NEWSLETTER 17 January 2014

17th January 2014
Dear Parents and Carers
What a super lot of superheroes we have! Thank you to you all for dressing up today. Our
Celebration Assembly was full of colour and excitement. We paraded our costumes and all looked
magnificent. Well done every one!
Our new website is up and running and it is awesome. Please have a look around. The address is
Drama Week
Thank you and well done to all the teachers this week. The children have been using their
imaginations to create and tell stories, become different characters and use their voices in
different ways. The visiting theatre company provided great entertainment with ‘The Care of
Henry’ and the children were enthused by the experience.
Pupil Premium Plus
The government has announced additional funding for children who have been adopted to provide
any support they may need to fulfill their potential. These funds will be given to the school to
allocate. The government uses the school census information to determine eligibility and the next
census is due on 16th January.
If your child is adopted and you would be willing to disclose this information to the school, please
contact Mrs Kellie Nolan (School Business Manager) either by telephone or by email to discuss or to make an appointment.
This would include providing a copy of the adoption papers to school. Please be assured that this
information will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Parent Workshops
Our Parent Helper Workshop will be next Friday 24 th January at 9.15am. In this workshop we will
be talking about ways to manage behaviour when working with groups and how to be a great
class helper for reading, baking and library. There will be a sign up sheet in the trays from Monday
next week. If you are one of our valuable parent helpers please give a little time to help us ensure
we get the most out of your efforts!
Lunchtime Play Mates
Would you like to volunteer once a month/week to come in at lunchtime and play organised
games with the children? We will help you with ideas! Please email or see Mrs Emmett!
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398
Good Manners
This week, on my good manners table were Scarlett Campbell, Andreas Basson, Nadege Lacoss,
Oliver Ringrose, Bradley Lomas, Zaynah Ahmedi, Alicia Lee-Ryan, Charlie Ferguson.
Birthday Books
Thank you to Jessica Dodd and Amber Stevenson. 
Class Attendance
The class with best attendance this week was Amethyst with 99.2%. Very well done!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Paines
There were great drama games enjoyed by all this week, especially Grandma’s Footsteps, singing
nursery rhymes and naming and looking at 2D shapes.
Hope you had a great ‘Super Hero’ day on Friday. The rhymes we are learning are Hickory
Dickory Dock, Humpty Dumpty and next week The Grand Old Duke of York.
This week we will be celebrating (a week ahead) Chinese New Year and the Year of the Horse.
They will be tasting Chinese noodles and other Chinese produce, as well as trying to use
You will all have taken home your bird feeder; please could you put it in the freezer for a few days
and then have it out so you can observe the birds that go on it the following weekend for Bird
Watch. We will be giving out a chart, but if you wish you can go on the website to explore and try
out the games next week.
Please could the children bring in any kitchen rolls or long cardboard tubes? Thank you.
Mrs Blackwood will be with us for at least another week and we are very happy about that!
Kung Hei Fat Choi (Happy New Year from China).
The Nursery Team
The children have really enjoyed our drama week and all the exciting activities we took part in.
Our visit from the theatre show was a huge success and a very special treat.
We have also been creating lots of repeating patterns inside and outside of our classroom. Can
you find any repeating patterns at home?
Next week we will be talking about ‘Chinese New Year’ and celebrating the year of the ‘Horse’.
We will be tasting noodles so please let us know if you would rather your child did not take part.
We will also be dancing to Chinese New Year music using dragon masks.
Next week’s show and tell will be linked to our learning ‘Chinese New Year’. Could you bring in
some take away menus/chopsticks, etc. if possible?
Also a reminder for any parents that would like to come and tell us about your job during our topic
‘People who help us’- week commencing 3rd February. Please speak to your class teacher.
Wanted: Small drinks cartons to make bird feeders in preparation for environmental week, thanks.
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398
Year 1
This week in Year 1 we have been learning to collect data and record it in a pictogram. In literacy
we have been learning about book reviews. We wrote book reviews for ‘Max’, a story about a
baby superhero who cannot fly. We also wrote a book review of a non-fiction book about the
Olympics. We included the title, what happened, our favourite part and anything that we would
On skills day we used the computer to design and make a friend for Max. We designed a new
costume for a superhero using colours and pattern. In music we were trying to recognise different
Thank you to all who helped us to raise money for ‘Little Heroes’.
