Newsletter - Episcopal Cursillo of Southwest Florida

DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Hi! My name is Bev MacMahon. I made Cursillo 119 in the Diocese of Southern VA in Nov 2003 and I sat at
the table of St. Theresa of Avila. I have served on four Cursillo teams in Virginia and since moving to Punta
Gorda, FL in 2008, I have served on four teams in the Diocese of SW Fl. I have completed one year of service on the Secretariat as Music Chair and recently was elected to serve as Lay Director for the coming year.
As a Cursillo community, we have much to celebrate. During the past two years we have moved from having
only one weekend a year to now having three. Last year we had our first Hispanic weekend, which by all
accounts, was a huge success. Several of our more active parishes, in terms of Ultreyas, have had overwhelming responses when they invited the wider community to join them on occasion. Also, several deaneries have instituted regularly scheduled Ultreyas, which have also been open to Cursillistas throughout the
diocese. Plans are well underway for another active year for Cursillo in our diocese.
Most of us have made New Year’s resolutions in other areas of our lives. Why not take a moment to examine
our commitment to the promises made during our Cursillo weekend.
Do I practice piety through corporate worship and personal quiet time with God?
Do I study God’s word and apply it to my everyday life?
Do I seek opportunities for Christian action that will effect positive change in the lives of those around
Am I grouping regularly?
Do I support Ultreyas in my geographic area?
Do I sponsor pilgrims?
Do I serve on teams?
Do I support the weekends with Palanca (including prayer)?
Do I attend Serenades and Clausuras?
Have I volunteered to serve on the Secretariat or as a Servant Community Coordinator?
Sadly, I cannot truthfully answer all of these questions in the affirmative, but I can pledge that I will improve in
those areas where I am negligent. I challenge you to do the same. Don’t forget –
Christ is counting on each of us. DeColores!
Bev MacMahon
Lay Director
National Cursillo Web Site:
Southwest Florida Cursillo Web Site:
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
January 31 -Team Meeting #1 (9-3) Church of the Holy Spirit, Osprey
February 14 -Team Meeting #2 (9-3) St. John's, Tampa
February 14, - Diocesan Ultreya (3-5) St. John's, Tampa
February 26 - March 1-Cursillo #129, DaySpring, Parish
February 28—Serenade for Cursillo #129—Practice 6:30; Serenade 7
March 1—Clausura #129—4 p.m., DaySpring, Parish
March 21- 4th Day Celebration (9-2), Annunciation, Holmes Beach
May 15 - 17 Cursillo #130/Spanish #2, DaySpring, Parish
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
February 26-March 1, 2015
“In Christ, All Things Are Made New”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Dear Christian Brothers & Sisters,
Greetings from Ray Stoll, Rector for Cursillo #129! I made my Cursillo weekend in February
2010 at #118, and sat at the Family of St. Anne. I attend St. John’s Tampa, having been a
member there for 30 years.
On behalf of myself and the rest of the Team that Christ has selected to work this upcoming Cursillo Weekend, we want to thank you for your continued prayers, as they are strongly felt every
day as The Holy Spirit continues to guide us in preparing for this wonderful task .
I recall Ellen Seto, Rectora of #125 (on whose Team I was honored to serve as Bell Ringer) saying: “It is nothing less than MIRACULOUS to see His Spirit at work and those of us involved in
this process are in awe!” NOW I can see exactly what she meant!
The Leadership meetings have taken place and the Team formation is complete, pending any
unforeseen, last minute changes, conflicts, et al. For all of you who have applied and do NOT
see your name on the list included in this Newsletter, please be patient, as there is often some
“attrition” for one reason or another. Please remember, you will be on the Team God chooses
you to be on to share YOUR talents, your spirit and His Love.
February is just around the corner – so please pray, talk to your Priest and perhaps sponsor one
of God’s children, so that they may experience the life-changing Weekend we each have been
blessed to attend. You will be reading more from our various Leadership Chairs as to the needs
for the Weekend!
In His Name,
Ray Stoll-Rector, Cursillo #129
1027 S. Frankland Rd.
Tampa, FL 33629
813-220-8127 (cell)
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
February 26 – March 1, 2015
“In Christ all things are made new.”
