10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Titel 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 1 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Titel to Remember Dates 16 January 2015 12 March 2015 Abstract Submission Deadline Notification of Abstract Acceptance 19 March 2015 20 May 2015 20 May 2015 Deadline for Early Registration Deadline for Standard Registration Deadline for Pre-Conference Courses and Meet the Experts Sessions Late registration fee applies after this date. 10 – 13 June 2015 Conference Dates 2 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Dates to Remember 2 Table of Contents 3 Conference Committees 4 Conference Organiser & Secretariat 5 Pre-Conference Courses 6 Meetings 7 Programme Content Description 8 Conference Programme Overview 9 Call for Abstracts 12 Information around the Conference 13 Transportation 15 Registration and Hotel Accommodation 16 ECFS Party 17 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 3 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Conference Committees CONFERENCE PRESIDENT Georges Casimir, BE CONFERENCE VICE-PRESIDENTS Mario Vaneechoutte, BE Ulrike Pypops, BE ECFS PRESIDENT Stuart Elborn, UK ECFS PRESIDENT ELECT Kris De Boeck, BE STEERING GROUP Stuart Elborn, UK Kris De Boeck, BE Georges Casimir, BE Mario Vaneechoutte, BE Ulrike Pypops, BE Miguel Cámara, UK Eitan Kerem, IL Su Madge, UK David Sheppard, UK SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Juerg Barben, CH Thomas Bjarnsholt, DK Mark Butler, UK Marc Chanson, CH Raphael Chiron, FR Gary Connett, UK Jane Davies, UK Isabelle de Monestrol, SE Elke De Wachter, BE Nico Derichs, DE Lieven Dupont, BE Carlos Farinha, PT Marita Gilljam, SE Gunnar C. Hansson, SE Dominic Hartl, DE Trudy Havermans, BE 4 Helge Hebestreit, DE Andreas Jung, CH Ferenc Karpati, SE Batsheva Kerem, IL Maya Kirszenbaum, FR Karsten Kötz, SE Uros Krivec, SI Philipp Latzin, CH Fred Lessire, BE Irene Maguire, IE Eshwar Mahenthiralingam, UK Luigi Maiuri, IT Marcus Mall, DE Anne Munck, FR Lutz Naehrlich, DE Helen Parrott, UK Nicolas Regamey, CH Kirsten Schaffer, IE Bob Scholte, NL Carsten Schwarz, DE Nick Simmonds, UK Kevin Southern, UK Giovanni Taccetti, IT Doris Thomsen, DK Harm Tiddens, NL Helen White, UK LOCAL LIAISON COMMITTEE Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Association J. Borlélaan 12 1160 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 675 57 69 Fax: +32 2 675 58 99 E-mail: info@muco.be www.muco.be WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Conference Organiser & Secretariat CONFERENCE ORGANISER European Cystic Fibrosis Society Kastanieparken 7 DK-7470 Karup J. Denmark Tel.: +45 8667 6260 Fax: +45 8667 6290 E-mail: info@ecfs.eu CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT ECFS 2015 Conference Secretariat c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Kurfürstendamm 71 D-10709 Berlin E-mail: ecfs2015@kit-group.org Fax: +49 30 24 603 200 Registration Tel: +49 30 24603 338 E-mail: ecfs2015@kit-group.org Hotel Accommodation Tel: +49 30 24603 336 E-mail: ecfs2015-hotel@kit-group.org Exhibition/Satellite Symposia/Sponsorship Tel: +49 30 24603 242 Exhibition Services/ESOS Tel.: +49 30 24603 337 E-mail: ecfs2015-sponsorship@kit-group.org WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 5 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Pre-Conference Courses QUALITY MANAGEMENT COURSE** NEW (Limited Seating) Tuesday 9 June – All Day CF COURSE** NEW (Limited Seating) Wednesday 10 June – All Day The course is intended for CF centre directors and coworkers with a special interest in quality management/quality improvement tools. This course is intended for early career medical and paramedical health care workers involved in CF care and /or CF research. • adult and pediatric physicians including doctors in training • nurses and nurse specialists • physiotherapists • dieticians • biomedical scientists • psychologists and social workers with background medical understanding PHYSIOTHERAPY SHORT COURSE & CASE PRESENTATIONS** Beyond the Lungs – Physiotherapy Management of Musculoskeletal Complications Tuesday 9 June & Wednesday 10 June – 1,5 Day This course is intended for physiotherapists, physical or respiratory therapists and rehabilitation specialists working with children and adults with cystic fibrosis with an interest in musculoskeletal management strategies. Pre-course requirements Training in medical or biomedical sciences. Basic knowledge on cystic fibrosis pathogenesis and clinical care is preferable. If needed an introduction to CF can be obtained via the following site