FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Mathematics Department Syllalbus ** MGF 1107 (TuTh) ** Spring 2015 Instructor: Cleveland Taylor Office #: DM 415C? E-mail: taylorc@fiu.edu or ctaylor1@mdc.edu Office Hours: Tu. 12:15p.m.--- 1:15p.m. or by appointment. Meeting Time and Place: Tu.-Th., 11:00a.m.—12:15p.m. in PC426. Phone#: 305-348-3769 Textbook: Using and Understanding Mathematics, 6th edition, by J. Bennet and W. Briggs, published by Pearson with MyLabsPlus access code or MyLabsPlus Access Code alone (MyLabsPlus program contains an electronic version of the textbook). Course Description: This course is designed for students who are not planning to major in a field that requires advanced math skills. It covers a variety of topics about the use of math in the contemporary world and applications to personal and social issues. Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to help students work with quantitative information and make decisions. Tools and skills are developed for problems involving logical thinking; number sense and estimation; basic financial decisions; reports of statistical studies; etc. Material to be covered: • • • • • Chapter 1, Sections A, B, C, D, E. Chapter 2, Sections A, B, C. Chapter 3, Sections A, B, D, E. Chapter 4, Sections A, B, C, D. Chapter 5, Sections A, B, C, D. Examinations: There will be 3 one-hour tests, a Final Exam, and online homeworks in MyLabsPlus. Each test and the final will contribute 20% to the final grade, while the online homework will contribute 15% to the final grade. The remaining 5% will be left to the discretion of the instructor and may be determined by extra homework, projects, attendance, etc. Online Assignments: Your online course assignments are available at http://fiu.mylabsplus.com. Your username is your panther ID. Use “Forgot your password?” link to obtain your password. You will be able to access the site, but to gain access to assignments you must purchase an access code for MyLabsPlus. Access code to MyLabsPlus : You can purchase an access code at FIU bookstore together with the textbook or as standalone item. Or you can purchase it online directly from Pearson while attempting to use the MyLabs Plus site (valid credit card required). This is the cheapest option. If you choose to purchase the code from other sources, make sure it is a code for Mylabsplus, not Mymathlab. The latter will not work for ours site and Pearson will not be able to help you. If you are not able to purchase an access code immediately, you can use a temporary access code. A temporary access code can be obtained directly from the MylabsPlus site. A temporary access code is valid for ONLY 21 calendar days and it allows you to get started with your assignments on the first day of classes. After the code expires (21 days after the start of the semester), you will be prompted to enter the permanent code or purchase the code using a credit card. You will not be allowed to continue your course until a permanent code is entered. You cannot buy/enter a permanent code until the temporary code expires. Online Homework and Quizzes • • • • • • Online problems are algorithmic iterations of the textbook exercises. All online assignments have a due date. Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances, so please plan accordingly. Homework assignments can be attempted an infinite number of times but must be completed by 11:59pm on the assigned due date. It is your responsibility to track the due dates. Some homework assignments are extensive. Make sure to allocate enough time to complete them. At the end of the semester the homework with the lowest grade will be dropped. A grade of 0 on a homework/ quiz will be assigned whenever a student did not attempt that assignment before the deadline. The deadlines will not be extended under any circumstances. All online assignments are due at midnight on the due day. The offline assignments are due in class. Do not wait till the last moment to complete the assignments since you don’t know what problems, technical or not, you might encounter along the way. Please be advised that merely completing online assignments is not a guarantee of success in the class. You need to understand what you do. A test question will not come with the “help me solve it” button. So, if you can’t correctly do a homework problem without any help, you will not be able to do a similar problem on a test. Also, keep in mind that your grade in this class will be determined mainly by your performance on the tests. Grading policy: To get a full credit for a problem on a test you must show your work. An answer alone, even correct, will get no credit. Your grade will depend on your performance on tests and online and assignments