ST. JOHN ANTIGO, WISCONSIN MASS INTENTIONS Monday 8:15AM Tuesday 8:15AM Wednesday 8:15AM Thursday 8:15AM Friday 8:15AM Saturday 5:30PM Sunday 9:00AM No Mass Carolyn Fraley St. John Parish Family Mary Edelman Murphy Ronald Arndt Helen Seis Polly Duchac ACOLYTES Saturday 5:30PM Cole Johnson, Chris Arrowood Sunday 9:00AM Nadia Voytovich, Lizzy West LECTORS & COMMENTATOR Saturday 5:30PM Gary Hartl (L) Thelma Lamont (C) Sunday 9:00AM Nancy Whitman (L) EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday 5:30PM Sunday 9:00AM Scott Henricks, John Warner, Volunteer Tom & Joyce McGrath, Thelma Lamont, Ruth Robinson, Becky Frisch Saturday 5:30PM Sunday 9:00AM Lana Gray & Choir Isaac Cuellar & Choir Saturday 5:30PM Sunday MUSICIANS USHERS Norm Boehnlein, Greg Rusch, Brian Blink, Bill Hilger 9:00AM Bill Thomae, John Steger, Greg Oelke, Brian Bunnell, TJ Beck MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Saturday 5:30PM Sunday Marge Baraniak (Carport) Denise Carrigan (West/Front) 9:00AM James & Phyllis Zabransky (Carport) Phillip & Peggy Thomae (West/Front) SCRIP Saturday 5:30PM Jim Lorenz Sunday 9:00AM Mary Jo Filbrandt Sales for the week ending 1-11-15 were $41,886.52 with a profit of $1,873.97. Thank you for your continuing support to the scrip program. Scrip Hours: Scrip will be sold in the Scrip Office at the St. John Parish Office from 8am-Noon Monday-Friday. Reminder: When school is not in session, the Scrip Office is closed. Scrip is also sold at SS. Mary & Hyacinth & St. Wencel during regular office hours. CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES ...................................... 5176.00 OFFERTORY ................................................ 493.72 TOTAL ............................................... 5669.72 BUILDING & GROUNDS............................... 406.00 SENTINEL OF THE SANCTUARY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FAITH FORMATION NOTE In Memory of Anton Sokoloski In Memory of Natalia Sokoloski We are again taking names for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. Please submit name and an offering ($2) to the Parish Office. Remember the names are printed as they are received in the office. There are no specific dates for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. All classes for grades 1 through 11 meet on Wednesdays at the Faith Formation center, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. We welcome students back after their Christmas break! Inter-parish Faith Formation Schedule Grades 1-8 Class: 4:15-5:30pm, January 21, 28 Grades 9-11 Class: 7–8:30 pm, January 21, 28 VIENNA CHRISTINE AUGUSTYN infant daughter of Jason & Julianne (Gelhoff) Augustyn was baptized on Saturday, January 10, 2015. We welcome Vienna Christine into the Christian Family and congratulate her happy parents. SS. Mary & Hyacinth Site: Pre-K, K Sunday school class for ages 4 through 6 in the Faith Formation Center, Room 2, 10:15 am: January 18, 25. DAILY READINGS Monday, January 19 Reading I: Hebrews 5:1-10; Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 Tuesday, January 20 Reading I: Hebrews 6:10-20; Gospel: Mark 2:23-28 Wednesday, January 21 Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr (Memorial) Reading 1: Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; Gospel: Mark 3:1-6 Thursday, January 22 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Reading I: Hebrews 7:25-8:6; Gospel: Mark 3:7-12 Friday, January 23 Reading I: Hebrews 8:6-13; Gospel: Mark 3:13-19 Saturday, January 24 Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Memorial) Reading I: Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14; Gospel: Mark 3:20-21 MASS SCHEDULES Daily Mass Times: St. John: 8:15am Tuesday thru Friday, St. Wenceslaus, Neva: 8am on Tuesdays, Ss. Mary & Hyacinth: 7:30am on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Weekend Mass Times: Saturday’s: 4:00pm Ss. Mary & Hyacinth 5:30pm St. John Confession following the 5:30pm Mass at St. John Sunday’s: 7:30am Ss. Mary & Hyacinth 9:00am St. John 10:30am St. Wenceslaus, Neva PRAYER GROUP The next Prayer Group will meet at St. John on Sunday, January 25, 2015 in the Sanctuary at 6:30pm. The Prayer group will meet every two weeks. Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters) meeting, Saturday, January 24th at 9:30am Eucharistic Ministers meeting, Saturday, January 24th at 10:00am Lectors meeting, Saturday, January 24th at 10:30am Sophomore Confirmation Preparation Meeting, Sunday, January 25th at 1:30pm St. John St. John Site: Liturgy of the Word for Children at St. John during the 9:00 Mass, for children ages 4 to 8. Sundays, January 18, 25. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION MEETING for the Juniors on January 11th. Students will meet in Hoffmann Hall at 8:45am, attend Mass as a group, and have a meeting after mass. LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN The Liturgy of the Word for Children is during the 9am Mass, children ages 4 thru 8 will be invited to come to the front of church to receive a blessing. They will then follow the catechists to the Church Hall to hear the Gospel message in age appropriate words and activities. All students are invited even if they are in Faith Formation classes or attend All Saints Catholic School. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN If you plan on volunteering and/or working with children or vulnerable adults the Green Bay Diocese requires that you complete a Virtus (Protecting God’s Children) training session. This 3.5 hour awareness session will be offered on Monday, January 26, 2015, beginning at 6:00 PM at SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo, in Room #6. Sue Brettingen will serve as the instructor. The “Protecting God’s Children” program is designed to instruct adults of the Church that to protect children, one must have continuous awareness and vigilance. This awareness session makes trainees understand the signs of child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse, and five empowerment steps one can use to prevent child sexual abuse. Preregistration is required, and if you plan on attending, log on to and click “registration” to begin. If you do not have online access, but are interested in signing up, please contact the parish or school where you volunteer or work to register in advance. BAPTISM PREPARATION The area-wide Baptism preparation class for parents planning to have a child baptized in the near future will be held Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Room #6 of SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center. Parents may attend before the birth of their child. Pre-registration is not necessary and there is no fee. Godparents are also encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Sue Brettingen, 715-623-5255, or 715-623-3100. The next class after this will be in April, 2015. The girls basketball teams are now in full swing at All Saints. Check the school’s website for a game schedule. JANUARY 18, 2015 Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! The Christmas season has come to a close. Our worship spaces are looking a bit bare after the decorations have been taken down. The touch of red reminds us of a season of joy and hope that lasts throughout the year. Thank you for all the prayers, cards, gifts and gift cards. The bathroom scale reflects the generosity of the goodies (cookies, candies, fruit and meat) that came to the rectory over the Christmas season. I even received a few items to wash down all the tasty morsels. Know that each item is appreciated. It was a great joy going through the cards and reading your notes. Thank you. I extend a Thank You to all who helped make our liturgies sacred and uplifting moments of prayer and gathering. Thank You to Fr. Worman and Fr. Charlie who led us in prayer. Thanks to the musicians and choirs. Thanks to the decorators and those who took down the decorations. Thanks to the ministers, ushers, greeters, and servers who help make the liturgy run smoothly and create an atmosphere of hospitality and welcome. Finally, Thank You to all who are praying for our parishes each day. Without those prayers each day, we would not be able to do the work and outreach of Jesus our Lord. May we continue to make a joyful noise to praise our God and May God bless and guide us. Peace, Fr. Dave RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (R.C.I.A.) Have you never been baptized? Were you baptized Catholic but didn’t receive the other sacraments? Were you baptized in another Christian faith and now want to become Catholic? Well then, the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is something you might consider joining. We will gather together to learn about the basics of faith and the Catholic Religion. The process will culminate with Confirmation and being received into full communions at the Easter Vigil. Our organizational gathering will be Saturday, January 24th at 1:00pm at St. John. If you are unable to attend please leave your name and number at the parish office or call Fr. Dave at (715) 623-2024. CANDLELIGHT PRAYER VIGIL STAND UP FOR LIFE 42nd Anniversary of Roe vs Wade Thursday, January 22, 2015 Langlade County Courthouse Steps at 6:30pm We will light candles for the unborn babies slain by abortion and say a prayer for their families. Come and bring a friend or two! THE 2015 SIGNATURE AD CAMPAIGN (a collection of names and donations) will take place this Saturday, January 17th and Sunday, January 18th. The signature ad will appear in the January 22nd Antigo Journal.
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