The Messenger - Central Lutheran Church

The Messenger
Central Lutheran Church
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
907/ 277-1622 phone,
907/ 272-6235 fax
Interim Pastor
Rev. Dr. Judith T. Wozniak
Synodically Authorized Minister
Sandy Mjolsnes
Office Manager
Kathy Freeman
Financial & Membership Secretary
Worship & Study
Sundays worship at 9:30 am
Sunday School & Adult Ed 10:45 am
Tuesdays early bird study 6:30 am
Wednesdays Bible study Noon
Thursday evening worship at 7 pm
Jean Boecker
Kathy Dale
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday 1/25 11:45 am
with lunch provided
Find our congregation on
Lutheran Winter Camp retreat weekend
January 30 - February 1
@ Victory Bible Camp
A Very Happy New Year
to my dear partners in ministry!
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage AK 99501
Dear family in Christ,
2014 will go into the Central archives as a pivotal
year of transition for Central Lutheran Church.
Who would have known that God would bless me
with the opportunity to spend yet another
Christmas and New Year’s with you?
The state of the world might make some people
question the power of prayer. Why pray for peace
when it seems the world is falling apart? I
remember how Ellen DeGeneres closes her show
each day: BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER. Imagine
what a difference it would make if just half the
world took that to heart!
It is a Jewish custom to dig deeply inside oneself
and reflect on your actions during the past year.
The holy day of Yom Kippur is a Day of Atonement,
a day to confront your failings and consider what
you might have done better. But you don’t stay
there! God’s grace falls abundantly on all His
people. It’s there for the taking. The Jewish New
Year is a day of great celebration, a day to thank
God for all He has done for us and a day to make a
resolution to make the New Year even better than
the last.
I suspect that 2015 will be a year of surprises,
excitement, and joy for Central Lutheran Church.
May God continue to pour out His grace on us! And
don’t forget to forgive yourselves!
As we enter 2015, Central’s call committee is
preparing to interview pastoral candidates. Eight
youth (Braden, Brogan, Christian, Juliana, Katrina,
Madeline, Molly, Sam) are getting excited about
joining thousands of teenagers in Detroit at the
ELCA Youth Gathering. Imagine being with so
many others who share your grace-centered faith
in a loving and forgiving God! It is an awesome
experience, a memory to treasure for a lifetime.
In God’s love,
Pastor Judy Wozniak
Children’s Corner ‒ by Pastor Judy
Dear girls and boys,
Maybe your presents are unwrapped. Maybe you
are tired of the gifts you received for Christmas.
But do you know that the Christmas season
As I reflect on 2014, I am thankful for all of you
officially lasts until January 6, the Feast of the
who make this mission base a place where God’s
Epiphany? It makes sense, doesn’t it? That we
grace is present in Word and deed. It is a church
should exchange gifts on the day that the wise men,
that cares about those less fortunate than we, a
or magi, gave gifts to the baby Jesus? The
place where members truly care about one
Christmas song, The 12 Days of Christmas,
another, who respect the hard work of the Alaska
describes a season that lasts from Christmas to
synod and of the ELCA, and who seem to remember Epiphany. An epiphany is a big aha moment in
all their pastors with kindness and admiration. I
your life. It’s like when you get a bright idea in
pray that God will continue to instill that spirit in
your head, or when you finally understand what
this place.
your teacher or your pastor was trying to say to
you. An epiphany is also the day you make your
I thank you for all your gifts, good wishes, and
first public appearance. The church celebrates
especially your presence at worship and Bible
January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, as the day
Studies. I am in awe of your enthusiasm for
when Jesus made his first public debut.
learning more about your faith. I hope it wears off I hope your 2015 is wonderful!
on the children!
With love, Pastor Judy
Bible Corner ‒ by Pastor Judy
Can you keep them all straight in your head? Our
Tuesday morning Bible Study often is a lesson in
linguistics, as we attempt to pronounce the ancient
Hebrew names of people and places. Hezekiah,
Jeroboam, Joash, Solomon, David,
Nebedchadnezzar, Athalia, Jezebel, Joshua…..whew!
