Riverhead Moose Lodge 1742 Telephone: (631) 727-6667 Lodge 1742 Moose Notes January, February 2015 In this Issue Governor’s Message…………...Page 3 Administrator’s Message…….Page 5 WOTM…………….………..….…….Page 9 Valentine Dinner Dance……...Page 11 2015 Lodge 1742 Board of Officers Application form….Page 13 Calendar of Events ……Pages 15 &17 Moose Notes is a bi-monthly publication of Lodge 1742 under the fraternal permit of Moose International. It is available for downloading and viewing on line at http://lodge1742.moosepages.org and is located on the DOCUMENTS section. Although a bi-monthly publication, each issue of Moose Notes maybe undated during the publication period to include information as it becomes available. 14JanFeb rev1 Page 1 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 2014-15 Elected Officers Governor Administrator Junior Governor Treasurer Prelate Trustee (1 Year) Trustee (2 Years) Trustee (3 Years) Junior Past Governor Vincent Passantino Daniel Battaglia Edward Keute William Costello Michael Sinning Charles Cali Howard Cholden Peter Faith George Yaede Vap1965@aol.com imaboata@optonline.net makeute@aol.com billcostello@yahoo.com lisinning@gmail.com Ccali22271@aol.com (631) 521-5008 (631) 574-8849 (631) 736-1865 (631) 495-6201 (631) 431-7639 (631) 831-3547 beachwalker2@optonline.net Poppop400@optonline.net (631) 599-1723 Long Island Moose Classic Car Club Appointed Officers Sergeant of Arms Inner Guard Outer Guard Tony Shelton Joe Cappello Arthur DiBartolomeo Committee Chairmen Activities Application Review Auditing Bingo Campground Communications Community Service Docks Family Activities Fellowship Government Relations Historian L I Moose Camping Club L I Moose Classic Car Club Loss Prevention Membership Memorial Service Moose Charities Moose Legion Publicity Yacht Club Vincent Payton George Fox Joe Cappello Vincent Payton George W. Yaede Daniel Battaglia Tom Martorano Vincent Payton Kenneth Nolan Louis Passantino George W. Yaede Charles Cali George Fox Jeffrey McArthur Michael Slovenski Daniel Battaglia President Charlie Cali 631-831-3547 Meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month Next meetings: Jan 21st, Feb 18th Long Island Moose Camping Club President George Yaede 631-875-4979 Meeting held on the fourth Wednesday of the month Next meeting: Apr 22nd Safe Motoring Riverhead Moose Yacht Club Commodore: Ed Reiter Next meetings: TBD Edward Reiter Loyal Order of Moose - Lodge 1742 Meetings Board of Officers meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00PM. House Committee meetings immediately follow. General Membership meetings are held on 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 8:00PM Joint LOOM and WOTM meeting are held 1st Tuesday at 6:30PM WOTM meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:00PM 2 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 Governor Message I'd like to start out by saying that I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season, and that I'm excited for the remodeling possibilities that are about to be outlined. As many of you may have noticed, this place is in dire need of a remodel, a little more than just sprucing up and fixing it up. We need a makeover! Over the next few weeks, the board will be working on and presenting a plan, please come to the meetings so you will know firsthand what exactly is going to be done. Searching for the Queen of Hearts* Every Friday night in the Social Quarters. Drawing at 8:00 PM *This is a Game of Chance A New Year is suddenly upon us, they seem to come faster now. My family and I wish you all nothing but peace and prosperity in the coming months. Spring will be here before you know it, and hopefully with it, a new lodge and a new outlook. Fraternally yours; Vinny Passantino Governor 3 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 4 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 Administrator’s Message Advertise in the Moose Notes Hi All! Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s a New Year and time to get back to work. Here at the Lodge, we are working to secure a loan to finance a major renovation project. Once we have the approval of the membership and Moose International we can go forward. Some of our plans include the roof, siding, renovating the social quarters, relocating the satellite bar to the rear of the building and adding a deck on so we can enjoy those beautiful summer days and evenings with a drink on the deck overlooking the river. So with membership support we can get this done. For now we keep plugging along with dinner dances and bingo, camping and our marina. The boats have been put to bed for the winter, bingo is a good business run by dedicated volunteers who are always looking for help. The Queen of Hearts is up and running again, come in and get your tickets for the drawing and stay for a drink and something to eat. Well that’s about all for now, so stay warm and stop down! Riverhead Moose Lodge 1742 is offering your business a great opportunity to bring awareness to your company or business by advertisements in the Moose notes. Ads are distributed to our 2000 lodge members and can be also seen by all Moose members in the country. I’ll keep an eye out for ya! Dan Battaglia Administor There are four different advertisement sizes from which you select and run for one year and will be included in six issues. Prices are: Business card . - $100.00 Quarter Page - $200.00 Half Page - $400.00 Full Page - $600.00 Contact Daniel Battaglia at the Riverhead Moose Lodge for more information. (631) 727-6667 New England Financial A Metlife Company Thomas W. Corwin, CLU, ChFC Financial Representative New England Wealth Strategies Registered Representative 50 Charles Linburgh Blvd. Ste 600 New England Securities Uniondale, NY 11553-3650 Tel 516-357-1810 Fax 516-794-3961 tcorwin@news.nef.com 5 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 6 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 Moose Lifetime Membership Raffle Riverhead Moose Lodge 1742 1 Moose Lifetime Membership Only 200 tickets will be sold Any Man or Woman can win (Must be 21 or older) No membership required to enter Drawing to be held at the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner March 14, 2015 Tickets will be available at the Office or Social quarters. 