JANUARY 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1502 E. Wallen Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 www.saintv.org This past weekend over 125 fellow parishioners attended a Reflection for Parish Ministry leaders and representatives, sponsored by the Stewardship committee and our Christian Servant Leadership groups in the parish. Charlie Hoover, from the Catherine of Sienna Institute, was the primary speaker for this event, ”Called to Love, Gifted to Serve”. He facilitated a beautiful blend of presentation, prayer and quiet time for reflection, and time for discussion among the participants as they look at our parish over the next year. There will be more events of this nature in the future, as the parish begins to ask ALL of its members: What are YOUR gifts? What are YOUR talents? How do you discern them and use them? Where might YOU be called to serve and love over the next year or two? 2 N E W S MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 19 & N O T E S The following are excerpts from a recent letter from Fr. Angelo Falzon, pastor of our sister parish in Honduras. Martin Luther King, Jr I went yesterday, at the Post Office and found nothing. However, do not worry, during the Christmas time, the post office is always delayed and it will come to normal with regard Heb 5:1-10 / Mk 2:18-22 to work up to February. Every year, the parish receives Tuesday, January 20 Christmas Cards in February. Your letter will reach us sooner *6:30 am Nondas Campbell or later, as always is the case, even late. When the parish 8:00 am Judy Keys Heb 6:10-20 / Mk 2:23-28 receives the letter, I will inform you straight away. Wednesday, January 21 At the moment it is very windy and going out is difficult, *6:30 am INT Yen Nguyen taking into account that the wind is always pushing you backwards when you are 8:00 am Ron Lapp trying to move forward. However, for us this is normal. Heb 7:1-3, 15-17 / Mk 3:1-6 Yesterday as I was in the capital city, I decided to put the satellite dish as I had it Thursday, January 22 some years ago for the internet. As I told you, the internet has gone down and I went *6:30 am Mary Scully to the central headquarters of the claro’s internet in the capital city and told them 8:00 am Winifred Methe that the locals (some students) are having problems with the internet. They told me All Mass in simple and plain language that the company has no intention of investing any Heb 7:25-8:6 / Mk 3:7-12 more money because the income from this area is very low and beside their priorities Friday, January 23 are elsewhere, seeing that there is no hope of improving the communication which is 8:00 am INT Deb Harmon a must, in our time, the parish decided to install the satellite dish. The parish had *5:30 pm Alvina Meyer this communication about 10 years ago, but then, the parish changed it for the Heb 8:6-13 / Mk 3:13-19 modem, which worked quite well, but since there is no good intention of fixing the Saturday, January 24 problem and getting better the communication, it is much more practice to return to 8:00 am Deceased Members of the old method. It is a sorry business to see things getting from bad to worst. Martin/Amick Families Thanks be to God, the parish is starting the usual work of the year, visiting Heb 9:2-3, 11-14 / Mk 3:20-21 villages, organizing courses, retreats, bible formation and meetings to see the Good 5:00 pm INT Bud & Jane Thiel Lord, being the center of our parishioners. Tomorrow, I will have the general meeting Sunday, January 25 with the catechists where the parish will give out the dates of my visits and start at 7:15 am Living & Deceased Members full scale my work. I am looking forward to this meeting, which I love most seeing all of Sydney Arnold Family my flock gathered for this meeting. 9:00 am Jeanne Neumann Since this year is dedicated for the priests and religious vocations, our priorities in 11:00 am Paul & Waneta Boedeker this parish is to step up evangelization and prayers to have more and more, 12:45 pm Richard McCalley vocations. Thanks be to God, up to now the parish has: 6:00 pm For the Parish - A seminarian in the third year of theology. (Life Teen Mass) - Another seminarian has gone in, last year. Jon 3:1-5, 10 / 1 Cor 7:29-31 / Mk 1:14-20 - 6 sisters with two different congregations. *Chapel - 4 young people with the ‘apostoles de la palabra’ The evangelization is to convince the people of the need of religious vocations and RCIA – also to give an impulse to the youth of the possibility to consider their calling to serve WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE MASS our good Lord. Hope that something will come out. Always wanted to know what kind of The good news are that the bishop has ordained three new priests and two deacons on the 30th December, so there is good number of priests who are coming things we teach in the RCIA? Please join our RCIA Catechumens, Candidates out of the seminary each year. Dear Dorothy, give my greetings to Fr. Daniel, Fr. Andrew and Fr. Polycarp. Also and Sponsors on Tuesday in the Church, as Fr. Andrew teaches "the Mass" -- step give my greetings to all the parishioners and you are always in our prayers. by step. No RSVP necessary - we will Angelo begin promptly at 7:00 pm. *6:30 am Walter Gratz 8:00 am Dennis Ricker PALM BRANCHES YOU DID IT FOR ME We will be burning palm branches blessed on Palm Sunday of last year. You may bring your blessed palm branches from home and place them in the basket located in the Gathering Space. The ashes from the burnt branches will be used at our Ash Wednesday services. The LAST day palms will be received is In the Central African Republic and South Sudan, people live through farming. Most of their food comes from what they can grow, and the crops which are not eaten are sold to bring income. But the recent violence in these African nations has prevented farmers from planting this year. In the face of a possible famine, CRS is working to prepare families for the difficult times ahead. Sunday February 15. 1502 E. Wallen Road • Fort Wayne, IN 46825• www.saintv.org C HURCH N EWS DO YOU NEED TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION? Young adults in high school and other adults who, for whatever reason have not been confirmed, please come to a brief orientation meeting to be held Sunday morning, February 1, at 10:15 am in the Parish Library or Sunday, February 15 at noon in the Parish Library. If possible, bring baptismal and First Communion information to that meeting, so that we may begin the Confirmation process. If you want to participate and cannot attend one of these two times, please call the church office at 489-3537 ext. 3 or email Dorothy Schuerman at dschuerman@saintv.org for further information. Classes will begin during the week of February 22 and the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on May 30 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne. 3 MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, January 19 1:15 pm Harvest House—Community Room A 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Parish Library 7:00 pm Third Option Training—Community Room A Tuesday, January 20 8:45 am Two-By-Two—Parish Library 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—”Teaching on the Mass”—Church 7:30 pm Respect Life Committee—Church Conf. Room Wednesday, January 21 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Life Center Conference Room/Café 6:00 pm Candle Ministry—Life Center Craft Room Thursday, January 22 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 6:30 pm Cub Scouts Pack 3009—Parish Hall 7:00 pm Baptism Prep I—Parish Library Saturday, January 24 7:30 am Knights of Columbus Blood Drive—Parish Hall 8:45 am Theology of the Body Retreat—Life Center 9:00 am NFP Class—Community Room A Sunday, January 25 8:00 am Knights of Columbus Breakfast—Parish Hall 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel PRO-LIFE LEGISLATIVE FORUM COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR NEEDED St. Vincent de Paul Parish is seeking a Communications Coordinator. Candidate must have excellent writing skills, a solid knowledge of the Catholic Faith and reasonable computer skills. Contact the parish office or send resume to resumes@saintv.org. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (East Room) Jan. 22, Feb. 12 Session II (Church Conference Room) Feb. 19 Our annual Legislative Action Forum is Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 am. This event is an opportunity for area pro-life voters to meet with Indiana lawmakers to discuss pro-life legislation. The Forum will be held at Concordia Theological Seminary, 6600 N. Clinton. Doors to Wyneken Hall, Room 8 will open at 8:30 am, and we will conclude by 10:30 am. Time will be scheduled for you to speak with your legislators before and after the panel discussion. To Register: Call 471-1849. Annulments “An explanation of what makes a marriage null and the annulment process.” Presentation by Rev. Mark Gurtner, J.C.L. Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Fort Wayne South Bend Pastor of Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church, Fort Wayne Adjunct Assistant Professional Specialist, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church 1502 E Wallen Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46825 For more information contact Julia Thill. (jthill@saintv.org / 260-489-3537 ext. 208) Y O U T H 4 M I N I S T R Y CHILDCARE MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, Jan. 18 Life Night - Would You Rather; 6pm Mass until 9pm @LC Wednesday, Jan. 21 Mini Hour - 7:30-9pm @LC Sunday, Jan. 25 Life Night - Movie Night 6pm Mass until 9pm @LC We are looking for ADULT, TEEN, and MIDDLE SCHOOL volunteers to staff childcare during Married Couple Date Nights the church will be hosting. These will take place on various Saturday evenings from 6:00-9:00 pm. We are looking for caring, fun and compassionate individuals to watch over infants and toddlers, and to engage in "kids night out" activities in the Parish Hall. Please consider discernment in this ministry to help serve our parish couples and children. Contact Liz Arnold to sign