Volume 01/15 Ascension & Holy Trinity, Episcopal Church 334 Burns Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45215 January 2015 Mission: Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church lives to put God's love into action! WORSHIP SCHEDULE - 8:00am & 10am in the Church Children's Formation at 10am. Child care in the Nursery. On Wednesdays Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10am (in the Memorial Chapel of Ascension & Holy Trinity) Contact the church: (513) 821-5341 | aht@eos.net “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK! Rev. Eric’s Blog: http://ascensionholytrinity.com/blog/ WWW.ASCENSIONHOLYTRINITY.COM A&HT WYOMING PRESCHOOL: 2YRS – PRE-K wyomingpreschool@gmail.com More information under A&HT Wyoming Preschool tab on A&HT website. The Vision of Ascension & Holy Trinity: A vital and growing faith community, with overflowing worship services and Christian growth opportunities. A church with compassion-centered ministries through which all find a place and take God's love into the world. JANUARY CONNECTIONS C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 2 V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 News from the Pews 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Glenn Schaaf George Johnson Bria Bachman Brenda Meranda Claire Miller Tom Ackerman Elizabeth Graham Tim O’Neill 16. Sally Putnam 17. Matt Barnes Alan Gast Oliver Madison 18. Maurice Bason 19. Peter Mason Dick Thomas 20. Erin Esposito 23. Sue Gorman 24. Thomas Davis 25. Richard Hopple 26. John Fitzwater 28. Jim Gieringer Katie Purdy Elyse Walters 29. Robert Gómez 31. David Voige Welcome! Nicholas Lang 1065 Greenville Ave., 45246 1. Larry & Wendy McLean 28. Bob & Wendy Allan This month’s Meeting 7:30am ~ Friday, January 16th At Frisch’s 8383 Vine St., Hartwell location. For current calendar of events, please go to the church website: www.ascensionholytrinity.com And click on the ‘Happenings’ tab. V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 3 RECTOR’S REFLECTIONS First, remember with me that the season of Christmas is twelve days. Our Christmas joy need not end after our gifts are unwrapped on December 25th. Even more importantly, we are to hold the love and joy of Jesus in our hearts all year round, not simply during December 24th and 25th or the twelve days of Christmas. Ok, so we are at the start of a new secular year with January 1st. We’ve enjoyed a nice New Year’s Eve with friends and family, and now we are pondering what “resolutions” we are to have in 2015. Generally speaking my new year’s resolutions have been directed inward. For example, many of us resolve to shed a few unwanted pounds nearly every new year. There are all sorts of self-serving resolutions, many of which are quite worthy of our time and attention to better ourselves. But, what about looking beyond ourselves? Recently, I read the Forward Movement pamphlet, “Seeing Christ In Our Guests: A Guide to Church Hospitality” by David P. Seifert. This pamphlet can be read very quickly, or it can be read over a bit slower as one thinks about their responses to important questions. The pamphlet begins by quoting St. Benedict, a monk from Italy some sixteen hundred years ago quoting, “Let all guests who come be received as Christ.” This pamphlet goes on to explain that hospitality for Christians isn’t about gaining more people in the pews, but rather, we are to be hospitable people because God calls us to be hospitable. Luke 14:12-14 reminds us, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But…invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.” Our God is a God of hospitality, and we are called to be hospitable. Ascension & Holy Trinity does a beautiful job of welcoming guests in God’s spiritual home at 334 Burns Avenue, and we can (Continued on page 4) PA GE 4 C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 always do better. To that end, I think it would be wonderful of us to take some time to look at what we do and how we can “see Christ in our guests” in an even deeper more intentional manner. I am working with our Welcoming Team on when might be a good time for the Welcoming Team to host a few meetings with those interested in learning more about how we see God in our guests. I encourage you to look in your Sunday bulletins for more information. New Year’s Resolutions can be quite helpful. There isn’t a thing wrong with trying to better ourselves, but as a Christian community we get to look beyond ourselves. Maybe part of our resolve for 2015 can be to more intentionally see Christ in our guests and all whom we encounter ! In God’s Grace, Eric L. Miller+ Rector ANNUAL REPORT Contributions for the annual report are requested in electronic form to the Parish Office by Wednesday, January 14th Thanks! V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 5 A&HT Annual Meeting Sunday, January 25th In