INTERNAL NEWSLETTER OF SYDNEY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, RANDWICK BUMPER ISSUE MARCH/APRIL 2008 Farewell to three greats: Dr Tim Bohane, Dr Barry Duffy and Dr Eddie Shi SYDNEY Children’s Hospital (SCH) recently bid farewell to three great doctors, Dr Tim Bohane, Dr Barry Duff y and Dr Eddie Shi, who, after decades of dedicated service to the Hospital, are now retiring. What’s On! The farewell was well attended by Hospital staff, students, patients and families, and payed homage to the trailblazing careers and contributions of each doctor over the years. SCH Grand Rounds CONTINUING Education Program, convened by A/Prof John Ziegler. The John Beveridge Lecture Theatre, Level 1, Sydney Children’s Hospital. Every Wednesday from 1pm. Note for your diary…. Title: Does a silent murmur exist? Update on paediatric auscultation Speakers: Christoph Camphausen, Owen Jones, Cardiology Fellow - TBA INTERNATIONAL Nurses Day (12 May) is just around the corner. The following events have been planned for all SCH nursing staff to help celebrate International Nurses Day: Department: Cardiology Coordinator: Christoph Camphausen Chairman: Andrew Day Dr Andrew Day presented on Dr Bohane’s behalf, recalling his first communication with Dr Bohane, when he was enquiring about applying for a position at SCH. “Other than the various references to the Wallabies and the All Blacks, there were many helpful suggestions and pearls of wisdom,” Dr Day said. ”Throughout my eight years at SCH, Tim has always made himself available to answer various queries. Tim has been a friend, a colleague, a mentor and so much more. So too, is he to the team and also to many throughout the Hospital - patients, parents and staff. He has been an amazing leader and inspiration for us all, with excellence in clinical skills and acumen.” Sudden unexplained death in infancy - changes to the roles of emergency department staff and general paediatricians Presenting on Dr Shi’s behalf, Dr Susan Adams spoke of his noted calm and guidance, and the passion and precision by which he conducted his surgical procedures – and fishing for Marlin. “Dr Shi is quiet and unassuming yet determined to see a standard of care delivered to his own patients and those of others at SCH that is second to none,” Dr Adams said. 23/04/2008 12 May: International Nurses Day BBQ lunch, from 12.00pm to 3.00pm at CICU Balcony 30/04/2008 14 May: Afternoon tea and slide show, from 2.30pm to 4.00pm at SCH lecture theatre and foyer Speakers: Lis Murphy Department: General Medicine Coordinator: Philip Emder Chairman: Andrew Rosenberg 15 May: Breakfast for night duty staff - wards will be visited between 3.00am and 5.00am 16 May: 11th Annual nursing achievement awards cocktail party, from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, Functions Room, Edmund Blacket Building, Randwick Hospitals Campus Employee Assistance Program THE Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential, professional counselling for any personal or work-related concerns. For a free brochure or to make an appointment phone (02) 9382 3681 or (02) 9382 6616. Title: ”This is the beginning and end of what has motivated Eddie at work, and sets him apart. I think it is probably only those who work closely with him, who truly see what he has contributed to the Hospital, his registrars, colleagues and most of all his patients.” NSW Health Director General, Professor Debora Picone, recalled several momentous occasions working alongside Dr Duff y when she was a nurse at the Hospital and Dr Duff y an emerging intencivist. “Barry’s vision and drive to do the very best for and by his patients was and is still limitless,” Prof Picone said. “When I am benchmarking excellence in professional clinical standards within the health services of NSW, it is Barry’s work and dedication I have in mind.” Patient services activity comparison Admissions Discharges Day only cases Hospital Average Length of Stay, days Hospital Average Length of Stay (excl Day Only) Occupancy Non admitted patients February 08 1284 559 1271 February 07 1052 471 1031 3.1 days 3.1 days 4.6 days 4.8 days 93.6% 26030 89.1% 27522 ”The NSW Premier Morris Iemma, NSW Health Minister Reba Meagher and I thank each [doctor] for their dedication and contribution to the Hospital and health services of NSW over the decades. I am comforted to know that their teachings will be continued by the terrific work of the clinical team at Sydney Children’s Hospital.” With over 120 years of experience between them, the three greats have been instrumental to the Hospital’s development as one of Australia’s leading paediatric teaching hospitals, and leave behind a legacy of grateful students who have been fortunate enough to be taught and guided by them. While they may have retired from their duties at the Hospital, there was no indication that the three greats would be hanging up their stethoscopes and becoming gentlemen of leisure anytime soon. Dr Bohane plans to increase his travel portfolio and settle in Ireland, Dr Shi is looking forward to spending more time on his fishing; and while we can still expect to see Dr Duff y in the Hospital’s