up or find out more information: earnold82@yahoo.com or 417-6186. Thank you! Life Teen Spring Semester: We’re beginning this new semester by focusing on Vocations. Every teen is invited to come check it out even if you’ve never come to anything before. We’d love to have you there - and it’s the perfect time to meet people and to join a small group. No registration is necessary - just join us for the 6:00 pm Mass or head over to the Life Center around 7:15 or so. Contact Sarah to have any of your questions answered! LIFE TEEN ON THE WEB: To stay current on what’s going on with Life Teen, especially when it gets to inclement weather, we will post notices on our FB page, our Twitter account, and our webpage: www.saintvym.weebly.com. So be sure to Like, Follow, or check us out. The Spring Retreat will be here soon, and forms will also be posted to the website like they were for the Fall Retreat, so now is a good time to bookmark it and check it out for a schedule of events and other info. FOOD PARENT TEAMS: It’s not too late! If you are still interested in helping support our teens by volunteering on a team of parents to provide food throughout the upcoming semester, email Sarah and we’ll get you on a team. Thanks so much! FACEBOOK.COM/SAINTVFORTWAYNE @SAINTVFW CORE TEAM: Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah or any of the Core for more information. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or Sarahhill@saintv.org. Coming up in Edge: January 26: The Wedding Feast February 9: Mardi Gras February 23: Two Become One Core Team: Have you felt God prompting you to serve His Church, but aren't sure how? Perhaps He has the Edge Core team in mind for you! If you are interested in learning more about the Edge Core team, please contact Lindsay Klinker (information below). For information about our EDGE Program, please contact Lindsay Klinker LindsayKlinker@saintv.org. SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS 5 Religious Ed News Grade 2 Parents Important First Reconciliation and First Communion parent meetings are coming up. Please plan to attend on either Wednesday, January 21 from 6:00—7:30 pm, or Sunday, January 25 from 4:00—5:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. Grade 7 Parents The Theology of the Body Retreat is Saturday, January 24 from 8:45 am—4:30 pm in the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center. If your child plans to attend and has not yet registered, please do so as soon as possible. Confirmation Sponsor Information Information was mailed to Confirmation sponsors this past week. If your child has not turned in their Confirmation Candidate Information Sheet, please do so ASAP. We are unable to contact their sponsor without it. It is important for the Confirmation sponsor to be informed in order to effectively walk this faith journey with your child. Important Sacrament Dates First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meetings (attend one) Wednesday January 21, 6:00 pm—Spiritual Center Sunday, January 25, 4:00 pm—Spiritual Center FIRST RECONCILIATION: (choose the date most convenient for your family) February 14 or February 21, 11:00 am—Church CONFIRMATION: Confirmation Practice (Sponsor & Student) Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 pm—Church Confirmation—Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 pm—Church FIRST COMMUNION: Retreat—Saturday, April 11, 7:45 am—noon – School First Communion - April 26, 12:45 Mass and May 3, 12:45 Mass (or by written request to Debbie Blackburn on the weekend of May 2/3) MARKET DAY—THANK YOU! With some last minute orders, we hit the $3,500 mark and the 15% rebate, and earned about $535. Thank you for your support! The Feb. sale gets you a $20 Shutterfly gift certificate with ANY purchase. Get a FREE package of cheese ravioli with a $90 purchase and FEBBONUS in the promo code box. Get FREE chocolate chunk cookie dough with the purchase of 3 boxes of any cookie dough. The frequent buyer is on again. Make two $40 purchases in Feb through April and get a set of collapsible storage baskets with a $40 purchase in May. Orders due February 6. Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. RE Calendar ALL FORT WAYNE AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ JR. HIGH DANCE Preschool St. Jude 8th Grade Class Presents an All Fort Wayne Area Catholic School’s Jr. High Dance on Saturday, January 31 in the Fort Wayne Holiday Inn Ballroom (across from the Coliseum) from 7:00—10:00 pm. $5 entrance fee at the door. Proceeds go to the St. Jude 8th Grade Class Trip. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Julie Getty at 414-8048 or email at julesk5@frontier.com. January 18 January 25 February 1 Preschool Preschool Preschool Sunday January 18 January 25 February 1 RE RE—First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting—4:00-5:30 pm—Spiritual Ctr RE—4th Grade Retreat—4:00-5:30 pm Spiritual Center Wednesday January 21 January 28 February 4 RE—First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting—6:00-7:30 pm—Spiritual Ctr RE RE—4th Grade Retreat—6:00—7:30 pm Spiritual Center CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP “Shoveling the driveway.” - Adam, Luke “Move the garbage can for my mom to back out the car.” - Alyssa “Doing the laundry for mom and dad.” - Evan M 6 I N I S T R Y L I F E THE THIRD OPTION ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Find hope, help and healing for your marriage by attending the Third Option – a skills-based group program that helps participants build stronger, more fulfilling marriages. Each 14-session cycle covers a comprehensive set of tools that couples can use to develop better levels of understanding, conflict-resolution, and trust while also learning more effective communication skills. Start any time in the cycle. Spouses may attend together or alone, and childcare will be provided. There is no fee to attend although donations will be accepted. Sessions are held on select Mondays from 7-9 pm, at Bishop Dwenger High School (enter at Door #1 – Main Office). Please contact us at 260.338.OPT3 or ThirdOptionFW@gmail.com or visit www.ThirdOptionFW.org for more information. This ministry is an outreach of the parishes of Our Lady of Good Hope, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Jude, and St. Vincent de Paul. Parishioners interested in volunteering for this ministry may also contact us for more information about upcoming training sessions. As we (Vincentians) reflect on 2014, the primary blessing that we see is the amazing continuing support of our parishioners. All we can say is THANK YOU and may God bless you always. St. Vincent de Paul Society January 19: February 2: February 16: March 2: March 16: March 23: April 13: April 27: May 4: May 18: Coping with Control Issues Listening Beyond the Words Appreciating Personality Differences Recognizing Childhood/Emotional Baggage Handling Anger Constructively Speaking the Truth in Love Learning to Fight Fair Breaking the Hurt Cycle Practicing Forgiveness and Repair Rebuilding Trust REKINDLE THE FIRE Meeting this Sunday, January 18, 7:00 pm, in the Parish Hall. Another great meeting is planned for tonight as the catechesis is on the subject of “Forming Intentional Disciples”. Attend the RTF meeting and share in what it means to be great Leaders, Friends, Husbands, Fathers and Sons - - - the Men God calls us to be. This will be done with Catechesis, Scripture Reflection, Man Time, Faith Share, Food/Drink & Fellowship. All men of the parish are welcome! LIGHT WEIGH ONE KING Would you like to eat your favorite foods while you learn how to lose weight? Light Weigh One King is a 12-week Bible study/ DVD series without weigh-ins that gets you healthy physically and spiritually. An orientation meeting will be held on Monday, January 19 and January 26 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Library. Light Weigh One King is a program chosen by Prevention magazine. The program is for men and women. For more information, contact June Carlston at gregandjune@frontier.com or 490-4508. LET’S CALL IT A DATE! Do you remember the last time you laughed with your spouse or talked about something other than your children or the list of duties immediately before you? Maybe you're in need of a DATE NIGHT! We're in the exciting stages of developing a new ministry for married couples and want to reach out to anyone who has ideas that could help us enrich the marriages of our parish. Interested in sharing with us? Contact Cindy Black cblack.926@gmail.com or 446.4665. HARVEST HOUSE—CARDS AND BOARD GAMES! Monday, January 19, 1:15 pm in the Spiritual Center. Bring a snack to share. (Weather permitting!) JESUS IS HERE IN THIS PLACE Too many distractions of our modern life distance us from God and His love. He loves us deeper than we could ever love and He longs for our return. Many of our parishioners have answered this call to grow closer to God, closer to their families and closer to their spiritual side. Won't you join them? The Christ Renews His Parish weekend offers you a rare opportunity to reflect on where you are now and where you are going in your relationship with God and others. Come, take time out of your busy life to meet with and get to know others in the parish. All men and women over age 21 are invited. Jesus is here in this place! Join us to come and see at a Christ Renews His Parish weekend of renewal at St. Vincent de Paul Church. Men’s Weekend: Feb. 28-March 1, 2015 (Contact T.J. Charland @ tjchar88@aol.com or 443-3571) Women's Weekend: March 14-15, 2015 (Contact Mandy Keller @ mschloemer@gmail.com or 567-224-0487) “I felt like I was in a God bubble that could not be punctured!” - Maria Branning “My CRHP weekend quite literally changed my view of church. The parish became my second family. What was otherwise a large church became a cozy church family.” - Ryan Houser “The weekend for me was a much needed boost to strengthen my faith and my relationship with God. It put many things back in perspective. The weekend was a time to meet new friends and bond with other women as well as enjoy a whole lot of good food!" –Anonymous FACILITATOR OPENING FOR CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH We will be discerning individuals or a husband/wife team for a 3-year commitment to the Committee’s service position of Weekend Facilitator. If you are a registered parishioner, in good standing with the Catholic Church, have been on a past Christ Renews team and feel called to serve in this ministry, please send a letter to the Church Office, Attention: Julia Thill, answering the following questions: How did you hear this call? What is your previous team experience and ministry? How do you feel you could best serve the committee, teams and invitees? For more information regarding this ministry, contact Julia Thill at 489-3537 ext. 208. UPCOMING EVENTS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: BLOOD DRIVE—JANUARY 24 Knights of Columbus blood drive Saturday, January 24 in the Parish Hall. Give the gift of life. Contact Jeff Schafer at 489-1965 or Ed Koehl at 338-0743 for an appointment time. PANCAKE BREAKFAST—COME SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL—JANUARY 25 Please join us for a pancake breakfast on Sunday January 25 from 8:00 am— noon in the Parish Hall. The Knights of Columbus are preparing a full breakfast including Pancakes, Eggs, Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage as well as Fresh Fruit, Yogurt, Cereal and Fresh Baked Cinnamon Rolls. There is a free-will donation to enjoy this delicious breakfast and all proceeds will go to benefit our parish grade school. Hope to see you there! YOUTH FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP—JANUARY 25 All boys and girls ages 9—14 years of age are invited to participate in the local level of competition for the 2015 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held January 25 at the St. Vincent de Paul Gym (Door 6). The K. of C. Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district, and state competitions. International champions are announced by the K. of C. International Headquarters based on scores from the state level competition. Last year, more than 120,000 sharpshooters participated in over 3,600 local competitions. All contestants at the local level will be recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For entry forms or additional information, contact Bruce Cadwell at (260) 484-0078. The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization with over 1.8 million members in 15,000 local councils. Last year, Knights donated over 70 million volunteer hours and $167.5 million to charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their church, councils, communities, culture of life, families, and youth. 6TH ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER FOR PARISH SEMINARIANS—JANUARY 31 Please join us Saturday, January 31 for our 6th annual spaghetti dinner to support our parish seminarians. Doors will be open from 4:00-7:30 pm. Cost is $8 per adult and $4 per child (ages 6-12). Ages 5 and under eat free! Wine will be available by the glass. Menu will include spaghetti marinara w/meatballs, spaghetti carbonara, italian house salad, fresh baked bread, dessert & beverage. Proceeds will go directly to our parish seminarians. 7 7 STEPS TO BECOMING FINANCIALLY FREE: A CATHOLIC GUIDE TO MANAGING YOUR MONEY New Session Starting this February!!! Have you ever wondered How to be the BEST Christian steward of your resources that you can be? 7 Steps is a study group series that focuses on what it REALLY means to be a Christian steward. Getting out of debt, preparing for retirement, paying for Catholic education or college tuition and much more will be covered – all while growing closer to God and improving family relationships! Whether you are single or married, just starting out or having worked at it awhile, this study is for you! St. Vincent’s is offering this study on Tuesdays each week, beginning with orientation on February 3 in the Parish Library from 7:00—8:30 pm. Call the Church office at 489-3537 or email dschuerman@saintv.org to register. Cost for the book and workbooks are $29.95 per person or $46.95 per couple. Please know that no one will be turned away because of inability to pay. 8 MINISTRY SCHEDULE 9 PARISH STAFF BULLETIN DEADLINE Pastor.......................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar........................................ Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar...................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon ............................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate .................................... Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate .................................................... Julia Thill Business Administrator................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ................................................ Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .............................. Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ........................... Debbie Blackburn Director of Music ............................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ............................