hand throughout the evening greeting participants and exchanging memories of St. Louis and the New Auburn Community. At 8 pm the evening was closed by the hardy individuals still in attendance with a chorus of “Auld Lang Syne” and a “toast” to the New Year and a new beginning for a New Auburn institution. Pilotage is gratefully accepting donations for utilities, especially oil for the heating season. Interested donors may send contributions to Pilotage, 179 Lisbon Street, Suite 202, Lewiston ME 04240 or directly to the Pilotage Account at the Great Falls Federal Credit Union, 34 Bates St., Lewiston ME 04240.n Photo by Rachel Morin Li�le Caesars ® 99¢ Crazy Bread Combo with purchase of any Pre�el Crust Pizza With this coupon. DESIGN & SALES CENTER Much More Than You Will Find in a Box Store! Blanchard’s Cash Fuel HEATING OIL CALL FOR TODAY’S LOW CASH PRICEE •#2 Heating Fuel (featuring BOE 3000) •Kerosene •Off Road Diesel (ULSD) •Propane •Ultra Low Sulfur Heating Oil •Dyed Off Road ULS Diesel •Clear On Road ULS Diesel CALL: 225-3588 3 Conant Road (On the Auburn/Turner Line) Turner r Don’t Shiver... We Deliver! • Shop & Support Local with us and get great prices and the best customer service 995 CENTER ST., IN AUBURN • 784-3100 Stop by and visit our showroom! Auburn, 279 Center St • 784-9559 7 Page 2 January 2015 Grange Collects Items for Hope Haven At a recent meeting of Androscoggin Pomona Grange members gathered for a their annual Christmas Program. Members were also asked to bring a wrapped toy for the Hope Haven Gospel Mission in Lewiston. During the program a fun selec- tion of humorous holiday readings were read by the members and traditional Christmas songs were sung. Pianist Louise Roberts won the attendance drawing. Members have all year been doing the It’s in the Bag Fundraiser and turned in their funds at FREE ESTIMATES ARMAND’S AUTO BODY, INC. Rob Armstrong 31 Blake Street • Lewiston 782-7113 • this meeting. Anyone who forgot to bring there It’s in the Bag project can turn them into at the next meeting which will be on January 7 at Danville Junction Grange. There will be 6:30pm supper and a 7:30pm meeting, the program will be Lecturer’s Choice. n 9 to 5, the Musical Auditions Auditions for Community Little Theatre’s third production of its 75th season, 9 to 5, the Musical written by Dolly Parton (book by Patricia Resnick), will be held on Sunday, January 4 at 1 p.m. and Monday, January 5 at 7 p.m. Auditions will be held at CLT’s home at Great Falls Performing Arts Center, 30 Academy Street in Auburn. Show dates are over two weekends, March 13 through 22. The musical is based on the seminal 1980 hit movie. Set in the late 1970s, this hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thought-provoking, and even a little romantic. It will be directed by Paul G. Caron. Rebecca Caron is the musical director, and Adam P. Blais is the Choreographer Pushed to the boiling point, three female co-workers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In a hilarious turn of events, Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy -- giving their boss the boot. While Hart remains “otherwise engaged,” the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. A choice of a musical selection from 9 to 5 is preferable for the audition. Music from the show is available at the audition. One may select and prepare a song from another Broadway show. Sheet music must be provided to the musical director during your audition. There will be no a Capella singing for this audition. For the dance audition, participants are asked to wear appropriate clothing and footwear (women Paul Caron should wear heels). “We need to see what everyone looks like -- so no baggy clothing”, said Caron. For more information on 9 to 5 auditions and the details on the roles to be cast, visit Community Little Theatre’s website or Facebook page. With questions, please call Paul G. Caron at 783-0774. For more information, about CLT’s fun and hilarious 75th season, or to volunteer or learn about becoming a show sponsor, visit. or call 783.0958.n Wishing a Happy & Healthy New Year to our communit�! Grow Depot Great books for winter reading Fun Gifts and Pet foods SUPPORTING LOCAL SINCE 1970 Great food, local produce, cheeses, and wine for all your parties Organic & Hydroponic We are not only local but also the longest running natural food store in Maine! Indoor Garden Supply 245 Center St., Auburn • 312-5535 Hours: Mon- Fri 8:30am-8pm, Sat- 8:30am-6pm, Sun- 10am-4pm 120 Center Street Plaza - Suite 300 - Auburn - (207) 782-3348 Named Turner Business of the Year 2013 by the Androscoggin County Chamber PROPANE EXCEPTIONAL ENERGY CALL US TODAY TO SEE HOW PROPANE CAN WORK FOR YOU Cook Stoves • Space Heaters Dryers • Hot Water Heating Home Heating • Generators & More Don’t Worry, Call Murray Phone: (207) 225-3000 • Toll-Free: (800) 491-7888 • Maine’s largest direct mail community publication company serving nearly 250,000 homes and “It’s All Good” News! A Product of Turner Publishing Inc., PO Box 214, Turner, ME 04282 • 207-225-2076 • Fax: 207-225-5333 • E-Mail: • Web: CEO/Publisher Jodi Cornelio Operations Manager Dede Libby Senior Designer Michelle Pushard Designer Danielle Pushard Of�ice/Billing Tom Tardif Advertising Jess Small Dede Libby Erin Savage Dan Smiley Jim Foster Paul Gagne Betsy Brown Writer/Photographer Bill Van Tassel Proof Reader Hal Small Published by Turner Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 214, Turner, ME 04282-0214. Advertisers and those wishing to submit articles of interest can call, 1-800-400-4076 (within the state of Maine only) or 1-207-225-2076 or fax us at 1-207-225-5333, you can also send e-mail to us at: Any views expressed within this paper do not necessarily reflect those of this paper. This paper assumes no responsibility for typographical errors that may occur, but will reprint, at no additional cost, that part of any advertisement in which the error occurs before the next issue’s deadline. This paper also reserves the right to edit stories and articles submitted for publication. This paper is mailed on a monthly basis. Founded by Steven Cornelio in 1992 HAVE YOU FOUND THE PHONY AD YET! You could be our next winner... January 2015 Page 3 Lady Eddies Lose Close One Edward Little junior, Emily Jacques, had 12 points in a one-point loss to Oxford Hills on January 6. The 34-35 loss to the Vikings was a defensive battle with the score at the half just making it to double figures. EL’s early season record: 6-3. (Photo by Bill Van Tassel) Big Foot Expeditions Now taking reservations for Spring Big Foot Expeditions! Learn how to cast Big Foot footprints, make Big Foot calls and much more! Callie Murray in some defensive action against Oxford Hills’ Anna Winslow. Murray is an Edward Little senior who plays the guard position for the Eddies varsity. The defense of both teams kept the scoring minimal from three quarters until the Vikings hit some three-pointers. (Photo by Bill Van Tassel) NEW LISTINGS 1153250 Auburn - Newly remodeled 3BDR Auburn ranch offers many updates. Most inside & outside repainted, flooring updated, nothing to do but move in. Family rm in basmnt, lrg mudroom/breezeway, attached garage & nice corner lot w/fenced in yard. Close to intown amenities. $129,900 1144670 Auburn - Very well kept colonial style condo has many updates included newly painted rooms, bamboo flooring, new lights & switches & finished basement. Home offers bright, sunny kitchen, sliders to backyard deck, walk up attic for storage, on a pretty corner lot. $129,900 When it comes to Real Estate, I work for YOU! To know what your property is worth in today’s market call Linda B. for a FREE personalized market analysis on your property today! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP FAST... CALL Maine Big Foot Expeditions TODAY! Call Linda B. 155 Center Street, Building A Auburn, Maine 04210 Direct Line: (207) 795.9652 Office: (207) 782.8311 x.152 Cell: (207) 754.3310 Fax: (207) 782.2232 Email: Direct Mail Works! Call 225-2076 Today and Let Us Show You How! Page 4 January 2015 Critter Chatter: We Hit Gold! Carleen Cote Fifty years...half a century...caring for Maine’s time flies when one is engaged in doing what one loves! Though my husband Donald and I have cared for thousands of wildlife over the course of the last 50 years, we cannot take all the credit for our successes. Wildlife arrive with injuries – wounds, broken bones and worse, and we have been extremely fortunate to have had caring veterinarians to donate their expertise and services for any animal that has needed medical attention. These began with doctors Langdon Davis (DEC), Frank Hersom (DEC) and Peter Davis of Pine Tree Veterinarian Hospital. Since Pine Tree had federal and state rehab permits, game wardens would bring injured wildlife to the hospital for initial treatment, then the animals came to us for continued care and ultimate release. It has been a great pleasure knowing and working with Maine’s game wardens, who have brought many abandoned and injured animals to us through the years. As with many things in life, change happens. We would eventually take the injured wildlife to Windsor Veterinarian Clinic because it was much closer and saved us from the traffic of Western Avenue in Augusta. We were fortunate to meet Dr. Dale Allerding (DEC), and his wife Lynn, also lovers of wildlife. They, too, were generous in providing medical care and donating their time and necessary medications. Dr. Allerding eventually retired to pursue other interests, but, again, we were fortunate to receive assistance from wildlife enthusiasts, doctors Erica Matthies Praul and Darryl Praul of Windsor Veterinarian Clinic, who volunteer their services. Vet tech Dale Turner at the Windsor Vet Clinic is also appreciated for putting up with our many calls and questions. Along with our sincere thanks to all the veterinari- A fox peers at a snowy world at the Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center. Photo by Donald Cote. ans who have cared