St. Helena’s Church 602 PHILADELPHIA PIKE, BELLEFONTE, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19809 (302)764-0325 • FAX: (302)764-1068 • WWW.SAINTHELENAS.ORG PARISH STAFF PASTOR: Vy. Rev. Stanley J. Russell, V.F. In Residence Rev. Edward J. Fahey DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Hummy Pennell 762-4280 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/ORGANIST Mr. Joseph Louden 888-1743 PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Kathy Quinn 764-0325 x106 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY – 764-7545 Mrs. Dorothy Medeiros Director, 764-0325x104 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thus, 8am to 2pm Fri, 8am-Noon PARISH RECEPTIONIST Ms. Leslie Savage 764-0325 x100 PARISH MANAGER Mr. Christopher Hullinger 764-0325 x102 SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (except Easter Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00am FINANCE MANAGER Mr. Paul Penna (302) 764-0325 Ext. 102 PARISH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Jim Clark 764-0325 x106 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Joe Newdeck 764-0325 x106 CONVENT - Sisters of St. Joseph 610 Philadelphia Pike 764-3427 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mr. Dominic DiChristopher, Grand Knight Christopher Council, #3182 302-562-4492 DAILY MASSES Monday through Friday: 7:00 & 9:00am Saturday: 9:00am RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm Other times by appointment. Room of Reconciliation (Confession) is located in the rear of the church on the Blessed Mother’s side. BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS: Call the Rectory to register January 18, 2015 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time It is now Ordinary Time, but the Scriptures still reflect the Epiphany theme: God revealing Himself to us. We hear Samuel in the Old Testament reading finally realizing God is trying to speak to him. He says, “Speak for your servant is listening.” And in our Gospel from John we hear Jesus calling the first of His disciples: “Come, and you will see.” Jesus begins to form the little community of faith and love that will grow in His Church. The Lord is speaking to you—calling you— are you listening? Are you accepting His invitation? TODAY is the beginning of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity—observed by many throughout the world. Special prayers are included in all our Masses this week as we pray that God will break through the barriers that still divide His family. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU!! Many of our parishioners have pledged funds in our Capital Campaign to contribute in making some major repairs to preserve our Church and facilities. We thank all who have already been contributing to this effort. We are counting on you to keep your word and fulfill your pledges. If anyone was not here when we carried out this Capital Campaign, you may contribute by using one of the special gray envelopes you see at the exits of church, marked: “Sustaining Hope for the Future.” If you or someone in your family are in the hospital and would like to be visited, please call the Rectory, 764-0325 Ext. 100 or 108. The Offertory Collection for the weekend of 12/21 was $6,986; for the weekend of 12/28 the collection was $7,539; for the weekend of 1/4/15 the collection was 7,318; for the weekend of 1/11 the collection was $5,447. Thank you for your support! Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked for everyone to pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families. You will find copies of the prayer at all the exits of church. You are invited to take a copy home. Bulletin Deadlines Bulletin for 1/25 Due Date: 1/19 If you have any questions, you may email them to:, or call: 764-0325 Ext. 106. Thank you! Have you heard about the newest familyoriented events that have planned for our parish for this year? The first event is THIS WEEKEND! The Family Football Feast is TODAY, Sunday, 1/18 starting at 2pm in Masci Hall where we will watch the NFC Championship! You can find a complete list of all of the events we have scheduled plus more details at You can also use that website to sign-up to join us for any/all of the events, or feel free to call the rectory to sign-up or find out more details. We are looking forward to enjoying faith, family and fun with parishioners of all ages! YOUNG AT HEART Our next meeting, featuring Bingo, will be held Monday evening, January 19th, at 7:00pm in Masci Hall. Please come and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. Start the New Year by joining our club. All are welcome! In case of inclement weather, call Carmela Ianni, 762-9057. THE NEXT SECOND SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET IS February 8th - Mark Your Calendar! Food service begins at 8:00am and continues until 12:45pm. Join Family & Friends for a delicious breakfast! Please note new pricing: Adults: $8:50. Children still eat for $4.00. For questions, call Nancy Cobb, 598-8685 or Congratulations to Mr. Kurze who won $131 in the January 50/50!! Page 1 – 311 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES for the next TWO MONDAYS. We will resume classes on Monday, February 2nd at 6:30pm. Saturday, January 17 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm(SR) Rosario Gracias Sunday, January 18 7:00am(WR)People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) Margaret E. Johnson 11:00am(KN)Edward Rich, Sr. Monday, January 19 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Tuesday, January 20 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Wednesday, January 21 7:00am(WR)Elizabeth Dorsey Birthday Living Intention 9:00am(SR) Thursday, January 22 7:00am(SR) James Holland 9:00am(WK) Friday, January 23 7:00am(Cap) 9:00am(SR) Adelaide C. Russell Saturday, January 24 9:00am(SR) Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm(WK)Betty Rae Quinn, 17th Anniversary Sunday, January 25 7:00am(SR) Deceased Members of the Russell and Sullivan Families 9:00am(WK)People of the Parish 11:00am(SR)Denise McFadden, 4th Anniversary Religious Education Teachers and Aides will be meeting on Monday, January 26, at 6:30 pm in the Religious Education office. There are NO CLASSES for children that night in observance of Martin Luther King. FIRST EUCHARIST letters will be MAILED out