Rector: Ray Stoll
Asst. Spiritual Dir: Rev. Michelle Ortiz
Co-Set Up Chairs: Arlene Maloney,
Audrey Cull
Co-Servant Chairs: Diana Tunnell Overton
Joyceanna "JA" Rautio
Music Chair: Ellen Seto
Asst. Spiritual Dir: Rev. Janet Tunnell
Asst. Music Chair: Russell Tuff
Observing Rector: Pat Magnant
Asst. Music Chair: Bev MacMahon
Spiritual Director: Fr. Michael Todd
Bell Ringer: George Walters
Ideal: Theresa Rowe
Grace: Clergy
John Goodhue
Karen Jones
Sharon Julian
Action: Sharon Stoll
Obstacles to a Life in Grace: Clergy
Study of Environment:
Christian Life (Life in Grace):
Christian Community in Action:
Sacraments: Clergy
Pam Monroe
Arlene Maloney
David Schenck
Group Reunion: Bev MacMahon
Ultreya: Ray Stoll
Family Workers
Bette Armon
Eileen Prins
Charles Scruggs
Marsha Savage
Margie Jefferson
Maisie Reddy
Barb Gingrich
Sharon Stoll
Sharon Julian
David Schenck
Karen Jones
John Schafer
Marty Purvis
John Goodhue
Ellenor Moncrief
Nancy Kinney
Jody Tiffany
Jane Boritz
Dudley Savage
Charles Hintzpeter
Theresa Rowe
Gerry Adams
Pam Monroe
Judy Wenzel
Gail Malecot
Jack Overton
Dan Hopkins
Sharon Soto
Allie Maiocchi
Mikki Muench
Marta Meloy
Friends of Team
Wendy Smith
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Prayers and Donations for #129
Requested by the Servant Team
PRAYER VIGIL UPDATE: Thank you, Cursillo Community, for your enthusiastic responses
to the Prayer Vigil for Weekend #129! We are now over 50%. Praise God! More volunteer
Prayer Warriors are still needed! Please check the list of open times and sign up directly at
the Cursillo website: Co-Servant Chair Diana Tunnell Overton is managing the Prayer Vigil. Click on her email address – – state your
prayer time/date choice, then provide your full mailing address, email address and best
phone number to call. Your email will promptly appear in Diana’s inbox.
Please continue to pray regularly for Pilgrims to be called to Weekend #129. Please also continue to pray for protection of Team Members.
DRINK DONATIONS REQUEST: The Servant Team is in charge of donations of 50 cases
of water and 50 cases of soda for the Weekend. An inventory from the October weekend has
already given us a healthy supply of water and soda. However we are only about half way to
the goal. Please consider donating small size bottles of water. Also needed are regular and
diet caffeine free soda along with regular and diet soda in a variety of choices. Co-Servant
Chair JOYceanna JA Rautio is managing the weekend drink supply. It would be so kind and
helpful to email her at to advise what and the quantity you or your parish plan to donate. Or call her at 239-591-1130.
Green palanca is always welcomed. It is a great way to donate to the weekend refreshment
cause and other needed supplies. If the Spirit moves you to send green palanca either by
cash or check to the weekend, please place it in an envelope labeled with your church’s
name and city on it. Mail to Treasurer Pat Magnant 4006 Water Park Court, Riverview, FL
33578. Any amount will be graciously accepted.
Blessings, JOY, and Peace,
Co-Servant Chair Diana Tunnell Overton and
Co-Servant Chair JOYceanna JA Rautio
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Living Your Fourth Day
As Cursillistas, are you utilizing the tools that enhance how you Live Out Your 4th Day? Yes,
that IS “the rest of your life” after your life-changing 3 Day Weekend! Do you regularly participate in Group Reunions, attend Ultreyas, seek Spiritual Guidance and engage as a member
of the Christian Community in Action? “Make a Friend. Be a Friend. Bring a Friend to Christ”
is accomplished in a collection of activities be they small, medium or large “actions”. Opportunities abound all around us.