for our our Center. We would be They have bottle-fed ba- you have been appreciatwildlife, we thank their up- remiss not to include our bies, cleaned pens, washed ed. front staffs who help with volunteers in this reflec- animal dishes, took aniCarleen and Donald our endless calls during tion of our 50 years rehab- mals to the veterinarian, Cote operate the Duck “baby season.” Through bing wildlife. Operating laundered the loads of friends, we met Lisa Mo- the Center involves hours towels needed every day, Pond Wildlife Care Cenrin, DVM. Lisa comes to of hard, dirty work. We mowed lawns, cleaned ter on Rt. 3 in Vassalboro, our care center to adminis- have been so blessed to out buildings and animal Maine, a non-profit facilter to the large animals that have volunteers who have beds – whatever needed to ity, supported entirely by cannot be taken to a veteri- come – some every day, be done, there was always the Cotes’ own resources narian hospital. some a few days a week, someone willing to do it. and outside donations. We have met hundreds some for several years – I won’t list these wonderof wonderful wildlife to carry out the work in ful folks by name for fear Call the Cotes at 445-4326 lovers through the years. all weather, whether in of omitting someone, but or write them at 1787 N. Some drive many miles to sweltering heat or pouring Donald and I want all to Belfast Ave., Vassalboro, bring an animal in need to rain or ice road conditions. know how much each of ME 04989.n Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Home Christmas Party The residents of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Home located at 85 Caron Lane in Auburn were treated to four days of Christmas festivities planned by the President of the Rebekah Assembly, Verna Jones, and her Home Committee. Wednesday, December 10, the Committee of twelve spent the morning decorating the two wings in the Nursing Home with a tree in each wing and the three floors in the Residential Home with a large tree in the living room. Garlands, angels, Santas, elves were places throughout the Home. The Activities Room had been decorated by the Activities Directors and residents with a tree covered with their hand crafted decorations. Wednesday afternoon each member of the Home Committee was given six names of residents to visit and to find out what they might like Santa to bring them. After that the shopping began. On Thursday shopping continued, the wrapping started and completed on Friday. The residents put on a program for the Home Committee Friday afternoon. Friday evening the Home kitchen staff put on a banquet for the Committee. Saturday was $ Buy Now & Save Big $ 5,000 5,000 $$ Up to from Effi ciency *Rebate Up to $5,000 Rebate from Effi ciency on Maine on Pellet Boilers Maine Pellet Boilers SAVE UP TO 750 $$ ON E-CLASSIC MODELS Greene, Maine • 946-4444 *Rebate 33% ofE-Classic the costand up to $5,000 on pellet boilers. more at effi3200 Savings available for a limited time only onofin-stock Maxim models. Savings shownLearn is on an E-Classic model and a Maxim 250 pellet boiler. **12.99% Savings available available for for aa limited limited time time only only on on in-stock in-stock E-Classic E-Classic and and Maxim Maxim models. models. Savings Savings shown shown isis on on an an E-Classic E-Classic 3200 3200 model model and and aa Maxim Maxim 250 250 pellet pellet boiler. boiler. Savings Savings shown is on an E-Classic 3200 APR and based a Maxim 255P for a limited time only on in-stock models. on 48 months. the big day when Santa and Mrs. Claus with two of their elves visited first in the Nursing Home at 1 PM and the Residential Home at 2 PM to distribute the gifts. Present Company, with Lorna Jollymore at the keyboard and with the beautiful harmony and vocal solos by Margaret Dix and Diane Meservier, furnished entertainment at each party. The names of all on the Home Committee are Verna Jones, President of the Rebekah Assembly; Ernestine MacMillan; Vice President of the Rebekah Assembly; Sharon LaSota, Warden of the Rebekah Assembly; Sharon Leeman, Assembly Marshal; Marilee Perkins, Glenda Knights, Terry Tisdale, Juanita Dinsmore, Polly Burlock, Jane MacCollister, Muriel Elkins, and Esther Tucker. Elaine (Diddie) Barry, Assembly Treasurer, decorated a small Christmas tree in honor of President Verna with decorations depicting her theme for the year, the Beehive, the Moon and Seven Stars, the Dove and the Lily that exemplify the work of the Rebekahs. Family and friends, and Odd Fellows and Rebekahs came from all over the state to help celebrate this annual event. n “Cold Paws, Warm Heart” Raffle Winners Steven Dostie, Executive Director announces the winners of the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society’s “Cold Paws, Warm Heart” Annual Raffle. With over $10,000 in tickets sales the winners were: Anne Csplikas of Auburn winning $600 of home heating oil, Bruce Wilson of Hanover, MA with $300 of home heating oil, Pamela Rietschel with $200 of home heat- ing oil and Peter Murphy of Lewiston with $100 of home heating oil. All proceeds from the raffle directly benefit the Humane Society. The Greater Androscoggin Humane Society provides a safe haven for over 4,000 sick, homeless and abused animals in the greater Androscoggin area per year. The primary support for the shelter comes from fundraising events and do- nations of concerned citizens. The GreaterAndroscoggin Humane Society is located at 55 Strawberry Avenue in Lewiston. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering at the Shelter or adopting an animal call 783-2311 or visit the website at You can also join them on www. facebook/GAHumane. n WAP Chapter Calendar We are having monthly meetings @ 6 pm at 175 Blake street Lewiston for a while during the winter months. Grateful for your generosity. Thank you very much!!! WAP Chapter Meetings - Wise Foods: Good Fat, Fermentation, etc. Did you know that Modern Foods are Destroying your Health? Meeting times: Usually 1st Monday of the month @ Community Concepts except Jan 15th 175 Blake Street, Lewiston, 6pm . Oct - April 2015 Call 225-6125. n January 2015 Page 5 Ostrander Joins Minot Ave. Family Medicine James R. Ostrander, D.O., a family medicine physician, has been appointed to the Central Maine Medical Center Medical Staff. He is practicing at Minot Avenue Family Medicine in Auburn. Ostrander most recently worked for eight years as a family medicine physician at Winthrop Family Practice in Winthrop. For the past seven years he also served as medical director for Heritage Rehabilitation and Living Cen- ter in Winthrop, a facility that provides geriatric and long-term care. His experience includes two years as a family medicine physician at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, and some 25 years as a paramedic and firefighter on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Ostrander earned his doctor of osteopathy from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Biddeford. He completed his residency training at the Central Maine Medical Center Family Medicine Residency in Lewiston. Ostrander holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, an associate degree in nursing from Cape Cod Community College in West Barnstable, Mass., and a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Amherst College in Amherst, Mass. He was a brother in the Community of Jesus in Orleans, Mass., for 27 years. He is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, and is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Ostrander is practicing in association with Dana W. Little, M.D., Carolyn R. Pece, D.O., and Gerald G. Lachance, D.O. Minot Avenue Family Medicine is at 789 Minot Avenue in Auburn. The practice can be reached at 795-8475. n Perlman Returns to CMMC Neonatal Care Unit Marc B. Perlman, M.D., a neonatologist and pediatrics hospitalist, has been appointed to the Central Maine Medical Center Staff. He will serve as medical director of the CMMC Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit, a service dedicated to the inpatient care of babies with special medical needs. CMMC’s Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (NICU) specializes in caring for premature babies and in- fants with developmental problems or medical complications, including infections, breathing disorders, traumatic injuries, and metabolic and neurologic disorders. The CMMC NICU also evaluates and stabilizes babies for the treatment of cardiac and surgical problems at other medical facilities. Perlman practiced medicine previously at CMMC from 1997 to 2008. He was the medical director of the NICU from 1999 to 2008, and the unit’s associate medical director from 1997 to 1999. He served as director of CMMC’s pediatric hospitalist program from 2004 to 2007. Before returning to CMMC, Perlman worked as a pediatrics emergency and urgent care hospitalist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Care Network at Chester County Hospital, West Chester, Pa. Prior to that, he was a pediatrics hospitalist at several campuses of AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, based in Atlantic City, N.J. He also worked as a pediatrics hospitalist and hospitalist medical director for the Lehigh Valley Health Network at Pottstown Memorial Medical Center in Pottstown, Pa., and at Nemours/AIDHC Pediatric Partners at Lancaster Gen- FIND THE PHONY AD!!! You could win a Gift Certi�icate to an area merchant from one of our papers! It is easy to �ind - just read through the ads in this issue and �ind the phony ad. Either �ill out the entry form below (one entry per month please) and mail to: Find The Phony Ad Contest, P.O. Box 214 Turner, ME 04282 or email to: phonyad@ (one entry per household please) You must include all the information requested below to be eligible to win. Note: Turner Publishing will not lend or sell your email address to a third party. Name: Address: City: State: Zip: ) Email Address: Phone: ( Would you like to receive email noti�ication of local sales and specials___Y___N Please tell us your age (circle one) 12-25 yrs. 26-35 yrs. 36-45 yrs. 46-55 yrs. 56 yrs. & up The Phony Ad is: Tell us what you think of this publication: eral Hospital in Lancaster, Pa., where he served as chief of hospitalist service. Prior to joining CMMC in 1997, Perlman worked as an attending neonatologist at Albany Medical Center and St. Peter’s Hospital, both in Albany, New York. He also held the position of director of Newborn Services at Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, Mass. A graduate of Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., he earned his medical degree from Albany Medical College of Union University in Albany, N.Y. His specialized medical training includes a pediatrics residency, a neonatal fellowship, and a postdoctoral fellowship in physiology at Albany Medical Center Hospital in Albany, N.Y. He is certified in neonatal-perinatal medicine by the American Board of Pediatrics. n The New Outdoor Partners Program The endless outdoor recreational opportunities that can be found all across Maine would not be possible without the state’s many landowners who allow public access on their land. