Visit The Boise City News online at it’s Website at Or it’s new Weblog at P.O. Box 278 •105 W. Main Street • Boise City, Oklahoma 73933-0278 • Cimarron County Phone 580-544-2222 • Fax 580-544-3281 • e-mail Volume 113 No. 17 75 Cents Thursday July 28, 2011 DEATHS-PG. 3 JOEL LIKE-100 T.J. SPRY- 91 BEULAH SPEER- 82 BETTY AARON- 79 SAM BASS- 78 KELLY WHEELER-52 BORN ON JULY 28 1866 Beatrix Potter England, children’s author (Tale of Peter Rabbit) 1907 Vivian Vance Cherryvale Ks, actress (Ethel Mertz-I Love Lucy) 1945 Jim Davis cartoonist (Garfield) 1947 Sally Struthers Portland Oregon, actress (Gloria-All in the Family) This home in Southwest Boise City lost its roof Friday evening. There were no injuries. THIS DAY IN HISTORY JULY 28 1851 Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph 1868 14th Amendment ratified, citizenship to exslaves 1915 10,000 blacks march on 5th Ave (NYC) protesting lynchings 1931 Congress makes “The Star-Spangled Banner” our 2nd national anthem 1932 Pres Hoover evicts bonus marchers from their encampment 1942 Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Russia 1945 US Army bomber crashes into 79th floor of Empire State Bldg, 14 die 1986 NASA releases transcript from doomed Challenger, pilot Michael Smith could be heard saying, “Uhoh!” as spacecraft disintegrated THIS DAY IN MUSIC 1954, The first press interview with 19-year-old Elvis Presley was published in the ‘Memphis PressScimitar’. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT “Inquiry is fatal to certainty.” - Will Durant ATTENTION!!! Attention, Parents, Athletes, Athletic Directors, Coaches and School Administrators: The Cimarron County Rural Health Clinic in Boise City announces that they will be performing sports physicals on July 28 and Aug. 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a fee of $10. After these two dates the cost of the physicals will go up to $26. and you will need to call the clinic and set an appointment. If the child is under 18 a parental signature is required, or the parent must be present. BOISE CITY WEATHER Hi Lo rn Tue. July 19 101 67 Wed. July 20 103 66 Thurs. July 21 102 64 .03 Fri. July 22 98 64 .23 Sat. July 23 98 67 .54 Sun. July 24 94 67 .17 Mon. July 25 96 65 MARKETS Wheat $7.22 Milo $6.40 Corn $7.15 (spot prices subject to change) Gerald Dixon to Sign Book at Cimarron Heritage Center Proceeds Will Support CMH and No Man’s Land Museums Travis Brown Storm Destroys Trailer Home By C.F. David The home of Mark and Elizabeth Hensley was destroyed by a storm that passed through Boise City Friday evening. The storm, either a down burst, straight wind, or small tornado, first toppled a tree on South Ellis in front of the Bob Tapp home. It then passed over Ken Miller’s horse corrals and re-arranged his horse feeders and other heavy objects before passing over South Highway 64 and striking the Hensley home. This is the third trailer home that has been either damaged or destroyed this year. In mid-April, a home just east of Boise City was destroyed by either straight or tornadic winds and in early June, a trailer home in west central Boise City suffered heavy damage when winds passed over. Neither of the Hensleys was home; however, their daughter Kristina Villarreal and her two children were. “My kids were at the north end of the house, I was at the other end getting ready for work,” Villarreal said. “I felt the wind come up and heard the rain. The trailer shook a little, but it’s a trailer and it shakes in the wind. I started up the hall and it shook so hard that I fell into the kitchen cabinets and onto my hands and knees,” she continued. “I was crawling on my hands and knees trying to get to my kids; they were in the hall, clutching each other and crying.” None of the three were physically injured, but were left shaken by the incident. Villarreal and her children were left widowed and fatherless earlier this year when her husband was murdered in Cactus, Texas in early May. The trailer had been strapped down, but the straps broke with the force of the storm and the roof was scattered in pieces for 300 yards or more. When asked if the home had been insured, Mark Hensley responded sadly, “No. We have been trying to help everyone…the grandkids. No, it wasn’t insured.” As friends and family emptied the home, taking the rainsoaked property to a storage area, Hensley said he had no idea what if anything had been taken by the storm. “We haven’t even tried to figure that out yet.” For now, the couple is living with relatives. A fund has been established for the Hensleys at the First State Bank of Boise City. LOCAL EVENTS The Dalhart Chamber of Commerce and the city of Dalhart would like to invite all area fiddle players to the 16th annual “Just Fiddlin Around” contest, at Ria Blanca Lake on FM 281, just west of the XIT arena following the Reunion and Parade on Aug. 6. There is no entry fee and cash prizes will be awarded in youth, junior and adult divisions. Contestants will be asked to play two tunes of their choice and one waltz. A jam session will follow so bring your guitars and mandolins. Registration is available online at or at 102 East 7th in Dlahart. Registrations will be taken that day. The Hartley County 4-H’ers will be selling hamburgers. __________________ Tuesday Aug. 30 is the day for the 5-state Beef Conference in Boise City at the Fair Bulding. Registration is at 2:30 p.m.; the conference meetings run from 3 to 7p.m. A meal will be provided. Registration fee is $35 for one, $50 per couple. Mailing deadline is Aug. 21. Late and on site registration will be $50 and $65. Make checks payable to OSU Animal Science, and mail to Animal Science Extension, 201 Animal Science, Stillwater, OK 74078. Call 405-744-6060 HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WOMAN??? OKLA. GOV. MARY FALLIN About three months ago, The Boise City News, sent Gov. Fallin an e-mail to her office informing her that though we were sure she and the Federal Government were helping our farmers, that the people of Cimarron County needed to see her boots on the ground to know she cared. We received no answer and the Governor, has yet to visit, (She missed two opportunities