The upcoming Weekend #129 set for February 26th – March 1st at DaySpring with the theme
“In Christ all things are made new” offers many actions for your involvement. Praying for Pilgrims, praying for Team, sponsoring a Pilgrim, signing up for the Prayer Vigil, coloring placemats, writing palanca letters, creating pillow palanca, donating various items needed on the
Weekend, attending the February 14th Diocesan Ultreya, singing your heart out at the February 28th Serenade and attending the inspiring Clausura on March 1st are all actions you can do
to Live Out Your 4th Day! I urge you to be involved and contribute as much or as little as you
can to our Cursillo Movement. Remember: Christ is Counting on YOU!!!
The Valentine’s Day Diocesan Ultreya will be held on Saturday, February 14th at St. John’s
Tampa from 3 PM to 5 PM. Parking is on the street by the church. Please do NOT block
driveways. Join in this celebration of praise, love and JOY!
Watch for more information about our Weekend #129 Saturday Serenade and the Sunday
Clausura on March 1st. And please SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, March 21st for the Fourth
Day Gathering at Church of the Annunciation in Holmes Beach!
I look forward to serving you as your Secretariat 4th Day Chair this coming year. Please don’t
hesitate to share your thoughts about activities and remember to alert me to all Ultreyas your
parish schedules. We wish to continue to build on the incredible Ultreya sharing that continues to grow in our Diocese.
Ultreya and DeColores,
JOYceanna JA Rautio, Secretariat 4th Day Chair
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Music Notes
January 2015
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
My name is Ellen Seto and I have been serving on Secretariat for the last few months as 4th Day Chair and have now
moved in to the position of Music Chair. I made my Cursillo in 2005, Cursillo # 107 and sat at the table of St Anne.
Our theme for that weekend was “Shout to the Lord” and I believe I have been shouting to the Lord ever since that
weekend!!! In October of 2013, I was honored to be Rectora of Cursillo #125 and the theme was “Serve the Lord
with Gladness”, something I strive to do daily - So, enough about me, now on to some Cursillo Music items!
A number of people have asked over the years if they could purchase a copy of the Cursillo Songbook “Cursillo
Sings”. Unfortunately, they are not for sale as they are the property of the Cursillo Community and only a limited
number were printed many years ago at a significant cost. It is written in the front of each Songbook--- “The Cursillo
Sings Songbooks are for the sole use of the Cursillo Community at Cursillo functions. Any other use would put the
Community and the Diocese at risk.”
I hope this explanation helps.
Cursillo #129 is right around the corner and here are some important dates to put on your calendars:
Saturday, Feb.28, 2015
Serenade for Cursillo #129 7:00PM
Come early, picnic and enjoy fellowship before we raise our voices and the serenade the “Babe Chicks”.
PLEASE: No flames, gas or charcoal grills.
If you play an instrument PLEASE bring and play along. Music books will be provided for those playing instruments
and song sheets for those singing.
We will begin practicing music in the parking lot at 6:30 PM.
Remember to bring flashlights!
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Clausura for #129
4 PM
Clausura begins at 4 PM in the New Pavilion. Again all Cursillo musicians are invited to play – please bring your own
Cursillo music books.
A message to all: Remember how you felt when your Rollo Room was filled with members of the Cursillo Community serenading you and then attending your closing, many traveling hours to show their support. I am asking all of
us to show our support and love for those who are about to engage in a life changing experience, we are being
called –“Christ is counting on YOU”.
Serving the Lord with Gladness,
Ellen Seto
Secretariat Music Chair
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Hi, I’m Mickey Vallejo. I made my Cursillo #124 in February 2013 at DaySpring. I worship at Holy Trinity in Clearwater. I’m blessed to have been
selected as the Hispanic/Latino Chair on the Secretariat. As Chair I will be
concentrating on increasing the participation at Spanish Cursillos, Ultreyas
and groupings. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting several parishes in the
Southern part of the Diocese that have Spanish ministries to encourage
and promote the Spanish Cursillo. I have been well received and for the
most part everyone has been enthusiastic about attending a future Cursillo.