Can you remember the bad kings from the good
Adult Education Class with Pastor Judy
Pastor Judy will lead a course in Lutheran Basics,
including ELCA Social Statements, and invites all
adults and confirmation students to join her for the
series each Sunday, 10:45 am in the Community
Not very many of us can. Don’t let the details get in
the way of the big picture. God showers his grace
on His people and He is patient, very patient, up to
a point. The big sin that really gets God angry in
the Old Testament is disloyalty. He easily forgives
the so-called social sins that we Americans have
trouble forgiving. He cannot look the other way
forever when people turn to false idols.
In the weeks following Epiphany, we will worship
midweek on Thursday evenings, sharing Holden
Evening Prayer at 7 pm on first, third, and fifth
Thursdays, and Holden Prayer Around the Cross on
second and fourth Thursdays.
Midweek Worship
‒ Sandy Mjolsnes, Synodically Authorized Minister
During Lent, we will return to midweek worship
on Wednesday evenings (February 25 - March 25),
sharing a service at 7 pm following our traditional
We are nearing the end of our study of 1 and 2
soup suppers at 5:30 pm. All ages are invited to
Kings. We will be looking at some of the wonderful dine, study, and worship.
Jewish tales that expand on the stories of the Old
Testament, information contained in the Midrash
Holden Evening Prayer was composed by Marty
or in the Talmud. There is a great deal of
Haugen, a prolific liturgical composer, while he was
informative material that can be purchased for
on sabbatical in Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat
your electronic device. You can download the
center in Washington State, during the winter of
entire Book of Concord, the book that contains our 1986. It’s a lovely setting of vespers following the
Lutheran confessions, for free!
traditional form while using contemporary and
inclusive language. Many, many thanks to our
I hear other pastors complain that young people
musicians Debbie Pankow and Holly (Emmel)
are turning on their cell phones and tablets during Cannon.
worship. If they are looking at material that
enhances their worship experience, I’m all for it--- Holden Prayer Around the Cross is a meaningful
and I bet God is too! Happy Bible reading in the
devotional prayer service that was originally
New Year!
developed at Holden Village. Co-authored by
Susan Briehl and Tom Witt, the service include
Our Tuesday morning Bible study group arrives at
scripture readings, prayers, silence, and an
6:30AM for just one hour to engage in a lively
opportunity to sit or kneel near a large cross, light
discussion of various biblical books and other
a candle and pray. It includes a rich variety of
topics, as noted above in Pastor Judy’s Bible
musical styles to provide a backdrop for this
Corner. All are welcome.
contemplative worship experience. Because these
services take place in near darkness, this music is
Our Wednesday at noon Bible study meets each
simple and easily learned.
week for 1 hour in the Cordova Room to gain
insight into the texts that will be read the following If you are interested in being a reader for Midweek
Sunday in church. All are welcome.
Worship, let me know (, 3381882). If you would like to attend Midweek
Worship and do not drive or are concerned about
driving in the winter, let me know and I will do my
best to arrange transportation.
This past December our daughter-in-law, Norma,
suffered a brain stem stroke. They live in Rochester,
Washington, near Centralia. Our son is a long-haul
trucker, and although he is often many miles from
home, he was there when she lost her speech and her
ability to swallow, realized what was happening, and
called 911. Ed and I had been to a Christmas party
in Girdwood that evening, and we came home to
Arne's distraught message on the answering
machine. I called him back and we talked. At that
point, the prognosis was unclear and all we could do
was wait, hope, and pray. I assured him I would put
her on the prayer chain and that I would put a
prayer shawl in the mail to her.
So what is the significance of this ministry? Did
Norma recover because she was given a prayer
shawl? Would the woman at Providence have
recovered as a result of this delivery from a person
she has never met, on behalf of a church she has
probably never heard of? Will Norma and Arne,
both raised Lutheran, begin attending church more
regularly? Will the woman's family be comforted by
the shawl? Will they start attending church, here or
somewhere else?
We're used to judging success by results that we can
see, but in a ministry like this one, we may or may
not ever know what the shawl meant to the person
who received it. Sadly, some people do not get
Central's Prayer Shawl Ministry is part of the work better after receiving a prayer shawl, and in cases
of our Caring Ministers Team. Knitters use a
like this we hope the shawl has provided comfort for
standard pattern for each shawl, but yarn colors
them. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a ministry of
vary widely, making it possible to select a color that "casting bread crumbs," and trusting the results to
seems right for the recipient. Knitting a prayer
God. It is part of a much larger ministry of healing
shawl is a spiritual practice involving prayer and
that includes prayer, support, medical treatment and
meditation on the part of the knitter. Usually a
God's grace. Not everyone wants to be a prayer
shawl is not made with a particular person in mind, shawl knitter, but we are all invited to open our eyes
so the knitter prays for the needs of the unknown
and see people who might be strengthened and
person who will receive that shawl. Each shawl
encouraged by a tangible sign that others are
comes with a letter, explaining that it is a gift from praying for them.
the Central Lutheran Prayer Shawl Ministry, and
that it was made with love and prayer.