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s Outdoor Partners Program recognizes the importance of that access and works to preserve and enhance it while improving relations with landowners and providing an opportunity for land users to show their support and gratitude. “The recreational use of private property is extremely important for our outdoor enthusiasts, and respecting landowners is essential to that use,” said Governor Paul R. LePage. The new Outdoor Partners Program is an updated version of the Department’s Supersport program, which began in 1996 and had at least 1,000 participants every year. Joining the Outdoor Partners Program is simple and can be done when you purchase any license or through the Department’s online store at for just $15. People who join the program agree to abide by a code of ethics that includes respecting the law, public land, landowners, other outdoor users, fish, wildlife and the environment. Those who join this program also agree to assist a landowner in the upcoming year. In return, Outdoor Partners receive valuable benefits, including periodic electronic newsletters with timely information from Maine’s biologists, wardens, guides, snowmobilers, landowners and others, free passes to the Maine Wildlife Park, Swan Island and the North Maine Woods and discounts to a variety of places such as Kittery Trading Post, DeLorme, Cabelas and more. Also, Outdoor Partners are automatically entered for a chance to win 1 of 6 gift cards valued at $500 each from either Cabelas, Kittery Trading Post or LLBean. A chance drawing will be held December 31, 2015. “When you join the Outdoor Partners Program, your money helps fund enhanced law enforcement details in problem areas, equipment to investigate and prosecute landowner abuse and criminal trespass complaints and promotional and educational programs designed to improve and maintain access,” said IFW Commissioner Chandler Woodcock. “Funding also goes towards IFW’s landowner sign program, which aids landowners in managing access to private land by offering an alternative to ‘No Trespassing’ signs.” For more information on the Outdoors Partners Program, go to Support public access and sustain Maine’s outdoor traditions by becoming an Outdoor Partner today! n We have December Contest Winners! FIND THE PHONY AD! Congratulations! Country Courier: Mindy Hinckley Country Connection: Dawn Franklin Auburn Highlights: Traci Dennis Franklin Focus: Skyler Morse Lake Region Reader: June Leighton Kennebec Current: Janice Kincaid Good News Gazette: Katy Stebbins Western Maine Foothills: Dale Harris Lisbon Ledger: Vickie Cuff Two Cent Times: Deborah Colangelo Oxford Hills Observer: Dan Trouant Moose Prints: Charles Shugars Lewston Leader: William Meader Somerset Express: Joseph Nickerson All of the winners listed have won gift certificates to one of our advertisers. If you haven’t won - keep playing! We get hundreds of entries each month! It’s easy to enter - read through the ads in this issue and find the phony ad, fill out the entry form found in this paper and mail it in. If you have the correct answer, your name will be entered into a monthly drawing! WWW.TURNERPUBLISHING.NET 2 Page 6 Business January 2015 Business Plan and grow your business with monthly Tips on various subjects such as Taxes, Human Resources, and Marketing. State and Federal OSHA Ring in 2015 Changes for ALL Businesses While there is still plenty of room for improvement, I must say that the Maine DOL is not only surprisingly transparent but also a top performer in customer service. If you have ever attended one of their sessions for HR folks, you will know what I mean you receive, among other things, the direct phone numbers and emails of everyone there in a management position! So, with that in mind, I checked in with Maine SafetyWorks to see how Maine was responding to the new federal OSHA requirements. Some of those requirements apply to recording, where the size and type of your business makes a difference. The new reporting requirements apply to everyone; the fact that you have a smaller business or run an office place doesn’t make a difference. On the issue of recording, OSHA has changed the lists of businesses required to maintain OSHA Recordkeeping forms based on their NAICS code. Specifically automobile dealers, certain real estate lessors, janitorial businesses and certain social service agencies will now be required to record and maintain OSHA injury and illness forms, assuming the business has 11 or more employees. Some businesses will now be exempt from maintaining the forms such as publishers, gasoline stations with convenience stores and corporate headquarters. On the issue of reporting, there are new rules on reporting fatalities, amputations, loss of an eye, and inpatient hospitalizations - these rules apply to ALL businesses. No business is exempt from this reporting requirement. SafetyWorks! can provide your organization or business with an overview on these up- dates. Call Steve Laundrie at 207-623-7903 if you have questions. SafetyWorks will be offering free courses in 2015. The next recordkeeping course is March 26 in Augusta. Further information on the changes is available at https:// Employers will now be required to report all work-related fatalities within 8 hours and all in-patient hospitalizations, amputations, and losses of an eye within 24 hours of finding about the incident. Previously, employers were required to report all workplace fatalities and when three or more workers were hospitalized in the same incident. There will be three options for employers to report. They will be able to call their nearest area office during normal business hours, call the 24-hour OSHA hotline at 1-800-321-OSHA (1800-321-6742), or report online at https://www. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published its semiannual regulatory agenda, listing projected actions on 26 regulations and announcing its top priorities for 2015. Those priorities include: controlling exposure to crystalline silica, enhancements to current infectious disease protocols in health care and other high-risk environments, completing the small business review process for a possible infectious disease standard, and reviewing the agency’s bloodborne pathogens standard. The Maine DOL will be targeting fall protection, hazard communication, scaffolding, respiratory protection, and electrical/wiring among its top concerns. n The Wheel to Marketing Success In any business 3% to 6% of gross revenue should be spent on marketing your business. There are many forms of marketing but the top 7 Must of Marketing, in this order are: References: Chet Holmes International Fortune 500 Marketing Trainer 1. Personal Contact - Word of mouth. 2. Direct Mail – A form of marketing that directly reaches the masses in their homes or community. 3. Internet - Website and social media methods. 4. Brochures - Literature about your company that will create a visual and educate the client. 5. Advertising – Ads that will attract attention and create a consistent and constant visual – (TOM) or (TOMA) Top Of Mind awareness. 6. Public relations – Building a relationship with press and community. 7. Client Education – Participation in trade shows, business events, business networking. Think of your marketing and advertising as a wagon wheel with 7 spokes. Every time you take away a spoke you weaken you market opportunities. The more spokes you have the stronger the wheel and a wheel cannot roll on just 1 or 2 spokes. Stay tuned to next month’s wheel to marketing success as we elaborate on 1 of the 7 spokes in this series of Marketing Your Business. To Your Success! Perks and Parties How year-end gifts are taxed During the holiday season, it’s not uncommon for businesses to treat employees with vacation time, holiday parties and bonuses. The type of gift - not the reason for it - determines whether it will be taxable to your employees. Fruit baskets, turkeys, wine or other inexpensive items are considered noncash gifts. As long as the noncash gift is of nominal value and given infrequently, the gift will be considered a de minmis fringe benefit and will not be taxable. Expensive noncash gifts, such as watches or iPads, are considered taxable as wages. Cash, checks and gift certificates are also considered taxable as wages. This means Run an Ad in the new B2B section for as little as $60/month! Contact Paul or Dede at 1-800-400-4076 that the fair market value of the gifted item or amount must be added to the employee’s payroll wages and is subject to typical payroll taxes including FICA and FUTA. Another way to show appreciation to your employees is by throwing a company party. Good news! The cost is 100% deductible to the business - not just 50% deductible, like typical meals and entertainment expenses. The party cannot be lavish and extravagant and must be