The Rooster Review February 2015 Welcome the Babe Chicks of the 470th Women’s Cursillo: “Christ Strengthens Us” Name Tery Bickerstaff Nenit Boyle Carolyn Coleman-Hertless Marie Costanza Sue Grob Ceclia Hammerschmidt Pat Holtz Therese Johnson Abbey (Ortiz) Kenney Robin Kresge Suzanne Maerz Riley Morgan Janet Reiner Marjie Schwind Mary Worrell Parish St Michael Epiphany Epiphany Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Epiphany St Mary of the Annunciation Epiphany St John St Augustine St John the Evangelist St Mary's/ St Gabriel St Mary of the Annunciation St Paul St Mary of the Annunciation Good Samaritan Spiritual Direction Team Deacon Arthur and Kathy Mendez Dennis and Janet Hasenfus Team Members, Roles, & Talks: Candy Parker Robin Bandino Faith Grubbs Yvonne Pfluger Janet Potter Paula Flynn Pam Harris Eva Ortiz Carolyn Clarke Becky Scalone Luana Lambert Rectora Assistant Rectora/Laity Archangel/Study Head-Liturgy/Ideal TMAT/Christianity in Action Angel/ Leaders TMAT/Study of the Environ. Angel/Action Liturgy/Piety TMAT/Ultreya TMAT/Group Reunion Babe Chicks Chirp at Closing: How would you describe your Cursillo experience in one word? powerful, inspirational, love, unpredictable, awesome, soul-opening, amazing It was an awesome experience! I went to Reconciliation for the first time in 25 years. I have drunken the juice and my life has been changed forever. I felt the Holy Spirit the whole weekend! Cursillo is full of challenges and surprises. I got a new family this weekend! Something had been bothering me for years—after Reconciliation my soul was totally new again. The theme of this weekend was strength, so I found it! I have people that really love me. I don’t need to carry those rocks on my heart anymore. I had no idea I was truly loved. I learned that from these amazing women and these deacons. There aren’t words to express what these team members have meant. Such an expression of Christ’s love And our ever-present Host, the Holy Spirit! Rectora Candy Parker: “They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes a whole community to put on a Cursillo weekend…This is a permanent thing y’all! -1- “Repent Renew Rejoice” 472nd Men’s Cursillo February 19-22, 2014 Shalom House, Montpelier, VA Spiritual Direction Team Father Frank Wiggins Jane & Mike Walsh Team Roles and Talks: Rick Fleming - Rector Galen Potter – Assistant Rector – Christianity in Action Jim Hayes – Head Squire Bill Hayden – Shalom House Liaison; Liturgy – Study of the Environment Johne Bandino – Squire - Leaders Chris DiChristina – Head Liturgy – Group Reunion Carlos Ortiz – Squire - Piety Joe Strain – Tech Squire - Study Paul Attanasio – TMAT – Layperson in the Church Dave Biddulph – TMAT - Action Mike Mercadante – TMAT - Ultreya Glenn Pfluger III – TMAT - Ideal and our Ever-Present Host – The Holy Spirit! Weekend Details, Palanca Needs & Other Opportunities OPENING Location: Shalom House 15340 Robert Terrell Road, Montpelier, VA 23192 Date: Thursday, Feb. 19, 2014 Time: 7:45pm Please bring: Snacks, drinks, and palanca letters. Snacks & Drinks We will need snacks, nuts, fruit, granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter pretzel snacks, bananas, candy, and drinks including bottled water, soda, and ice tea. Palanca Letters Keep Cursillo alive by writing Palanca and doing the sacrifice. Letters may be given to any team member or sponsor by Wednesday, Feb. 18. Letters can be mailed no later then Ash Wednesday to Rick Fleming 10308 Ryecove Lane, N Chesterfield VA 23235. There will be a drop-off point at Shalom House Thurs., Feb. 19. Note to Sponsors Make sure to have candidates to Shalom House between 7:15-7:30pm on Thurs. Feb. 19. Bring a bottle of your candidate’s favorite nonalcoholic beverage and their favorite snack. Help your candidate to the registration area, be sure their balance for the Cursillo is paid in full, follow Squires to gathering area, and report to the sponsors’ room once dismissed by the Rector. Please call this number only in case of EMERGENCY: Jim Hayes 804-691-0416 Rick Fleming 804-356-6222 Meal Palanca Meals are provided by Shalom House, but they can use two kitchen helpers per meal. These Cursillistas will help in the kitchen before the meal and clean up after the meal. To volunteer, please contact: Mary Alexander, Director of Shalom House Phone: (804) 883-6149 Set-up/Clean-up for Closing Potluck Contact Person: Russ Wisler cell 804-883-0171 home 804-564-1902 E-mail: For closing and/or clean-up afterwards , set-up begins around 3 PM on Sunday, Feb. 22 CLOSING