Maths vocabulary: pictogram, data, collect, record, count
Literacy vocabulary: book review, opinion, favourite, title
Topic vocabulary: colour, pattern, design, sound, instrument
Year 2
This week has been an exciting week as it’s been drama week. Well done to all the children for
their fantastic effort with their superhero costumes.
This week in Maths we have been learning about time (including to the nearest 5 minutes) and
measures. We have been measuring in both CM and M.
In Literacy we have continued with our instruction writing, (all the children are now experts) and
I’m sure you all enjoyed trying the delicious jam sandwiches that they made.
In our Geography based topic ‘Home and Away’ we have been learning all about the Island of Coll
which is in Scotland. We have begun to compare Coll to our local environment. We are enjoying
learning all about Katie Morag. Our homework this week is based on this topic. Don’t forget to put
your homework in your homework book.
Absent Note: When your child is absent from school due to illness or other reason, please
remember not only to telephone the school office on the day of their absence, but also to send in a
written note or email to the school office explaining why your child has been absent from school,
once they have returned. Thank you.
Next Friends Meeting – Friday 7th February at 9:00am in the Staffroom – ALL WELCOME
Valentine’s Cake Sale – Friday 14th February at 3.00pm – we would be grateful for donations for
the bake sale. Valentine themed if possible. Please bring in to school at drop-off on the morning of
the sale. We also need volunteers to help run the stall. Please let you Class Rep know if you are
able to help out, even if it is just for 15 minutes! Thank you!
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398
Value Balloons
Adi Jha
Samuel Wilson
Reggie Bowers
Chili Truman
Blythe Filkin
Georgie Lakin
Golden Certificates
Emily Sheppard
Samuel Madanayake
Aiden Whitehorn
Bella Garcia
Philippa Howard
Ana Luyo Llerena
James Payne
Adam Wray
Nadege Lacoss
Michael Da Costa
Joshua Adams
Sidney Webber
Oliver Cook
Kai Butcher
Credit Card
Maisie Dermody – 4
Amber Stevenson - 6
Outside Achievements
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398
Friday 24th January
9.15am – Parent Helpers’ Workshop
Thursday 30th January
Amethyst Class Assembly at 9.05am
Full Governing Body Meeting at 6.00pm in library
Friday 31st January
INSET Day – school closed to children
Monday 3rd February
School open as usual at 8.45am
CoolMilk interactive Assembly
2.30pm - E-Safety Workshop
Thursday 6th February
Diamond Class Assembly at 9.05am
Thursday 13th February
Moonstone Class Assembly at 9.05am
Friday 14th February
School finishes at 3.05pm for half term break
17th-21st February
School CLOSED for Spring half term holiday
Monday 24th February
School RE-OPENS at 8.45am
Monday 24th February
Gold Book Week
Thursday 27th February
Sapphire Class Assembly at 9.05am
March rd
Monday 3 March
Book Week / World Book Day
Wednesday 5th March
Parents’ Evening 3.30pm-8.00pm
(appointment sign-up sheets will be
available after half term - w/c 24 February)
Thursday 6th March
Parents’ Evening
(appointment sign-up sheets will be available
after half term - w/c 24 February)
Thursday 13th March
Ruby Class Assembly at 9.05am
Thursday 20th March
Topaz Class Assembly at 9.05am
Thursday 20th March
Full Governing Body Meeting at 6.00pm in library
Thursday 27th March
Year 2 to Stokes Field
Friday 28th March
Year 2 to Stokes Field
Thursday 3rd April
Nursery finishes for Easter Holidays
Friday 4th April
Church Assembly at St Mary’s Church at 9.15am – all welcome
School closes for Easter Holidays at 1.30pm (please note new time)
7th February
9.00am Meeting in staffroom
14th February
3.00pm Valentine’s Day cake sale
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398
Ditton Hill Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 5JB
T: +44 (0)20 8398 4398