Norma was delighted with her shawl, and according
to Arne she wears it all the time. I chose green for
her because I know it is a favorite color of hers. She
posted pictures on Facebook and effusively thanked
the church. She is home now, still in therapy and
requiring 24-hour supervision, but progressing
rapidly. A full recovery is anticipated.
A few days later I received a telephone call from a
friend of Norma's who lives in Oregon, but who used
to live in Wasilla. This woman has a step-daughter
in Anchorage whose mother-in-law was hospitalized
at Providence for cancer treatment. She wondered if
there was a way this woman could receive a prayer
shawl. I assured her that I could deliver the shawl.
She asked if there was a charge, and I told her that
there was not. I found a beautiful buttercup yellow
shawl (her favorite color) and planned to take it to
Providence today. Then I came home to a message
from Norma's friend that the woman had died. I
called the friend back and suggested that I mail the
shawl to the family, and as soon as I get an address I
will do that, along with a personal note.
If you know someone who needs a prayer shawl, you
can go to the office and pick one out yourself, or you
can contact Dahna Graham who heads the Caring
Ministries Team, and she will arrange for a Caring
Minister to deliver the shawl.
Sandy Mjolsnes,
Synodically Authorized Minister (SAM)
The call committee is: Juliana Andrew, Larry Helgeson,
Sam Monroe, Nelson Priddy, Jonathan Reece
(Secretary), Judith Muller (Vice-Chair), Debbie
Pankow (Chair) and alternates Madeleine Bulkow,
Hedric Hanson, and Bonnie Kragt. Our Ministry Site
Profile will become public soon to potential pastoral
candidates, and we continue to ask for your prayers
throughout this process. Members of Central can bring
forward names of those to be considered for the position.
Those names, however, must go directly to Bishop Shelley Wickstrom at or (907)
Call Committee
The call committee asks that you respect the privacy of the details of who is being interviewed. We can
discuss the call process with those interested.
Please reach out to any of the Call Committee members with any of your thoughts and concerns. While we
have been elected to carry out the interview process, we want to be sure your concerns are taken into
-- Jonathan Reece
Eight youth (Braden, Brogan, Christian, Juliana, Katrina,
Madeline, Molly, Sam), grades 8 - 12, have reserved their
spots at the ELCA Youth Gathering this July in Detroit.
These eight youth and their families will meet on Sunday,
January 11, 5 - 7 pm in the Community Room to plan out
the travel details, ask questions and get answers, learn
about the scheduled fundraising events (Valentine Dinner
and Fur Rondy & Iditarod Snack Shop), and schedule their
team building and Bible study and service opportunities
for the semester. Learn more at
gathering or contact organizers and chaperones Jane
Hanson, Heather Helgeson, or Jonathan Reece. .
Donations of airline miles or companion
certificates welcome to support youth
The Confirmation Youth are offering a Jar of Thanks.
Pick up a jar from the middle school youth, and as you
think of things that make you thankful, deposit a coin.
Coins may then be added to the Big Jar of Thanks weekly
at church -- donations will later support a community
service project.
Sunday School resumes January 4 - May 17, with Pastor
Judy and friends offer confirmation class for middle
school youth (grades 6-8) on the first two Sundays of the
month. Heather Helgeson & Jonathan Reece welcome
high school youth for weekly Sunday School in Room 1.
Bonnie Kragt, Sharon Jones and friends welcome youth
ages 4 through elementary school. Cheryl Demetz and
friends welcome toddlers to Winkie Bears - a Sunday
School class just for wee ones.
Current 7th - 12th graders, join Heather Helgeson, and
register now for the Youth Mission Immersion
Friday-Saturday, January 16-17, 2015. Info &
Youth led much of the worship service on Sunday,
December 21, with Ella, Declan, Eric, and Benjamin
reading Bible lessons, and Ella, Juliana, Madeline, and
Alexander providing special music, along with our
smallest singers, Quin, Josie, Cora and David. Many
thanks to Bonnie Kragt, Debbie Pankow, and Sharon
Jones for coordinating these talented youngsters!