Location:St. Ann’s 105 S. Snead St., Ashland, VA 23005 Date: Sunday, Feb. 22, 2014 Gather by: 3:30pm Start time: 4:00 pm Please bring: a potluck dish to share. Flowers are always welcome. The Fishermen By Rob Grubbs If you had told me in time that our group was going to have to grow slowly 2005 that I would be and organically. Indeed, everyone liked the smallercoordinating Adult Men’s sized group better, as we were more tight-knit that Formation at St. Gabriel’s way. church, I would have said, “No, That was seven or eight years ago (I’ve lost not me. I’m just the saxophonist, count!). Our group now has 8-12 members on a good and happy to be just that.” night, with more than that on our ‘full roster’. It’s not Funny how Cursillo changes a pure Cursillo-fourth-day group reunion format, but things, right? it’s based on that. Not all of our members are I made my weekend in Cursillistas, but that’s great because the group can be a February of 2006, and of course realized the pipeline to bringing new people to Cursillo! We meet importance of being in a regular formation group in one day during the summer to decide what ground we order to maintain my spirituality. I was fortunate to be want to cover during the upcoming year and chart out invited to a group that met at St. John Neumann in our calendar for the upcoming months. The calendar Powhatan for breakfast on is a living document that changes Saturday mornings. Two of the frequently, which has been a “Jesus said to them, ‘Come babe chicks from my weekend running joke in the group. In after me, and I will make you were in that group, which made Fishermen, we’ve done almost a fishers of men.’” Mark 1:17 it very comfortable for me. I dozen book studies, watched a enjoyed the drive to Powhatan, handful of DVDs, and had a wide and I was home before any of the family related array of speakers, many of them ecumenical. We’ve activities had started. had retreat days, service projects, social getAs much as I enjoyed that group and learned togethers, and good old-fashioned group from them, I felt the need to bring this experience to discussion (which often digresses – oh, do we my home parish. I got my feet wet in formation work digress!) by leading a short book study on Spirituality at Work. We have evolved from a small, One of the other members of that group, a fellow plucky but faithful group into a closely Cursillista, agreed that we needed a permanent knit, supportive, highly spiritual and faithformation group at our church. We approached our filled unit. And no one benefits more from the pastor at the time, Fr. Pat Apuzzo, and told him about shared experiences, support, and wisdom our desire to have basically a men’s version of than I do! It just goes to show what ‘W.ING.S.’ (Women in God’s Spirit). He was very blessings you can receive if you trust in receptive to the idea, even telling us, “You’re both the the Lord, step out of your comfort zone, answer to our prayers!” I told him, “I’m not the and get in a formation group! answer to anyone’s prayers, Father. Just ask my wife.” If you’re a male without a Our group began meeting weekly that fall, formation group, just let me know! Tuesday evenings in the commons of our church. (My contact info is on the next page.) Or There were only four or six of us there, but we were just show up at 7:30pm on Tuesday in full of enthusiasm for our new endeavor. I know that the commons of St. Gabriel Church, the church envisioned 40 to 60 members, just like the 8901 Winterpock Rd., Chesterfield, VA women’s group, but we learned and accepted over 23832. Please e-mail any spiritual reflections, Scripture meditations, articles, book, music, or movie reviews, “God Moments,” prayer requests for the printed newsletter, or something brand new to Trisha Potter at or Rob Grubbs at The more people send in, the greater the variety and the number of writers included in each issue will be. De Colores, Dick & Jeannine Commander Annual Cursillo Method Training: Bring Your Evangelization to the Next Level The training will be conducted by a panel of three seasoned Cursillistas and will mirror the events of the weekend. 5 Quick Tips to Giving the Ultimate Ultreya Witness Talk 1. Keep it short. The witness talk should last 1015 minutes tops. There’s no need or enough time to give your life story or entire spiritual autobiography. 2. Keep it relevant. The purpose of the witness talk is to share about your 4th day. How has God been working in and/or through you to bring others closer to Christ? When? Saturday, March 21, 2015. We gather at 8:30AM and begin the program at 9AM. CVCC will provide coffee, drinks, and snacks. 