corridors, we can of course expect him to be seeing more of the golf course. We wish Drs Bohane, Duff y and Shi all the very best on their retirement and for their future endeavours. Top: Farewell to three greats – Drs Bohane, Duffy and Shi (centre) with Prof Les White (left) and Dr Michael Brydon (right) Bottom: The early years - Drs Shi, Bohane and Duffy (left to right) This month.... Introducing our new Resident Medical Officers..................................................................3 Design & Print Management: Cyberdesign Works. Phone 9439 4436. Web C2 South and C2 West get a makeover ........................................................5 Conference update.....................................7 Guest Editor’s Notes THIS bumper edition of The Way Forward sees many departures and arrivals at Sydney Children’s Hospital. Our cover story, ‘Farewell to three greats: Dr Tim Bohane, Dr Barry Duffy and Dr Eddie Shi’, details the departure of three retiring doctors who have been nothing short of legendary in their contribution to the clinical development and teaching capabilities at the Hospital. The successful TV series, Saving Kids wrapped up this month, but not without praise, accolades and congratulations from viewers, parents and even TV reviewers Australia–wide (page 6). Arriving at the Hospital are the new Registered Medical Officers (page 3), the SCH Foundation’s new Chief Executive, Adam Check (page 4) and Dr Hari Ravindranathan, the new intencivist on the CICU block (page 5) - welcome. C2 South arrived back to their ward with a ‘new look’ and new amenities, while C2 West welcomed the new conference/adolescent room to their ward (page 6). More of a return than a new arrival, EQuIP is back, with the next stage of the EQuIP cycle starting very soon – the EQuIP Self Assessment, details in Quality Matters, (page 5). We are always interested in any topical news at SCH, whether it is about a departure or arrival – updates on matters are also always welcome. Happy reading, Poppy Diamantis Public Affairs Manager, SCH Deadline THE deadline for contributions for May 2008 edition is 24 April. Please forward articles and photos to: Editor: Jessica Jaramillo Phone: (02) 9382 3578 Fax: (02) 9382 3577 Email: From the Executive I pass you over to our Director of Clinical Operations, Dr Michael Brydon, to share with you his perspective on current matters and issues. We are fortunate enough to have a high retention rate with our RMOs. Les White Many continue onto the paediatric specialist training programs and become registrars in later years, while others continue in their general practice or other training programs. Executive Director DEAR Colleagues Having returned from five weeks in India in late January, I took a bit longer than usual getting back into the swing of things. The contrasts with our Australian way of life to the lives of many in India are vast and it certainly challenges your perception of what is important in life - more on this later. It was however very pleasing to see on my return, how well the Hospital was running, even though very busy; and how so many individuals were contributing to this effective and efficient team effort. Our Hospital is a rich and diverse cluster of dedicated staff, highly motivated parents, energetic patients and inspiring volunteers. Without each part of this jigsaw, the outstanding outcomes we achieve on a broader scale would not be possible. Since returning from leave, I keep repeating to myself that we are all dispensable -and thank goodness we are, as during February, five staff with over two hundred years of child health expertise changed their relationship with Sydney Children’s Hospital: Barry Duffy, Tim Bohane, Jan Hardy, Ion Alexander, and Eddie Shi are all taking on permanent or temporary career moves. Whilst we wish them every success, the anxieties about these changes have been running high. We can be thankful that all five were great teachers, mentors and role models. They have each left behind a rich legacy of excellent replacements who are gaining confidence rapidly as each week passes. I know our services will not only survive, but flourish in the hands of the next generation. During my travels in India there were many opportunities for me to observe and interact with a range of health care services. Some of these facilities and services were truly outstanding and as good as any I have seen in the USA, Australia or Europe. Sadly, other health services were tragically under-resourced, overwhelmed and, at times, non-existent. If there were a single word to described India, it would have to be ‘contrasting’. For example, the wealthy and poor are at two extremes ends of humanity and yet the overall population is warm, good humoured and very helpful in nature. The trip continually gave me an excellent insight into many international public health issues, especially the importance of education, the fragility of our environment and the importance of sound governance over precious resources. I would encourage anyone who has the chance to travel to that part of the world to seriously consider those opportunities as being very worthwhile. My only