primarily for employees who are not highly compensated. Attending the party is a nontaxable de minmis fringe benefit to your employees. Article courtesy of Tax Tips and Austin Associates.n JUST GOOD NEWS! January 2015 Complete this word search puzzle and mail it to us for a chance to win a GIFT CERTIFICATE to one of these fine restaurants. Have fun and good luck! Page 7 Beer Garden · Fish & Chips Shop · Seafood Restaurant DAILY SPECIALS!!! December Word Search Winner: Lucille Gelinas - Congratulations! Tailgate Gourmet Gridiron Restaurant The GRIDIRON RESTAURANT & SPORTS PUB is one of the largest restaurants in the Lewiston/Auburn area 1567 Lisbon St., Lewiston 777-6353 Fried Foods Shreps Corner Store Delicious Food a time. tes one bite at Pleasing pala Daily Specials e to What do you lik eat? • Catering • Weekly Specials • Baked Bean Saturdays • Great Desserts • Cooking Classes & More Catering Desserts Pizza 272 S. Main St., New Auburn • 344-3043 Sandwiches Baked Beans Sports Schrep’s Corner Store Full Service Redemption Center Name: Address: Phone: Email: Mail all entries to: Turner Publishing Inc. , PO Box 214, Turner, ME 04282 •Pizza •Sandwiches •Fried Foods Route 117 & Upper St., Turner • 225-2228 Two Rivers Family Dentistry With over 100 years of combined EXPERIENCE ... It can’t HURT to know one of these men!! Patients of our Practice Have Many Benefits To Talk About •We have Emergency Weekend On Call Care •We provide Endodontic Therapy (Root Canals) in our office •We place Mini Dental Implants in conjunction with Dentures •We restore missing teeth using Dental Implants •We construct Partials, Crowns, Bridges and Esthetic Dentistry •We Extract most teeth (including Wisdom Teeth) in our office •We restore teeth using Composite (tooth colored) Fillings Dr. Weigand Dr. Triggiani Dr. Escoe •We treat most Periodontal Conditions (Gum Disease) WELCOMING NEW ADULT AND CHILD PATIENTS Two Rivers Medical Center 4 Bisbee St., Lisbon, ME (207) 353-8676 Page 8 January 2015 Healthy Androscoggin to Present at National Conference Healthy Androscoggin has just been selected to present on its successes around underage drinking prevention at an upcoming national conference. The local coalition will be one of twenty-eight coalitions nationwide, and the only coalition from Maine, to present at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National Leadership Conference this February in National Harbor, Maryland. The focus of Healthy Androscoggin’s presentation will be on the partnerships with law enforcement and alcohol retailers to reduce access and prevent underage drinking. Healthy Androscoggin partners with several law enforcement departments in Androscoggin County through the Androscoggin County Alcohol Enforcement Team, or AET. The members of the AET include the Lewiston, Auburn, Sabattus, and Lisbon Police Departments, along with the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Department, the Maine State Police and Lewiston/Auburn 9-1-1. The AET member departments carry out details in their communities, and jointly as a countywide team, enforce the underage drinking laws of Maine. This includes party patrols, where they investigate tips on underage drinking activities, and compliance checks where they ensure that retailers aren’t selling to minors. The AET has been active for many years and has contributed to the continued falling rates of underage drinking in the county. Another important partner in underage drinking prevention are the stores and on-premise establishments that sell or serve alcohol. Healthy Androscoggin has collaborated with these businesses on several programs. One program is the Responsible Beverage Service training program. Healthy Androscoggin holds six of these trainings a year where licensees send their staff to receive training to help ensure they don’t sell or serve to minors. Several retailers make it company policy to send all of their new staff to these trainings. Many retail locations have become sponsors of the “Parents Who Host, Lose the Most” campaign. This is a public awareness campaign that educates parents on the risks and liabilities of hosting an underage drinking party. Some retailers, such as Roopers, have even do- Relay For Life of Androscoggin County Kick-Off and Survivor Celebration Relay For Life of Androscoggin County is Kicking Off their Relay Season on January 28, 2015 with a Survivor Celebration. This event will take place at Legends Restaurant, 128 Center St., Auburn, Maine from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Lisa Dunham at the American Cancer Office Topsham office, 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham, Maine 04086 or at 207-240-8128 or Lisa. HOMETOWN Pellet-Gas-Wood Relay For Life of Androscoggin County is going to change it up this year! The event will be June 5, 2015 at Edward Little High School track. Teams can start setting up at 4 p.m. and Opening Ceremony/ Survivor Lap is at 6 p.m. The theme for this year is “Under the Sea.” The big change is that Relay will end at midnight. There is still time to join the fun by forming a team or joining the Event Leadership Team. For more information go to or contact Lisa Dunham at the American Cancer Office Topsham office, 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Topsham, Maine 04086 or at 207-240-8128 or Lisa. FINISH THE FIGHT!n Left to right Standing: Elaine Dumont, Lorraine Sarrazin, Hope Hughes, Rena Williams & Pauline Muldoon, sitting Bert Dutil, Ray Ouellette, Betty Swanson & Peggy Rollins. Absent when the photo was taken, Rose Robbins & DJ Sargent. The Meadowview Senior Tenants Council of Spofford St in Lewiston recently helptheir installation of new officers for the year 2015. The installation officer was Mr. Arthur Raymond, and the new officers for the year are: President, Bert Dutil; vice President, Ray Ouellette; Treasurer, Peggy Rollins; Secretary, Betty Sawnson; Directors are Hope Hughes, Lorraine Sarrazin & Elaine Dumont; Associate Directors are Pauline Muldoon, Rose Robbins, Rena Williams & D.J. Sargent. The installation was held on New Year’s evening, with a lunch and several games with prizes, over 40 tenants were attending this special event. Activities for January are the Senior Complex are,every Thursday at 5PM Bingo in the recreation hall, every Monday of each month is the tenants general meeting at 10 AM, 3rd Sunday of each month is the game “Pass The Buck” at 5:30 PM and on Saturday the 24 at 3 PM will be the Ice Cream Social, served by Bates College Students.n Custom, T-Shirt Design • Embroidery • Logo Wear Corporate • School • Sports 877 - 687 - 4887 Sales, Service, Installation S 1288 Roosevelt Trail • Raymond, Maine Healthy Androscoggin Healthy Androscoggin is the Healthy Maine Partnership for Androscoggin County. We work to create a healthier community by supporting tobacco free lifestyles, preventing youth substance abuse, encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy eating, and preventing childhood lead poisoning. For more info on our programs, visit or contact us at 207-795-5990. Meadowview Council Let’s Get Fired Up! 207-655-HEAT • 1-844-655 HEAT nated print advertising space and placed Parents Who Host banners in their stores. Working together, Healthy Androscoggin, the AET, and the alcohol licensees in Androscoggin County have helped create a community norm that discourages and prevents underage drinking. We see this in the data. Since 2009, the Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey has shown Androscoggin County to have the lowest underage drinking rates in the state. But there is still much more progress to be made, and this continued partnership will ensure that progress is achieved. Derek & Dave McLaughlin 41 Chestnut St. Lewiston, ME 04240 January 2015 Page 9 Saint Dom’s Has Accepted The School Spirit Challenge Saint Dominic Academy has accepted the School Spirit Challenge sponsored by WGME Channel 13 and Fox News to benefit the Good Shepherd Food Bank. The student body is excited to show what St. Dom’s is all about while lending their support to the Good Shepherd Food Bank. This challenge will involve an ongoing food drive for the next eight weeks. The School Spirit Challenge is a friendly competition between schools to show school pride and spirit, all while helping the community. The students from both campuses participated in The “Ugly Sweater” dress down day, which was the kickoff event to the eight week food drive. The dress down day garnered over $700, this translates to over $5,600 of food for those in need. This community activity is one of the many ways that St. Dom’s strives to fulfill its mission. The WGME Channel 13 & Fox News School Spirit Challenge which will be held at the Auburn Campus on February 6, 2015.n Dozens of beautiful ways to say I LOVE YOU! Did you know you can get the good news one week before it reaches your mailbox by going to Be the �irst to know! You can read this publication and all of Turner Publications Good News Papers online FREE one week before they reach homes. Just Good Reading Since 1992! Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses Teleflora’s Happy Hearts Bouquet Ann’s Flower Shop Market Survey’s of America Best of Best. Our business hours are: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays. Taylor Brook Mall - Auburn 782-3457 • Page 10 January 2015 Auburn Concert Band Invites New Members these free, 75-minute performances take place at Festival Plaza in downtown Auburn. Starting this summer, concerts will take place indoors at the Franco Center in Lewiston during inclement weather. A different selection of music is featured each week, appealing to audiences both young and old. The 2015 summer concert series is expected to begin on June 17th, and run through August 26th . This summer will mark the organization’s 34th season. Director Milt Simon formed the group in 1981 to offer musicians, who had once been members of their high school and college bands, an opportunity to continue using and improving their performance skills. Members of the ACCB currently range in age from 15 to 90, and represent some 15 central Maine towns. Membership is open to anyone knowing how to play a wind or percussion instrument. Before joining the The month of January marks the Auburn Community Concert Band’s annual open-membership period. All musicians who wish to take part in the band’s annual summer concert season have until January 28th to join the group and start participating in weekly rehearsals. The concert band has an immediate need for flute, clarinet, tenor saxophone, French horn and tuba players, along with percussionists who can read music. The 45 member performing group meets every Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. from January through May. Weekly rehearsals take place at the High Street Congregational Church, located between High and Pleasant Streets in Auburn. Musicians must have their own instrument and music stand, and be able to commit to most of the Wednesday evening rehearsals. From mid-June through late August, the band presents weekly Wednesday evening concerts. Weather permitting, ACCB, many of the group’s volunteer musicians had last played their instruments anywhere from 10 to 40 years ago, according to band director Simon. “New members are often nervous when they attend their first few rehearsals, because of the length of time since they last held and played their instrument.” Simon added that most people regain their former musical skills within a short period of time. “It’s like riding a bike; once you have learned how to do it, you never forget.” He stated that the opportunity to perform in front of audiences numbering 300 to 400 people on a weekly basis is typically quite appealing to both amateur and experienced musicians. Additional information about the group is posted on the band’s web site: Interested musicians are asked to call Simon at 782-3917 prior to attending their first rehearsal. n CENTRAL MAINE U RO LO GY C E N T E R Christopher Henry, M.D. An author, researcher, and skilled urologist, Dr. Henry joins the surgical team at Central Maine Urology Center. After earning his medical degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, Dr. Henry completed a general surgery internship and urologic surgery residency at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. Christopher Henry, M.D. SPECIALTY Surgical Urology MEDICAL SCHOOL University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Mo. RESIDENCY & INTERNSHIP University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tenn. Co author of numerous professional articles, Dr. Henry has worked as a research associate at the University of Kansas Health Science Center and at Proteon Therapeutics in Kansas City. His healthcare background also includes work as an EKG technician and an emergency room technician at North Kansas City Hospital. Dr. Henry’s diverse educational background includes time at the Goethe Institute in Munich, where he studied German, and Bowdoin College in Brunswick where he earned his bachelor’s degree and graduated with honors. He subsequently studied at Western State College in Gunnison, Co., Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Mo., and the University of Missouri. A member of the American Urological Association, Dr. Henry is eligible to gain certification from the American Board of Urology. Dr. Henry is pleased to join urologists Michael Corea, M.D., Jordan M. Kurta, and Paul R. Mailhot, M.D., nurse practitioner Rosa Hamilton, and physician assistant Heather Renihan at Central Maine Urology Center. MEMBERSHIP American Urological Association 287 Main Street, Suite 404, Lewiston, Maine 04240 | (207) 795-2171 | January 2015 Page 11 Succeed at Your New Year’s Resolution with These 6 Tips Jodi Cornelio Live Long, Live Well Jodi R. Cornelio, AS, BA, MBA Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Motivational Speaker It’s a beautiful thing when people are all excited to do something positive for themselves their family or for the people around them for their new year’s resolution. Exercise more, lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, spend more time with your parents and family, eliminate stress in your life, write that book or get that new job or promotion and get more rest. These are some New Year’s resolutions I hear. I am going to pick on a couple of the most common, For example, “Quit drinking.” Ouch, yes. You tie one on New Year’s Eve and the next day you say, “That’s it I’m quitting drinking!” Two days later you’re ioral and cultural changes which require many steps and a few baby steps. Try some of these simple techniques for those bad habits. 1. Find your WHY? It’s very important that Don’t set yourself up for failure. having wine with dinner at a friend’s birthday party. Or, you ate a whole box of holiday chocolates and wake up with a sugar hangover and say, “I’m not having any more chocolate!” Mid-week the 4pm craving comes along in the middle of a high stress day and before you know it you have munched through a whole dish of M&M’s left in the office reception area. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Many of these goals are behav- your goal is important to you and it’s not something that your friends dared you or family guilt got you to do. You’ve got to want it and believe in it so ask yourself why? For our example of quitting drinking, one why would be that many studies have indicated that consuming more than one beverage a day can damage vital organs in your body and can lead to heart disease, obesity, cirrhosis of the liver and many different types of cancer. That’s a pretty big why if you care about your health. If you are kicking the chocolate habit, your why may be weight control or preserving your teeth. 2. Secondly, the plan, How? How can you do anything if you don’t know how? Here is where the baby steps come into play. The plan includes a process and dates. So maybe your plan looks like this. One drink a day or one chocolate a day or one drink a week or one chocolate a week, one drink every other day or one chocolate every other day. Savor it and make it last. Also set a time frame of a period of 2 weeks. You can do anything for two weeks can’t you? After two weeks, re-evaluate your progress, pat yourself on the back, “hopefully” and take another step and set another time goal. 3. Write down your goal. Research conducted by the University of California has shown that writing down goals has shown a higher success rate than simply stating goals. A written goal with the plan is a commitment and one that you can review and hold yourself accountable. 4. Post your goal where you can see it often. This may be on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror or on the office candy dish. Marvin D. Seppala, M.D., of Hazelden, says, “Your will matters most the moment you make a resolution — and you’ll want to be able to recapture the intensity of that moment again and again.” This can be done by posting it and reading it. 5. Tell your family and friends of your written goals. The Dominican University of California study found that those who told friends or fam- !% ' ( % "&*&* ((()! # % ( '' 61 Mill St. Auburn, ME • 783-6927 • 1-800-834-5706 Pineland Carpets & flooring “A cut above” Pineland Carpets has been servicing Auburn, Maine area for over 68 years! We offer quality products and honest, dependable craftsmanship.You will always find Pineland Carpets prompt and courteous. Family Owned and Operated 1520 Hotel Road Auburn, ME 04210 207-784-1511 CDL Class A Drivers Wanted Forest Freight - Skowhegan • Must have a current Medical card • Must be able to stay in truck if needed • Owner Operators Welcome • Looking for drivers from Jay, Livermore Falls, Turner, and Auburn areas • All Drivers Welcome to Apply Contact Ken Doane at 474-2775 or 399-8870 ily about their goals did better than those who didn’t, and people who e-mailed their support team weekly progress updates did best of all. Social approval — as in “You look great!” — gives your brain a surge of soothing oxytocin, explains Joseph Shrand, M.D., of Harvard. When you take on a challenge you will find that your friends and family will be very supportive and often time will help you control your urges when you are at your lowest. Lean on them. 6. Tip number six, find a behavior substitute. If you are trying to give up drinking use a cocktail glass or wine glass and fill it with club soda with a splash of cranberry juice. Sometime it’s all about the glass, club and lime juice works too or sparkling grape juice, maybe apple juice. To substitute chocolate try frozen grapes instead of digging into the candy dish. Frozen strawberries work too as they are both sweet treats that you can savor. It’s all about substituting the bad habit with good habit and behavioral modifications. Other great ideas to avoid the urge to break your resolution involve keeping yourself busy. Go to a movie or go for a walk and just don’t put yourself in situations where you are tempted. Pray or reach for your higher power to help you succeed and make 2015 a great New Year. Live long, Live well n Page 12 January 2015 The Healthy Geezer NewsBites from the desk of Connie Jones... HAPPY New Year? If you’re anything like me, you’ve been wondering if this can be a HAPPY New Year. Hasn’t the world gone mad over the last year? Is there any hope of turning that around and people and nations becoming sane? They say that every older generation says the same thing, and they’re right, I guess. The world has been going mad for many generations now, if you listen to the older people. And the next logical question is – what can I do about it? Too old, too tired, too unimportant to think I can change the world. I caught a snippet of a song the other day that said “Light your world”. Our world might be small, but if we can light up the world for even one or two, the world is changed. This is the answer – we may not shake the world, we may think our usefulness is over. But if we can give our love to even one or two people, we are still