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director.......................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director.................................................. Lindsay Klinker Parish Secretary .............................................. Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ...............................................Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ................................................. Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson...................... Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper ………………………… ..... Corrine Boyer Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am. TELEPHONES Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M - F ......... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ...................................................................... 497-9405 E-Mail ................................................................. church@saintv.org Religious Education Office .................................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office .......................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ................................................................ ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .................................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy ............................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge..................................................................... 489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie............................................................ 755-0816 Mary ............................................................. 483-4369 Jan 24, 8 AM Jan 24, 5:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation—Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism—Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony—Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls—Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ......................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof................. (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan ................................... ext. 214 School Kitchen ................................................................... ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ......................................... ext. 212 NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE— We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office. Jan 25, 7:15 AM Jan 25, 9:00 AM Jan 25, 11:00 AM Jan 25, 12:45 PM Bair, Mary Jo Reuille, Melissa Magda, Julius Magda, Mary Anne Borros, Marge Walsh, Laurel Quillin, Mary Veldman, Melissa Collins, Mary Linder, Shannon Dykhuizen, Dennis Klinker, Craig Meehan, Michael Thompson, Bradley Moran, David Myers, Mark Weaver, Gary Loftus, Robert Ohlman, Mary Ohlman, Raymond Schmidt, Mark Watercutter, Roger Mugambi, Jospeter Parent, Edmond Rosswurm, David Watercutter, David Becker, Benjamin Becker, John Helbing, Timothy Thelen, Randy Anthony, Isabel Mericle, Sammi Van Daele, Alexis Yolevich, Rose Baumgartner, Frank Garcia, Justin Simcox, Max Simcox, Mary A'Hearn, Alec Lapp, Christian Sorg, Grant Wilder, Noah Bowman, Christian Fean, Mary Noll, Braeden Yanko, Vincent Leach, Marcus Nguyen, Andrew Schreck, Benjamin Wright, Olivia Lead Server Yolevich, Sam Manning, Michael Falater, Nathanael Beeber, Jack Stroud, Colin Lector Meehan, Mary (1) Kalb, Mary (2) Fech, Dennis (1) Schuerman, Thomas (2) Falater, David (1) Cross, Warren (2) Noll, Kevin (1) Stroud, Marianne (2) Dumford, Amy (1) Von Rohr, Robert (2) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Becker, Judy Bezdon, Dianne Chickowski, James E. Fox, Kevin Kawka, Chuck Kerlin, Patricia Lallow, David E Lawrence, Joan Lybrook, Stephen Lytton, Keith Manning, Lisa Piropato, Len Springer, Peggy Van Daele, Shelly Berkshire, Mary-Captain DeCook, Gordon DeCook, Cynthia Dewald, Joseph Frane, Bradley Frane, Kristen Garcia, Laura Jones, Thomas Racine, Mary Schuerman, Dorothy Williamson-Falbe, Jean Stark, Patricia-Captain A'Hearn, Melissa A'Hearn, Chad Baird, Esther Casiano, Lori Gensheimer, Robert Knepper, Joe Lake, Amber Ort, Ed Patterson, Jean Pequignot, Robert Roy, Dan Schafer, Mary Tauzin, Andrew Waldschmidt, Edward Motz, Suzon-Captain Burns, Keith Burns, Sheila Clark, Todd Clark, Jodi DiRenzo, Sara Dougherty, Kathleen Dusseau, June Fean, Thomas Kuehn, Ramona Minnich, John Sandor, Jane Smith, Darryl Trout, Mark Vickery, Nancy Noll, Rhonda-Captain Burns, Joyce Cook, Scott Fisher, Elise Fulk, Maureen Roher, Rachel Scagnoli, Albert McLeish, Scott-Captain Lallow, David E Richardson, Barbara Sorg, Kevin Smith, Darryl Osborn, Mary B Greeter Usher Server Sacristan Meyer, Nick Weber, Amanda Schafer, Mary To volunteer for an open position, request a sub, or update your profile visit www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/SaintV or if you're viewing this online, click HERE
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