advice would be to avoid travel when the Indian cricket team is in Australia. It was hard to change the topic of conversation! Anyway, it is great to be home with some new ideas on how we fit into the bigger picture. Some of the new SCH RMOs (left to right) Phillip Henderson, Adrian Teo, Kristen Pigram, Nikola Morton and Alex Fletcher with Chief RMO, Louis Cheung (centre) Pat on the Back DEAR nurses and staff of C1 South Just a quick note to say a big ‘thank you’ for the caring and dedicated way in which you looked after Grace while she was on your ward during December last year. Your constant smiles and reassurances helped us to get through what was, at times, a very stressful period for us. Bill and I will be forever grateful for the gentle way in which you nursed Grace back to health. Despite the very pressured environment you work in, we were constantly amazed at the way you keep your cool and maintain that wonderful rapport you develop with the children. Grace often talks about you and we promise that we will come and visit again soon. We wish you all a very happy 2008. Lots of love Belinda, Bill, Grace and Tom All the best for 2008. Dr Michael Brydon Theft at SCH STAFF are encouraged to be extra vigilant with their belongings, following a recent increase in theft on campus. Please do not leave any personal belongings unattended, and make sure to secure your valuables in lockers. We want your input 2 Their central role is the coordination and communication of patient care and organising the day-to-day tasks for the teams. They are the junior doctors you often see with to-do lists and X-Rays in their hands. In addition, they are involved in the Hospital’s education activities. Best wishes IDEAL publishing length is 250 words. By contributing to The Way Forward you agree that your article may be edited for space, readability and/or other reasonable reasons. RESIDENT Medical Officers (RMOs) form an important part of the medical and surgical teams at Sydney Children’s Hospital. They enter paediatric training from various backgrounds and all have been working as doctors for two years or more. DEAR Colleagues SCH website: Introducing our new Resident Medical Officers If any of your belongings are missing, please contact campus security immediately on extension 22847. Travels through India - a memorable moment: on leaving the ashram/boarding school, the staff and students held an honour for the first visit by a doctor in over 12 months The RMOs, along with the other junior medical staff, bring energy and enthusiasm to the Hospital. This year, we have a great bunch of 52 RMOs; and they have already proven to be very skilled and hard working. Our 2008 RMOs are: Julia Sgarlata Adrian Teo Kristen Pigram Alexandra Fletcher Margaret Mutch Andreas Rauch Marie Paek Angus Hibberd Martina Popelkova Avi Ramen Matous Bursik Benjamin Siu Meike Flore Christy Norwood Moe Moe Thinn Clare Patterson Narinder Kaur Conor Calder-Potts Natasha Hyde Constanze Knebel Ngon Vo Deanna Cohen Nicola Woollard Deborah Morawetz Nicole Scharrer Dev Markan Nikola Morton Dhivya Kailasapathy Penny Suthons Doreen Hershco Peter Maric Dylan Wanaguru Rachel Hawker Emma Lawrence Ravikumar Tankala Flora Abril-Basobas Richard Mitchell Fouzia Khan Rob Knox Genevieve Curran Rubeena Lal Giles Moseley Shabeena Mazhar Hala Todry Tania Nguyen Hemalatha Kallan Tim Schindler Hooi Teoh Wendy Read Jenny Lee Zandor Miranda Joyce Nayan-Cruz Please join me in welcoming our new intake RMOs to Sydney Children’s Hospital. Dr Louis Cheung Chief Registered Medical Officer 3 Welcome…. Dr Hari Ravindranathan Adam Check, CEO of the Foundation THE Foundation warmly welcomes Adam Check who commenced his position as Chief Executive, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation on 21 January. Adam has a strong background in the not-for-profit sector and brings a wealth of experience from his former role as Executive Director of the State Library of NSW Foundation. Adam is married with two young daughters and enjoys sports. Adam Check A Star-studded Launch of the BigPond Star Café ON 12 March, patients, visitors and staff at SCH celebrated the official opening of the BigPond Star Café with Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword and South Sydney Rugby League National Youth Competition players Luke Capewell, Chris Sandow and Junior Seumanatafa. Recent refurbishments have transformed the Café as part of BigPond’s three-year sponsorship commitment to purchase and upgrade equipment and facilities at the Café. BigPond have made the Hospital’s Café an inviting, modern and technologically savvy place for staff and families. Thank you. Thank you - Champions for Children Silver Party Shines Again! Allens Clerks Visit SCH ON 21 February, the 2008 Silver Party raised a record $286,000 net profit for the SCH Emergency Department. The Silver Party was held on board Starship Sydney and was themed ‘St Tropez’. DURING December and January, SCH was delighted to host tours for Allens Arthur Robinson’s Summer Clerks. Two groups of intern lawyers visited the Neurology and Emergency Departments, meeting the 2007 Allens Arthur Robison Neurology Fellow, Michelle