Technical Report Writing ENGL 221 Eagle Vision Classroom/Blended Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 Credits Academic Term: January 2015 Dates: January 23rd, 24th, & 25th AND February 27th, 28th, & March 1st. Meetings: FRIDAY 1800-2200 (6:00PM – 10:00PM) Central Time; Eagle Vision SAT/SUN 1400-1900 (14:00AM – 19:00PM) Central Time; Eagle Vision Location: Eagle Vision Classroom/Blended Host: Katterbach, Remotes: Geilenkirchen Instructor: Erin Burnett Office Hours: Before and after class and by appointment Telephone: 620-960-8232 Cell/Text E-mail: Course Description: This course introduces students to the preparation of formal and informal technical reports, abstracts, proposals, instructions, professional correspondence and other forms of technical communication. Major emphasis is placed on the long technical report and the acquisition of advanced writing skills. Course Goals: Students produce a variety of written assignments that reflect industry-based standards and values. Student's who satisfactorily complete this course must be able to express themselves correctly and efficiently, authoring documents that non-experts can comprehend. The course will focus on and thus strengthen writing and presentation skills and techniques that have been introduced in lower-level communication classes. 1 Revised: 6/20/2013 Learning Outcomes: Alignment with General Education program outcomes is indicated in parentheses. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to do the following: 1. Explain the importance of audience analysis in technical communication and be able to apply it in practical contexts. (PO 3, 4, 12) 2. Apply the particular conventions of definitions, descriptions, instructions, processes, and other types of professional communications, including electronic correspondence, to all technical documents. (PO 3) 3. Recognize and discuss ethical implications of decisions in technical communications. (PO 3, 4, 5, 12) 4. Correctly compose and use headings, legends, abstracts, graphs and tables. (PO 3, 4, 7) 5. Communicate in writing with minimal errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, and sentence structure. (PO 3) 6. Prepare a formal technical proposal in an individual or collaborative team structure. (PO 3, 4, 7, 9) 7. Prepare a formal presentation developed from the technical proposal or report in an individual or collaborative team structure, using visual aids. (PO 3, 4, 7, 9) 8. Employ appropriate documentation in a lengthy, thoroughly researched, summative project or evaluative technical report. (PO 3, 14) EagleVision (EV) Web-Conferencing Technology: Eagle Vision is a web video conferencing platform, powered by Saba Centra, that provides a real time collaborative environment with tools such as white board, application sharing, polling, and voice over the internet (VOIP). This platform provides capacity for live virtual classrooms (synchronous learning), meetings, training, and conferences as well as recording and playback capabilities. Students are expected to come to class with the proper required equipment for an Eagle Vision Home class (headset and camera). Students not in compliance with equipment requirements will be automatically withdrawn at the second class meeting. Students attending from an Eagle Vision classroom should contact their campus director and/or IT support if they are experiencing any problems with the Eagle Vision classroom technology. The telephone number of IT support is: 1-866-227-8325. Required Course Materials: Lannon, John M. & Gurak, Laura J. (2014). Technical Communication. (13th ed.). Boston: Pearson/Longman. ISBN: 978-0321899972 2 Revised: 6/20/2013 Suggested Supplemental Materials: A Writer’s Reference, 6th ed. by Diana Hacker. (Exercises) AND Hacker, D. & Sommers, N. (2010). The Bedford handbook. (8th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St.Martin’s. ISBN-13: 978-0-312-65268-5 (Hardback) or 978-0-312-65269-2 (softcover) Internet Resources: Memhis Campus APA Style Blackboard (via ERNIE) ERAU Computer Support 1-866-227-8325 ERAU Library 1-800-678-9428 Grading: Test/Quizzes 5% Writing Assignments 40% 15% Final Project 10% Participation/Blackboard Work 30% Midterm Total 100% GRADUATE Grade 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 Below 70 Grade A (Excellent) B (Satisfactory C (Passing) F (Failure) UNDERGRADUATE Grade 90 - 100 Grade A (Superior) 3 Revised: 6/20/2013 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 Library: B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure) The Jack R. Hunt Library, located on the Daytona Beach Campus, is the primary library for all Worldwide Campus students. Web: Phone: (800) 678-9428 (ext. 6947) or (386) 226-7656 (Voicemail is available after hours) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST Email: Final Project (30% of your course grade): This course requires the student to prepare and submit during