3. Keep it real. The best ones are those that people can relate to and identify with. Tell how God’s been working in your life in seemingly ordinary ways. Where? Church of the Epiphany, 11000 Smoketree Drive, North Chesterfield, VA 23236 4. Keep on topic. Share how you have been inspired to grow in holiness, formation, and evangelization (piety, study, and apostolic action). Why? Cursillo is a method of evangelization and training provides you with the best tools to sponsor a candidate and/or to serve on a team. Ever since Cursillo was introduced to Central Virginia, it has been felt that in order to understand the Cursillo method some type of training was important. Experienced team members offer valuable insight during discussions, so even if you have already been on a team, you are welcome and encouraged to attend this session to become more knowledgeable in areas in which you want deeper understanding or additional instruction. Is this training a requirement to be on a team? No. Will taking this training get you on a team? Not necessarily, however, each rector(a)s is given a list of who has been to the training, and this has influenced their discernment of team selection in the past. 5. Keep it personal. Include specific examples from your life about how God’s drawing you closer to Him. Want to give a brief witness talk at an Ultreya? Please contact: Judy Goodman or Tom Herod (info in CVCC Members, page 7.) Please keep the following Cursillistas and families in your prayers: Kathy Cook, Pete & Joanne Goergen, Brenda Hartless, Pam Hunt, Larry and Arline Keefe, Demmie Murray, Jeff and Laura Stapleton, Katy Thompson, and those who are unemployed or underemployed, as well as all who are suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit. We pray for the peaceful repose of the souls of our loved ones: London Bailey, Agnes Conner (mother of Kathy Mendez), Dawn Chase Desmond (wife of Bill Desmond), Christeen DeBruyn (Mother of Teresa DeBruyn-Janosik), Bill Ellsworth (husband of Lois Ellsworth), Armand Gagne (husband of Maybelle Gagne), MaryAnn Losteter (Nancy Losteter's motherin-law), Eugene Robert Slominski (father of Roberta Martin), Marge Zawislak (mother of Deb Kotula), Ralph Mason, and for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones. 5 The Thirsting By Trisha Niermeyer Potter There was a free concert at St. Michael on January 19, 2015. I talked my husband Kevin into coming with me, and we’re both really glad that we went. Lead singer of the band The Thirsting Daniel Oberreuter was traveling through Richmond on the way to meet up with his Catholic band. The youth advocate at our parish, Mike Horvath, found this out and invited him to come speak to the middle Photo Credit: The Thirsting website school and high school youth. He not only did that, but he also played guitar and sang at all of the weekend Masses at St. Michael Church. The music was fantastic! “The Thirsting is what you’d get if you smashed together R.E.M., U2, and Green Day, and made them all Catholic,” Daniel Oberreuter said. The songs are all very faith-filled, often thought-provoking. The versions we heard were mellower than they would have been if the whole band had been there. Just he and his guitar made for a more intimate evening of music. Professional lights, sound gear, and obvious charm added to musical talent kicked things up a notch. I really enjoyed the concert. I like good music, thought-provoking lyrics, and people who are brave enough to go around the country/world sharing their talents as well as their Catholic faith. Daniel spoke about his wife and two young sons. Most of what he shared had to do with his personal relationship with Christ and the Blessed Mother, which was jumpstarted when he was sixteen and began praying the Rosary daily. Pretty soon, he found a quiet place to pray while his family was down watching Seinfeld on TV. It occurred to him that he probably wasn’t going to grow any closer to God by watching TV, but he could see how his relationship was already becoming more intimate as he meditated on the mysteries of the Rosary. Between songs, he shared stories about his life, faith journey, and struggles. He emphasized the importance of the Sacraments. One of my favorite songs that he wrote came to him when he was in front of the Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. He felt that Mary was inviting him to come hold Jesus which inspired him to write “Come Hold my Son,” a beautiful ballad from