Farrer, patients and families on the wards. Their tour highlighted the special and long standing partnership Allens Arthur Robinson and SCH have. 500 guests enjoyed a spectacular sunset on Sydney Harbour whilst sipping Moët & Chandon Rosé provided by Diamond Patron Moët Hennessy Australia to the sounds of DJs Stephen Ferris, Carl Kennedy, Dan Single and Alex Dimitriades. SCH warmly welcomes, Dr Hari Ravindranathan, Staff Specialist, Children’s Intensive Care Unit (CICU). Hari commenced as a Staff Specialist in CICU in February, however his welcome is more of a welcome back, having trained at SCH from 2001 to 2003 as an Intensive Care Fellow under the guidance of Dr Barry Duffy. Prior to his commencement as a Staff Specialist at SCH, Hari was a Fellow at the Royal Hospital for Women’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a year, a Fellow at Children’s Hospital Westmead for three years and a Registrar at Prince of Wales Hospital. When Hari commenced his training in Australia, he had no particular paediatric speciality he wished to purse. He cites Dr Duffy as the man responsible for identifying his potential as an intensivist and leading him to SCH’s CICU. “Dr Duffy is the one who got me into the training program and has been an invaluable guide and mentor for me ever since,” Hari said. Flavours for the night were coordinated by renowned chef Michael Moore and presented by high profile chefs Sean Connolly, James Kidman, Pete Evans and Mark Stone. Dr Duffy’s career guidance has certainly paid off. “I have really grown to love my work and have never looked back. I am blessed to work in a wonderfully supportive and friendly Unit. For me to come back and work in the same Unit is a dream come true.” Hari and his wife first immigrated to Australia from Kerala, southern India in 1999, and have since expanded their family with two little girls. Thanks to the tireless support from the Silver Committee, sponsors and donors, the Silver Party was once again a great success. Dr Hari Ravindranathan The Allens Clerks tour SCH. Metal for Miracles Going Strong METAL merchants, Sell and Parker continue to donate $1 per tonne of scrap metal they recycle and make enormous donations to SCH. Two new ventilators have arrived in the ICU with thanks to the support from Sell and Parker. BOVIS Lend Lease have been busy over recent months constructing a large shed in the garden of the Foundation. Thank you for your help in solving our storage issues and donating your time and resources to completing the project. • Arrowfield Foundation What do we need to do? • Golden Stave Foundation Thank you to all our Champions for Children. • Cruising Yacht Club of Australia • Gwynvill Group • Cornucopia Committee • Gormet Traveller WINE • Myer Sydney City – Santa’s Longest Lunch • Allco Foundation and Allco Staff • Darren and Christina Attard EQuIP is back! After the fantastic results from last year’s survey and great feedback from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) surveyors, you might be wondering what else we now need to do. This is an internal review, where we can monitor the progress we have made since last year’s survey. It provides us with a chance to document the improvements we have made and see how well we are meeting the EQuiP standards. • Heartfelt Foundation • BIG W EQuIP Self Assessment: 30 April 2008 What is it? • Westfield Group • ICAP Quality matters Preparing for EQuIP is an ongoing process. We now simply move to the next stage of the EQuIP cycle - the Self Assessment. A heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors including the following for their recent generosity: ON 13 March, our valued major donors, fellows and research grant recipients were thanked and acknowledged at Champions for Children, an annual event to recognise the impact they make to the healthcare of seriously ill children from NSW and beyond. Welcome to the team Hari! Thanks Bovis Lend Lease Thanks to our Sponsors • The Snowy Ride A slightly atypical Indian, Hari is not at all a fan of cricket, instead preferring the faster pace of soccer, in particular the English Premier league and Spanish Premier league - Le Liga. Representatives from Bovis Lend Lease presented with a thank you certificate by Foundation CEO Adam Check. Diary Date: The working groups that prepared last year’s information for the survey have been re-established to again update their sections in the clinical area and the mandatory criteria in the support and corporate areas. In total, this represents 28/45 of criteria, just over half of all areas covered during last year’s survey. This information will then be forwarded to the ACHS for review and feedback. Departments will be approached by members of the working parties to provide updated information on some of their quality initiatives formerly outlined in their one-page summaries. It is also very important that departments continue to undertake and document their improvement projects. This is a key element to achieving accreditation, as one of the EQuiP characteristics of successful organisations is evidence of ongoing continuous improvement. Patient flow news C1 North is undergoing