useful. Examples? I’ve heard of older adults, homebound, who answer the Santa hot line at Christmas time. Others who are pen pals (or should we say email buddies) with children in a classroom. Every time you smile at a cashier and say thank you, when you teach the children next door to make chocolate chip cookies, when you compliment a mother or father on their parenting skills, when you watch your neighbor’s house while they’re away, when you write a real letter, mailed in a real envelope with a real stamp, delivered by the good old postman, you are lighting up with world…and helping it remain sane. Every time we connect with another human being, not look past them or through them, we are making the world human. There is still power in love and goodness. Yes! Happy New Year! Aging & Disability Resource Center for Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford counties 8 Falcon Rd. Lewiston, ME 04240 Like us on Facebook! By: Fred Cecitti Q. I’ve been getting bruises lately and I can’t remember hurting myself. Should I see a doctor? A tendency to bruise easily is common when you age. It’s especially common among women. A bruise—also known as a contusion—occurs when the tiny blood vessels under your skin break after being struck. When you bruise, the blood leaks under the skin and leaves a black-and-blue mark. The harder the impact, the bigger the bruise. As the blood is reabsorbed by your body, the bruise goes away. You can enhance healing by elevating the injury and applying a cold pack for a half-hour at a time for a day or so after you are injured. After there is no swelling, a warm compress can accelerate reabsorption. Blood-thinning medications can contribute to bruising. So you might bruise more easily if you take Plavix or Coumadin. Aspirin will have a sim- ilar effect. The thinners allow more blood to pool under your skin. So, if you’re taking one of this drugs, what seems like a harmless bump against a coffee table could lead to a nasty bruise. Some dietary supplements can thin your blood, too. Be careful if you are consuming more than normal amounts of fish oil, ginkgo, ginger and garlic. It’s easier to bruise if your skin is thin. With age, your skin becomes thinner and loses some of the fat that protects your blood vessels. Corticosteroids are known to make your skin thinner, so these drugs can make you more bruise-prone Aging capillaries contribute to bruising, too. Over time, the tissues supporting these vessels weaken, and capillary walls become more fragile and prone to rupture. There is a special type of bruising known as “Bateman’s purpura,” which usually is seen on the back of the hands and forearms. Unlike everyday bruises, the bruises you get with Bateman’s purpura are not tender and last longer. They start out red and become purple. They darken and then, in time, fade. They can last for weeks. This condition, also known as “actinic pur- pura,” is usually seen in seniors. It is caused by blood-vessel walls that have been weakened by years of exposure to the sun. In addition, the skin is sun-damaged and thin. Daily application of alpha hydroxyacid lotions to the skin have been shown to increase skin thickness up to 15 percent in patients with sun-damaged thin skin. This occurs through the stimulation of collagen production, the skin’s natural support protein. For women, the hormone progesterone in lotion may also help. Most bruises are not a cause for concern, but you should have bruising checked by a doctor if you are experiencing the following: unusually large or painful bruises, bruises that seem to have no cause, abnormal bleeding elsewhere, sudden bruising after beginning a medication. These symptoms may mean that you don’t have enough platelets in your blood. Platelets help your blood to clot. You can take steps to prevent bruising from falls and collisions. Here are some: * Always hold the handrails on stairways. * Don’t stand on a chair to get to something. * Clear floors where you walk. * Mount grab bars near toilets, tubs and showers. * Place non-skid mats, strips, or carpet on all surfaces that may get wet. * Put night lights and light switches close to your bed. * Tack down all carpets and area rugs. * Close cabinet doors and drawers so you won’t run into them. * Be especially careful around pets. If you would like to ask a question, write to fred@ n Wytopitlock Nights John McDonald I got a Christmas Letter the other day from some distant relatives up-country. The way I see it any relatives you have to drive almost four hours to visit is a distant relative - even if they’re a brother or first cousin. For the past several years these folks have been including a nice letter (remember them?) in their card to let friends and relatives down this way know about all the exciting things that have gone on in town in 2014. You have to understand that “exciting” as it’s used here is a relative term (no pun intended) because the town I come from - the town these relatives write about in their letter - was never known as a good place to find excitement. A tourist once asked a resident of the town what he did for excitement and he said, “To tell you the truth, I’ve never been excited.” The town manager has a little sign on the wall behind his desk that says, “So little time; so little to do!” According to this letter 2014 started off with a bang and everyone for miles around drove over to Wytopitlock Grange Hall for their big Year End Variety Show. The slogan for the event is “Make the Wonder of Wytopitlock part of your family’s 2015.” Now, that clever slogan probably wouldn’t be enough to get me to drive over 100 miles round trip on snow-covered roads but it seems to work for the people up that way. Imitating the big cities the folks in Wytopitlock cap off the year ending with a big show in the Grange Hall on Main Street and they pack that place right up to the rafters. They say there were cars parked along both sides of Main Street for over 50-yards. Like I said, normally the idea of driving over to Wytopitlock is not my idea of how fun times begin but friends and relatives who’ve been to it say this Year-End event is worth the trip - even to Wytopitlock. The featured performer was supposed to be the magician from Waterville. No one knew much about him but the committee members said he had an impressive brochure and everyone figured if he’s from Waterville he must be pretty good, right? Well, I guess he wasn’t all that impressive. Some in the audience thought the most impressive thing he did was find his way from Waterville to Wytopitlock. The crowd’s favorite performer, by quite a margin, was Alton Peasley from neighboring Passadumkeg who for his big finish juggled six flaming, double-edged axes while carving a large chunk of ice into a moose. as a local musician played “Lady of Spain” on his accordion, Peasley juggled and carved and two-stepped all around the stage to thunderous applause. Everyone was so absorbed in the drama of the moment that they hardly noticed the EMTs who arrived to transport the injured in the front row. In fact, some thought the EMTs were just part of the finale. Fortunately there weren’t too many serious injuries and most of the injured were treated and released. As per Maine statutes that regulate artistic performances, there were several clogging groups, eleven or twelve country and western bands and for the real ‘arty set’ a mime. The whole thing was over and done with by eight-thirty and the town was completely deserted by nine. Even on New Year’s Eve, folks up that way figure you’re only looking for trouble if you’re still driving around after nine at night. Even though the show lost money local sponsors say they plan to do it again. If I don’t see you this year in Wytopitlock, I hope your 2015 is a happy one. n January 2015 Page 13 Nothin’ But Small Talk…Dashing through the Snow! Jess Small GET ON B OARD! The story of transportation in America is the constant shuffle of people on the move, always in a hurry, and on the go non stop. Before the birth of automobiles people could travel over land on foot, on horseback, or in a horsedrawn vehicle. Americans were continually searching for new and better ways to transport themselves and their goods. They wanted safe, dependable, fast transportation, and they started with the horse. When winter arrived, the weather caused the modes of transportation to change. Deep snow on trails made walking impossible and too much for wagon wheels to get pulled through. Rivers and lakes froze so boats could not get across. So people traded in their wagons and boats in the winter for a horse drawn sleigh. Sleighs were similar to carts they horses pulled but they had no wheels. Instead they had two flat metal bars called runners that slid easily over snow and ice. Cutters were small sleighs that were pulled by a single horse. “Over the river and thru the woods” was exactly what a horse pulling a sleight could do in the dead of winter when all other means of travel could not happen! Traveling in the snow with a sleigh was a smoother ride than traveling in a wagon. But those along for the ride had to be prepared to keep warm! Most sleighs were not covered, so the ride could be a frigid one. People kept warm by covering themselves with fur blankets and with heavy coverlets called “lap robes.” Lap robes (which were designed to cover a rider’s legs, lap, and feet) came in many kinds of designs and colors. They often featured pictures of flowers, horses, dogs, or other sporting scenes. People also used foot warmers to keep warm in a sleigh or carriage. A foot warmer consisted of a metal box that was filled with hot coals and placed on the floor inside the vehicle. In the 19th century, harness racing was an extremely popular sport in towns throughout New England. During the winter months CALL FOR UPCOMING CLASSES! Tractor Trailer • Class B • School Bus DRIVER TRAINING COURSES sled racing became a favorite recreational event. Straight roads covered in packed snow made for excellent racing lanes, and horsemen hitched their