First Sunday of Lent “I will set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. —Genesis 9:13 February 22, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEKEND: Saturday 4:00pm Wilson Hack Nelson Sunday 7:00am Burnet’s Mary Catherine Gorman 10:00am PEOPLE OF ST. PAUL PARISH NOON Int/Candela Sanchez + Christian Montoya MONDAY FEBRUARY 23 6:00am Int/John & Mary Frances Gorman 8:15am Int/Jack Costello & Family TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 6:00am For the Poor Souls 8:15am Johnny & Mary Frances Gorman WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25 6:00am Elizabeth Guidry 8:15am In Honor of Sts. Padre Pio & Martin de Porres for the Souls in Purgatory THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 6:00am Deceased Members of the Ceru Family 8:15am John & Elsie Douglas FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 6:00am In Thanksgiving for St. Expedite 8:15am Int/Big Pete & Marie Costello & Family SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 8:15am Int/Tim McHale 4:00pm Int/Johnny Sarge & Sarah Costello SUNDAY MARCH 1 7:00am All Those Who Offered Prayers for Peggy Fox 10:00am PEOPLE OF ST. PAUL PARISH Noon Salomon Gallegos Easter Flowers If you would like to make a donation towards the altar flowers for Easter, there are envelopes available on the tables by the doors. You can make your donation in honor or in memory of someone. Mass for Deceased Priests of the Diocese sponsored by the Serra Club of Memphis will take place at St. Louis Church on Monday, February 23, at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. The celebrant will be Msgr. John McArthur. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Gaia, mother of Tim, Dan, & Mike Gaia & Madeline Geiger, & sister of Helen Adamo. PLEASE ADD TO YOUR PRAYER LIST: Adele KitambileCatherine Ann Mack-Aida Bernard-Virgie Watson-Kiley Reynolds-Jim Martin Boswell-Sarah Billions-Yvonne Holmes-Anthony Dalton-Gloria McCarson-Trudy May-Susan Fernandez-Lainey Smith-Wilson Duck Nelson-Billy Riley-Albert Albonetti-Pat Bud Costello-Linda Farnwalt-Meryl Broussard, Jr.-Janet & Scott Cook-Peggy Fox-Sr. Laura Divoky, SNDDavid Teston-Kathy Heirigs-Mary Catherine Costello-Kevin GallagherRoberto Benitez-Christina Sabin Hawkins-Maria Antonia Ayala PerezGuillermo Campos-Cass Douglas-Adasia Zinselmeyer-Kit McCann-Chuck Vicknair-Mary Canale-Carmen Cervantes-Pat Costello-Steve Wright, Sr.Jimmy McNally-Keagan Provost-Della Lambert-Ed Jude Costello-Mary McNally-Dot Ward-Pat DeNomie-Brenda Pulido-Barbara McGrath-Annie Riley-Jim Gorman-Reola Moore-Eldredge Pegues-Ernesto Angel MezaMaureen Sieben-Jake Speltz-Mary Louise Grubbs-Jackie Carney-Tom Garvey-Joseph Anthony Correro, Jr.-Ed Sewell-Jose Sanchez-Abimbola Adeshoye-Carolyn Pesce Keane-Joy Smith-Fr. Chris Pelczar-Meryl Broussard-Bill Fuerst Mother Cabrini Is asking you to donate one non-perishable item of your choice. Please leave these donations in the wooden box in the atrium outside the southwest entrance. St. Paul School Reunion Save the Date! The annual alumni reunion will be Sat., March 21 at 6:30pm in the gym. Tickets are $10. Come & enjoy visiting with old friends & classmates. Call 901-346-0862 or stop by the school for more information. Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will take place this Saturday, February 21, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the KC Hall. The cost is $7.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Tea, lemonade and coffee are free. Soft drinks $.50 all you can drink. Take home a quart of sauce for $6.00, and 2 dozen frozen ravioli for $8.00. You can also order ravioli and sauce at any time by calling Robert Mattei at 901.258.7237. St. Paul Trivia Contest Saturday, February 28, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last place. Bring your own snacks. $15 per person or $90 per table For more information call Robert Raiteri - 901.489.8516. Women’s Morning of Spirituality Join us on Sat. Feb. 28, Church of the Incarnation, 8:15am-1:30pm w/Continental Breakfast @ 7:15am. Keynote Speaker is EWTN’s Teresa Tomeo;Witness Speaker: is Dr. Rocio Diaz. Mass celebrated by Bishop J. Terry Steib. Register encouraged. Catholic Medical Assoc. Guild is forming in Memphis. First meeting is Tues., Mar. 3, 6:30PM, St. Francis Hospital. It begins w/Mass w/our chaplain, Fr. George Cespedes, followed by light supper & talk. We need your ideas & vision! All Catholic physicians, dentists & nurses, as well as other health care professionals, are invited. For info & to RSVP, contact Dr. Santiago Vera at 2015 Diocesan Youth Celebration for grades 7-12 will be held at St. Benedict High School March 6th & 7th. Youth registration is $30/Adults-$20. Registration forms will be in the Rectory. Contact Mike Brady for info, 901-849-3061 or The Spring campaign for 40 Days for Life will begin Ash Wednesday & continue thru Palm Sunday. This is a prayer, fasting & peaceful prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood at 2430 Poplar. Since the inception of 40 Days in Texas there have been 9,699 babies saved, 107 abortion workers have quit, 59 clinics have closed. In Memphis we know of 60 babies saved from death. We need you! To sign up call 901-730-6279 or or call Libby Parks 901-355-8546. We will be praying from 6:00am til 6:00pm daily. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these parishioners: Jacqueline Hernandez, Marie Leech, Joe McNally, Ivette Munoz, Angel Efrain Salas, Christian Garcia, Sanjuana Monjaraz, Miguel Torres, Aneth Fernandez, Mary C. Hall, Gail Vigil, Jeremy Washington, Alejandro Orduna, Dcn. Andrew Terry, Alejandra Alcibar, Sharon Lancaster, Kevin Lopez, Laura Rodriguez, Edison M. J. Gorman, Danielle Mentgen, Natalie Neely, Jacob Alexander Rice, Bobby Raiteri SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Lent SUNDAY, February 22 - First Sunday of Lent —Fishers of Men 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM —Children’s Liturgy 10:00 AM Mass —Jesus Christ: Priest Prophet & King 3:00 PM MONDAY, February 23 —No Special Events TUESDAY, February 24 —Altar Society Meeting 11:00 AM Second Collection —RCIA 7:00-9:00 PM Next Week for WEDNESDAY, February 25 Maintenance & —Legion of Mary 9:00 AM Fix-up —PRE 7:00 - 8:30 PM THURSDAY, February 26 —Hispanic Leadership Meeting 6:30 PM FRIDAY, February 27 —Stations of the Cross 6:00PM —Soup Supper hosted by Legion of Mary after Stations SATURDAY, February 28 —St. Paul Trivia Night 7:00 PM SUNDAY, March 1 - Second Sunday of Lent —Fishers of Men 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM —Children’s Liturgy 10:00 AM Mass —Jesus Christ: Priest Prophet & King 3:00 PM --- February 21/22 4PM 7AM 4PM 7AM 10AM 4PM 10AM LECTORS Daryl Thomasson, Mary Kay Walker Pat Lyons 10AM Charlotte Liddell, Sarah McKinley EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Margaret Lancaster, Rae Davis, Catherine Costello Marian Lyons, Pat Cuthbertson Ann Muffoletto, Dave Mentgen, Fredda Whiting, Ruth Brooks, Betty Bowers, Marcella Brady, Rosemond Fuerst ALTAR SERVERS To Be Determined To Be Determined --- February 28/March 1 LECTORS 4PM Emilio Vigil, Laura Bennett 7AM Margaret Kolwyck 10AM Nan Farm, Daniel Michael EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 4PM Alice Ann Dotson, Bridget Carroll, Mary Riley 7AM Pat & Ray Cuthbertson 10AM Mary & Walter Aldrich, Joyce Terry, Barbara Loeffler, Vernon & Dayna Simoneaux, Christine Giannino ALTAR SERVERS 4PM Mary Costello, Jon Jon Jerome, Robert Raiteri 10AM Julie Davis, Erin Crutchfield, Renae Spears Palm Sunday/Easter Volunteers Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Altar Servers, if you are able to serve on Palm Sunday or during the Triduum, please call the office and let us know. 901.346.2380. It’s Coming on April 19 Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence [not eating meat]. ...[T]he norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onward. Lenten Stations of the Cross We will have Stations of the Cross every Friday evening at 6:00 PM followed by a Soup Supper provided by parish organizations. CRS Rice Bowl... Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action program for parishes, schools & families. Participants fast, pray, & give during Lent, following Jesus’ call to live in solidarity w/the poorest & most vulnerable. A cardboard Rice Bowl (available in the back of the church) is the traditional tool used to collect your Lenten alms. A Calendar is provided with each cardboard Rice Bowl to provide inspiration for your Lenten journey. Daily reflections, weekly prayers, meatless recipes and stories of hope from around the world will inspire you through the 40 days of Lent. The Word Among Us There are Lenten issues of The Word Among Us available on the tables at the doors of the church. Jesus Christ: Priest, Prophet & King Father Johnnie is offering this course based on Fr. Robert Barron’s series during Lent. The class will meet through March 22, 3:00 4:30 p.m. Please bring a Bible & Cathechism. If you don’t have one, they will be available for purchase. Credit for catechists is available. If you are interested in attending, please call the office, (901) 346-2380. Thanks to Mother Cabrini for paying the fees for this class. Seder Meal The Parish Seder Meal will be on Monday, March 30, the Monday of Holy Week. Ruth Brooks has graciously agreed to take charge of the event. Please call the office if you would like to volunteer to help. Sacrament of Reconciliation There will be a Lent Penance Service at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday evening, March 24, beginning at 7:00 p.m. St. Paul Parishioners are welcome. Here at St. Paul we will have extended hours for confession on March 28 beginning 2:00 PM. FINANCIAL REPORT Deacon Andrew Terry MASS Save the Date! MMOS X on Sat., March 21. Abp. J. Peter Sartain, D.D., S.T.L., keynote speaker & Peter Herbeck, VP of Renewal Ministries, witness speaker. Registration - 7am & event ends about 1pm. Register Info SCRIPTURE READINGS -- February 28/March 1, 2015 1st Reading ...…...Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 2nd Reading…..….Romans 8:31b-34 Gospel…….……...Mark 9:2-10 Psalm 116 4:00 PM 7:00AM 10:00AM 12 Noon ACH Totals Envelope 2418.45 1137.00 2177.25 751.00 Loose Cash TOTAL Envelopes 420.00 29.50 266.00 758.00 2838.45 1166.50 2443.25 1509.00 44 23 39 76 6483.70 1473.50 BUDGET 275.00 8232.20 10,485.00 182 300
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