minor refurbishment. C1 North patients will be relocated with allocated staff to C1 South, C2 West and Children’s Intensive Care Unit four beds in each area. This will allow 12 beds to be opened, During this time appropriate telemetry patients will be admitted to Care by Parent (CBP) for their studies. Medical day only will be trialled in C2 North. Bookings for medical day only patients will be via the Admission Office. The eye room is being relocated to CBP. Along with the ward works, additional funding has been received to reduce the category 2 elective surgical patients. The patient flow unit is looking at the transfer of appropriate patients back to their local hospital. If patients are identified, please contact the patient flow team: Pamela Hrepka, Tony Yee, Helen Said or Hala Katf to assist with arranging the transfer. Helen Said Gold Week, 2- 8 June 2008 GOLD Week, our major fundraising campaign is fast approaching! To find out more about Gold Week and how you, your friends and family can get involved see: Stay tuned for more information about how SCH is going gold over the coming months! How important is it? Very important. If we do a good job now in updating the information as listed above we will be well prepared for the next visit from the surveyors, the Period Review in April 2009. If we do not prepare properly, then the Periodic Review could be an extremely stressful experience for all staff. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Tyne on extension: 21450. Paul Tyne 4 Left to Right: Dr Barry Duffy, Ross Parker from Sell & Parker & Greg Edwards from Variety. 5 Employee of the Month That’s a wrap – Saving Kids concludes CONGRATULATIONS to the employee of the month for March/April, SAVING Kids, the eight part series television series on Network Ten, showcasing the terrific work at SCH, has concluded, with the final episode screening on Thursday, 3 April. Jenni Corbett, Acting Community Liaison Officer. The series proved a terrific opportunity for the general public to see the high level of expertise and range of paediatric services at SCH, as well as the dedication, care and attention SCH staff give to each patient. Jenni was nominated by Susan Harmon, Nurse Unit Manger, Outpatients. Part of SCH Public Affairs team since 2000, Jenni currently manages the important community and social support role and services offered by the Hospital to patients, carers, families and staff via events, volunteers, visitors and key stakeholders. Jenni works tirelessly in managing the recruitment, placement, ongoing support and guidance of the Hospital’s highlyvalued volunteers. She does a superb job in arranging visits by entertainers, celebrities and sporting identities to the Hospital, and organising events for the Hospital’s patients, carers, families and staff. Not to mention managing the toys and other donations in kind that are distributed within the Hospital to patients for special occasions. “Jenni has always been a true professional and always does her absolute best to help with any volunteers, visits or toys we may need – sometimes at a moment’s notice,” said Susan Harmon. “I was particularly impressed with Jenni’s efforts during the very busy Christmas and Easter periods. We are always so well looked after with visits from sporting teams and TV personalities, outside events and appropriate toys for our patients, and of course the invaluable support from the Hospital’s volunteers and regular visitors.” Susan has consistently found no problem is too large and no request too small for Jenni. “Jenni understands how important even a single toy on a patient’s birthday can be, and makes every effort to meet whatever challenge we bring to her. ”I am sure SCH staff and volunteers alike would agree she is a true asset to the Hospital and is truly deserving of the March/ April employee of the month.” The Employee of the Month wins dinner at Mama Theresa’s Restaurant, a bouquet of flowers from Clementine’s Florist and $100 from Metro Parking. Top: March/April Employee of the Month, Jenni Corbett 6 At the end of each episode, the series' host, and friend of SCH, Damien Leith, encouraged viewers to support the Hospital through our Foundation. Official opening of the new look C2 South New look for C2 South The series received very favourable feedback from parents, viewers and television critics alike; and also provided an opportunity for parents/carers and even clinicians Australia-wide to enquire about the stories and surgical procedures presented throughout the series. Silver anniversary for SCH 25th Annual Course in Paediatrics OVER 150 paediatricians from throughout Australia and New Zealand, and even a couple of paediatricians from Malaysia and England, attended the SCH 25th Annual Course in Paediatrics, hosted by SCH from 27 - 29 March. This year's conference, coordinated by Dr Christopher Webber, was again a resounding success, with the highest number of attendees on record; proving so popular 30 potential attendees were turned away. Paediatricians at the SCH 25th Annual Course in Paediatrics The annual conference provides an opportunity for SCH clinical staff to share their