the Parish Hall After the 10am service The Nomination Committee has prepared a full slate of candidates for the open positions: Vestry positions open for Nomination: 1 year term: Senior Warden—Bill Kent (3rd term) 1 year term: Junior Warden—Brandon Cordes (2nd term) 3 year term: 3 Vestry member at large seats - Patsy David & John Fitzwater (2nd terms) and Jim Stegman 2 year term: 1 Vestry member at large seat - Mary Melville (fulfilling unexpired term of Tom Purdy) According to A&HT By-Laws... ...The Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, and the Members-atLarge shall be communicants in good standing of the Parish. Each Warden and at least a majority of the Members-at-Large shall be not less than twenty-one years of age at the time of his or her election. ...Nominations of additional candidates for each office may be made by a writing signed by not less than five members of the Parish, such writing to be submitted to the Rector, the Senior Warden, and the Vestry Secretary not less than fourteen days prior to said Meeting. No nominations of candidates for any office shall be made at said Meeting. Deadline for such nominations would be Sunday, January 18th 2011 To put your name forward or to nominate someone from within the parish please send contact information to the parish office: aht@eos.net | 821-5341 The 2015 Nominating committee "made up of those whose terms are expiring” - Bill Kent, Brandon Cordes, Gail Bason, Patsy Davis, and John Fitzwater. PA GE 6 C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 This past November, our preschool celebrated Thanksgiving with a feast. Over 160 people attended the gathering to enjoy the preschool pals performance and eat some deliciously prepared homemade treats. There were lots of positive comments about the beauty of the church sanctuary and about how nice it was to use the updated Parish Hall. We also collected over 140 items of non-pershible food that was donated to Valley Food and Clothing. It was truly a November full of blessings for your preschool! V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 7 PA GE 8 C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 TAKING GOD’S LOVE INTO THE WORLD BY HELPING OUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED A new era of HONIN begins this month with the retirement of Noel Horne as chairman after his wonderful service of fifteen years. Noel wants to spend more time in Hilton Head, avoiding snow shoveling. He will be hard to replace. Don Schmidt and Dee Damico have agreed to be the new co-chairs. Don brings many talents to HONIN with his background as Superintendant of Finneytown schools and his organization of the Bible study programs that he has chaired. Dee Damico has been involved with many of the various HONIN projects such as IHN, Valley Interfaith, Homework Club, the Community Dinners and several mission trips. We want to urge the parish members to keep us informed of any projects that are of interest to them so that we can help in some way if possible. COMMUNITY DINNER TUESDAY JANUARY 13, 2015 Our Community Dinner for January 13 will be beef stew with noodles, carrots, corn bread, yeast rolls and fresh fruit. We will need beef stew meat, carrots and corn bread. St Simon's will furnish the fruit. If you can bake a 14 x 9 inch pan of cornbread on Tuesday and have it over to A&HT by 4:30, I would be very grateful. Please tell me if you plan to do this. We could also use donations of beef stew and carrots by Monday, Jan. 12. Can you help prepare the dinner, transport to St. Simon of Cyrene in Lincoln Heights and/or serve the meal? As always, cash donations are appreciated. Thanks for all your help. Dee Damico [dddamico@aol.com] C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 PA GE 9 PRAYER CONCERNS: Ronald Vanoss, Dan Albright, Julie Stegman, Nancy Shaw, Richard Cotterill, Sue Gorman, George Thiemann, Richard Strange, Jerry Hanson, Jeff Moore, Grigg Fountain, Ellianna Ludka, Eloise Roberts, Noland Aidan Haeger, Jennifer Blevins, Nick, Trey Baker, Doris Shaneor, Sallie, Nancy Hobson & Family, Roger Scroggin, Jerry & Judie Hanson, Norann Amos, Dan Dace, Dona Turpin, Becky Bond, Madalyn Humphrey, Teresa Walters, Alan Fischoff & family, Jim & Nancy McCue, Carolyn Whittle, Craig Cluxton, Jay Anstoy, Eric Tisdale & Family, Joyce, Marlys Rutledge, Bev Cody, Colin Crane, Malik David Strange, The Moore Family, Jim Rembold, Jan Place, Doug Parrish, Galen Graham, Loree Walmsley, Greg Riesenberg, Glenn Riesenberg, Paul L. Miller, Richard Boenning, Sam Voige. PRAYER LIST—Please call the Parish Office to add, remove or update a name. Names remain on the list for three months. Prayers are offered verbally during Sunday services for those added within the last month, and for all on the list at staff Morning Prayer and Wednesday Eucharist. The Lectionary for January: Year B January 4—2nd Sunday after