next week. If you have a child in second grade or above in our Religious Education Program or in a Catholic School and you did not receive a letter, please email Ms. Hummy at or call 762-4280. The Columbiettes are an organization which supports many different charities. They are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community. They are committed to preserving family life and work collectively with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For more info, our parish contact is Judy Wilbank, 792-0641. The chapter recruiter is Tony Ritter, 239-9222. BINGO Doors open at 5:30pm with Bingo beginning at 7:00pm. Bingo is open to the public, but you must be 18 years of age in order to play. Call (302) 764-0325 Ext. 106 for questions. Door prizes, pull tabs, food, drinks & snacks. Do you have a friend or family member who loves bingo? Gift certificates are now available in any denomination for that special gift. See any of the bingo staff or stop by the rectory! Can You Help With Bingo? We have a great group of people who volunteer some of their time each month at Bingo. If you are looking for a way to volunteer to help the parish, consider helping out once or twice a month. For info, call 764-0325 Ext. 106 ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, January 31 5:00pm – Liz, Emily Sunday, February 1 7:00am – Joyce 9:00am – Noah, Daniella 11:00am – Will, Margaret, David Christopher Council, 3182 Knights of Columbus and the Boy Scouts will be having their Annual Souper Bowl Food Collection. Bring non-perishables to church on 1/31 at 5PM and 2/1 at the 7, 9 & 11 o'clock Masses. Page 2 – 311 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY WEEKLY CALENDAR Parish Social Ministry Prayer for Peace & Justice: God, source of all light, we are surrounded by the darkness of the injustices experienced by your people, the poor who are hungry and who search for shelter, the sick who seek relief and the downtrodden who seek help in their hopelessness. Surround us and fill us with your Spirit who is light. Lead us in your way to be light to your people. Help our parish to be salt for our community as we share your love with those caught in the struggles of life. Sunday, January 18 The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Collection: Parish Social Ministry 11:00am Child. Liturgy of the Word-Church 12:30pm Baptisms-Church 7:00pm Youth Group-Religious Ed Office Monday, January 19-Martin Luther King Day 5:30pm Youth Choir-Church No Religious Ed/No Bible Study 7:00pm Young At Heart-Masci Hall Tuesday, January 20 7:00pm Parish Council-Masci Hall Thursday, January 22 5:30pm Bingo-Masci Hall 7:30pm Adult Choir-Church January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month—Human Trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of pornography, prostitution, pornography forced labor, including domestic servitude, sweatshop factory work and migrant farming. Approximately 600,000 to 800,000 victims annually are trafficked across international borders would-wide according to US government estimates. More than half of these victims worldwide are children, according to the US Department of State. Even if you have a small inkling that you know of a Human Trafficking victim, please call the hotline at: 1-888-373-7888. All calls are confidential. For more info about human trafficking, visit: Thank you for your interest and concern. Parish Social Ministry is an active office! From 10/6/14 through 12/22/14 the office answered 3,655 calls! Our volunteers are truly living the gospel of Justice and Peace. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Please join us! NEED CLEANING HELP? A highly reliable cleaning person (currently employed by a parishioner) is in need of additional clients. If you are interested or have questions, please call the rectory, 764-0325 Ext. 106. What does it mean to be equal? Are both of you equally good at cooking, mechanical things, sewing, small talk? Probably not. Even though your spouse may have a natural talent for a particular task, try trading chores for a day. Just for fun! St. Elizabeth High School Alumni Association is sponsoring an Art Auction on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Preview begins at 5pm with the Auction beginning at 6pm. Door prizes are available and complimentary assorted wine and chesses will be offered. For tickets and addition information, call Kathleen Houghton, (302) 225-8675. Major credit cards accepted for art purchases. Art of all media and price ranges will be available. Jesus House: Join us on Saturday, 1/31 from 8:30am to 12:30pm for a Morning of Reflection with Sister Redempta Sweeney, IHM. In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Teresa of Avila, Sister will introduce us to the fascinating life and times of the first woman ever to be named a “Doctor of the Church” and whose ground breaking writings are still used today by scholars and theologians. Cost is $20 in advance/$25 at the door. Price includes Continental Breakfast. Call 995-6859 to register or for more information. Page 3 - 311 Page 4 - 311 “Honoring loved ones at affordable prices” RALPH’S SCISSOR SENSATIONS Ralph & Jim Gioffre Tammy from Club Avenue Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services By: Timothy J. Meyers Licensed in DE & PA 511 Philadelphia Pike 302-438-3709 764-2744 RUDY’S Direct Cremation starting at $1,195.00 Full Service Burial starting at $3,985.00 AUTO BODY SHOP 3900 Governor Printz Boulevard 412 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 764-2900 Since 1973 Free Estimates Call: 764-5677 Removal Pruning Insect and Disease Control (302) 475-0466 Hall rental & Golden Apple Caterers LANDSCAPING Design Certified Arborists Installation Patios • Walks • Ponds (302) 764-8666 Keith M. Horner, Esq. 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BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 302-427-2424 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 517 PHILADELPHIA PIKE WILMINGTON, DE 19809 302-765-3950 Brain Mitchell, owner Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Check out our reviews on: 311 St. Helena ~ Wilmington, DE (back) Rt. UPS Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 202 Edgehill Road • Merion Station, PA 19066 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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