skills, expertise and ideas with fellow paediatricians on topical issues in paediatric patient care, new improvements and developments. As an educational meeting, it is highly regarded by paediatricans throughout Australia and New Zealand, as is evidenced by the encouraging amount of registrations. Conference presentations were varied and all appropriate for general paediatricians – which is an important philosophy of the conference. HAVING undergone renovations over January and February, staff and patients of C2 South returned to their revamped and refurbished ward in early March. For those who may have missed an episode, synopses of episodes are available via the Saving Kids web site at: A pre-conference seminar was held on Emergency Medicine. This was the 6th Biennial Emergency Medicine meeting, attended by 80. Topics at both conferences included dietary management of obesity, sedation in the ED, croup, gluten free diets, gene testing for Tuberous Sclerosis, new drug treatments in ICU, therapies in autism as well as infection management in cancer patients. Renovations for C2 South included: a parents/carers retreat with two new bathrooms, update of the patient bathrooms, two single rooms with ensuite facilities, new paint and flooring throughout the ward. SCH Public Affairs will also be arranging screening sessions of episodes five to eight for all interested SCH staff. An initiative of Associate Professor John Ziegler’s 25 years ago aimed at targeting paediatricians in rural NSW, the conference was originally known as the Isolated Paediatric Update Meeting, with only 20 attending the first meeting. If you have any queries regarding the Saving Kids series or web site, please contact the SCH Public Affairs team. A harbour cruise on the Friday night was a great way to celebrate the silver anniversary of the conference and commend SCH staff for continuing to successfully deliver a relevant conference 25 years on. C2 South Nurse Unit Manager, Jenny Mirto is “simply thrilled “with the renovations. “Each aspect of the renovations throughout the ward has really improved our facilities for patients, families and staff,” Jenny said. ”I cannot thank those involved in arranging and undergoing the renovations enough. I am also very grateful to our staff, patients and families for their patience while the renovations were taking place.” Laurie Beer returns annually from her retirement to help run the meeting – many thanks. Enormous thanks are also of course owed to Robyn Howard for her outstanding effort in organising the conference. Dr Chris Webber SCH green corner Crohns and Colitis gets totally away! Changing rooms at C2 West OVER recent months, Dr Andrew Day and members of the Crohns and Colitis Clinic have been working towards hosting Australia’s first camp for children with Crohns and Colitis and their families, in conjunction with the Australian Crohns and Colitis Association. More than 20 children and their families from SCH attended, along with others from around NSW, the camp at Vision Valley on 28-30 March. THE beginning of March saw the official opening of C2 West’s new conference/adolescent room. The space had previously been used as a conference/ meeting room but has been upgraded to be a very comfortable after hours adolescent space designed to give teenage patients with cancer a ‘playroom’ of their own with ‘toys’ including a TV, DVD, play station and surround sound system. Thanks are owed to the Parent Advisory Council for their assistance with this project, and in particular to all the generous sponsors who made this refurbishment possible, including: Rotary Club of Balmain, Changing rooms – the new conference/ The Lebanese Ladies Fund and King Furniture. adolescent room in C2 West It was wonderful to have so many people attend this opening, including representatives from Rotary and the Lebanese Ladies Fund, CCC&BD staff, patients and families. Thanks to everyone involved for their important contributions. Helen Knox SCH patients bond at the Children’s Crohns and Colitis camp Dr Day, Dr Avi Lemberg and IBD Nurse Rachel Messenger joined with around 140 campers for the activities. Children had lots of fun, shared many different experiences and were given the chance to meet others in the same situation as themselves. The Clinic team looks forwards to the next camp, and the chance for more children from SCH and their families to enjoy these experiences. Dr Andrew Day WELCOME to the first SCH ‘green corner’ – where ideas, initiatives and plans on how SCH can work towards becoming an environmentally-friendly organisation are shared with SCH staff and will be referred to the upcoming SCH Environmental Action Group. The following ’green’ idea comes from C3 South Nurse Unit Manager, Wendy Dickinson. ”I would like to see a few recycling bins at the Star Café and outside courtyard area. It would be a great way for SCH staff and visitors to recycle their reusable waste and a way for SCH to become more environmentally friendly.” Do you have a ‘green’ idea, plan or suggestion? Please email or make a note to Jessica Jaramillo, SCH Public Affairs: jessica. 7
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