Together Times of Services this Week ST. BERNADETTE’S at St. Michael’s and St. Bernadette’s Whitefield Second Sunday in Ordinary Time(B) 17th/18th January 2015 ST. MICHAEL’S Mon 9.00 am Mass 10.00 am Mass Tue 10.45 am Funeral Mass 10.00 am Service of Word and Communion for Esme Kelly Wed 10.00 am Mass Thu 12.05 pm Mass 10.00 am Mass Fri 10.00 am Mass 12.05 pm Mass Sat 12.05 pm Mass 6.00 pm SUNDAY VIGIL MASS Sun 8.45 & 11.15 MASS 10.00 am MASS Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Andrew and another disciple are intrigued and set out to follow Jesus. He becomes aware of them and asks what it is they want from Him. Their answer seems strange - they want to know where He lives. His response is to invite them to come to His home and, we are told, they stayed with Him for the whole day. The next day, Andrew finds his brother and tells him about the Messiah he met the day before and takes him to meet Jesus. Jesus looks hard at Simon getting the measure of the man and in the light of what He discerns about him, changes his name to Cephas - or, as we more usually know it, Peter. The two encounters are life-changing - and yet, seem very ordinary. Jesus was not proclaiming a message - making erudite speeches - or performing great miracles. Instead, He was simply walking past John - and, when Andrew and his friend introduce themselves, takes them to His home and offers hospitality and companionship. When He meets Peter, He does not ask searching questions or makes solemn declarations - He just looks at him - makes an assessment of his character - and accepts him as a friend. The simplicity of Jesus’ manner reinforces His willingness to receive people “where they are” - but also to see their potential. He does not offer lengthy explanations or list His credentials but takes people to His home and lets them see for themselves. ©Wellsprings 2015 Sat 11.30 - 12 noon 5.30 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sat 11.00 am - 12 noon The Prayer Group meets each Tuesday at 8.00 pm in the Lourdes Room at St Bernadette’s. THIS WEEK Tuesday - St Sebastian, Martyr Wednesday - St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr Saturday - St Francis de Sales , Bishop and Doctor NEXT SUNDAY - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 With a Bible or Sunday Missal prepare to hear, and respond to, the Word of God next weekend. Mass Intentions Received Lately Dead: Esme Kelly; Madeline Coffey; John Keily; James Burns (3); Christina Harrington; Eileen Bullock (2); Helen Houlihan; Robert Hilton; Ken Monro; Vincent Monk. Anniversaries: John Cottam; Ken Partington; Brian McQuillan; Gaynor Johnson; Beatrice Strogan; Brian Humm; John & Graham Teasdale. Other: Teresa Fitzgerald; Holy Souls; Olive Simpson; Josephine Loughman; John Savage- 93rd Birthday; Mary Ainsworth- Birthday; Leo Dyson; Sister Rita- Golden Jubilee. Response to the Psalm: Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will. Fr. Christopher Lough, Parish Priest St Bernadette’s Catholic Church 436 Bury New Road Whitefield Manchester M45 7SX Tel: 0161 766 2356 Fax: 0161 796 7877 E-mail: Website: St Michael’s Office: 0161 766 5961 Stay with us Lord on our Journey Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees Re. Charity No: 250037 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION: £1607.36 THANK YOU. JOURNEY IN FAITH - RCIA –We will meet at the usual times and places this week: children at 5pm on Wednesday at St Michael’s and adults at 7.30pm on Thursday in St Bernadette’s Lourdes Room. All are welcome – those who wish to find out more about living as Catholic Christians with us and those willing to be companions to them on that journey. THE READING GROUP will meet on Sunday 18 January in the Lourdes Room. if you have not joined us previously we will be delighted to have you particularly as we will be starting a new book. The meeting will be at 7 pm. BRING AND BUY SALE plus raffle in the Parish Centre on Sunday, 25th January after 11.15 am Mass. All proceeds for Fr Ephraim for the poor children in South Africa. COUNTERS ROTA The new counters rota (from 18th January to 21st June) for St Bernadette’s is now available. Could all counters for 8.45 and 11.15 Masses please collect a copy of the rota from the rota folder in the sacristy? Thank you. PIANO & ORGAN RECITAL by Carl Bahoshi (free admission-retiring collection) at Manchester Cathedral (Victoria Street, M1 3SX) at 7pm on Sunday, 18th January 2015 in aid of the UK-registered charity, Iraqi Christians In Need (, which is providing direct financial relief for thousands of displaced refugee families under the care of the Catholic Chaldean, Syriac and Orthodox churches in northern Iraq. ST MICHAEL’S CHARITY STALL We have received a ‘thank you’ from The Little Way Association for our donation of £200 and one from Fr Philip’s Mission in Peru (complete with a photo) for our donation of £100. Please see noticeboard. ALTAR SERVERS DAY 2015 will be at Cardinal Langley School, Middleton on Saturday, 21 st February at 9.00 am. Bishop John will celebrate Mass at 12 noon and present medals to servers who have not already received them. Any servers who would like to attend, please speak to Fr Chris. Closing date is 2 nd February. th PEACE SUNDAY this Sunday, 18 January. Donation envelopes for Pax Christi, the Catholic movement for peace are available today at the back of church. They can be returned next Sunday. OPERA AT HOLY CROSS COLLEGE. The College Music Department is extremely pleased to be able to invite you and your parishioners to a performance of our production of Henry Purcell’s masterpiece of early English opera, Dido and Aeneas. There will be three evening performances: Tuesday, the 20th January, Wednesday the 21st and Thursday the 22nd, starting at 7:30 each night. Tickets are on sale at a single fixed price of £6. Please call 0161 762 4519 for tickets. PARISH ROOMS To hire or book the hall or other rooms in St Bernadette’s parish centre, please ring 766 2116. For St Michael’s hall or parish room please ring 07759 678753. For the Lourdes Room at St Bernadette’s, please ring 766 2356 or consult the calendar in the room. SYNOD ON THE FAMILY In October 2014 bishops from around the world met with Pope Francis in Rome for a special Synod. The theme for discussion was the Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelisation. A further Synod will take place in October 2015 and the focus then will be on the theme of The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World. In this time between these two Synods, our Holy Father has asked us to spend time reflecting on these themes with “true spiritual discernment.” The Bishops of England and Wales have prepared a leaflet to help us all to reflect and discuss the importance of family life. This can be downloaded at or printed copies can be provided upon request. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY TALK 2015 The Office for Other Faiths invites you ‘A holocaust child survivor’s journey’ on Tuesday 27 th January at St Gabriel’s RC High School. See poster at the back of church for more details. LIONS CLUB RACE NIGHT 21st February, 7.30pm at St Bernadette’s Social Club in aid of Graces Place the new children’s hospice. Tickets £5.00, includes hot supper, contact Cllr. Joan Grimshaw on 0161 766 3369 or Agnes Czerneck 0161 796 1233. Also team wanted for the Manchester 10K run May 10th , to raise funds for Graces Place. If you are interested in joining a team contact Cllr. Joan Grimshaw on 0161 766 3369. VALENTINES AT BRASSERIE MONIQUE St Monica’s 6 th Form Centre. Lunch and Evening meal see poster at the back of church. ST BERNADETTE’S TEA & COFFEE will be served in the lounge on Sunday 18 th January.
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