THIS WEEK’S CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Sunday, March 1, 2015 – 2nd Sunday of Lent 5:30 pm Joseph Lobuts & son 8:30 am 11:00 am Deceased Lucci Family For the People Monday 3/2 Lenten Weekday No Mass Tuesday 3/3 Lenten Weekday 8:00am Sam Chico Wednesday 3/4 Lenten Weekday 8:00am Kathleen Kelly Lampo & Family Thursday 3/5 Lenten Weekday 8:00am Mary Jo Hagner Friday 3/6 Lenten Weekday 8:00am Ann Pase In the event of a Funeral Mass, Closing or Delay of School – there will be no daily Mass. Sunday, March 8, 2015 5:30 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am For the People Sam Chico James & Margaret White THIS WEEK AT ST. MARY Sunday, March 1st 9:30am Religious Education 11:00am Kidzone (ages 6 months – 3 years) 6:00pm Evening Prayer 6:00pm Living the Eucharist for Teens 6:00pm Confirmation Prep 6:30pm RCIA Monday, March 2nd 7:00pm Honoring Our Heritage Reception Wednesday, March 4th 3:45pm – 6:15pm Pierogi Dinner 6:30pm – 7:00pm Reconciliation Thursday, March 5th 7:00pm Choir Friday, March 6th 12:05pm Stations of the Cross 3:00pm Reconciliation Sunday, 9:30am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm March 8th Religious Education Kidzone (ages 6 months - 3 years) Evening Prayer Living the Eucharist for Teens Confirmation Preparation RCIA Next Weekend’s Ministry Schedule SATURDAY, March 7th , 5:30 p.m. Mass Lectors: Colin Frosch, Sandy Vanin Eucharistic Ministers: Phil Barata, Christine Battin, Rachel Blais, Maria Garcia, Lovely Joseph, Tanya Musick, Pauline & Jim Parrish, Janice Price, Pat Ford ( one Minister needed) Ushers: Mary Lynn Cocco, Kevin & Renee Griffith, Pius Joseph, Kristina, Isabella, and Antonio Rollo, Paul Yue Altar Servers: Pierce Griffith – Cross Patrick Griffith and Roxy Vasil – Servers SUNDAY, March 8th, 8:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Steve & Sheree Toth Eucharistic Ministers: Barbara Born, Mike Callen, Elizabeth Ferrari, Lisa Ann Gresko, Sandy, Vince and Tom LeDonne, Jimmy Lorenze, Dina Mutillo, Marie Patchen, Melissa Sotelo Ushers: Terrie Cunningham, Patrick Durkin, Phil Faini, Vince LeDonne, Cindy Miranov, Tony Sotelo, Paul Speaker, Doug Patchen Altar Servers: Nico Mutillo - Cross Andrew and Rebekah Shepard – Servers Angelina, Isabella, and Giulia Muttillo - Candles SUNDAY, March 8th, 11:00 a.m. Mass Lectors: Denise Kirchoff, Corey Barill Eucharistic Ministers: Joseph & Mona Feghali, Aimee Fletcher, Dody & Vince Kolanko, Alex Lugo, Chris Miller, Holly Sabatino, Mark Switzer, Stephen Zitney, (one Minister needed) Ushers: Virginia Aultman-Moore, Martin Dobis, Barbara Fedikovich, Phillip Koloff, Carol Miller, Scott Stupar, Kathy Switzer (one Usher needed) Altar Servers: Cynthia Novak– Cross Thomas & Joseph Yanchak – Servers Andrew & Charlie Kerzak – Candles Andrew Kerzak - Thurifer Our 8:30am Liturgy is live on the radio on 1300AM WCLG every Sunday. The Bread, Wine & Tabernacle Candle the week of March 1st are in memory of Sam and Julia Chico from Ida. St. Ursula Food Panty – Please donate canned beans, rice, pasta and side-dishes. Homily Applications to my life: - What did God say to me through the homily? - What does God want me to do? The test of a preacher is that the (assembly) goes away saying not ‘what a lovely sermon’, but ‘I will do something about it’ – St. Francis de Sales This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: Kathy Feher, Kathleen Dyer and Carol Pyles for all their work in constructing/sewing the new robes for RCIC. Giving Summary Last Sunday’s Offering $12,731.00 Mission among Black & Native Americans $597.00 Building Fund $550.00 Stations of the Cross Fridays of Lent at 12:05pm If you would like to lead stations, either as a group or as an individual, a sign-up sheet is in the back of the church. St. Mary Music Ministry Please see the enclosed flyer listing opportunity to become involved in our Music ministry. Eternal Rest: for Robert Layman and Consolation to his family & friends. for John Secreto and Consolation to his family especially granddaughter Christa Downey Barvinchak and daughter Floann Downey. Magnificat Women, looking for a boost in your spirituality? The Morgantown Magnificat Chapter will be hosting a prayer breakfast at Lakeview Resort on March 7th from 9am-noon. Speaker for the breakfast will be Maria Vadia, who was born in Cuba and fled with her family to Miami. Caught up in materialism, she found herself empty. Maria will speak of how her life changed when she sought a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please reserve your seat by March 1st at or Pat at 304-296-8950. Information Sessions – for all!!!!! Pierogi Dinners - $5.00 Wednesdays of Lent: 3:45 pm – 6:15pm March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1. Pierogis, 2 sides, bread/roll, dessert & drink. A door prize every week! You can help: Grab an egg from the pierogi egg tree, put a donation in the envelope and drop it in the collection basket. Make a dessert. We need 15 desserts per week. Sign the sign-up sheet at the main entrance of the church. Volunteer to help prepare and serve, (must have food handlers card.) Teen service hours available helping with pierogi dinners 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Call St. Mary office (304) 599-3747. Please Note --- On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent we will be using the readings from Cycle A. Since we have baptisms at the Easter Virgil, the Church prefers that the readings on these three Sundays of Lent be from Cycle A. Beginning in March, 2015, diocesan officials will be offering “Concerning the Pastoral and Sacramental Life of the Diocese: And information Session” April 21, 7:00pm. All Saints Church, Bridgeport, WV. With the theme: Remembering the past. . .Recognizing the present. . . Realizing the future, the sessions are open to all members of parishes and missions, priests, religious, deacons and members of school communities. All of the sessions will include time for Q and A. The major area of focus will be on personnel and Catholic population in the Diocese. How we can best utilize the resources that we presently have. Update the faithful on some current statistics that they may not be aware of, and listen to their concerns as we approach the future together. If you plan to attend, call the Parish Office so we can set up car pools.. Message of the Week Mark 9:2-10 Perhaps we can relate in some small way to this Transfiguration experience. Perhaps there has been a time or two in our lives when we have had a spiritual experience, when we experienced God’s healing, felt his mercy, or knew his presence was real. But then, maybe it went away. For most of us, we don’t spend the majority of our time “on the mountaintop” with these “dazzling” insights into who God is. Rather, we tend to walk a journey that is shrouded by mystery and dependent upon faith. At times, we may even second-guess the spiritual experiences of our past once they have “disappeared.” Possibly Peter, James, and John wondered if it had all been a crazy illusion. But when the Resurrection happened, they knew it was all for real. As we await the Resurrection this Lent, may we have the faith to believe that Jesus really has touched our lives and that he can lead us to eternal life. Questions of the Week Mark 9:2-10: Why do you think Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus? Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18: How do you feel God has tested you over the years? Romans 8:31b-34: How do you balance your Christian faith with your political views? Boy Scout Troop 44, sponsored by St. Mary's parish, is holding a series of pancake breakfasts at St. Mary's Peace Hall to raise money for a special adventure this summer. The breakfasts will be on Sunday mornings, March 8, March 15, and March 22, from 8AM to 1PM. Come and have your fill! Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under. St. Francis de Sales Parish Friday Fish Fry – Each Friday of Lent – 5:00 – 7:00pm Adults $10.00, Children 12 & under $5.00 Dine in or Carry Out. Make a Pilgrimage this Lent without ever leaving West Virginia! The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston is offering three Lenten Pilgrimages across West Virginia. Each pilgrimage provides opportunities for confessions beginning at 6:00 p.m., followed by the celebration of Mass at 7:00 p.m. A special guest priest has been invited to deliver an inspiring homily. Fellowship and social will follow Mass. Wednesday, March 4 - Basilica of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Charleston Featured homilist – Fr. John V. Di Bacco, pastor at St. Mary Church, Star City, WV Wednesday, March 11 – Cathedral of St. Joseph, Wheeling. Featured homilist – Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS, member of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and associate pastor at two parishes located in eastern Maryland. Wednesday, March, 18 – St. Francis de Sales, Morgantown. Featured homilist – Fr. James Sichko, priest of the Diocese of Lexington and pastor of St. Mark Catholic Church in Richmond, Kentucky. These pilgrimages are free of charge. Please call the Office of Worship and Sacraments at 304-233-0880, ext. 289 for more information. In our envelope packet is an additional envelope next weekend to support the Priests Health and Retirement Association, a fund that provides health insurance and retirement benefits to retired priests of our Diocese. Please take a moment to reflect on the many years of service by our priests and how we can take this opportunity to thank them. The Ladies Guild at St. Mary's Holy Protection Byzantine Catholic Church, 2115 Listravia Ave., in the Sabraton area of Morgantown, is taking orders for their delicious Pascha breads & chocolate Easter eggs. Nut rolls, apricot rolls & poppy seed rolls are $9 each. Pascha breads (with or without raisins) are $5 each. Large, chocolate eggs (filled with peanut butter, coconut or black walnut) are $5 each. To place your order, please call Mikilene at 304-435-8035. Deadline to place an order is March 8th. Baking will be done on March 17th-18th. Living the Eucharist, an opportunity during Lent to grow in our faith through learning more about the Eucharist, participating more actively in Sunday Mass, and Living the Eucharist each day as a disciple of Jesus. For more info call Kathy Kerzak at (304) 225-1163. Need your lawn cut or flower beds mulched? Call Brian Nestor (a member of our parish) of Brian’s Lawncare at 304-777-9118. No contracts. Just an honest handshake. Call for details and prices.
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