College-youth and young adults joined seminarian Inger
Hanson in leading worship on December 28, and then set
to work painting our Little Free Library. Many thanks to
Madeleine, Helen, Rowan, Ethan, and Monica, and to
Little Free Library volunteers Anna Bryant and Sharon
Opportunities group offers a wide variety of
opportunities for fellowship events. And while more
than just fellowship, many help organize women’s
retreats and camps (summer and winter), provide
hospitality at Farmers Market and hot-dogs at sled dog
events, etc.
There are many who help Central Lutheran function.
Our staff performs administrative tasks (and much
more). Personnel, Finance and Property Committees
In trying to figure out what to write about, I’m still
address the business side of operating Central
feeling the Christmas spirit. Not because we are in the Lutheran. Their efforts help ensure we have and can
middle of the Christmas season. Rather, I have a
pay for facilities that are warm, safe and inviting. And,
feeling of receiving “gifts” as I think of the time and
the hands on efforts of many, including Property
talents folks contribute to support Central Lutheran
Committee and CLAIM, have kept property expenses
Church and its ministries.
down to help meet our budget.
One of the main focuses this past year has been
progressing with the call process for a new lead pastor.
While that process has moved slower than many
would prefer, I hope all appreciate the hard work by
many. A Dream Team was formed to develop mission,
vision and core value statements. This work was
approved by the Congregation in October’s special
congregational meeting when the Call Committee was
elected. The Call Committee has been meeting to
advance the call process (including finalizing the
ministry site profile by reviewing a number of
suggestions from Bishop Shelley Wickstrom). The
fruits of these labors will ripen in 2015.
Caring ministries and outreach is served by many.
Caring ministers, shawl ministry, parish nurses and
others provide visitation and support. Volunteers
support Beans Café, LSSA, food bank, and other
hunger programs. The Emergency Cold Weather
Shelter, and Beyond ECWS enable Central Lutheran’s
building to provide a warm place for homeless
families to sleep, and additional support. AFACT
engages on a variety of community concerns.
Youth is an area we have struggled with the past
couple of years. While we still have work to do with
our youth program, we do have eight youth and three
adult leaders heading to the Detroit Youth Gathering
next summer. The Call Committee also has two youth
While it feels like it’s time to move on, Pastor Judy
has been a blessing as an interim pastor. The shortterm interim role is hard, both for the pastor and
congregation. Pastor Judy has helped us get ready for
the transition with laughter.
Education has always been served by dedicated
teachers, both for adult education and younger in
Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. It would
be great if we could increase participation by students,
but those who do attend do so enthusiastically.
Central Lutheran really does “worship” well – both
Sundays and mid-week. Over the past several weeks
(actually all year), our services have been enhanced by
terrific musicians and singers, assisting ministers, and
readers (including from our younger members). The
services also could not happen with the efforts of
many others including altar guild, Eucharistic
ministers, ushers, acolytes, counters, bakers
(communion bread and goodies), coffee makers,
projector operators, and others.
And finally, many just volunteer whenever something
is needed, such as moving pastor, cooking food and
everything else that pops up, Thanks to everyone for
the gifts you regularly provide here at Central
Lutheran Church.
Brian Bjorkquist
CLC Council President
We have many who bring a focus on fellowship. The
fellowship committee organizes meal-related events
that not only provide wonderful food, but also social
gatherings. Speaking of which, the Golden
Help celebrate
The Kuwaa Mission’s 5th Anniversary:
Pray, Volunteer, Donate or Partner
With God all things are possible
Matthew 19: 4
During this Holiday season, please join
the Kuwaa Mission Board as we
celebrate five years of God's work.
We the Kuwaa
Mission Board
would like to
thank all our Men
& Women who
have served in the
United States
Military as we
observed Veterans
Day Nov 11, 2014.
On November 9th
2014 Board
member Lolitha
Shepard celebrated
with Bethany
Lutheran Church in
Slidell Louisiana,
the birthplace of
the Kuwaa
The Kuwaa
Mission Board would like to thank each and every
The members were person who has prayed, donated their time, talent and
moved to see how treasures to the service of caring for God's people.