while campaigning.) We offered a bounty of $50 for Governor Henry, but since Ms. Fallin carried the county and she still hasn’t visited, The Boise City News will pay $25 to the person that proves to us she’s been here as governor. Gerald Dixon, of Guymon will be signing copies of his book “80 Years in No Man’s Land” on Saturday, July 30, from 1 to 3:30 at the Cimarron Heritage Center in Boise City. “Even if you don’t buy a book, come out, look through the museum and leave a good donation,” Dixon suggested. Dixon will also speak briefly on his history in the area. He grew up on a farm about 12 miles northwest of Guymon, and graduated from Guymon’s High School. He has been a jockey, and then returned home to farm and run a lucrative real estate business. Much of the farmland he owns is in Cimarron County. Dixon became a footnote in Colorado land law by representing himself in a case involving severed minerals and winning. He has served as an appraiser for the School Land Commission, and has rubbed shoulders with several legends of Oklahoma politics, (he was O.U. Coach Bud Wilkinson’s campaign manager for the U.S. Senate). Dixon is a board member of No Man’s Land Museum in Goodwell. The book has been re-issued with new material and Dixon typed it on a 1941 Royal typewriter that he received from a man who became a mentor to him early in his business career. Dixon made a gift of a restored 1917 Federal truck to CMH, and credits the museum as being one of the best in the area. Come Saturday to listen to Dixon speak, buy a book, and look at the museum’s displays. for more information, or go by the Cimarron County Extension Office. ________________ Guymon will recognize WWII victory day on Sat. and Sun,, Aug. 13-14. The majority of the 39 WWII vets living in and around Guymon will participate. There will be a parade, a free luncheon and a concert by the 77th Army Band from Ft. Sill. The festivities will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 13 at the Guymon High School, where artifacts will be on display. The parade begins at 9 a.m. from the school with restored WWII vehicles carrying WWII vets. For more information call the Guymon Chamber at 580-338-3376. _______________ The Victory Center in Guymon, Ok. Will host its 2011 Women’s Conference on Aug. 25-27, at 5 th and Quinn in Guymon. The featured speaker will be Tamara Leroux. Other speakers will be Tamy Mendenhall, of World Harvest Church in Enid, Ok.; and local pastor Margaret Mendenhall. Early bird registration is $35 until Auf. 15, after that it will be $45. You can register by mail at box 128 Guymon 73942, or at, or 580-338- MIRANDA FLEMING/The Guymon Daily Herald After a lot of hard work, Baleigh Roberts (13) of Boise City proudly donates $1,200, toiletry items and tie-blankets for youth shelter recipients to Guymon’s Youth Shelter Board member/Councelor Judy Stedje. County Scout Makes $1,200 Youth Shelter Donation By MIRANDA FLEMING Reporter One young lady from Boise City has earned the Guymon Daily Herald’s “Good Neighbor Award” for donating the last six weeks to improving the lives of other Panhandle kids and young people in need. While working toward the Girl Scout “Silver Award,” 13 year old Baleigh Roberts was searching for just the right humanities project, where she could make a difference in the community and attain her goal of the required 40 hours of work/ service at the same time. “The Silver Award is the second highest award a Girl Scout can earn,” said Roberts, “My mom gave me the idea from an add for the Guymon Youth Shelter in the Boise City news paper.” Roberts knew it was the project for her and contacted Youth Shelter Board member and Counselor, Judy Stedge for permission to proceed a project to raise money and donations for the shelter. At the end of May, Roberts got to work on the project and said, “I went around to the Boise City businesses and asked for donations.” Roberts reported she also hosted a bake sale with goods she and other Girl Scouts made, placed an add in the newspaper, asking the community to help with donations of money or goods and made six tie-blankets for the kids at the youth shelter to keep and make them more comfortable. With a smile, Roberts proudly said, “I raised over $1,200 and donated items (a variety of toiletries) for the shelter.” EMT Michael Cox Local EMT Recognized for 25 Years of Service Written by The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Michael Cox, an NREMT Paramedic, was recently recognized by the Board of Directors of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for achieving 25 consecutive years as a Nationally Registered EMT. This distinction is an honor held by few EMTs. To maintain his status as a National Registered EMT, Michael completed, on a biennial basis, the most comprehensive recertification program for Emergency Medical Technicians in America. He not only completed courses to refresh his fundamental knowledge and skills but also attended a minimum of two hours per month of additional continuing education courses to advance his knowledge on new lifesaving skills. By maintaining his Nationally Registered status and completing regular continuing education courses, Michael is among the few elite EMTs with the most training in pre-hospital emergency medical care in the nation. Michael was Nationally Registered as a Paramedic in 1986 and has been serving the TriState area since 1986. Michael has worked in many Paramedic stations, including a Fixed Wing Ambulance, in Liberal, Kansas. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians serves as the national EMS certification organization by providing a valid, uniform process to assess the knowledge and skills required for competent practice by EMS professionals throughout their careers and by maintaining a registry of certification status. 5616. Correction: Little Cat Cheerleading Camp location has been changed from the BCHS gym to the City Park. OOps!! In the article last week I inferred that the Rev. Frank Lynch had an invitation to hold a revival in Kenton. I misread my notes: the invitation came from a church in Kentucky.
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