finest trotters for organized and fun races, much to the excitement of onlookers. Local newspapers from the 1800s and early 1900s reported on the latest sleigh racing reports, describing the race conditions, listing the winners, and analyzing the breeding of the best horses. For many, sleigh racing was a cold-weather pastime that they enjoyed as much as sledding, skiing or making snowmen. James Pierport’s catchy Christmas tune “Jingle Bells” was inspired by the sleigh racing in his hometown in Massachusetts. The jingling bells now forever remembered in Pierport’s catchy chorus describe the bells that lined leather harnesses or sleigh shafts of the time. It was custom, and in some cases even a law, to drive with bells on the horses harness or shafts of the sleigh as a precautionary measure. Sled runners glided smoothly over the ground and snow muffled the sounds of horses’ hooves, making horsedrawn sleighs almost si- Taproot Molly Stark, a Morgan mare, has some fun in the snow at a sleigh rally last winter! Molly is owned by Emily Hawkins of Wesley, Maine. •Chase Farms Sleigh lent. The loud bells helped and tack. Today a sleigh ride is Rides, 1488 North Berwick drivers avoid collisions at intersections and alerted fun recreational event to Road, Wells, 646-7888 •High View Farm Sleigh passersby when sleds were be shared with family in friends. You can hire farms Rides, 48 Leander Harmon approaching or passing. Road, Harrison, 595-1601 Any horse or pony could for private or group rides. •Maine Horse Drawn •Meadow Creek Farm pull a sleight but only the Sleigh Rides, 58 River best were hitched up for the Services in Fairfield •Northern Heights Farm Road, Sumner, 388-2044 sleigh races. The “finest” •Northern Heights Farm races were bred not for the in Waterford •Hideaway Farm in Top- Sleigh Rides, 211 Rice speed at the gallop but at Road, Waterford, 595-3377 the trot. A horse that could sham •Rockin’ Horse Stables •Rockin’ Horse Stables in trot “two forty” like the Sleigh Rides, 245 Arundel bobtailed bay referenced in Kennebunkport “Jingle Bells” could trot a •High View Farm in Har- Road, Kennebunkport, 967mile in two minutes and 40 rison. 4288 seconds! Horses had their •Hideaway Farm, 132 •Meadow Creek Farm tails bobtailed or docked to in Sumner, Maine Horse Katie Lane, Topsham, 522prevent getting long tails Drawn Services, 100 Covell 3866n entangled in their harness Road, Fairfield, 453-0128 Helping The Animals Join the Professionals w/ A Good Paying Job. High Job Placement Rate Permit Preparation • Air Brake Adj. Certification Hazardous Material and Tanker Endorsement VA Approved • Maine Certified Instructors Loaded Trailers • Defensive Driving Competency Based Curriculum Region 9 377 River Road, Mexico, ME 04257 A Good Paying Career is Right Down The Road 364-3764 • 369-9058 • 369-0150 email: Family Fun Since 1961 SKI & BANQUET RESORT YOUR LEARN TO SKI AND YO SNOWBOARD HEADQUARTERS SNO tim to sign up for multi week Still time lesson programs sponsored by Bango Savings Bank! Bangor KKeep Lost L Valley V ll on its Skis 200 lost Valley Rd., Auburn • 784-1561 • Jennifer St. Pierre and Vanessa St. Pierre On December 12th of 2014, Vanessa St. Pierre of Lisbon presented the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society, with the donations from her 7th birthday. Vanessa, a 2nd grade student at the Lisbon Community School, asked for donations for the pets in lieu of birthday gifts. Party guests generously donated cat food, litter, dog bones and toys; all of which will help with the care of the thousands of unwanted animals the Humane Society helps each year. The Greater Androscoggin Humane Society provides a safe haven for more than 4,000 sick, homeless and abused animals in the greater Androscoggin area per year. The primary support for the shelter comes from fundraising events and donations of concerned citizens. The Greater Androscoggin Humane Society is located at 55 Strawberry Ave- nue in Lewiston. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering at the shelter or adopting an animal call 783-2311 or visit the website at www.SavingPetsInMaine. org. You can also join them on www.facebook/ GAHumane. n Page 14 January 2015 Checking the Backtrack V. Paul Reynolds The New Year is almost always a welcomed event. The slate is clean. As we look ahead, it’s a lot like a field of virgin snow. As we move on, the tracks we leave will take us to unseen ground. This is especially sweet for outdoor people who have an affinity for exploration, for finding what is just beyond the hill, or on the other side of the cedar swamp. Move on, yes. But don’t forget to check your backtrack! Animals do it for survival. For the rest of us contemplative bipods, who struggle for understanding and perspective, a check of what already took place can often divulge clues or insights into what lies ahead. Let’s check that backtrack for the Maine outdoors, circa 2014. Of course, the big outdoor story of 2014 was the favorable outcome of the bear referendum. That we were able to save Maine’s traditional bear hunt and, in turn, preserve our excellent bear managment program is a tribute to the hard work of sportsmen, sportsmen’s organizations and our own Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Our opponent, HSUS, asserts that it has not given up. SAM plans to introduce this winter a package of legislative changes that will make it increasingly difficult for HSUS to exploits loopholes in Maine’s citizen referenda process. Sportsmen who have never belonged to SAM might want to reconsider and join up. SAM has proven its worth in spades. Although no deer harvest numbers are yet available the anecdotal evidence indicates that, despite uncooperative Move on, yes. But don’t forget to check your backtrack! A critical, key crusader in this battle was SAM, the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. Dave Trahan, SAM’s director, acknowledges that, though the battle has been won, indeed, the war may not be over. NEED COPIE S? Color copies st arting at 25¢ discounts for la rge quantities Also offering fa x service, laminating, bu siness cards, posters, bann ers, magnets, and many other pro ducts! Just ask ! Turner Publish ing 5 Fern Street Turner (ph) 225-20 76 (fax) 225-53 33 Outdoor Unit hunting weather, it was a pretty good deer season. The best news is that north woods deer are on the rebound! My hunch is that the deer kill will be down some from earlier projections. It was a good bear hunt with a high participation rate. Some suspected that it might have been their last Maine bear hunt. As a result of heavy winter mortality from tick infestation, this past fall’s moose harvest quota had been reduced. Still, it was a successful hunt for many of those fortunate enough to draw a moose tag. What is not known is how Maine’s moose herd will fare this coming winter and how continued tick infestations will impact winter mortality. Last winter, heavy tick laods took down a lot of moose. Moose biologist lee Kantar reported that there was a 30 percent mortality rate on female moose. Yearling moose were also hit hard by the tick infestation. The grouse season appeared to be a mixed bag. Some hunters I talked with said that grouse were veryplentiful, while others aid just the opposite. Bird biologist Brad Allen gives it a B-. How was the fishing in 2014? From all reports, anglers from all areas of the state, from competitive bass fishermen to salmon trollers and brook trout acolytes, found plenty of action at their favorite fish haunts. The most cynical anglers among us can’t help but be impressed year after year by this state’s remarkably rich and diverse sport fishery. From Kittery to Fort Kent, Jackman to Vanceboro, we have the expansive watersheds and the fish. Credit must be given to the wardens, fisheries managers and biologists for safeguarding Maine’s natural treasure and working hard to make it better. An exciting twist in the trout-stocking department is the introduction this fall of the native Nesowadnehunk strain of brookies into the trout ponds of Baxter Park. As always, it was a year of mixed news in the realm of outdoor politics. The re-election of Governor Page, who has shown himself to be a solid ally of the Maine sportsmen, was good news. Insofar as we know, there are no shakeups in the works in the leadership realm of MDIF&W. Word has it that there are a number of bills pending in the state legislature that are sure to draw some controversy. One that caught my eye would “generalize” the turkey season and make it much like the grouse season. There would be no special fees or tags. There would be a three-bird limit, and the hunter could register his birds online without visiting a state tagging station. Although there may be a downside to this that escapes me, why not? say I. Turkeys seem to be faring better than anyone’s wildest dreams. Now let’s see what the new year brings. n Indoor Wall Unit Controller It Heats. It Cools. It Saves You Money. 