week 09 a major practical application of technical report writing as a final project. The final project must be at least 2,0002,500 words excluding front and back matter and must include at least 5 citations in APA format. Students should remember that the nature of the class is collaboration of workplace communication and the focus of the paper will be of that nature. Papers that do not address this topic, but focus instead on other important, but irrelevant business issues will not grade well. The paper should be prepared using APA 6th Edition standards. Writing should show college level work. Don't forget the basics; spelling, grammar, and format. • • • All papers/projects submitted for grading in this course will be submitted to - Final Projects are due on the 9th Week as shown in the Course Schedule. The paper must be turned in or you will not receive a Final Grade for the class. This paper is worth 30% of your final grade. This is a large portion of your overall grade and you need to treat it as such. Assignments, Discussion Board Participation (If required for Blended Delivery), and/or special administrative: All assignments will be completed in a professional manner and on time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor. Blackboard assignments (if required) are graded with class participation. This course includes weekly activities, each of which may have grade points associated with them. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, students are expected to participate each week, according to the course schedule. This is especially important with regards to discussion activities. Weekly discussions typically include both an initial posting and one or more substantive replies. Note: Proper etiquette has to do with keeping it simple by using proper English and proper spelling – spell check works well in Blackboard. 4 Revised: 6/20/2013 Course Policies: Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University: 1. Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. All papers submitted for grading in this course will be submitted to - where the text of the paper is compared against information contained in the database. Papers submitted will be included in the database and become source documents for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes the following: a. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. b. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. c. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work. d. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. 3. APA 6th edition format is the ERAU Worldwide standard for all research projects. Disability and Special Needs: ERAU is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who qualify for services. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental, or learning disability, please contact the Worldwide Campus Disability Support Service Office at (888) 292-5727 or via email or Course Schedule: Session 1 Topics What is Technical Communication? L/O LO-2 Activities Readings: Chapter 1 (pages 1-14), Chapter 6 (pages 106-121) optional Assignments: Introductory memo Blackboard Assignments: Discussion 5 Revised: 6/20/2013 2AM Audience Analysis LO-1 LO-2 2PM Business correspondence LO-1 LO-2 3AM Grammar and Style Review and Instructional Documentation LO-1 LO-2 LO-5 3PM Reports LO-8 4 RFPs and Proposals LO-6 5AM Designing Presentations LO-3 LO-4 5PM Ethics in Technical Communication LO-8 6 Course Reflection LO-8 Revised: 6/20/2013 “About me” Readings: Chapter 2 (pages 16-33), Chapter 3 (pages 36-59) optional Assignments: Audience Analysis Worksheet and Audience Analysis Exercise Blackboard Assignments: Discussion “Audience Analysis” Readings: Chapters 14 (pages 318331), 15 (pages 334-346) and 16 (pages 349-377) all required Assignments: Formal Business Letter Blackboard Assignments: Discussion “Head-Start” Readings: Chapter 11 (pages 209242), Reference pages 680 on for additional guidance on grammar and style, Chapter 20 (pages 456-485) Assignments: Active Voice Exercise and Grammar Test Blackboard Assignments: “Write Your own Instructions” and Reviewing a Peer’s Instructions Readings: Chapter 21 (pages 489507), Chapter 22 (pages 510-552) optional Readings: Chapters 23 (pages 554588), 5 (pages 82-102), Chapter 12 (pages 245-288) optional Homework: Request for Proposal Blackboard Assignment: Group Assignment Discussions Readings: Chapters 12 (pages 245288) and 24 (pages 590-618) Homework: Group Proposal, Group Presentation・,* Individual Reflection Blackboard Assignment: Group Discussion and Collaboration Readings: Review Chapter 15 (pages 334-346) Assignments: APA Formatting Exercise Blackboard Assignment: “Ethics” Discussion No readings Assignments: Final Report Blackboard Assignment: “Course Reflection” Discussion 6 Submitted by: Erin Burnett Approved by: Revised: 6/20/2013 7
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