In the near future I will be calling on Cursillistas to assist them in starting groups and hosting Ultreyas. The next Spanish Cursillo #2 will be at DaySpring on May 15-17, 2015.
If you have any questions regarding the Spanish Cursillo I can be reached by phone at 727-7431772 or email at
Mickey Vallejo
Hispanic/Latino Chair
Update on Pilgrim Applications for
Cursillo Weekend #129
In Christ all things are made new.
We are blessed to currently have 22 Pilgrim applications submitted so
far for Cursillo #129 to be held February 26 to March 1, 2015. The updated Pilgrim Application can be downloaded from the Cursillo website: . Click on APPLICATIONS, then click on
“PILGRIM”. You will be able to print the four page form that includes
the Information page, Participant form, the Sponsor form and the Clergy
form. All three of these forms are to be submitted together, with all the
required information completed.
Please submit the properly completed application via email at or mail to:
Mary Anders, Registrar, 1575 Simmons Drive, Clearwater, FL 33756 as soon as possible.
Sponsors: NOW is the time for you to get all this together and prayerfully submit your forms for
clergy review and forwarding.
Thank you,
Mary Anders, Registrar
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Cursillo Parish Life – Welcome to 2015!
A new yearMa time for fresh starts with resolutions and personal determination to set and reach
goals for making this year the best ever! As you greet these early days in 2015, perhaps an area
to consider is your Cursillo Parish Life. Take a few moments and read over your Rule of Life and
Grouping Card – the one that states ‘Christ Is Counting On You!’ Are there some areas that need
extra personal work and dedication?
Now, take those thoughts to the next level and see the needs within your parish that you, your
‘groupies’ and your parish Cursillo family can help remedy. Perhaps be part of a brainstorming effort with your clergy and vestry lay leaders to create a Parish Pastoral Plan which may include a
set of goals building on your Parish Cursillo Community foundation actively involved across many
parish ministries to build His Church. The Diocesan Cursillo Pastoral Plan is a good starting point
to see our Bishop’s vision for Cursillo within the diocese. Your parish rep should have a copy.
Next, find strength in sharing your apostolic actions with other parishes within your deanery or region. The Cursillo Movement actively encourages meeting in progressively larger groups and at
different churches for the expressed reason to hear each other’s apostolic successesMand failuresMon our Fourth Day journey so that we all may learn to see Christ at work within us, among
us, and for us as we celebrate His grace and glory and give Him honor for all we do.
Remember, for 2015, as it always and ever shall be, Christ is Counting On You!
Rick and Connie Barfield
Parish Rep Coordinators
DeColores Newsletter
January, 2015
Cursillo Secretariat
2014-2015 Contact List and Assignments
Voting Members & Assignments
Term Ends
Joyceanna JA Rautio – 4 Day Chair [12/14]
Cheri L. Moyers – Pre-Cursillo Chair [11/14]
Karen Jones – 3 Day Weekend Chair [12/14]
Mickey Vallejo - Hispanic/Latino Chair [8/14]
Ellen Seto – Music Chair [12/14]
John Goodhue– Communications Chair [11/14]
Ray Stoll – Member At Large [12/14]
Fr. John Hartnett – Co-Spiritual Director [4/12]
Fr. Michael Todd – Co-Spiritual Director [7/13]
Sharon Stoll – Secretary [6/12]
Pat Magnant – Treasurer [11/14]
Bev MacMahon – Lay Director [11/14]
Ex-Officio Members & Positions
Servant Community Contacts
Songbook & Music
Sherre Henley
Bette Armon
Registrar – English
Mary Anders
Registrar – Spanish
Mickey Vallejo (5/14)
Mike Magnant
Email Prayer Requests Bob Haeffner
Barbara Gingrich
Vacancy (12/14)
Jack Overton (2/14)
4 Day Gathering Assistant
Vacancy (11/14)
Parish Representatives
Rick & Connie Barfield (2/14)
Newsletter Editor
Sharon Stoll [11/14]
Book Table
Allie Maiocchi
Book Table Assistant
Mikki Muench
4 Day Gathering
2014-2015 Update: 12/13/2014; 12/16/14 by Keeper of the Contacts JOYceanna JA Rautio