http://www.cftr.info **Extra registration required 6 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Meetings TUESDAY 9 JUNE 2015 • ECFS Board Meeting* WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE 2015 • ACTIVATE CF Meeting* • CF Pharmacists Meeting • CFE/ECFS Joint Symposium • ECFS Annual General Meeting* • ECFS CTN Steering Committee Meeting* • ECFS CTN Training and Development* • ECFS Exercise Working Group Meeting* • ECFS Neonatal Screening Working Group Meeting • ECFS Patient Registry Executive Committee Meeting* • European Cystic Fibrosis Nutrition Group Meeting • European Psychosocial Special Interest Group (EPSIG) Meeting** • International Nurse Specialist Group/CF Meeting** • International Physiotherapy Group for Cystic Fibrosis (IPG/CF) Annual General Meeting* • Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (JCF) Editorial Board Meeting* FRIDAY 12 JUNE 2015 • CF Ageing Group Meeting • ECFS CTN Microbiology Group Meeting* • ECFS Diagnostic Network Working Group Meeting • ECFS Gene Modifier Working Group Meeting • ECFS Patient Registry Steering Group Meeting* SATURDAY 13 JUNE 2015 • ECFS Scientific Committee Meeting – Basel 2016* • Belgian - CFE Family Conference *Closed meeting ** Extra registration required The Meetings are subject to change. THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2015 • ECFS CTN Standardisation Committee* • ECFS Patient Registry Contributors Meeting • ECFS Patient Registry Data Quality Project Group Meeting • UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust Meeting* WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 7 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Programme Content Description PLENARY The Plenary sessions, lasting 90 minutes, comprise keynote lectures of experts in the field. SYMPOSIA The sessions, lasting 90 minutes, comprise 3 to 4 lectures by experts in the field covered by the symposium and specifically in the topic presented. Each presentation is followed by a discussion time when all attendees are invited to ask questions about/discuss the presentation. WORKSHOPS The sessions, lasting 90 minutes, comprise oral presentations of scientific work as outlined in the abstracts. The moderators of the workshop, experts in the field covered by the workshop, will introduce the different presentations and facilitate the discussion time when all attendees are invited to ask questions about/discuss the presentation. CASE PRESENTATIONS Informative cases related to diagnosis or management of CF will be presented and discussed. A panel of experts in the field facilitate the discussion and foster exchange of information or discuss treatment possibilities based on their expertise and knowledge of the latest scientific publications. INTERACTIVE CASE STUDIES The Interactive Case Studies session is an educational session using audience response system technology. This feature will allow the audience to answer questions asked by the presenter during the talk. Each interactive case presents an evolving patient history and a series of questions designed to test the diagnostic and/or therapeutic skills of the audience. Each presenter is asked to prepare a series of at least three questions and answers. The presenters will receive immediate feedback 8 on their questions and the audience’s treatment choices. The audience will also have the ability to compare their final scores with those of their peers. The interactive case study submission is open only to Fellows who are under the age of 40 as of 16/01/2015. MEET THE EXPERTS The Meet the Experts sessions are small interactive sessions led by experts to stimulate discussion, answer questions and offer advice. The format encourages a more personal approach to learning. Each of the expert sessions is limited to 40 participants, so book early to avoid disappointment! Thursday 11 June: 07:15-08:15 • Clinical practice guideline on exercise counseling • Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS) • Understanding the basic CF defect to design novel therapies Friday 12 June: 07:15-08:15 • CFTR gene sequencing pitfalls • Microbiome • Transplant ePOSTER SESSIONS These are moderated thematic sessions, during which ePosters will be presented on a 50-inch flat screen. GUIDED POSTER TOURS These one-hour tours are led by an expert in the field commenting on the posters displayed a the conference. CME CREDITS An application is being made for Continuing Medical Educational (CME) credits. The number of approved credits being offered will appear on the website and in the Final Programme. WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Conference