7 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 8 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 WOTM Chapter #1118 2014-15 Elected Officers Senior Regent Junior Regent Chaplain Secretary/Treasurer Recorder Deborah Boschetti Joann Zosimo Nancy Foth Ruth Convery Diann Scott Chairpersons Star Recorder College of Regents Family Involvement Moose Charities Mooseheart/Moosehaven Publicity Educational Advancement Community Service Lori-Ellen Castillo Thelma Booker Nicole Boschetti Maureen Passantino Sissy Zosimo Dawn Reichle Sara Petricini Darlene Faith Senior Regent’s Message Dear Coworkers of Chapter 1118 I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, 2015 is going to be a great year for us. I hope everyone will help us make it happen. I would like to let you all know that our chapter is once again up and running. We have a new board of officers, and we are all working very hard to make this chapter succeed. Our Board is as follows: Sr.Regent Deborah Boschetti ,Jr. Regent Joanne Zosimo ,Chaplain Nancy Foth, Secretary /Treasurer Ruthanne Convery, Recorder Diann Scott . We will be working alongside the men at the dinner dances, and in February, we will be co hosting a dinner dance together. As a chapter we have voted to have our meetings to start at 7pm, on the second and fourth Tuesdays, beginning in January. I would like to see some new faces at the meetings and please bring your ideas with you. In January, we will start selling cake and coffee, on Fridays nights once again while they are selling tickets for the Queen of Hearts. So come and join the fun. So to all the ladies that stood by me while we were on hold I would like to say thank you. Fraternally, Deborah Boschetti Senior Regent Jane M. McLaughlin, Esq. Law Offices of Henry M Goldstein & Associates PLLC 1719 North Ocean Ave. * Suite A Medford, New York 11763 janemclaughlin@optonline.net Telephone 631-758-0308 * Fax 631-758-0309 Tom * Ken EAST END CARPET COMPANY Carpet * Vinyl * Wood * Linoleum Custom Window Treatments 6278 Route 25A Wading River, NY 11792 Tel: 631-929-3070 Fax: 631-929-3066 9 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 Women Of The Moose Community Service We would like to THANK ALL who helped make our, hat glove scarf and mitten drive a success. All the donations will be given to our local community church as well as the local salvation army. We originally wanted to send them to Mooseheart but were told that it wouldn’t be considered Community Service so we will do another fundraiser at a later date for that in the future. Again we thank you for all your help in making this a success. Darlene Faith - Community Service Chairman Thanks!!! Thank you to everyone who has been diligent in bringing in their General Mills Box Tops and Campell’s Labels for Education. Please remember, the children of Mooseheart are the ones that truly benefit from this program. You may mail the box tops and labels to: Riverhead Chapter 1118 WOTM Women of the Moose P.O. Box 1834 Riverhead, NY 11901 ATT: Community Service If you prefer to drop them off at the Lodge, there is a plastic container located at the bar in the Social Quarters. 10 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 11 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 SAVE MONEY ON AUTO PARTS The Riverhead Moose has a commercial account at Advanced Auto Parts Moose Members get discounted prices on most merchandise. You can take advantage of using our commercial account and get discounts on most items. Mention the commercial account and present your Moose membership ID. If we don’t use this, we will lose it…….. LODGE PRIVATE POLICY All adult guests must be signed in the guest book (located at the front door) and leave when the guest’s member leaves. All adult guests will be identified in some manner to distinguish them as non-members. The guest’s member is responsible for the conduct of their guests. The term “guest” includes non-member’s spouses. A member not in good standing (i.e. in arrears on payment of dues, but no dropped) may not enter any lodge, even as a guest. - House Committee 12 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 2015 Lodge 1742 Board of Officers Elections If you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Officers of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 1742, please fill out the application below and return it to the office of the Administrator by February 27th to be considered by the nominating committee. Positions available are: Governor, Jr. Governor, Treasurer, Prelate, and 3 Year Trustee. If you have previously served for twelve months in an elected office you qualify for the position of Governor. Fraternally, Board of Officers Lodge 1742 I, Brother ______________________________________________________________ wish To be considered for the office of ____________________________________________ (State Title of Office) I recognize the responsibilities and duties of the office and am willing to devote the necessary time and effort required by this office if elected. _______________________________________ Signed _________________ Dated 13 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 14 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 4 5 6 7 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm LOOM General Membership Meeting: 8:00pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials 11 12 13 14 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials WOTM General Membership Meeting: 7:00 PM 18 19 20 21 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Martin Luther King Jr. Day LOOM General Membership Meeting: 8:00pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials 25 26 27 28 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials WOTM General Membership Meeting: 7:00 PM Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 New Years Day -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 8 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 9 10 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 15 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 16 17 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 22 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 23 24 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 29 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 30 31 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 15 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 16 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm LOOM General Membership Meeting: 8:00pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials Groundhog Day 8 9 10 11 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm WOTM General Membership Meeting: 7:00 PM -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials 15 16 17 18 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm LOOM General Membership Meeting: 8:00pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials President’s Day 22 23 24 25 -Social Quarters Opens at 1:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm WOTM General Membership Meeting: 7:00 PM -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Family Dinners – Make reservations for dinner specials Thursday Friday Saturday 5 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 6 7 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 12 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 13 14 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 19 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 20 21 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm 26 LOOM BINGO 7:30p 27 28 -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm -Queen of Hearts drawing at 8:00 pm Family Dinners -Social Quarters Opens at 4:00 pm Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Dinner Dance – 6:30 pm Just 20 more days to Spring 17 LOOM 1742 Moose Notes 15JanFeb rev1 18
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