WELCOME TO THE SERVICE Please join us for coffee and tea in the Wesley Hall following the 10:30am service. Traidcraft goods and greetings cards will be on sale. If this is your first visit, we invite you to sign the Visitors’ Book and collect a Welcome Pack. Crèche facilities are available at the 10.30am service. Please ask a steward for directions. Sunday 16th November 2014 – Ordinary 33 Today’s Services 9.00 Holy Communion led Rev Gary Homewood 10.30am Worship Service led by Mr Alan Crowle Tapes and CDs of this service are available if you are, or know of someone, unable to make it to the service. Please ask one of the stewards if you wish to borrow one. Please return CDs and tapes after use. Stewards 9.00am Pam Proctor 10.30am Pat Crowle & Dave Herbert Door Stewards Peggy & David Birch Music Bible Reader Pat Crowle Steward Roger Umpleby Jean Barnett The flowers are given in loving memory of TREVOR HAVELOCK Monday 17th • Belmont Bible Study Group – Any newcomers interested are welcome to join us. Please contact Ruth on 784630 • Pinkney’s Green House Group – At 8 The Paddock at 8pm. Tuesday 18th • Toddlers 9.30am – 11.30am All First Floor • Brownies 6.15pm in Bromley Room Wednesday 19th • Cubs 6.30pm in Upson Room Thursday 20th • Art Workshop 10.00am – 12.30pm – Bromley Room • Lunchtime Communion 12.45pm in CHURCH • Beavers 6.00pm in the Bromley Room • Questors Bible Study Group will meet at 8pm. Please contact Susan on 01628 626412 for more details. Friday 21st • Coffee Morning 10am – 12.00 noon Wesley Hall – Judy Stimson • Scouts (Quiz Night) – 7.00pm – Upson Room • Choir Practice – 8.00pm in the CHURCH Saturday 22nd • Coffee Morning 10.00am – 12.00noon in the Wesley Hall Trefoil Guild (Lois Roberts) JUNIOR CHURCH Meet Today MESSY CHURCH Next one on Sunday 23rd November at 3.30pm Christmas Garden Party – Saturday 13th Dec 3-5pm Warm Punch and Mince Pies, sweets and treats, children’s crafts – drop in or stay for a while! Wintershall Nativity Play www.wintershall-estate.com We are organising a trip to see the lovely Nativity at Wintershall. This is hugely popular and there are live animals and lots to see. It is an amazing experience. We hope to take a group in a mini bus/coach and are aiming for Saturday 20th Dec to leave St. Marks at 2.30pm for the 5.30pm performance. The performance takes place in a barn and we sit on benches – very warm clothing and solid footwear are needed. Travel costs are taken care of and ticket prices are £15.70 per adult, £8.10 per child. Book your place with Gary ASAP gary.homewood@btinternet.com OTHER NOTICES Funeral – The funeral of Betty Campbell will take place on Monday 17 November at Easthampstead Park Crematorium in Wokingham. The service begins at 10.30a.m. and will be led by Gary. Needless to say, you will all be very welcome at what Betty’s daughter, Pam, hopes will be a celebration of her mother’s long and happy life. Methodist Retreats – Connie Jeffery would like to draw attention to two silent Methodist retreats at Douai Abbey in February and May 2015. She normally attends one a year and finds them worthwhile. There are two booking forms available in the vestry and more can be supplied if wanted. Urgent – A member of St Andrew’s Church Slough, Sam David, has been given notice to leave his flat by Friday. He is an 80 year old gentleman, who is with his family in the day… but they haven’t got room for him to stay. If you know anyone who is able to assist Sam with accommodation, please contact Veronica Mullix or Joyce Jarman. Church Magazine – Please note, the closing date for copy for the next church magazine is 23 November. Items may be sent electronically to Michael@minors.free-online.co.uk DATES FOR 2014 CHRISTMAS CAROLS – The Action for Children Christmas Carols in the Nicholson Centre will take place on December 13th from 11am to 12noon. BBO BIG BAND Concert in aid of THROB (The Heart Rehabilitation Organisation of Berkshire). Bourne End Community Centre Sunday 23rd November at 7.30pm. Tickets (£12) are available from Sid Barker (01628 625823). RISE UP SINGING with the Tuesday Singers and Saxophonist Laura Spencer; Saturday 29th November at St Peter’s Church; 7.30pm; in aid of the Macular Society. Tickets £10 to include a drink. Contact Pat Crowle 634150 or ring the box office on 01628 522854. ARTS, CRAFT & MUSIC FESTIVAL – The art group is organising this event for the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th January 2015. It will take place in the completely re-organised Sanctuary, and the morning service will be part of it. We are particularly looking for:Musicians who would take a 30 min slot either in a group or individually; Anyone who would just sit and paint, sew, make cards, knit, crochet, do calligraphy, stained glass, photography etc. In fact, any craft. Anyone prepared to help with refreshments or stewarding. If you would like to be involved, contact:- Ruth Daniel 523355 or Jean Barnett 629675. Sunday 23rd November 2014 – Sunday before Advent 10.30am Worship Service led by Rev Gary Homewood Stewards: Pat Crowle & Dave Herbert 3.30pm Messy Church led by Mrs Vicky Homewood Stewards: Mary Stock The collection for Sunday 9th November totalled £1,054.50 including £88.01 for the Benevolent Fund. Published by High Street Methodist Church Maidenhead Minister: The Rev Gary Homewood Tel: 626668 Church Office: Tel: (01628) 628104 e-mail gary.homewood@btinternet.com e-mail: office@highstmethodist.plus.com Caretaker: Mobile: 07703 476 325 Website: www.methodistmaidenhead.org.uk Church copyright licence no: CCL4890 Charity Registration No. 1129473 Copy to the office by Wednesday morning please
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