Programme Overview A Number of workshops might be added after the Abstract review. The Conference Programme is subject to change. Wednesday 10 June 2015 MEETINGS 08:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:30 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 17:00 - 18:00 ECFS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 18:30 - 20:00 OPENING PLENARY 20:00 - 21:30 WELCOME RECEPTION WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 Poster Hanging 14:00 Exhibition & Posters 18:00 - 21:30 9 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Conference Programme Overview Thursday 11 June 2015 MEET THE EXPERTS Understanding Clinical practice Distal Intestinal 07:15 - 08:15 the basic CF guideline Obstruction defect to design on exercise Syndrome (DIOS) novel therapies counseling SYMPOSIUM 1 08:30 - 10:00 CFTR modulation in real life SYMPOSIUM 2 SYMPOSIUM 3 Best and future How to monitor CF lung disease practices in in infancy and CF infection early childhood? diagnostics SYMPOSIUM 7 Understanding 10:30 - 12:00 CF pathogen evolution and transmission using genomics SYMPOSIUM 6 Registry Deploying the present - Shaping the future SYMPOSIUM 9 SYMPOSIUM 10 SYMPOSIUM 11 SYMPOSIUM 12 Systemic inflammation outside of the lung Personalized monitoring and treatment of CF lung disease: Are we there? CF 2015 - Next generation phenotyping Bacterial clearance by CF macrophages Assessing and achieving the best possible nutritional outcomes WORKSHOP 4 WORKSHOP 5 WORKSHOP 6 Gastroenterology/ Nutrition/Liver/ Epidemiology/ Registry Metabolic Complications Basic Science SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 14:00 - 15:00 Posters for Discussion Guided Poster Tours ePoster Sessions WORKSHOP 1 WORKSHOP 2 WORKSHOP 3 Nursing/ Psychosocial Issues Clinical Trials/ New Therapies Exhibition & Posters 09:00 - 18:00 COFFEE BREAK 16:30 - 17:00 WORKSHOP 7 WORKSHOP 8 Immunology/ Pulmonology/ Inflammation 17:00 - 18:30 10 SYMPOSIUM 5 Building a bridge between Cystic Fibrosis international guidelines in CF Related Diabetes care and the CF clinical practice SYMPOSIUM 8 12:30 - 14:00 19:00 - 20:30 SYMPOSIUM 4 COFFEE BREAK 10:00 - 10:30 15:00 - 16:30 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOP 9 WORKSHOP 10 WORKSHOP 11 WORKSHOP 12 Microbiology/ Antibiotics Nursing/ Psychosocial Issues Physiotherapy Genetics/ Screening/ Diagnosis SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Conference Programme Overview Friday 12 June 2015 MEET THE EXPERTS 07:15 - 08:15 CFTR gene sequencing pitfalls Microbiome Transplant SYMPOSIUM 13 SYMPOSIUM 14 SYMPOSIUM 15 Electronic 08:30 - 10:00 Interactive case patient record: studies Access for the patient! 10:00 - 10:30 Education and teamwork Growing old with CF New approaches Living with CF: targeting the Day-to-day basic defect adjustment 12:30 - 14:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 14:00 - 15:00 Posters for Discussion Guided Poster Tours SYMPOSIUM 17 SYMPOSIUM 18 Interventions in gastroenterology and nutrition CFTR structure, Surviving CF trafficking and - Challenges interactors in the for the chase for new physiotherapist correctors SYMPOSIUM 22 SYMPOSIUM 23 SYMPOSIUM 24 Managing difficult pathogens: Case studies Mechanisms of Newborn Screening for CF early respiratory - The next stage mucus of the journey malfunction WORKSHOP 16 WORKSHOP 17 WORKSHOP 18 Immunology/ Pulmonology/ Inflammation Gastroenterology/ Nutrition/Liver/ Metabolic Complications Microbiology/ Antibiotics Basic Science WORKSHOP 23 WORKSHOP 24 16:30 - 17:00 Exhibition & Posters 09:00 - 18:00 ePoster Sessions WORKSHOP 13 WORKSHOP 14 WORKSHOP 15 15:00 - 16:30 Physiotherapy COFFEE BREAK WORKSHOP 19 WORKSHOP 20 WORKSHOP 21 17:00 - 18:30 SYMPOSIUM 16 COFFEE BREAK SYMPOSIUM 19 SYMPOSIUM 20 SYMPOSIUM 21 10:30 - 12:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM WORKSHOP 22 Nursing/Psychosocial Immunology/ Issues Complex Pulmonology/ Psychosocial/Nursing Inflammation Case Studies Late Breaking Science 19:00 - 20:30 Genetics/ Screening/ Diagnosis Saturday 13 June 2015 07:45 - 08:45 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIUM 25 SYMPOSIUM 26 SYMPOSIUM 27 09:00 - 10:30 Bad bugs new drugs 10:30 - 11:00 Managing exacerbations - Interactive debates Inflammation and lung remodeling, towards alternative therapeutic strategies SYMPOSIUM 28 SYMPOSIUM 29 Gut Inflammation Registry: Which and Gastrodata to enter oesophageal Reflux for optimizing Disease (GERD) surveillance? Exhibition & Posters 09:00 - 12:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 - 12:30 CLOSING PLENARY 