God is transforming the lives of the Kuwaa people in
far away West Africa. This transformation was
Please pray for The
supported by donors like you and church
Kuwaa Mission
congregations who have prayed and decided to pledge Board members
their financial support to the Kuwaa Mission. Much and their families.
work has been
Especially Cindy
accomplished in
Bye, Rev Dick
the past five years
Thompson and
including the
Stan Olsen as they
installation or
recover from
repair of wells in
surgeries, and the
thirteen of the
Bishop of the LCL
sixteen villages.
Jensen Seyenkulo
There have been
and all other aide works from around the world
many helpful
involved in the Ebola epidemic in Liberia.
workshops and
training from well
Thank you for your continued prayers
pump operation to
and financial support.
the proper use of water filters. In the last year, the
Kuwaa Mission has been blessed to build a clinic in
Donations may be given in two ways:
the village of Kondesu, which will serve many of the 1. Make out check and send to: The Kuwaa
surrounding villages with much needed medical
Mission: c/o Bethany Lutheran Church, 1340 8th
care. There is much work still to do in the coming
Street, Slidell, LA 70458
months and years, please pause to pray and send
2. Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at
much-needed financial support for both the Kuwaa use PayPal to make a one
Mission and the Ebola epidemic.
time or automatic monthly donation
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
Last January, approximately 800 men, women and
children were served during the Project Homeless
Connect in Anchorage. We are asking anyone who
knits, crochets or sews to donate hats and/or scarves
for this project. If you would like to volunteer at Project Homeless Connect, please visit The date of Project
Homeless Connect is January 28, 2015.
contributions from 227 donors. Thank you to all who
contributed in the past and to our future donors!
God has truly blessed us and for that we are grateful.
Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the
miracle of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy,
and love of the season!
Together Caring for Others,
Soon you will have the opportunity to sign up for your
2015 PFD and we ask you to please consider a charita- Alan Budahl
ble contribution to LSSA through the Pick.Click.Give Executive Director
program. In November, LSSA received $18,025 in
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
1303 W. 33rd Ave., Anchorage AK 99503
Coming Events
Coming Events
Coming Events
Central Seniors, your next Golden Opportunities are
a lunch potluck and planning gathering on Monday,
January 12 at noon; and Saturday, January 17, we’ll
see a silent film double feature with the Anchorage
Symphony Orchestra at 8 pm. Future: Lutheran
Winter Camp (January 31 - February 2) and
Valentine's Day lunch or dinner.
At the annual congregational meeting on Sunday,
January 25, 2015, we will be voting on constitutional
and bylaw changes to our constitution. Some of these
changes are required by the ELCA, and some are
recommended by the ELCA. The council has also
recommended some housekeeping and cleanup
changes, and some new changes. A copy of the
proposed changes can be found on Central’s website
ProposedConstitution.pdf or you can get a copy from
the office. The changes have been color coded to help
you figure out whether a change is ELCA mandated,
recommended, constitution or bylaw. The constitution
and bylaw changes recommended by council will
have an effective date of March 25, 2015.
Join in the United Way's 2015 Walk for Warmth &
5th Anniversary 5k and your efforts will help LSSA
and other local providers to provide utility assistance
to Anchorage’s needy. Choose the one-mile or the 5-K
course for Saturday, February 15, and walk, run, skip
or jog to raise funds. Runners, Skinny Raven will
provide a timer chip for those selecting the timed
course. Learn more or register now at http://
Central Lutheran's local organizing team of AFACT
(Anchorage Faith in Action - Congregations
Together) will meet next on Tuesday, December 9,
5:30 to 6:30 at church. New and returning folks
welcome at this faith based community organizing
group. Come learn what we do and how to make a
difference in our community.
Little Free Library
Have you heard about the
Little Free Library? Coming
soon to Central, and the first
in Fairview, will be a tiny
lending library for our
neighborhood. How can you
help? Ask Anna Bryant and
learn more. What are these
Little Free Libraries? Read up
Many thanks to Anna Bryant
Book Group is reading The Treason of Mary
Louvestre, by My Haley, in January. The book is
based on the true story of a seamstress slave from
Norfolk, Virginia. Mary copies plans for
modifications to the ironclad CSS Virgiania, which her
owner is involved with. Fearing conviction as a spy,
she treks several hundred miles north to the office of
the Union Secretary of the Navy, where she hands
over the plans. My Haley, the author, is the wife of
Alex Haley, the author of Roots and she assisted him
in the writing of that book. We invite readers to join
us in the discussion of this book on Monday, February
2nd, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cordova room at Central.
and Erik Bryant,
painters Madeleine
Bulkow, Rowan
Bulkow, Sharon
Jones, Helen Muller,
Ethan Neslund, &
Monica Richardson
and volunteers
Judith Muller, Steve
Hanson, Andy Neslund, and Nelson Priddy.