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He thanked the volunteers for their enthusiasm and dedication and directed them to the section of the cemetery chosen for this year’s wreath laying. It is hoped that one day ALL graves will be so honored with a wreath. Within half an hour of receiving the wreaths, volunteers had decorated 1400 Veterans’ graves in the designated section at Togus. Entrance to Togus National Cemetery The wreaths are provided by the Worcester Wreath Company of Harrington in Washington County and it is now in its 23rd year of providing wreaths for Veteran servicemen and servicewomen’s headstones. The noontime Ceremony held simultaneously across the country and synchronized with the Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery honoring the fallen Veterans was due to start in a half hour. This gave us time to talk with Jim Doherty of Brunswick who is an historian and a longtime employee in charge of the cemetery. Doherty gave us many interesting facts about the cemetery and took us to see the grave sites of two Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. One was Landsman John Preston who served in the Union Navy onboard the USS Oneida during the Civil War. The other recipient was Pvt. David John Scannell Page 15 who served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Boxer Rebellion in China. Both men were seriously wounded and remained in battle despite their wounds. We attended the noontime ceremony held at the flagpole. Representatives from all branches of the U.S. Services laid a commemorative wreath at the base of the flagpole. A Three Gun Salute was fired followed by a bugle playing “Taps” concluded the ceremony. Senator Angus King was unable to be present, being detained in Washington, DC, and sent Elizabeth M.S. MacTaggart, Regional Representative, to speak in his behalf. Senior College members were honored to participate in Wreaths Across America and found the experience moving and gratifying to be part of the nationwide event. It was their first time, but it will not be their last time.n Your Local Marketing Consultant USM’s Lewiston Auburn Senior College Outdoor Adventures Club. Front, Irene Marshall; L to R, Anna Boyce, Joyce Berg, Charlotte and Les Bosworth, Cindy Boyd, Patricia Vampatella, Susan Matthews, David Marshall, Sandie Crossley, Elaine McDonald. Let me increase your ef�iciency while maintaining your comfort, thus reducing fuel usage... Mike Letalien ...r ...regardless of wh which fuel you are using • System evaluations, suggestions and ideas, estimates and quotes. • Tune-ups and maintenance with an eye always toward ef�iciency. • Ef�iciency upgrades, system replacements, fuel conversions, or entire new systems. Paul Gagné has joined the Turner Publishing team as the Marketing Representative in Androscoggin County. A native of Maine, Paul graduated from Edward Little High School in 1980. He resides in Lewiston with his wife of 16 years, Anita Masse Gagne and their lab mix, Grizzly. Paul and Anita have three children, Joshua Gagne, 24, in Chicago; Keenan White, 24, in St. Leo, Fla.; and SPC Kendrick White, 22, and his wife, Ashley, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has many years of retail experience and previously worked as the manager of GM Pollack, Shawn Pools and Heritage Lighting. He is a Past President of South Lewiston Little League and was a Sabattus selectman from 2013-2014. He enjoys golfing, listening to classic rock and reggae and watching Quentin Tarantino movies. He is a member of IAABO Board 21 (basketball referee) and SCMBASO (soccer official). Paul may be reached by phone at 576-3426 or by email at 325 Lisbon Street Lisbon, ME 353-4144 Federally Insured by NCUA Mike Letalien 802 Sabattus Street Lewiston, ME 333-3214 NEW # 754-2826 • Oil, Wood, Propane, Natural Gas Equipment Sales - Service - Installation Add a taste of authentic Maine humor to your next banquet, luncheon, conference, convention or company get together. Don’t let your credit score determine the rate you get. To us, you’re more than just a number. 720? 3.50% APR 5 Year Term 680? 640? Contact humorist and bestselling Maine author John McDonald NOW BOOKING FOR FALL AND WINTER Call: 207.899.1868 Email: Payment Example: For a $15,000 loan at 3.50% APR. 60 payments of $272.89 Actor Portrayal Page 16 January 2015 Cuba: Intriguing and Inviting Playing dominos. By Victor Block Lying on a white sand beach at the edge of the turquoise sea, I could have been at any Caribbean destination. The major difference was that I was enjoying an experience which few Americans could share for more than the past 50 years. That is likely to change somewhat in the future under the recent agreement for Cuba and the United States to reestablish diplomatic relations, lift trade barriers and ease restrictions on travel to Cuba by people from this country. Since 2011, people from the United States have been able to travel to Cuba as part of a group sponsored by a licensed tour operator and going there for one of several purposes, including educational, cultural and religious. That’s the way I went. While President Obama’s recent order will expand the list of reasons Americans may visit there, lifting all restrictions on travel, including for tourism, would require approval by Congress. Those who go to Cuba under the new regulations will find a country of contradictions that make it an intriguing and inviting place to visit. The streets of Old Havana (Habana Vieja), the original 16th-century walled city, are lined by a treasure-trove of architectural Flower stands. gems. Mountain ranges rise dramatically from verdant valleys and fields of sugar cane. And almost everyone I met welcomed visitors with a warm smile on their lips, music in their souls, and a mix of both resignation and humor about the challenges of their lives. Even vintage American-made cars from the 1950s, a prized possession for those who can afford them, add to the dichotomy. Some have been lovingly restored by wellto-do owners with the resources to do so. Most are junkers kept running by a combination of mechanical innovation, imagination and luck. In recent years, renovations to formerly stately private homes in Havana many of which now house several families- have been underway, especially in areas where tourists congregate. Given the backlog of structures that have deteriorated, however, there still are countless buildings whose former glory is hidden beneath crumbling facades and flaking paint. Behind its faded beauty, Havana has attractions enough to fill many an interesting day. Some three dozen major museums make the city an art lover’s paradise. A number of them offer the usual propaganda, and praise for socialism and the Revolution, that visitors to Cuba soon learn to expect. Others would rank as world class wherever they were located, displaying works of art by the likes of Renoir, Rodin and Picasso. The aptly named Mu- Rolling cigars. and the sea, is frequented by strolling, fishermen and lovers walking handin-hand. The stately old villas of sugar barons and other wealthy Cubans who once resided in the upscale Miramar neighborhood, which were “This friendliness of people whose lives are challenging and lacking in luxuries is one of my lasting memories of Cuba.” seum of the Revolution focuses upon the uprising (1953-1959) that led to the downfall of the dictatorial ruler Fulgencio Batista and the rise to power of Fidel Castro Maps, weapons and other exhibits - many with English descriptions denouncing U.S. oppression, imperialism and capitalism - trace the Revolution in detail. An outdoor display area includes the tiny yacht in which Castro and 81 other men landed in Cuba to begin their improbable, and ultimately successful, revolution. When I sought to exchange the confined space of museums to the world outside, I found the streets and neighborhoods of Havana to offer an introduction to living history. The Plaza de Armas, the most important square, was laid out in 1519, and served as the center around which early Havana arose. The Malecon, a sweeping boulevard between the city abandoned following the Revolution, now house government agencies, foreign embassies and business offices. To gain a more complete understanding of Cuba, I also explored other areas of the island. Fields of sugar cane and what many cigar aficionados rate as the world’s best tobacco yield to rolling plains where cattle graze. Cowboys (vaqueros) riding horses, and farmers guiding plows pulled by oxen, come into view. Hills where coffee is grown rise into mountain ranges. The northern coastline is rimmed by the best beaches on the island. The resort complex at Varadero, a two-hour drive east of Havana, has long attracted vacationers from Europe and Canada who have been free to visit Cuba.. Explorations elsewhere on the island provide a wealth of experiences and impressions. Strolling the narrow, cobblestone streets of Trinidad, which was founded in 1514, is to be immersed in a time capsule of Cuba’s colonial past. Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city, is perched in hills overlooking the southeastern coast. Its past includes serving as the capital city during the mid-16th century, a slave port and a refuge for French settlers from Haiti. In the little village of El Cobre just outside Santiago, even the most ramshackle houses are neat, tidy and often decorated by foliage and flowers. Many of the people I encountered there, and elsewhere in Cuba, looked at me with curiosity, then smiled and offered a greeting in Spanish. One man gestured for me to enter his modest hut for coffee and to meet the family I spotted inside, an invitation that my schedule unfortunately prevented my accepting. After looking around to make certain no one was observing us, another rolled up the sleeve of his T-shirt to display for me an American flag tattoo on his upper arm. This friendliness of people whose lives are challenging and lacking in luxuries is one of my lasting memories of Cuba. Together, my experiences combined to form the confusing, often conflicting, impressions left by that country. At Turner Publishing we publish 20 papers monthly, all available Those recollections linger, along with images of Cuba’s natural beauty, glorious if often faded architecture and other attractions. With the lowering of barriers for people from the United States to visit that country, more Americans are likely to take advantage of the opportunity to follow in my footsteps and return home with their own impressions. Victor Block is an award-winning travel journalist who lives in Washington, D.C., and spends summers in Rangeley, Maine. He is a guidebook author who has traveled to more than 70 countries. His articles appear in newspapers around the country, and on travel websites. n • We offer a wide variety of services for kids and adults FREE ONLINE! • Cleanings, �illings, crowns and cosmetic procedures • Same day emergency visits • Most insurances accepted 730 Center Street, Suite 7, Auburn, ME 04210 New Patients Welcome! (207)783-1351
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