12:30 - 13:00 CLOSING CEREMONY WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 11 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Call for Abstracts Abstract submissions for oral or poster presentation are encouraged particularly with relevance to the Programme Workshops. Abstracts can only be submitted via the Conference website where further instructions and details are included. The closing date for receipt of Abstracts is 16 January 2015. Details for the submission of case presentations are also available on the Conference website. ABSTRACTS CATEGORIES Abstracts must be submitted in English. Submissions from all fields of CF are welcome within the following categories: • Genetics • CFTR • Cell Biology/Pathophysiology/Model systems • New Therapies • Microbiology - Antibiotics (subcategory) - Pathogenesis (subcategory) - Diagnosis and Epidemiology (subcategory) • Immunology/Inflammation • Upper and Lower Airways • Physiotherapy • Gastroenterology/Liver • Complications of CF • Nutrition/Growth • Transition and Adult Issues • Nursing/Delivery of Care/Quality improvement • Psychosocial Issues • Epidemiology/Registry • Screening and Diagnosis ECFS TRAVEL GRANTS/YOUNG INVESTIGATORS AWARDS As part of the Registration process, European researchers under the age of 35 can apply as from 16 January 2015 for travel grants and/or Young Investigator Awards. Applicants must submit an abstract to the conference to be considered eligible, and must be registered for a PhD or Post-Graduate Degree, or graduated within 12 months from the application date. Applications must be sent by 6 February via the abstract submission link. More information can be found on: www.ecfs.eu/brussels2015/awards-travel-grants CASE PRESENTATIONS • Interactive Case Studies • Physiotherapy • Psychosocial and Nursing 12 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Information around the Conference CONFERENCE VENUE SQUARE - BRUSSELS MEETING CENTRE Rue Mont des Arts 1000 Brussels - Belgium www.squarebrussels.com BRUSSELS Airport (BRU), Brussels South CHARLEROI Airport (CRL), as well as the three main train stations provide connections throughout Europe and the world. Brussels is the thriving centre of Europe and SQUARE is right in the heart of it. The SQUARE Conference Centre is close to all of the historic city’s major attractions. The venue is located close to the Bruxelles Central/ Brussel Centraal train station (2 minutes walk). WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 13 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Information around the Conference ACCESS FACILITIES HOW TO GET TO BRUSSELS FROM THE AIRPORTS? The railway station within Brussels Airport is served by four hourly trains to Brussels from approximately 5.30 am till midnight. A one way ticket costs € 8,50. All trains stop at the three major stations in Brussels: Bruxelles-Nord/ Brussel-Noord, Bruxelles-Central/Brussel-Centraal and Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid, where connections with most domestic services are available. Brussels South Charleroi Airport is situated 50 minutes from Brussels city centre through a bus network (terminal at Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid train station). 14 BY CAR Brussels is at the heart of a modern motorway network linking France to the South, the Netherlands to the North and Germany & Luxembourg to the East. The Channel Tunnel linking to the UK is easily reached via northern France. • E19 motorway, southbound from Paris or northbound from Amsterdam through Rotterdam and Antwerp • A12 motorway, from Antwerp • E40 motorway, westbound from Ghent or eastbound from Germany through Cologne and Liège • E411 motorway, from the east of France through Metz and Luxembourg • E429 motorway, from Lille Upon arrival in Brussels, follow the direction Gare Centrale/Centraal Station. There are 660 parking spaces right underneath SQUARE – BRUSSELS MEETING CENTRE. You can get in via Place de la Justice-Gerechtsplein, and Stuiversstraat-rue des Sols, and then walk straight into the building. WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Transportation TRANSPORTATION SAVE UP TO 20% ON TRAVEL WITH THE STAR ALLIANCE NETWORK The Star Alliance™ member airlines are pleased to be appointed as the Official Airline Network for European Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2015. To obtain the Star Alliance Conventions Plus discounts please visit Conventions Plus online booking tool: www.staralliance.com/conventionsplus/delegates and enter the convention code: SN05S15 Registered participants plus one accompanying