Christmas Day Jeremiah 31:7-14 Psalm 84 Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-19a Luke/Matthew - TBD January 18 1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20) Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 John 1:43-51 January 11—1st after the Epiphany: the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ Genesis 1:1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 January 25 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62: 6-14 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31 Mark 1:14-20 February 1 Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 [Day Old Testament reading Psalm Epistle Gospel] PA GE 1 0 C O NNE C T I O NS V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY All our regular programs will continue during this month Card Ministry Please contact Betsy Cooper at betsycooper@fuse.net or the church office if you or anyone you know would appreciate a message from their church family for any reason. Meditation Groups Each Tuesday evening from 7-8pm and each Wednesday from 9 -10am, groups meet to listen to meditations on cd's conducted by professionals. These are very informal groups and all are welcome. For more information please contact Maurice Bason at mbason@fuse.net or Terry Kessler at TCK318@aol,com. MELP - Medical Equipment Lending Program We have a variety of medical equipment available for short term loan. Please call the office to arrange pick up. Items include, walkers, shower stools, commodes, light weight wheelchair, etc. PHM Libraries Don't forget we have small libraries in the Parish Health Room of books on health topics and cd's of both fiction and non fiction for travel or home listening. Feel free to check them out for a short while. Looking ahead We are pleased to announce two new programs (see facing page) starting the first week of January which will help us to continue to work on integrating our mind, body and spirit into an holistic whole. Your Parish Health Team wishes you and your Loved Ones a happy and healthy 2015. We encourage you to take time to slow down and take stress out of your lives wherever possible. V O LU M E 0 1 /1 5 C O NNE C T I O NS PA GE 1 1 YOGA AS A SACRED PRACTICE Meet 9:30am Tuesdays in the Parish Hall for this unique Yoga practice that focuses on the “letting go” within the mind body of tensions inhibiting our natural unfolding into Grace. The simplicity of being in tuned and well balanced in body mind spirit encourages a daily routine which will create a resilient vessel opened and receiving the gifts of grace. Breath and yoga movements (asanas) together create a simple way to relax, energize and feel the healthful benefits this system offers the practitioner. Peaceful calm balanced with an abundant of vibrant energy is an attainable goal. Yoga is a valuable tool in honoring the sacred in our lives. Diana Guy has been practicing and teaching Yoga and Meditation over 40 years in Cincinnati and nationally. She has conducted workshops focused on Yoga as a path to deepen prayer and meditation for various religious affiliations at retreat centers throughout the country. Diana has created healing Yoga programs for Cancer patients, drug/ alcohol rehab, corporate settings i.e. P&G in Cincinnati. She currently conducts private yoga and meditation sessions and classes throughout greater Cincinnati area. $12 per session or $10 if paid monthly in advance. **************************************************** ZHINENG QIGONG Starting Thursday, January 8th, we will be hosting a weekly practice in the Assembly room from 10 – 11 am. Open to everyone, Zhineng Qigong is a gentle daily practice that uses slow flowing movements, meditation and visualizations to nurture good health and facilitate natural healing. Qigong is based on the Chinese philosophy that our bodies contain an energy system that streams through our membranes in pathways or meridians delivering vital life energy or Qi, (pronounced Chee) to every cell, muscle, organ and bodily system within us. When these pathways are disrupted, blocked by emotional, physical, mental stressors, or toxins, a person becomes susceptible to disease. By drawing Qi from nature into our bodies while we practice, Zhineng Qigong clears blockages from energy pathways allowing us to rebalance and restore good health. Zhineng Qigong is for everyone who chooses to improve and sustain their mental and physical well-being. ZQ has been shown to reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, strengthen the body, stimulate the immune system, increase blood circulation and cardiovascular fitness, improve mental clarity and relieve insomnia. This practice is free, suitable for all fitness levels and open to all. ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 334 Burns Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45215
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