as indicated above. All tests are worth 60% of the final grade, the final 20%, and all online assignments 15% of your final grade. The score on the final will replace the lowest test score, if it is to your advantage. The final will NOT replace a 0 that you get for missing a test. Your final grade will be assigned according to the following scale. All grades will be available in Mylabsplus, so you can monitor your progress. A: 93 – 100 B + : 86 – 88 C+: 75 – 78 D +: 60 -‐ 64 A-‐ : 89 – 92 B: 83 – 85 C: 70 – 74 D : 55 -‐ 59 B-‐: 79 – 82 C-‐: 65 – 69 F: 0 – 54 Make-up Policy: There will be no make-up tests. If you miss a test due to illness or other emergency and provide supporting documentation, your final exam will count in place of the missed test. In this case, the option of replacing the lowest test score will not be applied. There are no make-ups for online assignments. Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend all classes. Attendance will be taken daily. It is your responsibility to complete all assignments on time regardless of whether or not you were present in the class. Calculator Policy: Use of graphing calculators is prohibited in this course. Incomplete Grade Policy: The incomplete grade is given to a student who has substantially and successfully completed most of the course work but is unable to finish an exam or other work because of circumstances beyond the student's control. An IN grade cannot be given if it is necessary for the student to repeat the course. An incomplete grade must be made up within two semesters. There is no extension of the two semester deadline. The student must not register again for the course to make up the incomplete. Every incomplete grade must be approved by the Mathematics Department. Drop Date: The last day to drop a course with a DR grade is March 23. Academic Misconduct: Includes (but is not limited to) giving or receiving assistance on a test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not permitted, falsifying a document to obtain an excuse from a test, and using unauthorized notes on a test or quiz. A more complete definition of Academic Misconduct is given in the Student Handbook. Penalties for Academic Misconduct range from an F in the course to expulsion from the University. Tutoring Services: The Mathematics Department and the University offers a variety of services designed to help students with their courses. Please visit http://mathstat.fiu.edu/useful-‐ information/math-‐resources/pre-‐calculus-‐algebra/ for more details. Classroom Etiquette: To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that does not disrupt teaching or learning. You are expected to come prepared to class, be on time and remain in the classroom for the duration of the lecture. Talking, eating, sleeping, checking e-mail, using a phone or laptop, reading a newspaper, preparing for another class, packing up early is disruptive to others around you and to the instructor. Though classroom participation is always welcome, questions and comments must be relevant to the topic at hand. If you have a question or comment, raise your hand to be recognized. Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, tablets and computers must be turned off and put away during class. Student conduct which disrupts the learning process shall not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action and/or removal from class. Tentative Daily Class Schedule Spring 2015 Date Orientation: (12 problems) HW 1A (23 problems) due 01/18 HW 1B (38 problems ) due 01/18 01/13 Class policies; 1A 01/15 1B 01/20 1C 01/22 1D 01/27 1E, 2A 01/29 2A HW 1E (23 problems) due 02/04 HW 2A (36 problems) due 02/15 02/03 Catchup/Review 02/05 Exam I 02/10 2B 02/12 2C 02/17 3A HW 3A (30 problems) due 02/22 02/19 3B HW 3B (21 problems) due 02/22 02/24 3D Week -‐ 1 Week – 2 Week – 3 Week – 4 Week – 5 Week -‐ 6 Week – 7 02/26 3E 03/03 4A 03/05 4B 03/10 Spring Break!!! Week – 8 Week – 9 Assignments Sections covered HW 1C ( 26 problems) due 01/25 HW 1D (21 problems) due 01/25 HW 2B (23 problems) due 02/15 HW 2C (13 problems) due 02/15 HW 3D (12 problems) due 03/01 HW 3E (18 problems) due 03/01 HW 4A (25 problems) due 03/08 HW 4B (35 problems) due 03/18 03/12 Week – 10 Week – 11 03/17 Spring Break!!! Catchup/Review 03/19 Exam II 03/23 DROP DAY (Monday) 03/24 4C 03/26 4C 03/31 4D 04/02 4D HW 4D (21 problems) due 04/05 04/07 5A 04/09 5B HW 5A (21 problems) due 04/12 HW 5B (20 problems) due 04/12 04/14 Catchup/Review 04/16 Exam III 04/21 5C 04/22 5D 04/30 Final Exam, PC 426, 9:45—11:45a.m. Week -‐12 Week -‐13 Week -‐14 Week -‐15 Week-‐16 HW 4C (17 problems) due 03/29 HW 5C (22 problems) due 04/26 HW 5D (14 problems) due 04/26
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