person travelling to the event can qualify for a discount of up to 20%, depending on fare and class of travel booked. Discounts are offered on most published business and economy class fares, excluding website/internet fares, senior and youth fares, group fares and Star Alliance Round the World fares. The following Star Alliance airlines are offering special discounts for travel to/from Japan: Special Offers for Japan are available from: Scandinavian Airlines, Turkish Airlines. To obtain these discounts for travel to/from Japan please contact the respective Star Alliance member airlines’ booking office. Contact details can be found on www.staralliance.com/conventionsplus/delegates/ under “Conventions Plus Booking Contacts”. Please quote the following Event code SN05S15 for ticket reservation. The participating airlines for this Event are: ANA, Adria Airways, Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, Asiana Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Avianca, Brussels Airlines, Copa Airlines, Croatia Airlines, EVA Airways, EgyptAir, Ethiopian Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, SWISS, Scandinavian Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, TAP Portugal, THAI, Turkish Airlines, United. WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 15 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Registration and Hotel Accommodation REGISTRATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATION All registrations and accommodation bookings must be submitted online through the Conference website at www.ecfs.eu/brussels2015. These services are available online from now on. All registration and hotel details, such as deadlines, terms and conditions, are also posted on the website. Until 19 March Until 20 May Medical/Scientific/Other ECFS Member Non-ECFS Member Registration and full Membership € 495 € 615 € 615 € 555 € 675 € 675 € 605 € 725 € 725 Allied Health Professional ECFS Member Non-ECFS Member Registration and full Membership € 270 € 390 € 390 € 330 € 450 € 450 € 380 € 500 € 500 Students Doctoral and PhD Students Registration and full Membership € 100 € 220 € 100 € 220 € 150 € 270 Meet the Experts Sessions* • All (except Students) • Students € 45 € 20 € 45 € 20 € 180 € 180 € 270 € 270 € 180 € 180 European Psychosocial Interest Group Meeting € 25 € 25 € 25 International Nurse Specialist Group/CF Meeting € 25 € 25 € 25 Pre-Conference Courses* Quality Management Course NEW (Limited Seating) Tuesday 9 June – One day course Physiotherapy Short Course 9 & 10 June 2015 – 1,5 day course CF Course NEW (Limited Seating) Wednesday 10 June – One day course From 21 May Pre-Conference Meetings - 10 June 2015 *Registration Deadline: 20 May 2015 The last day for pre-registrations is Monday 8 June 2015. After this date, registrations can only be made on-site. Delegates’ registration includes: admission to the Scientific Programme (including the Opening Plenary & Closing Ceremony), Admission to the Exhibition and Poster Areas and Conference Bag containing Programme and Abstract Book. 16 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 - BRUSSELS, BELGIUM ECFS Party Conference Party in La Tentation, Brussels Friday, 12 June 2015, 21:00 – 2:00 Located in the heart of Brussels, the building of La Tentation, which was originally a fabric store, was renovated and opened in 1997. Centro Galego de Bruxelas, the cultural centre that operates La Tentation, was originally created in order to develop and promote the Galician culture. Today La Tentation has emerged as an intergenerational place that welcomes all communities, generations and social classes and offers exchanges and meetings. Launched in 2012 in the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, the ECFS Conference Party has become a popular event to meet your friends and colleagues in an informal atmosphere on the last evening of the Conference. Enjoy live music, chat with old and new acquaintances and later on get on the dancefloor! Do not miss this unique opportunity and be sure to book your tickets when you register to the conference! Please note that some finger food will be offered but this is not replacing a dinner. Price € 35 / € 25 student price Tickets can be bought via the online registration system. WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015 17 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE Titel SAVE THE DATE 10 - 13 JUNE 2015 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 38th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE 18 WWW.ECFS.EU/BRUSSELS2015
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