Our Mother Mary’s perspective as she was present with and for Jesus throughout his life, from conception to his death on the cross. This was one of the songs Daniel performed during Mass, so it already felt familiar. When speaking about the Rosary, Daniel took his out and showed it to us. He gave a deeply moving reflection on each of The Sorrowful Mysteries, each time ending with the question: “Is ten Hail Marys really enough?” His story about beginning to pray the Rosary daily at 16 reminded me of when I used to wake up extra early, before everyone else in the house to pray the Rosary each morning when I was in high school. It was very fruitful, amazing prayer time. Many of the insights I received into the mysteries of Christ’s life as well as the grace from those quiet moments of meditation at the start of the day are still with me. For more info about The Thirsting, check out their website at Serving at Shalom House Gives Cursillo Credit The CVCC in conjunction with Shalom House has developed a plan to help the Cursillo community earn financial credit toward the cost of our weekends. Mary Alexander can use kitchen helpers whenever she has retreats being held there. If anyone is able to volunteer as a kitchen helper on non-Cursillo retreats, Cursillo will receive a financial credit of $10 per hour per person. Volunteering takes 3-4 hours per meal. Please contact Mary if you can help. Mary Alexander, Director (804) 883-6149 MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL VA CURSILLO COORDINATING COMMITTEE… Co-Chairpersons Dick Commander 530-3546 (h) Jeannine Commander 839-3596 (c) Treasurer Deacon Bob Straub 732-5350 (h) PO Box 5560, Fort Lee, VA 23801 CVCC Spiritual Director Deacon Charles Williams 475-9743 Precursillo Coordinators Mike & Jane Walsh 932-4505 (h) Secretary/Reporter Brady Beveridge 674-1759 (h) Spiritual Director Coordinator Kathy Haut 4thDay-2nd Friday Judy Goodman 4thDay –4th Fri/Communications Tom Herod Group Reunion coordinator Cris Pond General Palanca Cathy Valle Babe Chick Survey Clay Beveridge Member at Large Mary Attanasio Member at Large Paul Attanasio Sub-ministry Coordinators Supplies/Shalom House Coordinator Robin and Johne Bandino Newsletter Co-Editor Trisha Potter Newsletter Co-Editor Rob Grubbs Newsletter Distributor Dan & Mary Martin Website Coordinator Jack Bruno 4th Day packets Kathy Cook Sacred Heart Motel Coordinator Scott Fisher Emmaus Liaison Janet Hasenfus Weekend Closing Coordinator Russ Wisler For change of address, to receive online, or to cancel, please call 804-530-3546. 276-7687 (h) 852-3220 (h) 530-3008 (h) 355-8310 (h) 794-4558 (h) 674-1759 (h) 739-8095 (h) 739-8095 (h) 908-3033 (h) 814-7582 (c) 370-8181 (h) 739-8095 (h) 757-869-6346(c) 270-2517 (h) 748-7083 (w) 790-1131 (h) 883-0171 (h) Upcoming Cursillo Weekends 2015 Women’s at Shalom House: May 28-31 Men’s at Sacred Heart: July 23-26 Women’s at Shalom House: October 8–11 2016 Men at Shalom House: February 18-21 Women at Shalom House: April 28-May 1 Men at Sacred Heart: July 29 – Aug 1 Women at Shalom House: October 27 – 30 Here’s the new Central Virginia Cursillo website: Please report any problems or suggestions to Dick Commander,, when using the website. It is still a work in progress. We’d love your help with the following: Auditing the books for the CVCC Volunteers to give Ultreya witness talks Donations to our scholarship fund Catholic Diocese of Richmond 7800 Carousel Lane Richmond, VA 23294-4201 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Richmond, Virginia Permit Number 321 UPCOMING ULTREYAS & EVENTS In 2015, Ultreyas will be held the 2nd and 4th Friday evenings of the month from 7:30-9:30pm. Come with friends & bring a snack! Feb. 13 – St. Mary’s Richmond Feb. 27 – Sacred Heart, Prince George March 13 – TBA March 21 – Sat. annual training March 27 – St. James, Hopewell April 10 – Cathedral, Richmond April 24 – Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, West Point Will you bless the Central Virginia Cursillo Center (CVCC) with your prayers and a financial gift? Yes, we’d like to make a contribution of: __$100__$75 __$50__$25 Other____ _____________________________________ Your Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ______________________________________ State Zip Code ______________________________________ Your e-mail address Many thanks! God bless you! Please return this form with a check made payable to “CVCC” then mail it to our treasurer: Deacon Bob Straub PO Box 5560, Fort Lee, VA 23801
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