ST. JOHN ANTIGO, WISCONSIN Liturgy: The Second Sunday of Lent Readings: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Romans 8:31b-34; Mark 9:2-10. Message: Some events happen that seem too extraordinary for words. Life can confront us with many things we cannot comprehend or explain—sometimes good—sometimes not. In today’s Gospel, Jesus was transfigured before the eyes of those with Him! We really don’t know what happened on that mountain, but it was something extraordinary. No less extraordinary is what happened to us at Baptism, when we became beloved sons and daughters of God. Just as Jesus was named the beloved Son at His transfiguration in Mark’s Gospel, so have we been named at our Baptism. Just as Jesus shone as dazzling bright, so the actions of Christians should shine in the world. How have you shown off Christ this week to the world? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday MASS INTENTIONS 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 9:00AM St. John Parish Family Pete & Mae Gallenberg Sr. Vi Cousineau Mary Zelazoski Don & Carolyn Fraley Mary Igl Polly Duchac ACOLYTES Saturday 5:30PM Cole Johnson, Chris Arrowood Sunday 9:00AM Jillian Incha, Emma Jansen LECTORS & COMMENTATOR Saturday 5:30PM Patti Meyer (L) Kay Sollitto (C) Sunday 9:00AM Ted Fox (L) EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday 5:30PM Tom & Laurel Bradley, John Warner Sunday 9:00AM Sue Hoffman, Sue Werdeo, Bob Uelman, Laura McKenna, Thelma Lamont MARCH HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Barbara Fox, Kleo Landowski, Phil Beck, John Warner MUSICIANS Saturday 5:30PM Matt Walton, Colleen Krivoshein & Choir Sunday 9:00AM Matt Walton, Joann Kekula & Choir Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday USHERS 5:30PM Norm Boehnlein, Greg Rusch, Brian Blink, Bill Hilger 9:00AM Bill Thomae, John Steger, Greg Oelke, Brian Bunnell, TJ Beck MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY 5:30PM Liz Bures (Carport) Peggy Majewski (West/Front) 9:00AM Harold & Barb Borkovec (Carport) Dean & Jean Rydberg Family (West/Front) Saturday 5:30PM Sunday 9:00AM SCRIP John Gelhausen Mary Jo Filbrandt Sales for the week ending 2-21-15 were $21,023.12 with a profit of $1,061.67. Thank you for your continuing support to the scrip program. Scrip Hours: Scrip will be sold in the Scrip Office at the St. John Parish Office from 8am-Noon Monday-Friday. Reminder: When school is not in session, the Scrip Office is closed. Scrip is also sold at SS. Mary & Hyacinth & St. Wencel during regular office hours. CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES ...................................... 4262.00 OFFERTORY ................................................ 595.02 TOTAL ............................................... 4857.02 BUILDING & GROUNDS............................... 175.00 BISHOP’S APPEAL 2015 As of February 24, 2015. St. John Parishioners have contributed $10,092.70 to the 2015 Bishops Appeal. We are grateful for these donations. All donations will help us attain our parish goal of $34,114. SENTINEL OF THE SANCTUARY In Thanksgiving DW In Memory of Dale Williams We are again taking names for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. Please submit name and an offering ($2) to the Parish Office. Remember the names are printed as they are received in the office. There are no specific dates for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. MASS SCHEDULES Daily Mass Times: St. John: 8:15am Monday thru Friday, St. John will have a Monday Mass during Lent St. Wenceslaus, Neva: 8am on Tuesdays, Ss. Mary & Hyacinth: 7:30am on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Weekend Mass Times: Saturday’s: 4:00pm Ss. Mary & Hyacinth 5:30pm St. John Sunday’s: 7:30am Ss. Mary & Hyacinth 9:00am St. John 10:30am St. Wenceslaus, Neva CONFESSIONS SS. Mary & Hyacinth on Saturdays at 3pm St. John following the Saturday 5:30pm Mass, or by appointment. STATIONS St. John – Fridays after morning mass. STATIONS AND BENEDICTION SS. Mary & Hyacinth – Sundays at 1pm (No Stations on March 15, 2015) St. Wencel – Mondays at 7pm SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Holy Hour will be held at St. John, On March 2, following the morning mass. FIRST FRIDAY MASS Come Join us! The First Friday Mass and Social on March 6th will be held at SS. Mary & Hyacinth. There will be a 1:30pm Mass followed by a Social Hour in the Church Hall. Come and bring a friend! PRAYER GROUP Come and join other adults in prayer at St. John. The next prayer group will meet on Sunday, March 8th from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We will meet in the Sanctuary every two