Can’t get to Church this week? Need a quick pick-meup? A few local ELCA Alaska Synod pastors are
creating weekly 10-minute worship services and
posting them online at http:// Or, you can subscribe
to the 10W emailing list by texting 10W to 22828.
Many thanks to: Pastor Daniel Bollerud, Pastor Julia
Seymour, and Pastor Martin Eldred!
Sanctuary Christmas Tree Decorating was done by
Jan Beverlin, Connie & Jean Boecker, Ruth Carson,
Wayne Johnson, Steve Lambert, Keith Padden, Wes
and Sue Tonkins, Eva Wissmann, and Paula
Zawodny. Thank you! We’ll be taking down the tree
and carefully packing away the chrismons following
worship on Sunday, January 4, and volunteers are
needed and welcome.
Central Lutheran Prayer Chain will sincerely pray for your needs, joys
and sorrows. Our prayer chain always welcomes new links. If you would
like to contact the prayer chain with a prayer request or become a part of
the chain, please contact Karen Emmel at 345-5709 or
Stephanie Bauer & Royce Williams 1/3
Anne McCormick
Pam Tesche
Veronica Wagner
Sue Tonkins
Lindsey Moore
Eileen Kemink
Frederick Tesche
Charles Brodahl
Cathie Nicolet
Robert Voris
Sophia Hylen
James Emmel
Dale Huelskoetter
Jane Hanson
John & Vicki Novak
Eugene & Kathy Dale
Rodney & Cathy Christianson
Craig Carlson
Matthew Amundsen 1/13
Steven Hanson
Britta Helm
Betsy Cooper
Mariah Graham
Karsten Hall
Laura Paulson
Ingrid Kelly
Andreas Nordgaard 1/19
Sandra McKinney 1/20
Sharon Phillips
Madeleine Bulkow 1/22
Nelson Priddy
Muriel Furman
Edward Sanders
Lori Boecker
Lise Falskow
Nicole Soiseth
Michael Graham
Katelyn Zernia
Timothy Thorsness
Robert Kiesel
Anna Boltz
Jan Adasiak
Haddi Lofgren
Brogan Nieder
Sorry, directory updates are not posted in our online edition. Members, please contact the church office for directory information.
Central Lutheran is praying for. . .
January ELCA Alaska prayer partner: Dillingham Trinity Lutheran Church
Central members or close family of our members who’ve passed in the last year:
Marjorie Madsen (mom of Else Goltz), Joyce Suckow (aunt of Elaine Bergman), June Thompson, June
Shoemaker (sister of Ruth Rapp), Katherine Skinner (mother of Dixie Foley), “Sy” Aldrich Syren, Sceone
Grasse, June Hanson (mother of Steve Hanson), Elaine Dick, Viola Stansell, Helen Strusz, Sue Salas Peterson, Ryle Amberg, Mary Ann Lindbeck, Mera Lou Anderson (mother of Vickie Helm), Kenneth Foley
(father of Shannon Foley), Jeff Dusenbury (friend of Voris family), Henry Klapproth (grandfather of Kathy
Freeman), Adele Werner (mother of Linda Padden), Elaine Bergman, Kerri Hanson Krump (sister of Steve
Hanson), Bob Hawkins (brother-in-law of Jane Hanson)
Central Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. Judith T. Wozniak, Interim Pastor
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
January 2015
Central Lutheran Church is Here for You! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for pastoral
visits and announce information to the congregation, when appropriate. Please notify the church office
(277-1622) as soon as possible when:
 A member of your family or a friend dies;
 Hospital or home visitation would be a blessing;
 You or someone you know wants to plan a baptism or wedding;
 You or someone you know is ill or grieving;
 You move or change your telephone numbers or email.
Please contact the church office if your address has changed
or you no longer wish to be on our mailing list. Thank you!