Service times & Mass Intentions SATURDAY 28th February: 4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions 5.30pm Mass: Don Stocks RIP SUNDAY 1st March: 2nd Sunday of Lent 11.00am Mass: People of the Parish MONDAY 2nd March: Lenten Feria 9.30am (Mass at All Saints) TUESDAY 3rd March: Lenten Feria 9.30am Mass: Private Intention WEDNESDAY 4th March: Lenten Feria 9.30am (Mass at All Saints) THURSDAY 5th March: Lenten Feria 9.30am Mass: Joan Kavanagh RIP FRIDAY 6th March: Lenten Feria 9.30am Mass: Intentions of Mrs Margaret Horan 10.00am Stations of the Cross after Mass SATURDAY 7th March: 4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions 5.30pm Mass: Brendan Horgan RIP SUNDAY 8th March: 3rd Sunday of Lent 11.00am Mass: Pat Murphy RIP Rosmini Centre Friday 6 March, Healing Mass 7.00pm. Tel: 01509 813078 to book. Offertory 21/22 Feb: Envelopes: £ 175.10 Loose: £ 111.79 Total: £ 286.89 Thank you very much Readers 28 Feb /1 March Saturday: P Blunsden Sunday: A Eastwood 7/8 March Saturday: P Benson Sunday: M Diggle Offertory 28 Feb /1 March Saturday: Archer Family Sunday: R Strachan & M Timms 7/8 March Saturday: Houlihan Family Sunday: I Popkin/Volunteer Ministers of Holy Communion Sat 28th Feb. C. Jones/Sr.Margaret Sun 1st Mar. J Flaherty/Fr. John G Sat 7th Mar. B & J Kelly Sun 8th Mar. J & S Kowal No flowers in Lent Events: Tea & Coffee after Sunday Mass Church cleaning Tuesday 10th March after Mass Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees (Company Number 7151646 Charity Number 1134449) Church of Christ the King Mackworth, Derby DE22 4BG Parish Priest: Fr John Guest T: 01332 340 161 E: Assistant Priest: Fr. John Martin T: 07714460526 Deacon: Keith Bunyan T: 01335 360 350 Sunday 1st March 2nd Sunday of Lent 1st Reading: Genesis 22:1-2.9-13.15-18 Psalm: 115 R: I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living. 2nd Reading: Romans 8:31-34 Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 Communion antiphon: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. My Dear Friends, Mountains play an ambivalent role in the Scriptures. They are where we meet God,, but they are also where the pagans have their shrines. The message in today’s readings could also be seen to be ambivalent. Abraham is prepared to sacrifice his son on the mountain, but the angel of the Lord holds back his arm. Yet, as St. Paul tells us, God did not spare his own Son but gave him up to benefit us all. In the classical world of tragedy it is the Father who dies not the Son. The king must die. Long live the king. We have to be like the disciples who experience Jesus on the mountain talking to Moses and Elijah, the representatives of the Torah and the Prophets. Jesus is their equal, the new revelation of God. We need to listen to him. How? Pope Benedict tells us: “in his Word, contained in Sacred Scripture, in the events of our lives, seeking to decipher in them the messages of Providence, and finally in our brothers and sisters, especially in the lowly and the poor, for who Jesus demands our concrete love.” Fr. John St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Saturday 14th March 10.30am Parade from Market Place to St Mary’s Church 11.00am Civic Mass at St Mary’s Church 12.15pm Return Parade to Market Place 12.30pm Display of Irish Music and Dancing in Market Place 1.30pm Civic Reception and Entertainment in Irish Centre, Beckett Street. St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Derby, are currently advertising for a SENCO. This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher with high expectations to help raise achievement and standards for our children with Special Educational Needs. Download application pack from - Music at the Cathedral: a) Diocesan Choir Singing Workshop Day to prepare for the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. On Saturday 14th March from 10.30am to 3.00pm in St. Barnabas Cathedral Hall, Nottingham. b) Youth Singing Day at the Cathedral on Saturday 16th May with Apollo5 vocal ensemble. Afternoon workshops followed by a concert at 7.45pm. Tickets £6, £4 concession. To get involved please contact Alex Patterson at c) “Lo the full final sacrifice” by Gerald Finzi plus Poulenc and Leighton, a concert given by St. Barnabas Cathedral Choir on Sunday 8 March at 2.45pm. Tickets £8 with concessions, available at the door. Piano and Organ recital in aid of Iraqi Christians in Need (ICIN), supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq. By Carl Bahoshy, at St. Mary’s church, Bridge Gate, Derby on Saturday 14th March 2015 at 7.30pm. Free admission – retiring collection. “Born for This” by CJM Music We are delighted to announce that the Students and Staff of Saint Benedict Catholic Academy are presenting their interpretation of the Passion of Jesus through this most moving production of the Stations of the Cross, set to the powerful music of Jo Boyce and CJM Music. Please come and join us at one of the following venues: Tuesday 17th March 7.30pm St Joseph’s Church, Derby Wednesday 18th March 7.30pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mickleover Thursday 19th March 9.30am and 11.25am St Benedict Catholic Academy *Please book for the Thursday 19th performances through: Tel: 01332 557032 xt. 400 Admission Free – A voluntary collection will be taken after each performance in aid of CAFOD. CAFOD: Our retiring collection today is for the Lent Family Fast Day. This Lent every pound donated will be matched by the U.K. government up to the value of £3.5 million. Money raised between Ash Wednesday and Sunday 17th May will be eligible for matched funding. St. Patricks Ball, Derby Saturday 14th March 7.15pm for 7.45pm start Pedigree Suite, iPro Stadium, Pride Park. Music by Shindig. Tickets £40, Black Tie. For tickets contact Mary Murphy 07941 621488 The Parish Pastoral Council meets in the Centre at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th March at 7.30pm. Please convey any items of concern to the Council members. Spiritual Healing We warmly invite you to join us for our regular evening of spiritual healing in the Parish Centre at St Alban’s, Chaddesden on Tuesday 3rd March, 7.30 – 8.30pm followed by refreshments. We pray for each other in a relaxed atmosphere with an opportunity for everyone to receive individual healing should they wish to. FLAME2 7th March 2015: National gathering of young Catholics at Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March is open to all young people from Yr. 10. Tickets cost £30 each. Coaches from The Briars Further info from Angela Gillespie (; t:01773 852044). Please remember in your prayers the following people who are sick or housebound: Bob & Bernie Allen, Kitty Allsop, Derek Archer, David Black, Connie Bland, Sylvia Bullock, Josie & Alan Chambers, Fr Tony Colebrook, Fr Peter Coyle, Mary Dean, Frank Dempsey, Fr Hugh Doherty, the Flynn Family, Jill Ford, Trevor Ford, Tony Furniss, Bernard Hagues, Jim Hannigan, Marcelle Hardwick, Dorothy Hillyer, Tracy & Michael McEnery, Ellen McColgan, Bruce Martin, Esther Murphy, Chris Neal, Fr. Eamonn O’Hara, Mgr Joe Phelan, Margaret Powell, Eileen Richardson, Mollie Rowles, Bridget Smith, Louis Varga, Joan Virgo, Mgr. Edward Walker, Bernadette Yeomans. May they be comforted and healed. We remember in prayer our departed brothers and sisters especially John Walsh, Joseph Lewis, William Kavanagh, Sarah Coyne, Margaret Simcox, Andrew O’Reilly, Ellen Deegan, Clemency Pitt and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. May the Lord welcome them.
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