weeks. All adults are welcome. Christian Mothers & Altar Society, March 2nd @ 1pm Stewardship Meeting, March 4th at 4pm Liturgical (Worship) Meeting, March 5th at 4:35pm RCIA, March 6th at 7pm THE SECOND WEEK OF LENT MARCH 1, 2015 FAITH FORMATION NOTES All classes for grades 1 through 11 meet on Wednesdays at the Faith Formation center, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. INTER-PARISH FAITH FORMATION SCHEDULE Grades 1-5 Class: 4:15-5:30pm, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 Grades 6-8 Class: 4:15-5:30pm, Mar 4, 10 (Retreat) March 18, 25 Grades 9-11 Class: 7–8:30 pm, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 SS. Mary & Hyacinth Site: Pre-K,K Sunday school class for ages 4 through 6 in the Faith Formation Center, Room 2, 10:15 am: March 8, 15, 22, 29 St. John Site: Liturgy of the Word for Children at St. John during the 9:00 Mass, for children ages 4 to 8 Sundays, March 1, 8, 15, 22 First Reconciliation: Students will be celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this week. Group A will be meeting on Mon. March 2nd and Group B will meet on Thurs. March 5th. Both celebrations are at 6:00pm at SS. Mary & Hyacinth. Please keep these students and their families in your prayers. Abraham’s response to God’s call was “Here I Am”. Because he feared God and obeyed his call, God blessed Abraham. If we too answer the call, who will separate us from the love of Christ? Let us listen to Jesus, beloved Son of the Father. Attention Middle and High School Students: Are you in need of service hours for Confirmation? Or is the Spirit of Lent moving you to give of your time and talents? There are a number service opportunities available. Please contact Tracey Minish at 715-623-5255 for more details. EXTERNAL SACRIFICE: The Lenten season is here! To begin our celebration of Lent, Students at All Saints wrote down their Lenten promises and are taking part in a challenge to memorize The Seven Last Words of Christ. Some of the final winter activities are wrapping up at All Saints including a successful magazine sale fundraiser, basketball tournaments, and Science Olympiad competitions. We are all looking forward to Spring! So why exactly are you not eating candy for the next month? This is a very popular penance during Lent, and the questions about it are just as popular. Heaven forbid you should avoid the cake at the birthday party! You LOVE cake! But it’s Lent – a time for penance and sacrifice. Christ has said, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Giving up something we enjoy strengthens our love for Christ and our resilience against temptation. As Pope Benedict XVI said in his Lenten address of 2009, “Through fasting and praying, we allow (Christ) to come and satisfy the deepest hunger that we experience in the depths of our being: the hunger and thirst for God.” It unites us with Christ’s own sacrifices and gives us a deeper appreciation of the blessings in our lives. DAILY READINGS Monday, March 2 Lenten Weekday Reading I: Daniel 9:4b-10; Gospel: Luke 6:36-38 Tuesday, March 3 Lenten Weekday Reading I: Isaiah 1:10. 16-20; Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 Wednesday, March 4 Lenten Weekday Reading 1: Jeremiah 18:18-20; Gospel: Matthew 20:17-28 Thursday, March 5 Lenten Weekday Reading I: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Gospel: Luke 16:19-31 Friday, March 6 Lenten Weekday Reading I: Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday, March 7 Lenten Weekday Reading I: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 ASCS will host their Adult Technology classes beginning Monday, March 2. This year’s classes will be Introduction to Computer and Tablet Topic Classes. Please contact the school office at 715-623-4835 or Stacy Beck at for more details. ASCS hosted a Father-Daughter Dance this past Friday. Over 75 fathers and daughters participated! It was a great evening with lots of fun, dancing, and snacks. This program is held on scheduled Tuesdays during Lent. All sessions will include home-made soup, breads and dessert. Sessions will be held at St. John, Antigo, in Hoffmann Hall with a rotation of our linked parishes providing the meal. A free will offering is appreciated. We have a wide variety of invited guests who will share their musical talents. These sessions will reflect the stewardship theme this year, “Make a Joyful Noise”. Everyone is welcome! Tuesday, March 3rd Evening Session Split Pea/Ham and Wild Rice Soups will be served at 5:30pm. The Soups are prepared parishioners of St. John. Presenters: “Of Chorus” presentation will be at 6:00pm.
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